Sunday 28 December 2014

A Dark and Cold Night

Not being one to grumble I showed concern for my readership by checking on the weather in their part of the world.  While we sit here enduring the 'cold snap' in which frozen fingers tend to fall of with amazing regularity and pipes freeze sufficiently to ensure the local plumbers will meet up in the Algarve in a few weeks time to sip cold drinks and laugh at the folks back home.  The temperature is minus one on the centigrade scale, 30F or so in real terms, or as it is termed here "Bloody freezing!"  
This caused me some concern regarding the shocking conditions in the colonies and I have been reliably informed that Queensland has drizzle while the temp remains at 72 F.  Please note it is 6 in the morning there!!!  Central America suffers 77% also while stuffing fattening food down their throats and only Edinburgh will be colder than this wilderness.  The poor folks in Texas are overcast and suffering 42%, I suspect they will invade somewhere if it does not improve soon.  It will be raining tomorrow in Georgia but a warm Edinburgh 60% will suffice.  How lucky can they be I ask?   Even Missouri is suffering like us, is this normal?  It is warmer in Cyprus but not much, 55F, which will annoy the landlords handyman as he spent Christmas there.  I suspect however he ventured rarely from the hotel bar once the food options had been devoured.  
Climate change, whether man made or just a happening is real and as usual politicians do little but talk about it.  Some island nations will soon disappear, the likes of Bangladesh will suffer terribly, and even the south of England will have inundations along the coast.  Politicians will do nothing until it hits home and then it will be too little and too late.  Still it has been a surprisingly warm summer, we cannot complain, but the energy robbers will, and if we have a mild winter in comparison to some I will not grumble, I rarely do.   

World Clock



the fly in the web said...

As far as my husband is concerned the day the Maldives go under he will be there pushing the islands down with his foot to give nature a hand.

Inveigled there by the promise of good scuba diving he took a stopover there en route to Australia.

Customs rummaged his luggage and confiscated his wine - this is a Muslim country, you understand. No alcohol.

Then at his hotel in this Muslim country they had wine available at a price which blew his socks off. So he stayed on the water for the duration.

The only thing on the menu appeared to be tuna. Barbecued...but they did offer to take clients fishing with the promise of cooking the catch. He duly caught something which was not tuna.
What was for dinner? Tuna. Barbecued.

And the scuba diving?
Very interesting...apart from coming face to face with a Moray eel - I leave it to you to work out which backed off faster - you could see all sorts of shoals of fish...and shoals of tin cans of drinks chucked overboard from the boats...

He reckoned that of all those he met there the Moray Eel was probably the friendliest.

So while he'd happily try to prop up the islands of the south Pacific, when it comes to discussing climate change with him...don't mention the Maldives.

carol in cairns said...

Well Fly's comment was worth the read wasn't it? Let's all cross the Maldives off our travel list. No rain in Far North Queensland apart from one thunderstorm ~ heat oppressive in the build up to the wet season ~ solution, hibernate!

Lee said...

I don't grizzle about drizzle.

The climate changes all the time...always had and always will! Silly man! It's changed since an hour ago...the drizzle has ceased for a now I'm grizzling!

It was drizzling when I went out earlier. Our tanks are full, water tanks, that is my fuel tank.

soubriquet said...

Nah.... I was outside wearing my t-shirt at ten in the evening 68F.... A bit cooler today though.

Adullamite said...

Fly, Poor Leo! I suppose it cost him an arm and a leg also? That happens in Muslim nations....

Carol, Reading Fly's blog is an education only such world travellers can offer. I have gone of the Maldives now myself, maybe a trip to Chelmsford instead! There is I must say no need whatsoever to discuss 'oppressive heat' when on here! However if you can do something for frostbite....

Lee, if you wish water we can send some, frozen of course.....

Soub! 68F!!!! In the evening! It's a disgrace so it is! It's no fair, it's no fair!

soubriquet said...

Okay, your post was just a couple of days early. 42f this morning, and the dog looks at me with contempt as I open the door and invite him outside "Are you deranged, human? Why would I go outside when I have a nice warm bed beside the washing machine?"
The puppy is more easily fooled, full of enthusiasm, he races down the garden.... And skids to a halt, looking back at the closed door...

Adullamite said...

Soub, Ha! I was right! The dog has sense! He would hate the ice on the park outside today!