Scrolling through Twitter and BlueSky this morning, there is less relevant things to see on facebook these days, I was impressed by the Ukraine situation. Here we see a traitor in the White House spewing bile because his boss Putin tells him to, his ego hurt because a 'wee man' stood up to him, and possibly because he wanted this so he could harm Ukraine in retaliation.
I also noted the farmers wife in the US mid west speaking off how her husband, like all the cattle ranchers around them, voted for Trump, knowing that he would remove all the undocumented immigrants. Of course, now all their workers have disappeared as 90% were such individuals. She was lamenting how they had knowingly voted to bankrupt themselves!
While social media rightly condemns Trump and his boss vast numbers of the US still support him. Those who voted for Trump to act against migrants and have now found Musk closing down their jobs are not happy. The US is in a mess, and this will only get worse now absurd tariffs will be used.
Putin, with much of his army destroyed and his 'Three Day War,' now extended into three years, is having a ball. The US is falling apart and his spies are enjoying this.
Brexit, with the duplicitous Farage in the lead, has separated the UK from the EU successfully, though action now is being taken to remedy this. Putin has ruined the UK this way, badly hurt the EU, and now rejoices in his boy destroying the US.
There are 16 nations in Africa with wars large and small, Syria has ended one war but risks another with Israel, China hopes to invade Taiwan, and of course, Russia still holds much of Ukraine.
Jesus said there would be 'wars and rumours of wars,' with earthquakes and so on until the end. These being only the birth pangs of the end. So, things will only get worse.
God retains control of the world and its leaders. Jesus Christ remains Lord, and Lord of all at that. These 'growing pains' may irritate and worry us but in the end they are restricted by Gods control.
God is working his purpose out, and we must take our part in it.