Thursday, 7 November 2024
Dank Thursday
Saturday, 14 May 2022
Baked Beans and Protests
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Football, Harrassment, Funeral
The crowds will return to Wembley tonight to worship England. Hopefully England will be thrashed causing many of us to sleep well tonight. The flags adorning so many cars today will be piled up in the bins by morning, pub windows broken, police assaulted, and the usual peaceful England gatherings noted. Oh, and the indian variant found wandering through the crowds also.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Shopping Delight
I am sure you will all rejoice with me in that in spite of my heavy work schedule I have in fact obtained five, yes five Christmas presents already! Oh yes I am not sitting around waiting, five lucky people will receive their cheap tat from the local charity shops and think I am doing them a favour!
Just a shame not all can be obtained so easily.
Did I mention my nieces birthday? I wish I had as nobody mentioned it to me! It was as I glanced at the calendar that I noticed her birthday was ten days before and I ought to do something. You must remember that I also missed it by several days last year and that she will be getting neurotic in the way women do when birthdays are missed. This is not surprising as women in their fifties do get neurotic about age, though those turning 30 much more so I find. So I sent a rude card and enclosed a rude excuse blaming everybody but myself.
She is still not speaking to me...
When I look at the news I note Theresa May has been rebuffed by the EU and she is being decried by members of her party. Each day it is the same, each day liars demand we 'Keep to the democratic will of the people,' or at least the people who believed the lies they were told and went along with the little englanders and lying politicians while more sensible people indicate the problems that will follow and seek to end the madness. Each day it is the same yet nothing changes. I have stopped listening now as there is nothing sensible being said, if it is said it is ignored and the desperation on all sides merely offers more lies. And how the media, led by the BBC and Murdoch have failed the people.
While all this goes on 'Universal Credit' the much maligned failing benefit system is still being rolled out, people are not getting their money, they are starving, being evicted and dying and this manslaughter carries on as if it did not matter. What is happening out there...?
Our local foodbank now has two services running, and this is a Tory area, where is the MP and why has he not investigated? I know where he is he is trying to find who to link up with as Boris his friend has shot his bolt and now he requires another 'friend' in the House. This is becoming difficult for him. As he is now Deputy Party Chairman he has not got time to bother with constituents as he must keep in with the powerful whoever they are.
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Sick of it Already
I had a close shave today. Passing though town happily clutching the two books I purchased for ten pence each from a charity shop I was approached by a man in a suit. This is always worrying. He handed me the leaflet above and proudly boasted this man was in attendance in town today!
I think I was supposed to be impressed.
You see the UK is having an election. One of those events that stirs up so much apathy amongst those who have seen it all before or have felt themselves left out no matter which bunch of lying expense fiddlers takes office. There is indeed a feeling that this government, opposition and other hangers on are indeed far from the people, an emotion I have sympathy with.
The reason is simple, we are wealthy!
Now I realise we have millions on low pay, a million unemployed (and I know how much suffering that causes) many on 'zero hours contracts,' and an abundance of 'food banks' offering emergency handouts to those in desperate need. I am aware of the difficulties of many in this world, the gaps in the 'welfare state' and the abuse many make of this. I realise that there are a great many on limited incomes working as carers for family members (£66 a week I think they get) and this removed if they make money elsewhere. I am aware of all these things just as I am aware our present Prime Minister informed us "This is a rich country" when explaining he could do something about the floods in Oxfordshire, near his constituency! The failure to do anything for those suffering greater floods in the south west was not mentioned at the time.
We are indeed wealthy but the government, an unelected coalition thrown together to enable the Conservative Party to run the roost five years ago, the government has decided on years of 'austerity' instead of following the US manner of escaping the great worldwide recession, 'spend the way out.' The Yanks avoided 'austerity' and kept going well enough, we saw millions dumped on the street, indeed many lost homes, a bedroom tax on some of the weakest and a dreadful mismanagement of the welfare system in which those most in need were losing out.
All the while the banks continued to pay excessive bonuses, Vodafone, Starbucks & Google made millions by avoiding paying any tax, and MP's voted themselves an eleven per cent pay increase. And men such as this from all parties rented out the flats in London paid for by the nation near the House of Commons to others while claiming expenses of thousands of pounds for hotel accommodation. In short the rich have got richer while the rest suffer. Today the Conservative papers tell us business leaders are afraid of the Labour Parties ideas, no wonder, they have had huge increases while the workers have not!
On top of the usual rhetoric (that is a Greek word which today means 'Lies') we now have a different situation at this election. It is possible you may have noticed the referendum last year in which Scotland was asked to vote on Independence from the imperialist English. This would mean Scotland becoming totally independent and leaving the UK to sink into it's own morass. However the Westminster government, the opposition and all in London got together to lie through the media to the Scots people and forced a rejection of this fine idea on Scotland. Promises and vows were made, the day afterwards they were instantly broken!
Now however the reaction to the treatment of Scotland from these broken vows has led to an upsurge in support for the Scottish national Party (SNP). It is now expected that instead of a handful of seats in the Westminster House of Commons the SNP may have up to FIFTY members there!
Add to this the closeness of the debate in England with the Conservatives under David Cameron the unwanted leader struggling to gain support and with a dying Liberal Democrat Party (the other member of the coalition) the fear is that the SNP and Labour might win a majority in the House. If so it is likely they will work together to improve the UK by changing the world by seeking an equilibrium of wealth. The rich paying more tax hurts the Conservative media, caring for the poor and ensuring a fairer welfare state upsets those who wish to keep what they have no matter how others suffer.
Worse still is the racist attitudes that abound in the 'Daily Mail' and 'Daily Telegraph.' Both these papers are screaming that it is wrong for a democratically elected party like the SNP to govern England! These being the very people happy for unelected Conservatives to govern Scotland!
Even US politics is not so absurd as this!
One Scottish MP who helped construct the Scottish parliament announced that 'We structured it in a way that would stop the SNP gaining control." However the people gave the SNP control of the Scottish parliament with a massive majority, now these same people are afraid it will happen in London.
I look forward to the seats filled with cheering SNP men demanding Independence in the face of the imperialists who stopped it by lies once before!
In my own constituency we have a new man whatever happens the previous MP standing down after being caught waggling his willie over the internet to pretty girls. This above is the man most likely to win this seat, the previous man had an 18,000 majority, and I suspect he will have a good win also. However the feeble Labour support will come out I suppose, the Lib-Dem will probably lose his deposit, as will the Independent and the Green candidate will get a handful of votes. However the biggest danger to this man is the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) The 'Tea Party of England!
This is a collection of individuals, mostly xenophobic Englishmen, who consider the nation to be overrun with foreigners, that England, sorry Britain, should leave the European Union and stand alone and be great again as in times past. Fair to say most of their support comes from the districts with less immigrants than anywhere else and that these people are always happy to have a curry at the weekend.
Many of these candidates and their supporters are one time members of the Conservative Party who disagreed with Cameron's approach, especially lumping same-sex marriage unwelcome on the nation. Some it is clear are so far to the right and make Margaret Thatcher appear Communist but most are decent enough folk who long for a past that never existed. It is true to say the world they grew up in has long gone, although it would have changed anyway with or without immigrants, and the PC approach calling them 'racist' because they questioned immigration treated them with a great deal of disrespect and has led to many far right groups, mostly thugs, walking the streets. A fair and balanced approach never occurred and the 'Daily Mail' and others have encouraged anger by lurid headlines, sometimes based on facts and always slanted to what the reader wished to see.
A balanced approach has not been heard in public at any time.
At the last election I was embarrassed to vote for any of them, but we MUST vote, and looking at this motley lot lined up so far I am going to be embarrassed again. If only the 'Official Monster Raving Loony Party, ' or maybe the 'Church of the Militant Elvis party' were standing, I would certainly vote for one of these!
I avoided speaking to this erstwhile candidate today, asking him how much he hoped to make on expenses might have sounded rude. Asking why he keeps his present councillor job (at a good rate) for a year would be a question he already has a lie lined up for and may end up with the conversation descending into farce as his heavies shoved me away.
I just came home and looked at my books, twentypence for two slightly damaged books is good.
Friday, 23 May 2014
Boring Tired Post
Thursday, 31 October 2013
No time to post...
Anything sensible....
Today was to be a quiet day. A late rise, about seven, a bath and it's not even Sunday, a big breakfast, make lentil soup, write things on history and sleep. The bath and soup occurred, but not at the same time, and a call from the museum took away my Saturday morning, but most of the other stuff did not get done. How come?
'Private Eye,' did fall through the letterbox and offer me another dose of corrupt MP's, bankers, businessmen, and local Councillors, to cheer me up. There were some aspects of Cromwell that possibly had an advantage over what is called 'democracy.'
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Oh Happy Day, sort off.
Thursday, 21 May 2009

The Oxford Online Dictionary describes the word 'Mistake' as :-
• noun 1 a thing that is incorrect. 2 an error of judgement.
• verb (past mistook; past part. mistaken) 1 be wrong about. 2 (mistake for) confuse (someone or something) with.
— ORIGIN Old Norse, ‘take in error’.
This is interesting. This morning, as every morning for the past couple of weeks all we hear about is members of parliament claiming allowances for mortgages, dry rot, clearing their moats, and floating platforms for the ducks in their ponds. Every single one who has appeared on TV has claimed all actions they took were within the rules and under advice from the correct people, adding "I admit I made a mistake," "Mistakes were made," and "It was an error of judgement, a mistake on my part." All then happily go on to state that the House of Commons must change, the system is outdated and needs reformed, something needs to be done. Not one has said "I admit it, I was grabbing as much as I could," or "I was on the take mate!" "Nose in the trough, too right pal!" Now these chaps may well have been within the rules, although pressurising the four accountants who had to control six hundred and fifty pushy MP's had nothing to do with it, and spending money on your boyfriends dry rot on his house in Southampton when you are MP for Luton over a hundred miles away was some mistake!
Several things come to mind. First there is the rotten system that allows them to fiddle it (should that read 'mistake' it?). Then there is the arrogance from those that knew they could get away with it. There is also the serious matter of how much an MP or member of the Scots and Welsh parliaments earn, do they really get paid enough? The system will be overhauled, some grasping chancers will be forced to stand down, but the arrogance of some will of course remain. How much they earn does need reviewing. I have thought for a long time that members of parliament ought to be on at least £250,000 a year! Add to this a decent allowance for secretary/researcher and running costs and we ought to have a better government. In Germany and France they are indeed paid more, I suggest not asking about the Italians, if we are corrupt just what are Berlosconi's mob like? The bigger the money, commitment to one job only, allowances made for keeping informed of their 'proper job,' and a better standard of member could be brought into the house. This cannot be bad for the nation. Some thing £60,000 a year plus add on's is sufficient, but when footballers can get that each week, and mediocre BBC interviewers get more and the Paxman's of this world almost a million something is clearly wrong! There will always be those that fiddle it but at least we could have better UK government this way. Until independence arrives of course.
The other thing is the whining about MP's! This bothers me. Certainly for the unemployed and those on minimum wages £60k sounds a dream, however whatever wages they are on do they fiddle their employers? I know they do! How can folk who spend all day avoiding work, phoning their friends, e-mailing others, passing the buck and taking all the 'perks' going then complain MP's are bad? Pots and kettles come to mind.While I have worked with many good people I also know many members of parliament were not on the take, and attempt to do a reasonable job, as long as their party leaders are obeyed! It never fails to amaze me the answers MP's give you. 'Their party is always the one with the answer, the other is at fault and no we cannot help because it's their fault.' Maybe if we all started being more honest life would be better for everyone?