On this April Fools Day the news offered to us via screaming headlines and chattering voices informs us, to some extent, that the Conservative Party's vain attempt to amend the 'Welfare State' is once again under way. Having spent the past few years informing 'Middle England' that all on benefit were scroungers, that the vast majority of those on sickness benefit were fit for work and that those on housing benefit had plenty more cash than those working, a state of divisive hate has arisen between those poorly paid ion work and those on benefit.
A note on language here. We used to refer to 'Social Security,' a system that secured the individual from poverty, starvation and homelessness, whether through unemployment, sickness or other outside situation. Now we used the word 'Welfare,' an American term that implies all such are lazy scroungers. A small but important use of language encouraged by the Tory press.
There are, and have always been, people deliberately refusing to work while claiming as much as they could get for nothing. Liverpool and Glasgow know much of this. However the fact remains that the near three million unemployed would take suitable work tomorrow if it was on offer! Where I ask are such jobs? The Tory's claim a million have found work, but the vast majority are part time, and then on minimum wage. Refusal to accept such work, even if highly qualified elsewhere, is not an option given by this government of millionaires who would never dirty their hands by working. Ian Duncan Smith never stacked shelves when he was twice unemployed!
The amendments to the Social Security budget is merely an attempt to cut the bill, understandably, and get the 'Daily Mail' reader to vote Conservative by encouraging a hatred of benefit seekers and a false promise of tax cuts. Sadly as so many middle classes now find themselves claiming dole money I fear this will not be successful, especially as both Dave and George have missed many opportunities to improve the nation and instead turned it into a liberal ghetto, losing their core voters while doing so.
The Labour Party? Ed Milliband will follow a similar course. After all Labour began the use of the ATOS company to weed out those fit for work from those genuinely unfit. The money made by declaring an individual fit ensured many, whether missing limbs or mentally sick, were declared fit, in spite of the vast majority winning appeals backed up by medical records. The sick in Afghanistan get better care. Labour offer nothing, and it is Ed's fault.
'The welfare reforms' have been badly thought out, rushed through, and incompetently handled. IDS will still insist they work however. and work is something he has never managed successfully before.

Not only, but also the Tory plan for selling off the NHS has taken another step forward today.Since the days of the vile Thatcher women destroying the nation the NHS has been under threat. To save the taxpayer a penny, and earn votes for herself, she began to sell the NHS, that failed, but only just. All governments since have puzzled how to maintain a free health system while cutting the ever increasing costs, all have failed. On the same day that a failed reorganisation of the Social Security is introduced the government introduce a revamped NHS. In theory doctors will control the spending, in practice it will do nothing for patient care, and fail to stop the overspending. Hamfisted and ideologically led the overhaul will be amended by the next Labour government, quite how we await with anticipation. Not exactly eager anticipation I must say. The Labour Party has nothing to offer but Tory failings, and that is not enough.

The biggest news however, according to the number of times it has been mentioned on the news, is David Milliaband's resignation as a director of Sunderland Football Club because they have chosen to sign Paulo Di Canio as manager. Di Canio, an unstable character, was recently fired from lower division Swindon Town, but is seen as the man to fire up Sunderland as they fight the danger of relegation and all that means.
Now Milliband's problem is not a football one. No sensible Premier club would appoint this man Di Canio. Let me give an example of his character. While playing for Celtic some years back he won a penalty kick, probably rightly. He took the penalty, he scored the penalty, then he, not they, he began to argue with the Heart of Midlothian defenders. He got sent off! Rarely do Celtic players get sent off, rarely does any player get sent off for winning and scoring a penalty kick!
David Milliband objects however not to the nature of the man but to his politics. Italian football is very politically motivated. Silvio Berlusconi, when not running his TV stations, bouncing around on young women, or even in one of his court appearances owns A.C.Milan, one of Europe's premier football teams. In Rome Lazio, who Di Canio played for, represent the right wing in Italian politics. All other teams have leanings one way or another, something which makes overall control of football in Italy very difficult for any government, and Italy has had lots of them since the war.
Di Canio famously used the Fascist right arm salute during one game, for reasons I know not, and gained much opprobrium for doing so. Whatever his reasons, I forget those now, it matters not. This, especially in the left leaning press, was a great evil and a wonderful way to fill space. He has never been allowed to forget this. David Milliband has resigned he says, because of this man's political beliefs. Is he right to do so? Is he telling the truth?
I cannot stop dealing with people because of their political beliefs, to do so would be 'undemocratic.' For Milliband to resign because the manager appears to support Mussolini is likewise 'undemocratic,' and somewhat over the top. However let us remember that David has also resigned from the Labour Party and taken a job in the USA leading an 'International Charity,' for which incidentally he will be paid some £200,00 a year. During the past year he has already, it has been claimed, received almost a million in payments for his 'other projects.' Not bad for a man who failed to become the popular leader of the Labour Party because of the Unions choosing his more amenable brother.
David has made a splash here. This news has gone worldwide. His stand against fascism and Nazism is clear. What is also clear is that when Ed, his brother and present leader of the Labour Party fails to ensure a decisive defeat of this shoddy government then David will return as the great white hope, ascending from the Americas to the delight of the desperate Labour accolites and then lead them into a brave new world.
Aye, he cares about fascism right enough.
It is an interesting aside that while the dangers and horrors of Fascism, as seen during the 20th century, are real enough the dangers and horrors of the left as noted under Communism are less dangerous in some eyes. The chattering classes in the UK, that is the middle class socialists, not those that have to work and get their hands dirty socialists, lean to the left while paying lip service to the wrongs of Stalin or Mao, Pol Pot or Castro. Dictatorship is OK if we do it apparently. I must add that the first to object to living under such a system as run by those men would be the chattering classes. Their left wing approach is to let them dictate to others, while keeping their wealth, and demand their rights to progress while pretending to themselves that they do this for everyone. The Blairite Milliband flying to his wealthy abode in new York has laid his plans to possess the vote of such as they. While pandering to middle England he will soon be pandering, from afar, to the Guardian reader. Both share a delight in their money, both vote accordingly.
The people? They know their place, and the news agenda is fixed by their betters to ensure they keep it.