I have been in a foul mood today, unusual for me as I am usually so laid back and easy going. However today I am
Now I am not one to complain but I could list, but refuse to, all the things that have gone wrong in the past few days, however I am too nice. One man somewhere in Belgium has won £12 million on the lottery, why not me? I would put it to good use for the whole world, he will just waste it on himself! Greedy git! The tennis is still continuing, and worse, the sun will shine so the BBC will have this wall to wall for days yet, and who cares? Tennis was only created to make basketball look interesting, and it failed!
Now, after cycling each morning for health reasons I find my knees are aching and the 'Thai Curry House and Takeaway Massage Parlour' will not attend as they are fascinated by the men at the tennis! I would wander out and creak my way over to the gardens and sit and read a book but I cannot be bothered with any book at the moment. No doubt concentration would be disturbed by some ned playing tennis and skipping school. Right! That's it! I've had enough, I am off to drink metal polish and finish myself off. Goodbye cruel world!
er, can anybody lend me some metal polish........