Monday, 10 March 2025
I Hate Tech!
Wednesday, 8 May 2024
O Happy Day?
Monday, 19 February 2024
Monday, 15 May 2023
Trump, Tech and Spring!
Friday, 13 January 2023
Laptop Death
Tuesday, 6 September 2022
Log in Woes
Tuesday, 21 June 2022
Tuesday Grumbles
Tuesday, 7 June 2022
Three Things
Saturday, 20 November 2021
Fungi, Tardis and Sweets
A late afternoon wander around town where the crowds gather for the 'Xmas Lights' being switched on. Every child in the town was here, far too many people, and a few perplexed dogs. I pushed, and was pushed about by the crowds, willing to mix it as not long after leaving home an Audi driver came close to hitting me. I wished I had said more at the time but he kept moving. Thus Irked, I wandered about.
Sweets abound here. This stall is a regular who offers bags of teeth destroyer. He remains considerably cheaper than the fancy stalls found today. Candles, cakes and things I canny afford nor indeed desire. Many have been before so must have made money, and Xmas arriving will do them some good.
Saturday, 2 October 2021
Saturday Laptop
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Spotting from Home, or Bored!
Unlike the engineer, that's 'driver' to you and me, I got fed up waiting so I moved to Waupaca, Wisconsin, no, I have no idea where that is either, and discovered the foundry there was still working, possibly because this engine had just moved some of the trailers, filled with Coke standing in the background, into the furnace area. This looks to me like one of those little 'wild west' towns that has little to build on but the foundry. Quite why this town exists is not made clear but it appears to prosper. Small town America lies before us here.
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Let Joy Continue...
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
WORD, Politics, Stress
In other news Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize! How do you spell ‘Gasp!’
Friday, 4 September 2020
'Dell Boy' and Meat!
I have done little but glance at the news today, I noted fake £20 notes are going around, these are the type used in TV and films, they look real bar from little things like the word 'POOND' on the reverse, which some folks in Aberdeen might not notice. The biggest brothel in Europe is closing because of the Corono Virus, I am not sure why, 'Sickly Come Dancing' returns soon and an exciting horde of people I have never heard off will be participating, are you pleased? 'Bread and Circus's' for the masses I say. Trump stands accused (There's phrase you often hear) of calling dead US soldiers 'Losers,' amongst other things, that could affect his vote more than police brutality. A married teacher is accused of having it off with a 15 year old pupil. Where were such teachers when I was at school? And there are people confused, say the English press, and it is all English owned, people are confused because Scotland says one thing re quarantine and virus, England another. Why confused? Follow Scots lead, you will find it is the safer option.
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Clear as Mud
So I answered the problem of 'how to get photos from my phone to the laptop' by obtaining a suitable USB cable. Considering I have a box full of cables and every one was the wrong size, USB 'C' apparently is required, all mine were different, possibly used for laptops, computers and radios rather than phones! Any how I got one today delivered by 'Hermes' the worst of all courier services. Not only did it arrive as promised (they promised to deliver between 11 - 1 after I had gone out just before 11) they actually did deliver before one O'clock. I saw the man push the packet through the letterbox, take the obligatory photo as they do these days and depart as I was crossing the park. Jolly good show 'Hermes.' Since Lock Down 'Hermes' has employed many more drivers. Their system was poor before, the worst of all, yet it appears to me they have white van men all over the place at the moment. There were two here today, one doing large packets and this one with the small stuff. I wonder if it will last?
So, now I have a cable to connect the phone to the laptop, I connect, it bleeps, it registers, and then nothing! Naturally I try all things before looking for help in the instructions. Here, as you see, helpfully the instructions are written in Mandarin, or is it Cantonese!
Jolly good show!
Now I believe this the chinky folk trying 'soft power' in the way the US has been doing it for years, completely ignoring the people of this land and expecting us to understand what they are talking about. I mean, Cartoons like 'Peanuts,' or 'Garfield, 'Marvel Comics, those dreadful US comedies with canned laughter and no humour, the movies and all else is dumped upon us and we are expected to know what they are talking about. Naturally in reverse this gets nowhere! With the exception of one small house in Georgia where a young woman lives with her own translator.
Possibly the Beijing Emperor hopes to do similar with his export power? I see a problem here. While the normal citizen can translate US speak into some form of human dialogue ( you see, we used to call that 'talk') translating Chinese characters into some form of English is unlikely for 99% of the people. Possibly they have heard the Geordie's cry 'Huawei the lads' and got the wrong idea?
Anyway, after some struggle I found the spot to change things and discovered that I can indeed load the laptop with bad pictures taken on my feeble phone camera. However, I am peeved that I cannot uplift to the phone from the laptop! There has to be a way to do this, I will discover it, even though it may take a while, in Mandarin!