I've been so agitated and irritable today, again. This tiredness never leaves me and my insides are not happy, and in the end I am irked by most things. This, as you know, is so unlike me. My normal quiet, passive, loving kind of manner has been replaced by a somewhat less thoughtful one. I had to attend the Ljubljana today, which was fine, but it meant I had to walk the streets to get there. The result was meeting people, and this was not good, or passing places containing people, and this was not good. Wherever I skulked I found myself growling at windows or day dreaming of entering possessed with nothing more than a running chainsaw and putting it to good use. Then I got irked by the problem of disposing of all the decapitated heads that would be rolling around the place. Bah! So I stayed locked inside, adding info to the Great War website, and grumbling that I could not read the words in this light, that mistakes had been made, and that this laptop hates me. I rummaged through the higher class blogs and found they were indeed a higher class, and that made me jealous! So I turned to the papers, and that made me reach for the chainsaw again! The rubbish that fills the pages! Bah! I watched the latest 'Eggheads' programme, and answered almost NO questions, once again. That cheered me up no end. Now the mince & chips I had for tea is growling at me. Bah! Humbug, Pah! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! etc.