Showing posts with label Forth Bridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forth Bridge. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Labour Tories


The Labour Prime Minister, note the word 'Labour' no longer represents the 'Labour Party' of old, this Labour Prime Minister held a secret meeting with Labour MPs to indoctrinate them into hating the disabled.  He explained there was a strong feeling in the nation against paying unproductive people, namely the long time sick, disabled, or indeed anyone he is now targeting.  I note he did not give evidence of who urges this feeling against the unproductive, possibly the tax dodging billionaires who pay for the Labour PM I expect.  
Rachel makes clear her contempt for the disabled and unproductive people, she is urging us to believe Labour represents only the 'workers,' not the non workers.  Notice also while this continues the Unions, once strongly in favour of supporting the sick, keep quiet and do not disobey their Party leader.   What would Keir Hardie say?
The 'class war' is upon us, and once more the upper class elites, those who own toolmaking factories for instance, and attempting to turn the workers against themselves.  This time blaming those using benefits of many sorts.  It has to be said that many workers are claiming benefits because their wages are too low.  Any suggestion for calling on companies to pay higher wages is ignored.  Keir's bosses don't like that.  Nor do they like paying tax, notice this is never mentioned except when Rachel from accounts is increasing the rich folks benefits! 
One Labour MP at the secret meeting asked the noble PM a question as to how his disabled daughter would fare.  His question was ignored.

A couple of days ago they celebrated 135 years of the Forth Bridge.  I used to cross this marvellous creation annually as we sped towards the luxury dwellings in Dunfermline or Cowdenbeath.  They have good memories for me and the trip by steam train was always something to look forward to.
Umpteen million rivets, at least 100 deaths, including the man in the wee boat who collected the bodies that fell from the bridge as it was being built, something fell on him and took him out!  Probably more died as those who fell on the road and died in hospital were not recorded by the bridge builders as bridge deaths.   
As we crossed some threw pennies, the old round brutes, out the window for luck, though the passengers on the ferries beneath thought other than luck awaited them.  The view towards the wide expanse of Firth west included many Royal Navy boats on both sides, Rosyth to the north full of large ships, many small on the south bank.  After the war the RN had far too many ships and if not sold to other nations there was an inlet just after the bridge where we could see large naval vessels being dismantled.  Some very big ones amongst them.  
Workmen was often noted clambering about, no high-viz then, just the normal wear, a waistcoat and a flat cap for protection from the weather, which could be strong here.  To the east we can see for miles as the Firth widens out and meets the North Sea way down there.  In those days fishing villages were along both sides but today large oil carriers can be seen loading.  No doubt this Labour government will soon put a stop to that.

Thursday, 19 September 2024


As I woke excitement filled my heart.  
Now, in days past excitement often filled my heart, gripping me to the exclusion of all but the day ahead.  As a 6 year old the thought of travelling by steam train across the Forth Bridge to Fife was exciting.  A few days with my favourite aunt was always exciting.
When I was 14 the idea of leaving school and entering the adult world excited me greatly.  This I did not realise then comprised spending much time seeking what to eat later in the day! 
The excitement at standing in Tynecastle Park as the football was about to begin was always great.  Across the ground I watched puffs of smoke from lone smokers rise into the air, the sunshine on wet grass provided an aroma never forgotten, as indeed was the fragrance of the embrocation cream rubbed on footballers legs before a game to prepare them for combat.  Standing by the tunnel this was never missed.
Moving to London was exciting, living in my own wee slum excited me.  And slum it was, and probably still is, but it was my home.
Going abroad was excitement indeed, foreign parts, foreign foods, and not being shot by a trigger happy Israeli is always good.
Moving into this luxury home in the sticks was excitement indeed, self contained and never mind the faults.  
So many events brightening my life with excitement!
The arrival just before 2pm of a delivery of slippers from M&S was another thing that excited me.
Today however, I woke excited because I was going to visit 'Iceland' and buy frozen veg.
I think I may be in need of care...

Several things strike you as you look at this book.  The first is how the name 'Max Hastings' is larger than the title 'Operation Pedestal.'  I canny work out whether this is because his name sells more books or because he wants his name to be clear at the top.  Who knows.  I do know however, that like all Max's books it runs to 428 pages, which makes me glad it is paperback and not a hardback like others of his in my possession.  
The war had reached 1942, and as yet the allies were still on the defensive.  Malta was near starvation rations and Winston Churchill, still fully in control, understood that morale required to be lifted by great adventures.  The year previously a convoy headed towards Russia was attacked deep in Arctic territory.  The commander of that convoy made the disastrous decision to command remove the Royal Navy support and command the fleet to make full steam for the Soviet Union.  Almost all ships were lost!  
Our friend Comrade Stalin was not pleased.
Churchill realised morale must be lifted, the UK must succeed with a Malta convoy, whatever the Admiralty thought, and was determined to convince Uncle Joe that the UK was not finished.
The convoy therefore set out from various parts of the UK, combined at Gibraltar, and headed east into territory controlled by the German and Italian fleet and air forces.  In short, into an impossible situation.  
Off Algiers the attacks began, continuing, and increasing, by air and submarine as they headed towards Cape Bon o Tunisia.  Here the attacks were constant and severe.  From the 11th until the 13th the fleet was attacked by air and sea, not helped by the Admiralty turning back the largest of their escort ships, in case these were lost!  Opinions varied regarding this decision.  The mainly destroyer, escorts did their best in the best tradition of the Royal Navy but were outgunned and outnumbered.  Only on the last days could the RAF help from Malta itself, and courageous they were, but finding the by now dispersed fleet in an ocean is not easy.
In the end 5 Merchantmen arrived in Malta, bruised and crippled, including the oil tanker 'Ohio.'  However, 9 merchant ships were lost.  The Royal Navy suffered the loss of one aircraft carrier, HMS 'Eagle,' 2 cruisers and one destroyer, plus several more being seriously damaged.  Many men on both sides, on ships or in the air, were lost.  The convoy however, provided sufficient supplies for a rationed Malta to endure until November when Montgomery's 8th Army won at El Alemain and turned the course of the war.  The morale boost to the UK with the success of the convoy, while ignoring the mistakes, the faults and anything that might hinder good propaganda, was immense.  The UK showed that it could win, on land and sea, and in February 1943 the Soviet forces ended the siege of Stalingrad and began the long trek towards Berlin.  
The book is slow at the beginning as Max works through masses of information regarding the men the ships, the arguments regarding the convoy.  He then gives details of the ships themselves, the men aboard and much of his info comes from the records of those who participated.  Letters, diaries, official logbooks, are quoted in a manner that brings us close to the action.  And there is action aplenty.  I think as many attacks as possible have been recorded, the men involved, their individual response, their terror, their ship sinking, the salvation attempts, some of which are fantastic, the firing at aircraft and seeking submarines, and the effects of constant stress over several days with little food and less sleep.  You are made to feel you are part of the operation while reading the book.  
Some details are given regarding the part played by men after the convoy arrived.  Not all were rewarded, some court martialled, others faults 'forgotten.'  Like so many other men, they fought a war, took part in exciting action, and after 1945 those who survived and had no great promotions had no choice but to 'just get on with it' like thousands of others. 
I recommend this book.

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Lazy Post

                                                           Crossing the Forth. Terence Cuneo


Thursday, 18 February 2021

The best window seat around!

This short film comes from part of a Fife Circle that runs from Glenrothes via Cowdenbeath to Edinburgh Waverley.  Lots more such films around, sadly all running silently for some reason.  One, from the rear cab, has sound but is only off use if you like travelling all the way backwards.  Here we cross the Forth Bridge heading south towards Dalmeny Station.

If you prefer you can journey across the River Tay into Dundee.  This film is a wee bit older mind!

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Spotting from Home, or Bored!


Bored with rubbish football last night I tried my hand at 'Spotting from Home.'  This is something usually done by those railfans who cannot get out and about these days so instead take pictures from their laptops.  Sitting in bed, bored with Luton Town last night, I picked up my cheap mobile phone and snapped favourite places.  
I decided to do this when watching far off Deshler, Ohio, somewhere in the United States.  Here is one of my favourite views, though usually it is not covered in snow.  The US is under a freak downwards curve of cold air and while Ohio may be used to such scenes further along in Texas, and even New Mexico, they suffered a blanket of thick snow.  A slight dusting they can cope with, several inches brought anguish.  
The engine in this picture is awaiting the passing of a train heading East which crosses just behind the camera view.  This has not yet arrived so our man just sits there and cogitates.  This is a not unusual sight at this point.  These frieght trains have to be well planned before they leave, a train 150 trucks long takes up a lot of space on the railway!

Unlike the engineer, that's 'driver' to you and me, I got fed up waiting so I moved to  Waupaca, Wisconsin, no, I have no idea where that is either, and discovered the foundry there was still working, possibly because this engine had just moved some of the trailers, filled with Coke standing in the background, into the furnace area.  This looks to me like one of those little 'wild west' towns that has little to build on but the foundry.  Quite why this town exists is not made clear but it appears to prosper.  Small town America lies before us here.
This, somewhat darker than it is in real life, seaside image, makes a change for those who do not appreciate the joys of railways.  Videos, sometimes live, of beaches wordlwide are very relaxing I find.  Here we can enjoy the birds gobbling up wee beasties we cannot see, but they know are there hidden beneath the sand.  There is something relaxing about the sea, the light reflecting of the water, the bird life, the air, all gives a relaxing feel to the mind.  I miss it.  
I used to see this view, from the side, regularly.  Crossing the Forth Bridge heading home with North Queensferry beneath us (give Gordon Brown a wave as we pass) the two road bridges to the right, and a few ships loading content to or from various refining plants.
In the past the Royal Navy at Rosyth, to the right, had half the fleet stationed here.  Vast numbers of ships, including BattleCruisers, were docked all around the area.  In the 50's when I passed a great many ships were still to be seen and Battleship gray covered the area.  Today these have gone, moved by John Major to who tried unsuccessfully to win a seat in Plymouth, thus leading to the loss of thousands of Fife jobs.  Who said the Union was a good idea?  
Not everyboby gets to see this view.
What?  Fed up with railways?  Heartless people!
OK, here are some Black Swans, somewhere in I suppose Australia, swanning about in a quiet, gentle, long video, one I often have on in the background.  Lovely to see and enjoy.  The colour obviously is better in real life.

I do like a lot of the old silent movies, hand cranked in the streets, while modern life, before 1914 that is, moved about for our entertainment.  This looks like France, a train arrives and all make a dash for it, the hopeful passengers, the men jumping off as the train slows, a great number of porters and station staff, and overdressed women, must be ones with money, pushing the men aside to get the best seat.
Fashion, you will note, doth make fools of us all!

Friday, 9 December 2011

Friday Musings

These interesting houses were I read somewhere built by one of the Courtauld's for some of their (better) employees. Unfortunately I cannot find the link again and I am going on memory here. I believe they were built as late as 1926 and appear influenced by the 'Arts & Crafts Movement' begun by the middle class socialist William Morris.  They stand alone, backing on to the allotments that join the playing fields. I often wonder what they are like inside, although glancing at the windows brings scowls from the inhabitants I find, and the only disadvantage they have these days comes from the once large front garden now turned into car parking, and the tiny letterbox which annoys postmen!  Whether they are now on open sale or still tied by some agreement I cannot tell, and being broke don't really care, but I do think that if you make homes for your (better) employees you may as well make them attractive like the ones shown here.  

I saw this picture for the first time many years ago and took to it straight away.  The face of the woman, bored, depressed, or what stuck in my mind.  I just wanted to do something for her.  Who knows why this was painted, possibly it was a genuine situation the artist noted, at least it wasn't more young ballet dancers! The reality of the situation still impresses me, and reality is all that matters. 

During the high winds that crossed the centre of Scotland yesterday, causing no little destruction, flooding and turning over of vehicles, someone, I know not who, took this picture from the train while crossing the Forth Bridge. The Forth Road Bridge behind is deserted, closed because of the winds howling up the Forth from the west, and there in between the bridges we see a small boat cheerfully crossing the Forth in spite of it all. I wonder if this is an official boat, Police or Coastguard perhaps, whatever rather him than me in such weather!


Saturday, 11 June 2011

Crossing the Forth Bridge

