I spent most of this morning with my head under the sink giving the bathroom its annual clean so to improve my view of the world I present an old picture of an Edinburgh penguin! Cleaning I can inform those eager to know is not much fun. Apart from inhaling the aroma of cleaning chemicals the dust, now ingrained, decided my nose was the place to be. After an unseemly long time there was a vain attempt to continue the clean up elsewhere but for reasons as yet unexplained I gave up instead, it's only muck anyway, it will still be there next week. I also considered doing the windows and their grime but decided to leave them until after the weekends rain has passed by, that will do the job for me. No need to be too enthusiastic about such things.
Sadly this detracted from chasing dead soldiers although I did get some work done on one or two other items including the county habit of religious dissent. Since the early attempts to translate the bible into the native tongue caused the then authorities much distress and led to their desperate need to suppress such nasty goings on the locals have always done their best to disobey. Bible reading in the vernacular became quite popular in the 1500's. What surprised me however was the use of burning at the stake to remove such felons. I never quite understood the reasons for that. Hanging is quicker, as is a sword, yet this was the chosen means of execution throughout Europe, very strange. Several hundred years went by with dissent continuing until religious freedom appeared in the late 17th century with the 'indulgence act.' Such freedom is being restricted once again however in the UK.
I made little attempt to get involved in the news today but found myself gripped when I came across the ferry in South Korea that capsized. I think it was the thought that wee girls and boys were trapped inside that moved me. It appears they were mostly adolescents and hundreds are trapped inside the upturned hull even now, probably past it by now. How sad.