
Wandering along past the old gasworks, head bowed as I searched the gutter for dropped coins, I happened to look up as I crossed the road just in time to miss the dentist delivery service van as she cornered while on the phone and eating her lunch. I was nearly blinded by the low setting sun, and it was only twenty past three! It shone Mediterranean like over the old gas container and reflected of the dodgy computer repair shop. It was lovely to see, although of course I couldn't see anything having been blinded by the glare. It takes ages to get rid of that little blue blob in the eye doesn't it? As I came round by the playing fields, tripping over the cheerful faced dogs allowed to run dangerously loose by their gossiping owners, female of course, I could see high above the pink layer on the clouds, and through the gap in the hedge got this shot. The colours are not quite what the eye sees of course, sometimes they are better, sometimes not so, however this occasion leaves me quite happy with the result. I reckon one of the easiest ways to get a good picture is the sunrise or sunset. No matter what rubbish is around you it is enlivened or, as here, blacked out for the most part by the light. Brilliant help!
This time next week the great anti-climax of Christmas will be upon us. Many will be without goods as the weather hinders parcel deliveries and that ought to make us wonder just what Christmas is about. But I doubt it. Instead disappointment and anger, blame and buck passing will result. Certainly many will have their good time spoiled and that is rather sad. However most will be enabled to make the most of it. Those able to get around will have the joy of crowd filled shops to waste their money in. What a joy that is? Today I was struck by the women slowly gathering in the needful's while a retired husband, totally out of his depth and lost in an alien world, obediently pushed the trolley. I was my usual helpful self to such men, I have become this way ever since the great 'chainsaw' incident in Somerfields. I doubt I will ever eat black pudding again after that!
Around a billion people were in Tesco's alone, and by alone I don't of course mean 'alone' as they often had people with them, so they were not 'alone' as such when I said 'alone.' I used the word al.... forget it. Anyway I went there to take advantage of my rewards voucher and naturally, while I perused the frozen oven chips, I realised I it was still lying here on the foul microwave! Bah! I could have been in the closer Sainsburys and now I was lumbered with all the heavy stuff to carry and nothing off to show for it! Bah Humbug! Finding the young lad at the checkout speaking in an almost polite manner I realised he was the new guy that obtained the position I was looking for! I assure you it was an accident when that vinegar jar fell over and broke across him, honest. I wandered out head held high in an effort to avoid the woman with a collection can for some local charity. I did wonder how many would give a few pence to her while paying £30-100 for their important buys. I also wondered how much of what is bought gets thrown away? Now that is something I rarely do as I hate wasting food, and have done so ever since learning about the million or so who will die today through malnutrition. I don't help them by this but it does at least seem the decent thing to do.
Once again the streets elsewhere are deep in snow. Once again no gritters can get through because the vehicles block the roads, and once again it is all someone's fault and they should resign! Hmmm Scotland lost one transport minister because the snow came, I suspect they will want to change another by Monday, not that there is anything more that can be done. My nephew was driving in it earlier today but got home OK having left as the snow was arriving and had it chasing him home. He drives a forty ton truck and some of those were getting stuck on the icy slopes and blocking all the traffic for miles around. I had the feeling he would be half way up an 'A'road somewhere, very comfortable, but bored. However I too am OK so no-one needs to worry about me, at least until the heating bills come in.....