Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Friday, 3 January 2025

US Rail

These early mornings, while the sun decides whether or not to appear, I often drink my coffee to the background of US railways.  This is merely to show some sign of life in the world, while I attempt to find my head.  The coffee ought to do this, especially now I am slurping to a Sainsburys 'Winter Edition,' ground coffee. 
 'A medium dark roast coffee,
with hints of cinnamon, dried fruits,
and bittersweet dark chocolate.' 

Hmmm, thought I, this sounds like the scrapings of the leftovers from the other coffee's.  And lo and behold, on the back we read this coffee comes from Ethiopia, Guatemala and Indonesia!  As I thought, the leftovers mixed together to create a 'Winter Edition,' dark, strong and rough.  Still, Sainsburys only made £30 billion profit last year, I understand when they have to scrape things together.
What the coffee on Amtrak railways is like I cannot say, though it must be better than this.  As the greyness seen behind closed curtains lightens slowly I watch Amtrak, interrupted by an occasional CSX freight hauling over a hundred wagons, heading from Richmond, just a short ten minutes south of Ashland, all the way to Boston Massachusetts.  This is a long trip and I wonder why people board the train here at 6:19 in the morning.  Leaving Richmond at 5:35 am it arrives in the far north at 15:47 pm, all things going well.  Notoriously, Amtrak trains do not get priority on US lines.  These lines are owned by the bog US rail companies,  CSX, BNSF and Union Pacific amongst them.  This means they own the lines and their freight gets priority.  As a result many trains run hours late, though on this line such delays are less common than on other lines.  
So, when they board in Ashland, Virginia early on, where are they going?  Washington DC is the first major city on the run and arrival just before 9 am would suit commuters I suppose.  If you do commute this way at what time would you return?  Allowing for delays you might not get back that day, or that week if the snow falls and lies deep.  Most either remain in town for a week or have other business up that way.  
I would love to travel these long lines in the USA.  This one goes through Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, before the engine become electric and continues to Providence and Boston.  More than a thousand miles covered here, so few must do the entire trip in one go.  Surely for Americans aircraft would be better on such a distance?  
There are of course other stops along the way, and other trains cover a similar route, some beginning in Miami where Donald Trump plots to remove President Musk, and goes all the way to New York or Chicago.  Such long rail trips, and I can hardly get a train to Liverpool Street these days.  That is something I must do soon.
There is something about rail travel, apart from commuting, which is enjoyable.  If you commute daily it becomes a slog, especially if using one of London's stations, however, a reasonably long trip by rail can be enjoyable, much better than by bus, as long as the train is not crowded and the passengers, sorry we must call them customers these days, behave.  I must get among them this year to commemorate 200 years of rail travel since the opening of the Stockton to Darlington line in 1825.  200 years of innovation and indeed disaster, fun and joy, economic growth and the opening of new vistas to people of all levels.  Rail changed the way the world lives more than computers I say, I say while using a  computer...

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Proportional Gifts.

A Lib-Dem motion regarding Proportional Representation using the 10 minute rule passed today by 138 to 136.  Naturally, this will go nowhere.  Such motions are often successful but unless the government of the day wants them to succeed they will disappear in one of the Commons back rooms.
However, this has shown a good degree of support for the idea, and as a start it needs to be given more publicity on social media and elsewhere.  Maybe in time a government will find it useful. 

Of the recent orders I ordered only one appears to be outstanding, this one!  Today I noticed why, it is coming from China!!!  Why do I not read these things properly?  Not only does this take time, possibly two more weeks, but the last tech item I got from China blew up my laptop!  
Now I have just discovered that another gift I ordered is coming from the USA!  What?  The address is UK but the goods come from far away!  By the time they get here they will be too late to post for Xmas.

Bah Humbug!

Wednesday, 6 November 2024


In spite of humanities best efforts Donald Trump has once again won the vote to be President of the United States of America.  The world stares at this with disbelief!  How could anyone vote for s demagogue, a liar, a cheat, an abuser of woman, and a man who is mentally ill?  Though when you consider some of the presidents from past times he fits in well there.  
So, how are we to react when he takes office?  The absurd political system takes until January before he becomes President, do you think Biden will lead a revolt, just for spite perhaps?  No doubt he will be seeking to put many of his plans into action, especially the ones Putin pays for, and many daft ideas he broadcast will in fact be seen to be his wishes in real life.  God bless America, even though they have left him behind.
There is a rise in inept right-wing governments, democracy as we have known it has been thrust aside, the world we grew up in is no more.  
The LORD reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice.

Monday, 19 August 2024

Fire Smoke & Shorts

As always, it's the fault of the USA & Canada!  
We are sitting here once again suffering the backlash from their forest fires.  We already suffer from their left over hurricanes bringing high winds and teeming rain, and now they are trying to smoke us out.  
Huge area of Canada and some in the US are burning away.  Some no doubt, started deliberately by wee boys looking for a laugh.  Vast acres burn, smoke obliterates the sky, choking people in houses and flats, especially the old and sick.  With poor health provision in the USA because of the greed of the medical and insurance world many are suffering without and are open to breathing difficulties cause by such smoke.   Several hundred fires are burning at the moment, various sizes, some under control, others appear to be being left to themselves.  Smoke is hitting both Canada and US States causing problems.    
High above the UK the smoke does give interesting sunsets in some areas, though normal cloud is blocking even that today.  Last night our sunset was bright but slightly dimmed by high smoke.  This was alongside some clown near here burning grass and green rubbish nearby and allowing his fire smoke to reach me as I lay attempting sleep.  Of course it could be someone's house was on fire but there you go.

The weather has become somewhat greyish today.  Cloud cover alongside that smoke has taken the edge of the day.  Add to that what the weathermen call 'a stiff breeze,' and I find my north facing penthouse somewhat cool.  Outside, in spite of the cloud and wind, men walk about in shorts and T-shirts.  The Englishman's desire to get into shorts even if the temperature is low amazes me.  
When I was a lad no-one wore shorts, that was for kids, and if shorts were worn it was on a rare foreign holiday in the sun.  Certainly not on the street.  In England the shorts fetish has always been noticeable.  Why?  I've known postmen who wear them all the year round, winter and summer, clearly they have a fetish or are just mental, possibly both.  
Now young men following fashion, and young men dare not follow fashion, wearing shorts because fashion dictates this is one thing.  However, fat, balding, aged men in similarly aged football shirts from a previous era with similar shorts, sometimes shorts that once fitted, are not the same thing.  This is not fashion, unless everyone in your street dresses this badly, or possibly this is the fashion for the 'Reform' voter while throwing bricks through windows to remove those nasty foreigners who take their jobs.  The jobs that is they cannot get because of all the criminal convictions they have and the foreigners do not have.   If only they had heard of 'Levi's' or their mass produced cheap brothers. 

Thursday, 4 July 2024


Well I stumbled round to vote this morning, no-one there!
I thought at 10 am ish it would be busy but, there were only 3 or 4 came in.
There was a queue before 7 they said, however, and I think the Tories have remained indoors here to lose their unpopular home secretary.  
I voted 'Braintree Working Class Communist' though I think he may not win...
How unusual to find a polling station empty.  Normally, General Elections bring out the crowds.  The early morning rush of people heading for work is one thing, possibly all local workers heading to the factories maybe?  That sounds good for Labour anyway.
The middle morning is when the women come shopping, and Thursday is the quiet day around here, but so few were appearing, I guess the normal Tory voter has not come out.  That is bad for the MP but, he has become unpopular as he was only interested in being a senior cabinet member and not a run-of-the-mill MP.  His famed refusal to answer emails has annoyed many.
Now I say writing to an MP will not bring a result.  You may get an answer, copied from central office probably, but that does not matter.  What matters is getting as many people as possible to contact the MP about a situation and letting him know what the locals are saying re that situation.  He may not answer, but he will pass this on to central office.  
So, we await the result.  Not much point in waiting up.  Labour will win.  It is just wondering how many seats they will gain, which famous MP will be gone, who will survive, and how the SNP and ALBA will do in Scotland.  I hope for many ALBA seats.  We wait and see.
One thing is clear, nobody who thinks expects much 'change' in spite of the claims made for that.  One Tory removed and another takes their place.

And Happy 4th July to the USA by the way.  

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

By Truck to Bethlehem...sort off..

Today has been a day for driving across from New Mexico into Arizona.  
As I worked on things I put on the video of, 'BigRig Travels,' in the background.
This is live, usually, from the front of a truck travelling across the USA from one spot to another.  
OK, it is not the most exciting thing you will see, depending on various car drivers that pass by, but it does show the real USA as we pass.
For example, this day has been spent in an almost straight road passing by land that is almost all scrub.
The view is constantly the same.  Scrub at either side, an occasional turn off to a town, and then more flat land for miles ahead, a blue sky for much of the way also.  
I keep asking myself why they forced the Indian's off the land as there is nothing to be made of it out here.   What is here?  Why do Wilmslow and Flagstaff exist?  What keeps people here in the middle of nowhere?
Anyhow, by the time he reached Flagstaff we saw hills  in the distance, towering above the area.  Vast miles of low lying land, actually 6000 feet above sea level, and sky filled the day for the driver.  You can see on those 'Virtual Railfan' cams that Flagstaff gets snow early and deep and it lies for a while.  
The Highway was busy, especially near towns, but at times scarce vehicles were noted.  The job of a long distance truck driver is great if you like being on your own for hours at a time.  This left me regretting not taking those £2 an hour driving lessons back in 1971.  I would have loved a wee van to run around delivering in.

Our friend Psephizo makes some interesting points regarding the birth of Jesus.  He, and indeed other worthies, believe Jesus was born in a house, similar to those found in that area even today.  The description given, and the picture provided, offer one interpretation from those who have travelled in that are during the last 200 years or so.  The style of house has changed little, as those travelling during the 19th century found.  
The house is usually a one roomed building, often with an area beneath or alongside for the animals.
The 'manger' however, from which the animals were fed, lay in the corner of the living room.  This is because there was only one room, and all lived within one room.  

This rather poor shot I took within a small Byzantine house at the Temple in Jerusalem.  As far as I can recall this was the entire house, note how small it is!  I stand on a raised platform, about 4 ft wide, that stretched across the room.  I took this to be the sleeping area.  Bethlehem homes may have been similar in size, with added rooms according to your wealth.  This Essex town has many grand aged houses which began 500 years ago as one room, after which wealth enabled other rooms to be added, this is an old practice.  The writers of these articles imply the house where Mary and Joseph stayed at that time, connected to the family, possibly some say Josephs actual home, while Mary came from Nazareth, possibly, but certainly he would be welcomed by family of some sort.  
The animals next door would reach in, or come in to eat from the manger.  You will understand the cultural differences, but remember houses divided between humans and animals were common in various parts of the Atlantic Islands until comparatively recently.  
Possibly this example is better:

This makes more sense to me. Quite how it operated, the family in one room, the animals, the kids, I have no idea, but this does mean the thought of Jesus in a stable, or a cave as I have thought for some time, is ruled out.  
'Katalmya,' is the word used for a guest room and implies there was no room for the couple in the 'guest room,' so Jesus was born in the living area.  This is why he was placed in a manger, not in a separate building but in a crowded house. 
Not my idea of Christmas...
Of course we are reading from clever people who understand the background, the local attitudes and both Greek and Hebrew.   We rely on those who have travelled in the past, and Historical insights, often unknown to those who translated the scriptures in the days of long ago.  This proves our need to study and understand what is said, not what is believed today.
It changes my outlook.
Jesus was born at the poor end of society, to a girl about 14 years of age, in a crowded house, and left in the feeding bowl.  Quite a start for the Son of God and the ruler of all.

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Wednesday Rambling Nonsense


It is to be regretted the way the cloud cover keeps changing.  One minute bright sun glints of the leaves opposite, the next a dim darkness falls and the leaves lose the sparkle.  Once bright green many are now turning golden as they begin to fall across the road.  Already today the greenkeepers have driven around in their wee vehicles, grass cutting mostly, but also shredding many leaves, either deliberately or by chance.
While a blue sky appears above the treeline all appears well, but we know this means soon the branches will be bare, the leaves biodegrading across the park, and a council worker driving another wee vehicle around the streets early in the morning attempting to scrub the streets clean.  Some hope.
I note the railways are already sending out those trains who's single job is to smear the line so trains do not slide past their stops because of the fallen leaves.  Some suggest cutting down the trees, others raise alarm at the thought.  Nobody is ever happy.

I've enjoyed looking at the swaying trees all day.  There has been no energy for anything else.  The weariness has reached a new height today.  Aches everywhere and tired limbs.  This is not unexpected, but it is worse than feared.  It will disappear overnight while I enjoy a deep brandy cocoa encouraged sleep.  
It is to be hoped that it is less tired tomorrow, then I can start the things I promised to do on Monday.  The 'to do' list sits here crossed out, but nothing actually done.  This of course is not unusual in this house.  There is a list of must do jobs, such as 'Spring Clean,' that have not yet begun, and routine work is haphazard without a woman to bully me.  

I bumble about emptying the sink of its contents, tidying up so I can make a similar mess again tomorrow.  All this eating each day takes up so much time.  I recall the announcements in the press of years ago promising a 'Pill' that would nourish us as well as a three course meal.  Sadly such wonders do not appear to have arrived.  Possibly they are all on space craft wandering around the earth feeding spacemen?  
The books pile up unread beside me, the biblical ones to the right, the others spread about.  It is just too much effort to concentrate for long.  I return to staring at the leaves, watching US trains arriving and departing noisily from railway stations in various parts of the US.  Most US trains are of course found in the US.  
This appears boring to some, and at times it certainly is.  However, for those scribbling notes to one another at each Rail Cam, it is a way of meeting friends, the subject becomes less important than the communication.  All appear happy, friends chat and greet one another in that kind US manner.  Happiness flows.
I rarely comment.
The situation regarding these railways reveals much about the US way of life and how they do business.  It makes the UK appear almost normal.  We see small towns with around a couple of thousand people struggling to survive in one state, while elsewhere a vast metropolis has miles of railways running through it, reflecting their history as well as their trade today.  
Of course they drive on the wrong side of the road.
The rush hour appears dead tonight, hardly anyone trundling slowly past.  All is speed, well, 30 mph, and all ignore the 20 mph side the county council wasted thousands on.  All this rush is wearing me out, time for bed...

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

CoE and Closed Season TV

It goes like this.  An Anglican priest (there are no 'priests' in the new testament) places a post on Twitter concerning the 'pride' march he was about to lead.  This as you know goes against basic biblical teaching, but does however refer to the 'Stonewall' influence running throughout the Church of England.  This heresy, based on a corruption of 'love,' is fooling many and will lead vast numbers far from the crucified Christ.
This 'priest' has now blocked me.
I, along with several others, posted a kind reply hoping someone would give the clergyman a complete bible for Christmas.  In the following days many have 'liked' my response.  This I say, is not unusual, many 'like' what I say, especially those far from me.  I was pleased to gather support from 'like minded' individuals, and hoped there was a rising in the Anglican communion against such mistakes.  
However, upon investigating the dozen or more who have liked the post I am abashed!  Only two appear to be English, both racist Brexiteers at that!  The rest are all far-right racist, US white supremacists, Jew haters, gun loving wide-eyed loons.  And they support me!
What we see here is the difference regarding God between the USA and the UK.  For many white Americans, the ones with US flags flying outside the house, God is white, the USA is Christian white, and all others do not belong, especially blacks and Hispanic.
In the UK there is indeed a clear rise amongst some right-wing Christians to make use of God in politics, the Brownshirts using God as white English, and all foreigners Muslim or ungodly.  This will never be a success in the UK outside of the remnant Brexiteers.
Do any of these people know God?  Are they 'Born again?'  Do they 'love their neighbour?'  Of course not.  God is used by them for a political purpose, one that wins success in parts of America, but fails in the UK.  
Jesus of course is at work in the UK.  He never stops working.  However, his love for all people, gays and 'trans' included, makes use of the words 'Come to me,' and 'repent.'  He does not allow us to continue living lives that hurt, I can tell you that!  He wishes each one to know him, to 'follow him,' and unless, as he says, we lay aside all our 'self,' and all that hinders, 'we can never be his disciples.'  He laid all aside, heaven itself, and human life for me, I, like all others must follow him.  We cannot wallow under control of 'Stonewall' or 'right-wing ideology' as both fail, and do not represent Jesus Christ.  We must abandon our ideas and 'follow him.'  This will not be easy for any of us, however, knowing God is worth the trouble. 
The Anglican church must repent soon, or it will perish.  

It is that sad, unwelcome time of year once again.  That period of time between the end of one football season and the beginning of the next one.  The league placings are all but decided, only one Scottish question remains, will Ross County or Partick Thistle grace the SPFL top tier next season?  The word 'grace' may be out of place here.  Sure there are a couple of cup finals in several places, an international game or two, but then what?  Almost the entire month of June will be TV football free! 
Is that legal I ask?  Nothing happens until mid July, 6 weeks away!  I may be seeing spiders by then.
In days of yore, when I was still pretending to learn at school, the season ended with the cup final, and then the Scotland v England game.  Usually this was complete by the 1st of May.  With little in the way of pre-season friendlies around then, one year the Heart of Midlothian pre-season comprised the 1st team playing the reserves!  This gap meant that for an adolescent with nothing to do there was almost three months without football.  The season would kick of in late July, ten or a dozen weeks away, and I was left moping for much of the time.  Being poor, I need to stress this poverty, we did not venture abroad for a holiday, a day or two in Fife living of relatives was all we could scrounge.  
I became hooked on the Heart of Midlothian long before I was allowed near the ground.  Playing football in the playground, in one of the 'pitches' around us, and reading my brother in laws book 'The Hearts,' by Albert Mackie, inscribed with all the signatures of the great Hearts side of the 50's, my copy only has Willie Bauld and Jimmy Wardaugh's signature, a book which inspired devotion to this team. 
Come Saturday, a 3 O'clock kick of awaited.  I became used to using the bus that went the long way round, this being quicker than those which required a change here and there, and at least this would drop me at Tynecastle's door, the 'home of the Free.'   Sitting each Saturday at the top of Drum Brae, while the drivers were changed or just having a break was so frustrating.  I just wished to get there and here we were wasting precious time for nothing!  I feared greatly that I may be late, though I usually made it with an hour or so to spare.  Whether I was heading for the first team game or just the reserves, I always popped into the wee shop with the name 'Cockburn' above the door.  In fact this was Willie Bauld's shop!  He never spoke to me about football, he apparently regarded me as some sort of idiot, why not, everyone else did.  However, I always obtained a poke of Berwick Cockles.   

Not only did this increase the profits of the shop, these came in the Heart of Midlothian colours!  Famously made, once upon a time, in a wee shop in Berwick upon Tweed,  these are now owned by some conglomerate.  I visited the shop not long before it closed, a miserable old man, in a dark and almost empty shop, sold me these sweets that once meant so much to me.  I suppose it was the end of an era that caused his bitterness, a bitterness that showed.  At least he was not related, our grandfather being born there.  
Poke of sweets in wee white paper bag in pocket, I would pay 3/6d, (three shillings and six pence to you) to enter the enclosure.  It was only 1/6d for the ground, but I wished to be by the tunnel and occasionally speak to a player.  The sights and sounds from that position remain with me still.  The aroma of embrocation cream, rubbed on players legs to make them supple, has never left me.  The sight during a big crown of a puff of smoke from a cigarette away over the far side, the green of the grass expanse, the blue sky, usually cloudy in Edinburgh, and the aged men in their uniform of overcoat, jacket and tie, and good flat cap above.  At half time it was normal for those rich persons seated above in the main stand, the only stand indeed, to stand up and stretch for a while.  Many at that time would possess season tickets, something the majority did not use at that time, and also possess one for the Hibernian ground down in Leith at Easter Road.  This does not happen today.  Costs alone would prohibit this, and while a few might still do this they are a small number now.  
The football of course was better in the early 60s.  England had a £10 wage cap, so why would decent players go south?  Wages may have been better here, and noticing the gathered players before the game, all in sharp Italian suits and 'winklepicker' shoes, indicated they were not short of a bob or two even then.  It was not as wealthy as today, however, a good signing on fee once or twice and a player could afford to buy a wee newsagents or a share in a pub.  
The game over, the referee blamed, the Glasgow mafia once more at fault, we headed for the door.  Stumbling up the terracing, laid down way back in 1914 just as the war was raising its head, it did not cross my mind then that many people who I heard yell out that day would have served in that war.  The old men had seen two wars and a depression, many had suffered severe hardship, many had tales to tell from across the world.  I had a near empty bag of Berwick Cockles.
The programme, obtained from a wee man outside the ground, just how many 'wee men' keep wee football teams going around the world?  The programme costs 6d in those days, and I still have a handful of the more important ones on the shelf.  The majority collected I passed on after my mother died, to a kid playing for Hearts U12s at the time.  A couple of scrap books and a pile of programmes from many places were very welcomed by him.
Those days are like all of the past, simply memories now.  It is unlikely I will ever return to the ground, at the moment I am not fit enough, the money and fight for a ticket in these all seated days is beyond my effort, and a move to PPV would suit me down to the ground.  Sitting here shouting at the screen is far more desirable that spending time in the rain, sleet, cold, or any other typical Edinburgh Saturday.  I have seen enough of them, I have served my time.  Memories are good, but comfort is better.


Monday, 4 July 2022

Moaning Monday

The world outside is unusually quiet for a Monday.  Is this because Boris is hiding from all the sex crimes of his people?  Can this be because we all know Brexit has failed?  Little mention is made of Starmer and his Party refusing to reject Brexit.  Instead he promises to 'make it work.'  All this for votes from the 'Red Wall.'  How sad.  The Lib-Dems will be loving this.

Being 4th of July not a soul in the UK noticed the date.  However, the 'Online Mail,' with thousands of clickbait awaiting in the Republican lunatic party, did insert one or two old stories re the difference between the UK and the US.  Language is different, habits are different, ending phone calls is different.  
The only thing that comes out of the stories is that in the USA money is all that matters.  Get rich, grab cash, let the individual die!  No wonder Jeff Bezos is so rich.  The idea of service appears unheard off.  Have an accident, call an ambulance, but pay $200 or more dollars first.  Eat in a café, give a tip as the waitress is not paid and lives off tips, how ridiculous!  Get sick, take up to three weeks off, but it comes out of your holidays!  The USA is a slave state still.   
This is the type of nation Boris and his liars want to create here.  Stupid people vote for him, even if they knew this would happen, just so they could get out of the EU they did not understand.  Xenophobic racism mixed with blind obedience leads to the loss of all the voters actually held dear, but they will not admit it.

As I reached home on Sunday I noticed the Muslims were having a day off.  I was very tempted to wander across and visit the many food tables out there but hesitated, once I taste proper food I canny eat my own afterwards!   I ate, slept and tried to put the aroma out of my mind...
Today the aroma was that of cooker cleaning, kitchen washing, and loo cleansing.  Had I not stopped when I did I would have wash day hands by now.  Any volunteers?  

Saturday, 25 June 2022

Saturday Info Struggle


Saturday morning, well lunchtime, and no real news to be seen.
Riots in the USA because they are stopping women killing babies, for some reason this is not acceptable.  The same people that demand help for the kids they have are happy to end the life of one they do not want, how cruel.  The same court has however, allowed New Yorkers to carry concealed guns.  A rule worked out by going back to the revolutionary days in the early US states and even taking into consideration the law as it was in the UK during Cromwell's civil war.  Quite what this has to do with the US, and quite how this allows them to carry guns in a city where life already appears cheap is not made clear.

Boris continues to lie while hiding in Rwanda, maybe they will keep him?  Something called 'Glastonbury' attracts lots of bad musicians and a desperate for attention ageing Paul McCartney.  The papers insist on filling space, in among the celebrities, of various diseases you might have if you stand, sit or walk in certain fashions.  A spot on your arm may indicate your foot will fall off, or a pain in the ankle mean you have TB.  I am not sure I trust the medical advice given by the media.  Also seeking attention is the girl on the make Kate, now Princess or Duchess or whatever, making use of the armed services for another PR stunt.  Intense, they say, speculation grows as to why Rupert Murdoch (91) is divorcing his latest woman, one Jerry Hall (60), though her smoking habit is being blamed.  So the blue pills do not work?  Boris Johnson wishes to put 'Daily Mail' editor, now 'editor in chief,' whatever that means, Paul Dacre (74) into the House of Lords, something Dacre has chased before.  If memory serves me well Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May all refused him this, and not just because the press ought not to be connected with government.  Boris is trying to push this through however. 
The 'Daily Express' online is no longer allowing any comments on stories, far too many people were pointing out how incorrect they were, so comments are banned!  Censorship, surely not?  The 'Daily Mail' continues to allow comments, at least the ones they print.  Many I note disagree with the slant put on stories.  A worrying trend for Mr Dacre and his lackeys.  
Otherwise nothing else has happened, certainly nothing here.  Not counting wobbling to Sainsburys early, then wobbling back as I forgot bread the very thing I went for!  I am not keen on this walking at the moment so was not pleased with  the holes in my brain.  Indoors I spent time upsetting child killers in the USA and some here also, mocking an occasional middle class socialist "What work with your hands have you ever done?" And sought out the early news of the football team returning to training in sunny Spain.  Only a month before that begins again.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Harvest Moon Plus


Harvest Moon time again, at 20:21 BST the equinox occurs, not at midnight as I thought.  Thus indicating that today is the first day of Autumn, that season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.  However, because of lorry driver shortage that may mean less fruitfulness than usual.  I tried a shot of the bright yellow moon last night, but the brightness did not come out well in the Lumix.  Large and bright the moon was but several settings could not reproduce the colour.  Of course it was not easy to catch through the kitchen window, especially as it was trying to hide behind the beam.  I would have waited half an hour and tried again but my feet were turing into ice and so I manfully gave up.  I may try again tonight, clouds willing.

In other news, Boris has fallen flat on his face in the US.  President Joe Biden, wide awake and ready, slammed down his attempt to make a trade deal. Fix Northern Ireland first says Joe leaving Boris to walk away stumped.  I suspect he is lying to himself about a new deal he can invent.  At the moment he is making 'incremental steps' towards what once was a 'trade deal' caused by the UK being  'first in line' for. 
Elsewhere the middle classes have sat outside in the sunshine blocking the streets in a fanciful attempt at forcing the government to do something about climate change.  Personally, in love, I would drive my lorry over them, if I had one, as this dos nothing but annoy the man in the street, as it were.
Pritti Patel is going through the courts to have them jailed.  So outside the Home Office many are now blocking her street.  Not that the street is that busy anyway.
Dominic Raab, as Deputy PM stood in for Boris at PMQs today and was told to go back to his sunlounger by the Labour opponent whatshername.  Comparing the £20 being removed from the poor to the cost of a room at his hotel in Crete, and she emphasised peoples troubles with poverty encouraged by his government while he argues about the 'Grace & Favour' mansion Liz Truss ought to have.  
Nice comparison.
The usual 'celebs' acting hurt, anxious, pained, or just 'baring all' again for the camera.  Age is catching up on many.  I know, I had a good look.
Lional Messi, at £1 million a week is taken off during a game.  He refused to shake the managers hand.  I think he may find he is not the boss at PSG.  However the diving Neymar, the Brazilian genius is reported to be on near half a million a month to keep quiet about Jesus.  Like many Brazilians he has a connection to a Pentecostal church back home.  It appears he is keeping quiet and getting rich. Hmmm.
A scrap man, with a farm or two, died leaving £4 million or so in his will.  The son and daughter argue over this and possibly will continue to hate and bite for years to come.  This does not happen in Scotland.  There, the fortune, around £10:47 in my case, is shared equaly between the next of kin.  No arguments allowed as far as I can see.  Saves court time, saves public fight, all get what there is.

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

New President

So, Biden takes charge.  Much work to do worldwide to change the image of the USA.  Much work to do at home to deal with the Freedom loving, Flag waving white supremacists who range across the wild west, usually in the less populated states.  A President for all people, but half the nation do not want him, many are armed, many still believe in QAnon and its lies.  Reason will not help here.
The biggest problem worldwide is China.  How to establish an equal footing there.  The biggest problem at home other than racists is the virus.  The say 400,000 US dead, many more to come, many not obeying the medical advice, many still thinking this is a hoax.  China is easy in comparison I think.
Soon the President will visit the EU, Merkel (why was she not born in the UK?) and Mr Johnson also I expect.  With the PM he will possibly mention Boris claiming Obama was born in Kenya, then he will visit Ireland again as US presidents must.  He must however go to China, he cannot wait for the Chinese Emperor coming to him.  
Now we await the impeachment exhibition for Mr Trump.  We also await his new Twitter ramblings on Russian backed forums.  We await the many legal niceities that may come forward for him, many goverment ministries investigations and who knows what will come from under the carpets in the White House?  His wife can now take advantage and dump him before she is jailed.
I watched the ceremony, more to see the Qanon revolution taking place, however this did not happen, the Marines did not arrest the leaders, no show trial is taking place, and no Police unit baton charged the Biden hordes.  All very disappointing really...

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Thursday Blether

It has not taken the Tories long to respond to last nights outrages in the USA.  Boris (who once suggested the Nobel Peace Prize for Donald) offered a mumbling statement condemning violence, possibly written by Donald.  Priti Patel managed not to condemn Donald and muttered away, Michael Gove, Donalds friend, said nothing, Rees-Mogg, once delighted to work with Donald, has not posted on his Twitter feed, possibly he has not seen the news.  At best the insurrection is played down, while most laugh and cheer off camera and hope it happens here also.
A Welsh Tory suggested that those opposing Brexit could riot in such manner, on Twitter, Unionists, possibly Tory members, are claiming similar actions will occur if Scotland seeks independence, others claim SNP independence seekers will behave this way (make up your mind).   
It is clear to all, bar those who thought this was a genuine revolution under way, that Trump has done this just to keep a grasp of power.  When he loses power he can then be brought to account for his crimes, mostly dating back to long before 2016.  No wonder he lies in a desparate manner.
Soon Boris it will be your turn surely?
'Lock Down' will have an effect similar to the last ones.  My hair needs cut, this may not happen until March, Priti Patel wishes people to be ordered off the streets by Police, fined if they do not obey, and shops will run out of so many things under Brexit that soon panic buying will return.  
I have avoided going out, not that I wished to go anywhere, but in the dark, before 7:30 I wandered round to Tesco, coughing all the way and scaring several people heading for work as I passed.  This gave me a laugh and forced them to walk well over 6 feet away from me.  The early morning cough is just that, but they don't know!
Once again I thought I am here choosing bread, once more I collect milk, not the out of date stuff going cheap, once more I ransack the same shelves as before, almost always choosing the same items with only an occasional bright experiment attempted.  
When at school I was jealous of those wandering the streets while I was locked up not learning anything.  It seemed good to be outside wandering to and fro whenever you liked, I looked forward to the time I could join them.  However, I was disappointed greatly to discover that such freedom as I had imagined was brief if it actually existed, work, wages and a hundred other things imprison all of us daily.  
When young life is bright, the future tempts with excitement and pleasures, travel, strange places, new temptations, new pleasures, new people, and adventure moulded to the individuals needs, or so I thought.  Reality was not the same.  Being an adult did not bring much bar wondering what was for tea that night?  What shall I eat tomorrow?  Where can I buy cheap the required clothes?  And so on.  Living in London people spoke of the many wonderful places to visit, the shows to see, the stars, the pleasures available, yes indeed some were tasted, however, travel across London takes time, pleasures are expensive, work tiring and most do not spend their time enjoying the city, they are too busy just living.
Then, suddenly, one day you are a grandfather.  Not that you are a grandfather, it is just that you are old!  In your mind you are 25, in the body 30 years have been added.  The need for distant pleasures fades somewhat, those you once laughed at sitting, possibly in the car, staring out at sea, you no longer laugh at because you are one of them, chomping on sandwiches while staring at the sea suddenly is fun.  The bright lights are faded in your eyes, the joys empty, the pleasures too expensive and not worth much.  Rather the smile of a child in the family, a dogs wagging tail or a cat sitting on the laptop appear more interesting and the joy longer lasting.
This of course does not mean you are dead!  Indeed no, programmes like 'Last of the Summer Wine' which many disliked as the humour was stinted, reflect many a gang of elderly statesmen who, in one way or another, behave in similar style.  The potential for trouble, as any wife will inform you, from the men seeking excitement can suddenly appear.  Those who volunteer in some capacity will always find ways to have fun.  Before the virus many groups aimed at the elderly abounded for those who cared to try them, not me, and aged adventure could be attended to.  Especially if there were three or four silly men involved.  Most such men must be bored now.