Showing posts with label Zelensky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zelensky. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Zelensky and Charity


One thing is clear, Zelensky has allowed the world to see Trump as he is.  No hiding from anyone.  The fact that many in the US are claiming to support Trump indicates either desperation to keep their position or a lack of thinking power in the US mind set.   The ambush was well set up, but the Ukrainian was not there to be whitewashed and nor was he selling out to Putin's man.  
Noticeably the BBC has played down Trump and Sarah Smith, once renown for lying for BBC Scotland attacked him rather than Trump and his boy.  You are left asking why this should be?
Sunday see the Ukraine leader meeting the English King, hopefully the king will wear one of those green shirts at the meeting, just for a laugh.

I was forced out this morning, much against my better self, as I broke my cafetiere when cleaning it.  This meant trudging round the charity shops before finding a large size one, the only one available, which will have to do for now.  Of course this has problems but desperation early in the morning will see me through this.  
Not that I am going anywhere tomorrow, I just want to lie down all day and think nice thoughts.  My mind and bulk are too tired.  However, I went out today and searched also buying a small lamp as the one I have is too dark.  Here is me budgeting carefully from day one on the month and £8 has been spent already!   I am looking forward to the pension rise on 1st April, I might able to buy two more loaves next month!

Friday, 17 June 2022

Working Friday in the Heat

A touch of sunshine today, reaching about 90%F  by middle of day.
I headed for Sainsburys around 8am and the heat was interesting, around 70ish already. Slovenly I wandered back, considered crossing the park for a touch of sun but thought better of it.

Having thought better of that I then went mad and began weeding the front.  Now you may think that's not impressive but I can tell you my back considered it an act of extreme folly.  I cut down what I could, bagged up the scraps and within thirty minutes I was expecting the heart attack.  At one time I did this, and more with no problem, now I was finished very quickly.  I expect |I will pay for this tomorrow.
At the same time as I worked I put on the washing.  By this evening it had all been dried and most of it put away.  That has never happened before!

Boris the clown was supposed to meet MPs 'up north' today.  As always the coward ran away.  There being a shortage of fridges at the moment, the heat has seen them filled with people seeking ice cream, he does his usual trick and runs for a photo op in Ukraine.  
Now President Zelensky is no fool.  He knows why Boris is there and has Boris on a piece of string.  As the bumbling Bunter arrives a list of requirements is produced.  Boris says "Yes sir!" and flies back home, losing the list somewhere inside a bottle under a seat.  Northern Tories are not amused.  He has many enemies, now he has many more.  Each day his hold on reality gets less and soon it appears he will be falling, despite the failed confidence vote recently.