Showing posts with label Gregorian Chant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gregorian Chant. Show all posts
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Sunday, 8 February 2015
Chant, Election and Art
Gregorian chant is a delightful sound in the background. So many choices, often of professionally made albums not by monks, spoil the selection but this one is genuine enough. Played in the background it can ease the pressures of the day - or drive you up the wall!
Jeremy Hunt
One reason to play light relaxing sounds comes from the election propaganda shoved down our throats by the media. Lies, promises, bribes continually fill the press and some are fooled into believing what these self seeking liars say. I am not! Today we read in the Sunday Telegraph the minister responsible for the NHS claiming he is bringing in reforms to end the deaths caused in the NHS by mistakes, poor care and incompetence, deaths he numbered at around 12,00 a year.
Twelve thousand! !2, 000 deaths and not one prosecution? 'Something must be done' is his cry, while blaming the previous Labour government (who have been out of office for Five years!) and not acknowledging his governments failed 'top down' changes which are responsible for so much of the mess in the NHS. He also forgot the privatisation (and he has shares in US private companies he wishes to use in the NHS) which his party's ideology favours.
Let's go back to this, 12,000 deaths caused by mistakes and incompetence and nothing is done as it is all hushed up by the powers that be? I worked in the NHS some time back and am aware mistakes occur daily, overwork causes this, and nobody can be perfect. I am also aware things are hushed up, sometimes to save a doctors reputation, mostly to save the NHS paying out any compensation. Cover ups come not from staff so much as office dwellers who care nothing for anyone bar themselves! Why have no charges been brought by police to those responsible? Why no investigations? If so many are dying why are the police not bringing charges?
No charges will be brought, this is merely another PR stunt by the caring Conservative Party who promise so much, easy promises are their main PR, and nothing will happen except a few cosmetic changes while the girls (and it's mostly girls) running the NHS line their pockets, pass the buck and patients suffer.
This bright but badly drawn painting by Paul Gaugin has been sold to a museum in Qatar for £197 million ($300). It is believed they also bought a Cezanne for £158 recently. If this shows anything it reveals the depth of stupidity and corruption in the art world. It reveals how arrogance and pride dent the thinking abilities of the human mind. Now 'art' has its place. It can be useful, decorative and decent art is worth a reward. However much of what passes for 'art' is not art, it is just selling to stupid people with too much money and a sponge where their brain should be.
The painting shown is one of many the artist offered while sunbathing in the Pacific, each one rather naive and usually of half naked women. He could at least have drawn them properly! However there exists those who consider art worth having, some because they like it, some because they must have what is important as this gives value to their empty lives and some because they have too much money and too little taste.
Art is merely what you like. Sure some is better than others, talented artists abound, but in the end it either 'speaks to you' or it doesn't. Most of what is art today reflects a dead culture but many admire it as it is where they are sadly to be found, but they do not realise this yet. The Damien Hurts of this world are not artists as such even if talented, these are people who have realsied that getting a famous name makes you rich, the art that follows can be meaningless but they know it will sell.
Francis Bacon was clearly mental yet people pay millions for the results of his damaged brain, Edward Munch could not draw yet the 'Scream' was sold for £74 million and Jackson Pollock did not even bother pretending to draw, just squiggles on the floor made his name.
Why pride should require an outlet in overpriced art fails me, if only it would spend its money on something worth looking at, there is plenty around.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Army Cuts

I must say the cuts in the British Army do go quite deep. While we are dragged into Afghanistan to fight Americas wars for them I suggest they ought to be paying for the equipment used there. Look closely and see just what 'our boys' are being forced to 'make do' with against a force armed with rocket propelled grenades and Kalashnikovs! It's a disgrace!

I came across Radio Set the other day. It plays Gregorian Chant 24 hours a day, daily.
Gregorian Chant is, and I quote their blurb :-
"Plainsong with melodic contours which are closely tied to the spoken rhythms and inflections of the text. Introduced in the liturgy by pope Gregory I (540-604), this strictly calm and soothing music spread throughout Europe having today hundreds of melodies known."
Calming, enjoyable, emotive and well worth a listen, if those around you will hold their wheesht!
Click this link RADIO SET and enjoy!
(One point, it is VERY slow to load, and there are long Radio 3 type pauses in between tracks.)

Have I posted this before? Taken from south of the Thames some years ago, heading out east through what once were bustling dockyards full of poorly paid dockers nicking everything they could get their hands on! My first job at the whisky bond in Leith brought me in contact with lorry drivers who often took our whisky to these docks for expert. Men used to the rough side of the docks yet few of them enjoyed a trip here. Glasgow, and worse Liverpool were bad, but they disliked London docks greatly. Today however the ex dockers speak of it as if this place was somewhat romantic! Indeed the pay and conditions were poor, but the people were no saints!
This pic was taken in a refurbished area and the sculpted cat caught my eye. This is art I thought, but this will win few prizes! Mind you, some lout has probably broken it and chucked it in the water by now!
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