Showing posts with label Police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Happy Tuesday

An excellent result once again for the Scotland side last night.  Written off before the tournament as having failed to deliver on their potential at the last tournament they have dealt that criticism a blow now.  Clarke was finished, the team too old, the tactics woeful, all true as it happens, but things have changed well this time round.
Having to deal with Portugal and Croatia, both containing one of the football greats of the day, and a strong Poland side with another Scotland were given no hope of success.  However, they have managed.  Wins against Croatia, we ought to have beaten Portugal, and last nights late, late show against Poland has seen us in a decent position after all.  OK, third is not great, but another goal in the right place and it would be even better.  But that's football!  As it is Poland are put down to the 'B' division, and Scotland now have a play-off against someone as yet unknown to find out if we follow them or remain where we are.  Soon we will know.  On the whole, things are looking up for Scotland whatever happens.

Allison Pearson's troubles with the police have filled many column inches in the 'Daily Telegraph' and other right-wing papers.  'Freedom of speech' is at stake, 'Stasi Police,' and other comments designed to indicate her innocence.  However, nothing is being said now when a racist crime may have occurred.  This means we cannot mention the situation as it may go to court but she is not being treated harshly by the Fuzz.  
In my humble view the lassie is indeed racist in many of her tweets and comments in the paper, she shares the outlook of the far right, defended the 'Farage rioters,' and may end up in court if the CPS agree.  
The question is, 'Are we heading for a police state?'  Well yes we are.  The law that allows police to stop people praying outside abortion clinics which kill healthy babies, encourage them to (often quite embarrassed by this) come to your door regarding a possible non criminal hate crime, one in which you don't know who complained or why, or even what the problem is, is indeed the beginning of the 'Stasi State.'  
When you lose the sense of right and wrong, when men dressed as women can be called women, when politicians can party while pandemics kill the populace, and when no discipline is found among our leaders you can expect the world to fall apart somewhat.
The thing is we are only at the beginning of this!

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Gunman Gunned

Chris Kaba was gunned down in the street by an armed Met policeman.  For over two years the police investigated, as they do automatically, the shooting.  Eventually, the case reached the 'Old Bailey' and the jury of 12 individuals from the London region declared him innocent.  And this after only 3 hours deliberation!
His family, and other racially motivated groups, are declaring justice has not been done.  The majority of people I suspect justice indeed has been done.
The Kamar chap was driving a car known to have been used in a previous days shooting in London.  When spotted the police gave chase and demanded the driver stop.  Instead he raced away, eventually driving with force into a police car.  On approaching the car, the driver not having got out, a police gunman suspected arms were about to be put to use, so he shot the driver.  
Today, a jury declared him innocent of murder.
The family cry 'unfair,' but now, after the trial is over, a video of Chris Kaba shooting another black man in a club the day before he was shot appears in public.  What we have here is not an innocent man shot by a callous racist officer, instead we see a criminal from a criminal family being shot dead for not obeying police suspicious a gun was ready to be used.
I'm with the police here.
The police commissioner claims some in the 'Black Community' do not trust the police, I think this is true.  Most however, do not carry guns, intimidate other young black men, and live worthwhile lives.
Only the criminal fraternity and the easily led will believe justice has not been done.  And that includes the many white middle class types on Twitter today attempting to encourage race hate.
I'm glad the officer has been cleared, I suspect some in the police will try to put him down never the less, I hope the Commissioner can stop this.

Thursday, 29 August 2024

A Day at the Braintree Museum

This horror, feigning sleep but actually busy kicking mum in the back, came today to wear me out.  Three years (almost) and full of energy.  The intention was to visit a local heritage railway, however, the traffic alterations had made them double back, and I was not keen on my niece driving around too much on strange roads.  So, I convinced them to visit the museum as this was just around the corner and I knew he would love it.

The exhibition concerned the local Fire, Police and Ambulance operations down through the years.  It is a fantastic display with lots for kids to do, and he was soon taking over the fire station.  There are many old items from those who served as 'retained firemen,' sometimes for many years.  Bits and bobs of equipment, some for obvious use and others which make you wonder!  
I particularly liked the model fire engines on display, such as this pre-war engine, and the WW2 gray versions, usually staffed by those who had a full-time job during the day also.  They had some call-outs round here. 

Fire, Police and Ambulance were enjoyable, but when he found a wee shop he was in his element, shopping is a thing for him.  So, we had to spend some time while he bought his shopping, though no money appeared to pass by, and then dad and I disappeared into a darkened room to colour in pictures.

Hunger forced us into the adjoining cafĂ©, where we scoffed toasted delights and the little 'un bounced on the seating.  By this time he had got used to me and was happy to make me read a 'Mr Nosey' book to him, before he ate.  Then it was home and playtime at the holiday cottage for him and brandy and bed for me.  
A good day.

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Police Chiefs...

The news that the Northamptonshire Chief Constable is attending a misconduct hearing is no surprise.  On this occasion he has been found to wear a Falklands Medal which surprised some as he would have been 15 in 1982 during the Falklands War.  There are also questions regarding exaggerating his rank, extending his service and general Royal Naval achievements before joining the police.
Add to this the political opportunism of the Chief Constable in Manchester, who has links to the Conservative Party, regarding the several long weeks it has taken to declare there are no criminal grounds to investigate a Labour Party Deputy Leader regarding a housing question.  Add to this the Englishwoman heading the Scottish Police who has spent a short eternity attacking investigating the one time leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party, and the Metropolitan Police Commissioner in London who apparently cannot see crime in Tory leaders behaviour during Lockdown, and we are left wondering if there are any policemen left at the top level of the police these days?  
The police have never been full of honest and true policemen, they are human after all.  They fill their day meeting the scum of society as well as helping little old ladies across the road, but remain human.  I have in fact a lot of respect and admiration for those who would confront yobs or even men with guns.  You and I would go the other way.  I often consider the two policewomen who attended a call of suspicious behaviour at an empty house.  When they arrived a man threw a hand grenade at them and shot them dead.  Not many of us would take on such a risk day by day and certainly not for the money! 
My dad attempted to join the police when demobbed in 1946.  At that time, with many men leaving the services there were lots of applicants suitable for the job.  My dad would have been perfect at the time, he would have dealt with anti-social behaviour, helped little old ladies across the street and stood in front of armed robbers, all very 'Dixon of Dock Green.'  I am not sure he would be happy with the PC  stuff the PCs have to deal with today.  In the end he was turned down, the demand was such that the police decided all officers must be 6' 2.''  That is Six foot two inches tall to you.  Dad was juts over an inch short, this is a shame as the money was good then.  Corrupt officers always exist, inept and useless officers can be found anywhere, but many still just get on with the job and attend calls efficiently and with wise counsel.  
It is not the officer on the beat, remember them?  It is the men, and it is usually men, higher up.  In all organisations the inept, the pushy, the man on the make, who gets to the top.  The more inept you are the higher you can go in the NHS, Royal Mail, Civil Service and the police.  We have all seen this occur.  Political correctness, following 'Stonewall led 'Diversity,' and box ticking can gain promotion away from the front line for many unsuited to the job.  So often today we see those who once were good officers surrounded by red tape and unwillingness to change the system and that hampers production, if that is the correct phrase.  Having Chief Constables like these cannot be considered a good thing for the man in the street, and in London the woman scared of those who are supposed to protect her.

Monday, 19 September 2022

The Monarchs Funeral and Twitter

Very quiet this morning.  By 8 am an empty airport bus slogged its way slowly past, a black woman, dressed West Indian style walked slowly up the road, a car or two hastened nowhere.  With the major shops shut, a bank holiday declared, and many waiting in for the queens funeral procession on TV there is an air of silence about the town.  Well, apart from that siren just now, trouble down at the bypass I reckon.  Even the dogwalkers are silent, no barking, no gossip, very quiet even for here.  
The constant TV pictures on YouTube, happily without the sycophantic commentary elsewhere, show us men in uniform taking position, crowds eagerly awaiting, some have been there in position for three days!  What loo do they use is my first question?  10,000 Police march into position, all dressed in dark uniforms, the Royal Navy take their position also.  In 1901 the horses pulling Queen Victoria failed for some reason so the RN standing guard were called in to pull the gun carriage on which she lay.  This became the tradition and will be done today also.  Tradition being very important on such occasions.  Massed pipe bands, glowing in Highland dress, full of colours most Highlanders before the 1800s never knew, play as they march to their spot in the ranks.  The crowds cheering almost every move be it police, army or workers preparing the ground.  Others praise the unity found upon such occasions, I find myself asking, will it last?  An event brings people together, daily life soon returns and today will be forgotten by Thursday.
Of course when the media tells us all have fallen silent for the funeral not all have done so willingly.  There is a need for the nation to take note of a monarchs passing but to be honest so much has been over the top and a hindrance to many.  With a growing republican feeling in parts of the UK, not yet an overpowering growth however, many are irked by the response and feel ignored, sometimes angry.  Much of this is somewhat childish, protesting at a funeral for instance, and much a 'chip on the shoulder' feeling about rich folks.  I ask such about their wealth, and many have plenty of it, and enquire as to how they spend time helping the poor?  "Do you work in a foodbank?" is always a good question, one which gets no reply.  A more balanced debate is required here.

While all this was going on I participated in one or two discussions on Twitter.  A great place to meet objective dialog and sympathetic listeners.  In answer to one man's statement that gay sex was normal I reminded him that this was abnormal, not normal.  He was based in Germany, the German Twitter has informed me this was not breaking the rules, however, UK Twitter has blocked me.  So I appealed, on scriptural grounds.  I am blocked completely now while this is investigated.  We shall see if the gay lobby rules Twitter or not soon.

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

A Trip to the Barbers.

When people begin to offer me money "For a cup of tea," as I stand vacantly looking into shop windows, I realise it is time for a haircut.  Just as well the beard has not got far or I would be 'moved on' by the constabulary.  That is, if there were any passing by.  The days of the local Bobby have long gone, the police constantly tell us they can reach an incident quicker by car than by having a man walk the streets.  There is indeed truth in this.  However, shoppers in town centres feel more security when a man in uniform passes by occasionally.  This also gives more 'intelligence' regarding the people on the ground when a local copper is on the beat.  I note a nearby town has two 'Special Police officers' who operate on a beat regularly.  This is the type of thing that must be encouraged, as well as asking retired officers to work a couple of days occasionally also.  Many would as this would mean little overtime, much less stress, and quite often successful policing on the cheap.

Being the Wednesday Market the usual collection of stallholders were improving their tans while hoping to improve their wealth.  The sun shone, the clouds floated, and the English perambulated by in a Summer like manner, in spite of the chill in the wind.  Did that chubby lass with almost nothing on atop not notice the breeze?  Did her fat protect her as it does whales and Walrus's?  I am not sure where that comparison came from. 
I looked the other way as I passed the cake stall, wandered through the centre hoping for some action, which did not occur, and hobbled back down the newly laid pedestrianised High Street.  To imagine two way traffic going down here only 50 years ago blows the mind away, especially as buses went two ways also.  At least one photograph shows a 'coming together' at the corner of Sandpit Street, now 'Lane.'  Quite how they extracted the single decker from the corner shop I know not.     

I wandered along, tempted by the coffee shops but not by the bunting displayed everywhere for the monarchs Jubilee.  Small kids on bikes or scooters raced past, first one way then the other, mother seemingly unaware they were in the thoughts of several dodging their travels.  A black Labrador dog waited with the owner outside one shop, rising to greet someone who came out to speak to it, who then passed an item to the boss, and returned inside.  The dog was pleased with any acknowledgement, are they not all like that?  
I turned the corner and entered New Street.  Once this was notorious.  Four public houses stood here, three were renown for their 'entertainment.'  The Three Tuns, also known as 'Little Hell,'  The George Tavern,' also known as 'Great Hell,' and the 'Green Man, this was known to all as 'Perdition!'  It may surprise you to know that the 'Cage,' the town 'Lock up,' much in use until a Police Station was erected, was located at the bottom of this street.  Two 6 ft cells often entertained visitors as much as the pubs.  The 'Three Tuns,' has long been absorbed into other buildings.  'The George long since knocked down and rebuilt as shops and offices, and the 'Green Man' now a house, though I think in fact it is now offices. 

My barber, sorry, Hairdresser, was empty when I arrived.  Being market day he has less customers than usual.  He complained that on market day "...people just come to shop, no-one comes for a haircut!"  As the one man just about to leave was also a pensioner this meant little profit for the Bar.. hairdresser today.  There again, ÂŁ9:50 is a lot for a haircut, especially when some of his customers have so little hair unlike I.  
but This man likes himself, he is not so keen on me.  Most of his customers are 'Brexiteer' English types, who share his views and predilections.  I must be careful when I speak as a man with a sharp pair of scissors is not a man to argue with when roused.  His desire to speak well of Boris Johnson was indeed a trying time.  However, we agreed that Boris had indeed, "Spat in the face of his voters," and almost agreed he ought to be hung up.  
One thing was clear, Boris spoke for such as he, and I suspect many here.  Boris has touched the English Imperialist heart, he has made them believe he will stop all those black men spoiling 'their' country, and they still believe in him.  This when they know him to be a liar, untrustworthy, unfit for the job, yet many will still support him come election time.
No wonder dictators have long time support.  How  can it be ended?

I stumbled home across the park, greeted by a dog with a ball in its mouth.  It did not want to throw it, the Beagle (?) just wanted to greet me (twice) and hide behind the seat with the ball.  He had no intention of letting me touch his ball!  He gave every evidence of being happy, though finding the heat a bit much.
Thrilled with my popularity, with dogs, I came home to find the Blackbird singing for me.  As I badly concocted a form of lunch he disappeared, his place later taken by the wood pigeon who normally takes that spot.  
After lunch I played with my mobile phone.  I deleted things that were no longer required, attempted to delete a call from the other day and ended up calling a man on holiday in Amsterdam!  I could not work out how to stop the call!  What sort of an idiot designed these things?  Why are they so complicated? The laptop is so much easier to operate, why not the phone?  Bah!  Now, two texts at Amsterdam prices, prices which increased after Brexit, I have no idea how much this has cost us and am afraid to look.  I will hear in a week or so mind...

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Boris, Met Police,Celebs, Rangers loss


Once again the Met Police (London) have failed in their duty.  The clearly guilty Prime Minister has avoided the large fines that normal people have suffered for gatherings/parties during lockdown.
Once again the MET have looked to their careers instead of their duty.   
Once again the lying deceitful PM avoids responsibilities.
Anyone surprised at this?

The couple who won ÂŁ184 million on the Lottery have announced themselves as winners.  I myself would never admit to winning large sums of money, though such a stroke of what some call luck has never come my way.  The stories of those who win big are not always pleasant.  Many do well, many survive, some break up, ruin their own and their families lives, and do not enter a period of joy.  This of course does not mean that I would not appreciate the opportunity to have such a large sum at my disposal, but at my age what could I do with it but give it away?  
Large amounts ought to go to younger folks with children and dreams.  My dreams are simple, the trouble spending all that amount would weary me, though the girls in the family would have some ideas what to do with it!  
Possibly the new owners, friends of the Tory Party, would benefit the lower orders by sharing the winnings in a better manner, ensuring more chances to win, not small, but not overlarge either.  
For myself I will remain happily in poverty...  

The ladies, Rooney and Vardy, have been filling the papers all week with their days in court.
I ignored them.

Jonny Depp (who he?) and Amber Heard (who she?) have been in court, remain in court, and are filling the world media while in court.
I ignore them.
Most unfortunate that the Blue Bigots lost on penalties last night.  The wee Welshman who cost ÂŁ2 million, earns ÂŁ40,000 a week and could not kick a ball 12 yards past a goalkeeper, cost them the game, and that after 120 minutes of duff football.  Most unfortunate...
Tee Hee...

Saturday, 9 April 2022

Boris, Police, Sleep...

I spent much time considering what to do when I rose last night.  Every time I woke I found myself wondering what to wear, how to move, and whether to bother.  This occurred each time I woke, and I woke frequently for some reason,  checking the time, turning over, wishing I could get back to that good dream.
When I woke my plans fell apart.  
I had been thinking today would be Sunday and it remains Saturday even now!  The keeping track of days is getting harder!  I might have to get one of those digital clocks that detail the time, day and month, better add the year in also, just in case...

Boris had gone to Ukraine for a Photo Op! 
As the female leader of the EU Ursula von der Leyen, has moved around the streets in Ukraine showing solidarity with the plight of the people, as the EU and US have sent massive support regarding weapons and other items, Boris was left out.  So he had to make a special trip to show he was still PM and Sunak should back off supporting the fight against Russian aggression (though Russian money may have paid for the trip).  It appears he is not moving around their streets however, the coward.
The EU and US and many other nations have removed many Russian 'diplomats' from their embassies.  Scotland had cosed the Russian Consulate, but the UK has not returned any Russian 'diplomats' so far.
Maybe they know where the loot is?
Tee Hee, his followers will be fooled, they rest of us will not.
Cressida Dick leaves her post as leader of the Metropolitan Police (Basically the London Police) and I find it interesting to compare the responses to this.  Some are glad, because she has not brought justice into No 10 Downing Street (and I am with them), some grumble about the bad reports of police crime (and I am with them) and some police officers are grumbling because they reckon that in spite of this she was doing a good job.  
Such police too grumble at double standards and criminal police officers, while being upset that the good work done daily all over the capital is ignored, especially the knives they face, the horrors at crime scenes, road accidents, fires, and the many difficult situations they confront hourly, all this on a poor wage and short satff, and they appreciate her support for them.  I am with the police here.  Who would confront a gunman, or a madman with a sword?   Who else would interfere with drug sellers or domestic cases?  Who is first port of call for the mentally ill?  This is now taking up much police time, but no-one report this.  Who do you call if there is trouble if not the police?
Better wages, more officers, removing the absurd university requirement (Thames Valley Police have done this now), and better journalism may help the police, especially when 'Stop and search' is in the news.
But that does not make for a story...  

Monday, 2 August 2021

Clever Dog and Unclever Media

To be a Police Dog these days you need good training, good food, a good handler and an ability to spot a devious, untrustworthy individual at one hundred yards.  Here we see an example of such a dog operating at close quarters.  
Priti Patel is looking on wondering if she can have the dog deported, he is after all an 'Alsatian,' or if you prefer, and she does not, 'German Shepherd,' therefore from the EU, and so clearly foreign, not English and must be removed. 
I would much prefer if the handler just let go..
Looking for interesting news is difficult today, there is none available.  The once 'left of centre' and Labour Party paper the 'Daily Mirror,' is now, according to the badly updated online service, not a place for news.  Today we are offered bribes for young folks to take 'the jab,' 'Love Island rocked by juiceiest episode...' varieties of sick people and their pains, celebs and their broken lives and a pub selling beer in 'two pint' glasses.  Nothing that could be called 'news,' nothing but 'soft news' to appeal to the public.  What you could call 'Bread & Circus' stuff.  
With such a corrupt and incompetent government why does the 'Mirror' of all papers not lead on said corruption?  Where are the items showing Boris and his cabal up for what they are?  Why is such news not considered worth chasing?  Has the 'Mirror' forgotten the readers, or does it instead pander to the readers unwillingness to face the facts about Boris and wish just to survive?
The opportunity to create a proper newspaper at the 'Daily Express' has been missed.  Instead of turning the 'Express' into a newspaper the company, now called 'Reach,' has spent much time slashing the number of staff, reporters and all else.  The idea of turning both papers into anti-Tory papers has not been taken, losses continue, income falls, what a waste of an opportunity.  Or can it be the media that attacks this incompetent government will not survive?  What then does that say of the reading public?

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Empty Saturday

That sums up my day.  Sitting here staring into space, maybe the laptop, occasionally the oven, and once I looked out of the window at the sunshine.   Not much else has been done and it does not look like that will change.  I've read the empty papers, watched yobs through things at one another in central London, grumbled on Twitter and scanned Facebook, and listened to Cello playing on YouTube.  All very nice.  Soon be time for bed, or maybe I will keep an eye on SKY-NEWS and watch the neds being belted...?

Sunday, 7 June 2020

I Wonder...

I was wondering, as I listened to Alistair Begg chat this morning, about the the 'Black Lives Matter' protests.  I mean, protesting a police officer killing someone is fair enough, there are few who would disagree outside f the 'Daily Mail' readership.  There again protests such as this raise the polarisation Trump and his cronies wish to use to get votes.  His voting public mainly still want him to remain.  There again how many parading vociferously in the streets are merely jumping on a bandwagon, this weeks 'cause' and next week back to XR environmentally blocking the streets.  We all like a good cause we can join, this is indeed a good one, but are we now over doing it?
Certainly the wee boys who want to throw things at policemen, loot and destroy will always join one, we saw that yesterday in London,certainly the Right Wing trolls will point the finger everywhere but at the guilty, certainly the media will offer a one-sided untrue story of the proceedings.  
However what is really going on here?
For one thing I have not noticed any remarks re the dead man's life. What was he like?  Had he a record?  Was he decent?  This is important as having seen two men in wheelchairs shot, one shot dead the other by a 'rubber bullet' to the head from close range, we know the police in the US are often thugs.  So what sort of man was George Boyd? I have no idea, and I guess most parading have no idea either.
Brutality from the US cops against a black man is not unusual, why?  Is this because the US culture is 'Shoot first and ask questions later?'  That is a culture many UK servicemen have recognised in times past, it has not changed.  Cops shot at and abused by black men, and women, often involved in drug or other crimes can easily become tempted to consider all blacks the same.  Just as blacks then consider all police the same.  It happens here in the UK just as it has always done.  Bad men have never appreciated the role of the constabulary.
Notice this only concerns Black men and women, Latino's are next when it comes to police abuse in the US, yet they are not mentioned at all, could Blacks be discriminatory?  Or do we not talk about that, and indeed the black on black murders?  No-one among the white chattering class mentions this or the possible causes.  Why?
So we have peaceful protests, a scared desperate President, Brutal police, especially those unidentified, and angst among the caring and the bandwagon jumping set.  
Do 'Back lives Matter?'  Indeed!  'All Lives Matter!'
I put that up on Twitter several times and when I do the white enforcers call me racist!
You see it is one important item that matters, the 'soup of the day' if you like.
The fact is all lives do matter, but Trump has divided the nation, indeed the west, forcing us to take sides,if we don't we are 'racist,' 'wrong,' or at best 'do not understand.'  Poppycock!
We are all human, we all matter, the inept situation in the US should not divide us, instead we ought to recognise what we are.
(Here's the Jesus bit, you can go now)

There was division in the bible.  Jesus made it clear that in following him we could divide our family, lose friends and jobs, become considered enemies of the state, all because we stand up for him. That is the price truth costs.
Paul emphasised the need to stick with those who followed Jesus, not those who followed a differing God.  The OT is full of the people of Israel going their own way and following the world, no good it did them too.
So there is a division in this world, those who follow Jesus and those who do not, there is no other division.  All, whatever colour or lifestyle and called to 'repent' and find forgiveness and new life, no matter the past.  
Indeed 'Black Lives matter' Jesus died for them all, so let them come to him and find real life.  
Indeed 'All Lives Matter' because God loves us all, he died for all, no matter what some evangelicals in the USA Midwest think.  All matter, all require salvation through Jesus cross.

One other thing.  Covid 19, how many will be found to have contacted this horrid virus after parading in the streets?  How many cops will find guns no use against a virus?  Many are annoyed that having remained indoors for the most part others have joined together to spread the virus amongst one another.  I hope they survive.

Friday, 5 June 2020

A Walk in the Park

A brief meander through the town today just as big black clouds gathered.  The sun was shining as I walked out and would do again after the clouds had found where I was hiding.  This I suppose was better than watching all those Twitter pictures of US cops beating strangers for no good reason.  Stick waving thugs in uniform, not all identified, appear to take delight in assaulting passers-by.  Age was no hindrance, young and old 'copped it,' see what I did there?  Even one man lying in a hospital bed was smacked a couple of time by cops FILMING THEMSELVES DOING THIS!  Now we all understand when cops get annoyed with a struggling opponent but this is and can only be called thuggery.  Few cops will be held to account, some police chiefs encourage this, yet in other States, Florida for instance, cops get along well with the crowds mostly.  Proper policing saves riots!
This was followed by 'Hancock's Half Hour' as the health minister lied in his teeth about the Coronovirus problem.  I ignored this.  
I tried but failed to ignore the next Tommy Robinson story.  Mr Yaxley-Lennon, for that is his real name, not the improvised English alias, was in court for punching someone, how unusual.  The scent of Muslims in Barrow-in-Furness had him up there looking fro trouble, pretending he was a 'journalist.'  He ought to try covering one of those US peaceful marches and chat to the cops there I say.  I suspect he will be back inside soon.
I was finding it difficult not to be sick when I read Rees-Mogg claiming he may have to ask Nanny to cut his hair.  I am not sure whether he was joking or not, I suspect not.  Humour is sadly lacking there.


Sunday, 3 May 2020

Sunday Suffering...

Dismal weekend so far.
Weather grey, occasional rain, yet Saturday traffic very busy.  Some folks are getting bored with being inside I reckon.  Many are now taking to the roads for a bit of 'exercise.'  Sunday returned to the quiet however, the grey clouds limiting the most eager jogger.  

There was little for it but to read a book.  This however is not possible all day, some form of outside entertainment is required just to allow the mind to breathe.  Now many question whether my mind has breathed at any time, these people follow from a long line of teachers that I have known, but after reading three chapters we need refreshment.  
There is none to be had on TV, none found outside in the mirk, even less found looking inside my head.  I could of course have restarted all those many books that I have been writing, I have dozens, some of which even reach page two, but the muse has left on all of these and it may be they will join the myriad other ventures that I have toyed with and watch go down the drain.  Which reminds me the sinks require cleaning and a bottle of that smelly stuff dropped down them, just in case.  That is something to do tomorrow.  I could clean the bike in preparation for the sunshine that will surely come this way soon.  My knees may not like it but I would like to get out on it again.    
I may prefer to read books...

I could have continued the research on the local police force that I began years ago.  This did not get far.  The latest police station, the previous two, one with attached Magistrates Court all now housing, and the 'Lock Up,' known locally as 'The Cage,' where drunks were place in one of two small cells to keep the populace safe until sobriety returned.  These gentlemen would remember such actions well.  
I started this when the aged locals were fussing about too few police and 'it was better when I was young,' and I discovered the town had an enormous police force, not untypical of similar towns of the day.  Most of these 'local Bobbies' would probably have had to walk miles around the local villages as well as patrol the town.  I hope they were supplied with bicycles!  The village postman had to walk many miles each day, six days a week, I suspect these men did similar.  
The point is that while many look back to the days when things were better they forget they were actually the same as today.  We were better, younger with a keen outlook to traverse the world and see bright shiny things everywhere.  We forget the fears, problems and difficulties and keep in our minds only the good things. We certainly remember the good things when in the 'Cage' for the night.


Thursday, 9 April 2020

Thursday Trivia

'Thursday Trivia?'  What am I on about?  It's always trivia on here!!!

For a start there is this brute! 
Every time it 'ping's' I rush to see what unimportant item of tat has been sent by one of my few compatriots.  Tat it is, and tat it will remain yet I rush, putting aside important things just to be disappointed.  The other day crossing the field I took it out just in case I had not heard the 'ping' while it was in my pocket!   I felt lost for a while yesterday, then realised I had left the phone elsewhere and was missing it!
I may not charge it up later....

"Lexophile" describes those that have a love for words, such as 
"you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish", and "To write with a broken pencil is pointless."

I changed my iPod's name to Titanic.  It's syncing now. 

I got some batteries that were given out free of charge.

A will is a dead giveaway.

A bicycle can't stand alone; it's just two tired.

The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine last week is now fully recovered.

He had a photographic memory but it was never fully developed.

I didn't like my beard at first.  Then it grew on me.

I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.

I'm reading a book about anti-gravity.  I just can't put it down.

Just as I was closing up last night I noticed the 'Pink Moon' glimpsed through cloud.  Of course it is not 'Pink' and, so NASA tell me, it is not made of cheese either.  They would say that wouldn't they.  What they say about Trump signing an order claiming the right to 'Mine' on the moon may be clear to most of us.  So there I was, squeezing out the small kitchen window, trying to avoid the TV aerial and grab a shot of my moon.  It turned out 'no bad' after all.  Mind you, my nieces husband got a similar picture, so they must have a moon up there in West Lothian also.  Not as good as mine...

Excitement missed!  Some shouting outside today.  But by the time I got my head out the window it was almost over.  Three chaps, of late teen age, had been urged to leave the skatepark.  They did not look like locals and one in particular, large and loud, did not appear happy with the situation.  There was more to this than just keeping people indoors as two men in dark outfits with no insignia were also in the park.  
They black clad officer, now four together. discussed the situation while the three gentlemen making their way East informed them of their opinion in words I do not catch but intrigued the constables so much they hared off out of view to get a better knowledge of the terms used.  Out of vision, isn't it always the way, cars slowed, voices of struggle were heard, and cars stopped then moved on again slowly, each filled with individuals reaching for their mobiles.  It is not difficult to presume drugs were involved here, plus a degree of antagonism not related to being forced indoors, although I suspect someone might be forced inside tonight!
Camera at the ready and I missed it all!  Bah!