Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Yellow Flowers
They say the weather will begin to deteriorate tomorrow so when I saw the bright yellow Daffodils beckoning me out I sauntered across the park and snapped a few. The sun was as warm as a decent summers day and it crossed my mind that April will bring snow as it usually does.
Kids were cycling small pink bikes, mums pushing pushchairs, some sitting on benches wrapped in coats just in case, and high above a thin white streak in the bright blue sky carried 200 or so people towards Europe.
'Europe,' that is what we now call the EU and many round here are desperate to abandon to its fate. Sadly these 'Daily Express' readers have yet to understand that they are the ones being abandoned. If this Brexit goes ahead there will be no 'sovereignty' just Donald Trump and chlorinated chicken! The idea that anyone has sovereignty in this world is plain daft, everybody is tied to everybody else one way or another and this is how it has always been. It is difficult to keep up with the constant niggles in the House but I had to laugh when Savid Javid was in front of a Commons committee.
Stuart MacDonald SNP, to Sajid Javid: What’s wrong with the amendment?
SJ: Nothing.
SM: So now the Gov't’s supporting it?
SJ: Yes. What do you mean, “now”? When was the gov’t not supporting it? When did you hear that? SM: Yesterday.
SJ: From who?
SM: The Prime Minister.
SJ: Did you?!
Here we have the Conservative Home Secretary, one of the Four most important jobs in the cabinet being informed of the Prime Ministers thoughts from a member of a committee as he had not been informed of her opinion from the day before.
I suppose too many in the cabinet were shouting others down and she forgot to indicate what the policy of certain matters actually was. I wonder if she has changed her mind to agree with Savid or whether she is travelling somewhere and canny mind who he is?
India and Pakistan are flexing muscles (I wish I could) and threatening one another in Kashmir again. This is not new, this has been going on since 1947 and was badly handled then and is being badly handled now. Much loud talk of both sides having nuclear arms but the option of using them is unlikely. Many more aircraft shot down, bombs dropped, the wrong people killed as usual but I doubt nuclear war is near. Pakistan is a confused nation, led by the elite who fight among themselves, leaders chances of being killed by those around them a real possibility. India facing elections and will seek to 'be strong' and killing a few Muslims goes down well with the Hindi nationalists, especially these days. Many more to die, many more shouting matches and then peace, it is too easy for India to win - again!
Saturday, 25 March 2017
A Saturday without football is boring!
Nothing to do but shop and mope around the house.
My knees don't need exercise they ache well by themselves so I only wandered round the corner.
Nothing to see bar kids filling the park and spoiling the view.
TV dead.
News still on about the bad guy though some jeering Trump failing to remove Obamacare as promised. Tsk! This man is so used to bullying folks in his business he has not yet got round to the ways of the real world. Politics is not like his world, these folks have power also.
L.B.J. was the greatest US president since the war. He knew Congress and how to make use of the people he knew in it. Urging them with near threatening late night call, three in the morning was a good time, enforcing his ideas and getting them to do his will by almost any means he forced through radical legislation. JFK gets the plaudits but in a remarkably short time LBJ done the work.
He failed in Vietnam simply because of a Nixon dirty trick. LBJ had arranged an armistice but at the last minute Nixon convinced the South Vietnamese to withdraw claiming he could get a better deal. He failed, or just lied, and the war went on costing 20,000 more US lives. LBJ gets the blame.
Trump does not have that sort of ability. He can bully his own but not Congress.
Our friend Mo recently took off for a trip to India and returned with a second blog this time about the school there where she taught them photography, and some excellent photographs came out of this. The blog is Children of the Illam and worth a look. Some of the pictures are better than any I ever took and many of the kids are indeed young! It's no fair! I blame them having sunlight all day, that's not always the deal here as you know.
Naturally there is a need for cash to keep the project going. The photography does not just give them pleasure it can open a real opportunity in life for them. Many have problems that require care and this can develop their minds and give a chance not always available. Have a read and see what you think, it is a genuine need without money being wasted on 'administration' rather than need.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
The World Tonight
Unknown Photographer
The world tonight shows Scotland's capital Edinburgh along with the rest of the nation on tenterhooks as they approach the day of reckoning. Tomorrow the historic decision must be taken to break the stranglehold of England upon Scotland and become an independent nation once again. It is not possible to understand how anyone, bar those making money from London or the sectarian bigots in the west coast can bring themselves to refuse independence. No other nation has ever done that! The lies of the BBC and the London media, the slanted news coverage, the friends of London lining up to spout lies for their own advantage surely have been seen through? Even tonight the 'Telegraph' offers a major headline concerning a pensioner attacked while supporting the NO vote. At no time have the many YES folk attacked been given publicity by this foul paper. It also ignores the owner offering the Scots editor £20,000 to encourage a NO vote! The twisted facts and false promises that will never come to pass must ensure the Scots take the step we must all desire in our hearts, independence. The nation awaits, the world watches on, and I wish I was there!
In some places Scotland's trials mean little. The people of Utter Pradesh watch the Hiindu nationalists trawl through the villages seeking to force Christians and Muslim to return to the Hindu religion. This has led to many problems for Christians with leaders being harassed and attacked as they go about their day. The ability to start a riot must be one of the easiest thing to learn in India, they happen almost daily, and when the Hindu's turn on Christians dwellings are destroyed and people seriously damaged and killed. This will of course get no coverage in the media.
In Syria and Iraq there will be little possibility to acknowledge Scotland's peaceful vote. They will be cut off from electricity in most places and dodging bullets and madmen elsewhere. It makes me glad to be where I am sometimes when I see how folks live elsewhere. major wars we hear about to some extent but smaller conflicts, especially those that are ongoing for some time are less important to our news providers, they wish new action, loud explosions, crying women or some sex story involving someone famous. The media feed up bread and circuses daily and we cannot see it!
Some of course are enjoying their own Garden of Eden, and I am not in the least jealous of them, my skin has an unfortunate green tint anyway with all the green stuff I now eat! The sufferings in one place do not stop us having good times in another. It has always been thus and will remain so until the end. Enjoy while you can, the bill arrives at the end of the month!
I attended a talk at the museum this afternoon on how the Great War affected Essex. This was interesting and naturally afterwards I was surrounded by attractive young women asking me for information. The interesting thing at these events is the offhand information that comes out. Two men spoke to the speaker and later he said both had relatives who died at Gallipoli and lie in the same graveyard there. Naturally he did not collect their names or pass them on to me! Tsk! It did mean I had yet more info to search tonight for the pretty young blonde woman looking for a granddad who survived but the relevant information has been lost.
Whatever happens look up, the sky is always there, even if it is under a cloud!
Friday, 11 January 2013
Old Troopships
Rummaging through some old photographs I came across pictures dad took during the Kings Own Scottish Borderers trip from Hong Kong to Poona in 1930. He included this postcard of the SS 'The City of Marseilles,' ship built in 1912. I suppose many would call this a 'tramp steamer' these days but she sailed happily from 1913 until 1940 including time between 1923 to 1930 when she carried troops around the Far East. A mere 8250 gross tons she managed 14 knots with the wind behind her. Ellerman's Hall Line provided accommodation for 141 first class and 46 second class passengers, what the troops were classed as I would not like to say. A tough old girl she was attacked by a submarine en route Liverpool - Bombay in 1915 and hit it by her gunfire but survived by running!
For me, a journey over the sea waves in tropical warmth would be an acceptable adventure. For a thousand troops it may have been less enjoyable. The playing of 'Housie Housie,' was allowed, probably to avoid the men throwing their cash away on gambling, deck quoits and other innocent pursuits may well have appeared to some the height of luxury, or as high as they might reach anyway. The thought of leaving Hong Kong where five years had been spent
Sadly the poor ship continued to plow its course until once again requisitioned by the needs of world war two. She survived hitting a mine off the River Tay in 1940 but repaired having journeyed later to Ceylon she stranded herself in 1943. She was scrapped 1947.
'HMT Nevasa.' This card accompanies the above ship and suggests they both were involved in moving the troops in some way. HMT, as you know, stands for His Majesty's Troopship. Not that we have many of those these days, if we have any boats left at all under this cost cutting bunch of incompetents! Built in the Clyde, as most were in those far off days, the 'Nevasa' became a troopship in 1915 and later served as a hospital ship also. During the twenties she returned to commercial work travelling to East Africa and India. Consider for a moment how many people were on the high seas in those days. Today the vast number of ships will probably be container vessels, with a large number of ugly looking cruise ships touring the warm bits of the planet, but between the wars vast numbers of people sailed the seven seas, many on Imperial business. Today we fly and think little of it but then travel took time, enabled the passenger to adjust to the differing climate, and allowed the young women to look for wealthy, proactive men heading up the gravy chain as they sailed. Sometimes they just looked for willing men of course. A month long voyage, away from family and friends, possibly with several years abroad ahead, this sounds a better way to go than crammed into a Jumbo Jet! I can hear the splash of the waves a s the boat cuts through them, the gentle thumping of the engines down below, I feel the warm air, note the helpful service, the pretty girls, and the pretty awful ones who will cause trouble, the clink of glasses filled with gin and tonic, all this while typing in woollen gloves with the fingers cut out. 'Sigh' Roll of Honour : Ships
Also spotted on what I think may have been a Kodak Box camera, the folding ones would be too dear, and I remember one being used by us as kids, we see a blurry 'HMS Enterprise.' Protecting the Empire demanded the Royal Navys presence in the Far East Station and 'Enterprise' spent time there from 1928 onwards. Yet another John Brown ship she was launched in 1919 but not commissioned until 1925, I know not why, they wouldn't tell me state secrets. Her twin gun single turret was an experimental type and the heat must have been great as in the picture a shelter is provided for the men working beneath. This gallant little ship was reduced to the naval reserve in 1938 yet when war cam she served in the Atlantic, Norway, South America, the Indian ocean, the Med and also on D-Day. She served well right through the war and was rewarded by being scrapped in 1946. Not much different treatment than what the sailors themselves received.
Look close, in the middle of the Chines harbour there lies an aircraft carrier! Squint your eyes through the heat haze and note the difference between this one and the huge beast being built for the Royal navy today. Yes, that old one has aircraft! You like the harbour, I wonder how different it appears today?
How peaceful with no skyscrapers, flashing lights or hordes of people. It is however busy and many still live on such craft today.
HMS Enterprise,
HMT Nevasa,
Hong Kong,
SS City of Marseilles
Monday, 13 October 2008
Credit Crunch

Once upon a time in a village in India , a man announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10.
The villagers seeing there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10, but, as the supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their efforts.
The man further announced that he would now buy at $20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again.
Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer rate increased to $25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!
The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now act as buyer, on his behalf.
In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: 'Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when he returns from the city, you can sell them back to him for $50.'
The villagers squeezed together their savings and bought all the monkeys.
Then they never saw the man or his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere!
Welcome to WALL STREET.
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
Indian Christians

With a large minority of Muslims, Buddhists and Christians and numbers of other smaller faiths found in the huge land mass that is India it is easy to understand why 'secular' was stressed at the nations relaunch.
However, in spite of the good intentions at the beginning India is dominated by Hinduism. This is a faith that is also representative of a nation also in that Indians are a proud people with an ancient history and proud heritage, therefore there is resistance to religions such as Islam and Christianity as 'foreign' incomers. Many in the UK would understand their feeling here, but it is doubtful those same people would feel any guilt for the Empire taking others land!
Christians have for many years operated in the Indian subcontinent, in many places they have established schools and medical centres and churches have been established in the major towns and cities for many years. However persecution has grown apace, especially in recent times, and even more so, in my opinion, for home grown Christians. Churches have been attacked and vandalised, even burnt down, individuals face persecution and churches, especially in village locations, face intimidation and assault, some people have even been killed on occasion. The local State and city authorities, the police included, instead of supporting the 'Secular State' are very often the ones behind the persecution of Christians. Personal gain, position or bribes are all involved. This leads to difficult times for those who are charged with declaring the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Two friends, Yash and Monica, have for some time been working in their homeland, alongside several friends they have seen several thousand people come to a knowledge of Christ Jesus and have been busy teaching and building these people into a new life. On many occasions they have been obstructed by the local police and now face trumped up charges, the intention being to take them away from their duty to God and kill their churches.
Yash has recently been arrested and jailed awaiting trial. With a blanket and a concrete floor for a bed he has relied on his God to see him through while Monica and others struggled to obtain bail. This was eventually obtained, with great difficulty and at much cost, yet both face the danger of trial and subsequent jail terms. This for preaching the Good News! The experience of an Indian jail is something I hope we never endure and Yash has discovered his friend Jesus did not leave him while there, but I hope we can pray he, and Monica, do not have to endure this again.
The experience of suffering is not new for Indian Christians, the knowledge of what they endure can lift us, certainly me, out of self pity! Pray for them.
Friday, 22 September 2006
Uttar Pradesh Christians
India is a secular country, so why is it that Christians, and Muslims, suffer persecution?
The present government, the BJP, is a nationalist Hindu party. They see other religions as 'foreign' influence so do their best to oppose them. An anti Muslim feeling has of course been strong in India for a very long time. Independence in 1947 saw some terrible suffering for all peoples.
However in recent times the persecution of Christians has become a major problem. Churches, sometimes long established, come under fire in many ways. Buildings are vandalised, individuals are attacked, in some cases murder has been committed. If this causes difficulties for large churches in major cities, imagine the hassle endured by those in small towns or villages. Areas where authority is poor, or supports the transgressor. State governments and police often offer subtle support for such crimes. While many may keep to the rule of law,the law can be abused depending on the pressure from the top. Pressure from the top, that is local and state government, often comes. For instance in Uttar Pradesh false accusations are laid at the door of pastors. Some are charged with 'converting' people from one religion to another, a crime in some states. Lies and rumours are used to attack the churches. Little is reported in the press, local or national.
Why is the Indian government allowing such things to occur? How come other nations do not attack this abuse of human rights, at local and national level? Violence against Christians is not new, it has occurred since the beginning, but questions must be asked of the Indian nation as to its secular status.
Christians need to give more prayer help to those in Uttar Pradesh and the rest of India suffering such abuse. Governments need to pressure the BJP to live up to the constitution which they are supposed to uphold!
The present government, the BJP, is a nationalist Hindu party. They see other religions as 'foreign' influence so do their best to oppose them. An anti Muslim feeling has of course been strong in India for a very long time. Independence in 1947 saw some terrible suffering for all peoples.
However in recent times the persecution of Christians has become a major problem. Churches, sometimes long established, come under fire in many ways. Buildings are vandalised, individuals are attacked, in some cases murder has been committed. If this causes difficulties for large churches in major cities, imagine the hassle endured by those in small towns or villages. Areas where authority is poor, or supports the transgressor. State governments and police often offer subtle support for such crimes. While many may keep to the rule of law,the law can be abused depending on the pressure from the top. Pressure from the top, that is local and state government, often comes. For instance in Uttar Pradesh false accusations are laid at the door of pastors. Some are charged with 'converting' people from one religion to another, a crime in some states. Lies and rumours are used to attack the churches. Little is reported in the press, local or national.
Why is the Indian government allowing such things to occur? How come other nations do not attack this abuse of human rights, at local and national level? Violence against Christians is not new, it has occurred since the beginning, but questions must be asked of the Indian nation as to its secular status.
Christians need to give more prayer help to those in Uttar Pradesh and the rest of India suffering such abuse. Governments need to pressure the BJP to live up to the constitution which they are supposed to uphold!
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