Showing posts with label Zenit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zenit. Show all posts

Friday, 29 November 2024

Old Cameras and Suicide

It was the Christmas shopping wot done it.  
There I was, happily seeking items on various charity shop site when cameras came into view.  Now I have not been out and about enough to warrant seeking old cameras for a bargain price, but I looked anyway.  
So, much later on eBay I saw some of the ilk I desired, and cheap too I thought.  Discounting the many that said 'Please Read,' or 'For spares,' I ploughed through the offerings all the while ignoring the crazy priced items.  My eyes lit upon a prime suspect and for some hours I pondered as to whether I ought to spend money in a needless fashion, I did!  However, when I went for the thing it had gone!  
Somewhat deflated, it was cheap, missing only a battery, and I thought it worth a look.  The other suitable ones were either being bid for or were too expensive.  I pondered a wee bit, the craze of a new, wee camera upon me, and offered myself to buy one that looked good, but twice the price.  I bought and thought that was it.
As I went through the system, after having paid for my goods, I found the one I wanted still there!  They had hidden this from me.  In high dudgeon, and not mentally well, I bought that one also!  When it comes to shopping I am always in control except when I am not.  
So, my friendly postman has delivered two fine cameras, on looks at least.  Now to discover the battery I have does not fit.  Back to online shopping, battery ordered, quickly delivered.  Battery installed but no battery charger, that too is on order, as is a memory card, the ones I have are not working here!  So, day after day, in between looking for others stuff, I am spending money on myself.  This bugs me as I do not wish to do this.  At least it is second hand goods, sorry 'pre-used,' as they say now.  I am not spending hundreds on new items.  I boast about this as many professional photographers will tell you that is how they got their cameras, though of course they actually know what they are doing.
Now I have set up one of my cameras, the cheapest one, and it is not great but will do for carrying around.  The best camera can rest easy until important stuff is required.
Among the collection on view are the Russian cameras, Zenit and Zorki. These were cheap but efficient copies of other better brands and a great many of us learned photography on them.  My brother gave me a Zenit E, which cost him £5 in the 1970s, today I saw one on sale for over £200.  These cameras, dumped once digital took hold, were worth nothing for soo long, the Russian ones on view cost me around £2 each! I looked for a lens for one of them and found they could cost at least £20 and up to whatever you are willing to pay! 
I missed out on a good earner there!  

A cold icy and heartless morning is followed by the news that after a too short debate in the House MPs have voted to allow assisted suicide in the UK.  This is a disgrace!  Just as allowing abortion for the sake of a handful of women dying in backstreet abortions in 1967 so this bill will allow hundreds to die before their time under the pretence of 'care.'  
The aged and disabled, the mentally ill and those who have few friends will soon find themselves offered murder instead of care by the NHS, an NHS which is very keen on killing babies and will soon find it easy to dispose of those who are considered of no value to society.
Care and compassion replaced by an easy option with no care whatsoever.