A glance at the media reveals much about the election, the 'Daily Mail' has put meaningless things such as a tennis players wedding and a boat race for 'toffs' above the election because the Conservative Party is struggling.
Andy whatsisname clearly is an outstanding tennis player, even though tennis ranks as a 'sport' so boring that someone invented Basketball to make tennis look interesting, they failed by the way. Here he is in the middle of a media scrum with crowds of women peering at the dress as if it was important. The wee town of Dunblane would be an ideal place to avoid today if there was anything resembling a brain inside your head, if not join the throng and gape at nothing.
As if that was not bad enough I was lucky enough to be sitting in a cemetery where more excitement could be found than on the banks of the River Thames where a boat race between university teams took place. Normally this incident passes of without notice even though it fills precious TV airtime yet today it was called 'historic' by stupid people. You see today they let the girls race on the same day and women everywhere proved their ineligibility for voting by making a fuss about this.
Now normally when the Olympics occurs I manage to miss most of it, especially when English toffs treat Scotland with the usual disrespect, but rowing is one thing I like to watch. It is a gentle sport, for the viewer, as teams of big hulks tear their limbs apart rowing for miles to win a medal. I like watching this even if it is merely girlies pulling the oars. However having listened to one of these harridans whining this morning about the horrid treatment they suffer, not being allowed to use the men's changing rooms, having to pay up to £2000 to row etc, I felt little sympathy for these rich little darlings. They can afford the cash, daddy pays anyway, if they wish a changing hut why not build one or buy a suitable building? They will not do this as they want it for free, from the men!
I want equality! I want every road gang to be half female and half male, I want the same for scaffolders, miners and 'white van men,' I want the number of murdered men to be the same as that of murdered women instead of 90% being male. I wish men got the same 'consideration' in court females are allowed 'because of circumstances.' I wish for all male selection quotas for election candidates, I wish men could win compensation for 'sexism' the way women do, poor dears. I wish equality but it will not happen.
A 'historic event?' You rowed a boat in a race no-one cares about bar yourselves and the 'elite.' You did nothing while men throughout the nation did a vast number of important things, but they will never be made known.
Golf, the 'Masters' is being played but only shown on 'Sky.' This means I have missed it. Sadly I never realised I was missing it until tonight. I can suffer on without it and I suspect the world will remain the same.

After rising early and finding the weather being somewhat dreich putting off my plans I was forced by circumstances to return to bed this morning. Of course this was much against my will but I struggled through, snoring appropriately, and made the best of it. The plans for doing something having failed I decided to cycle downhill to the other cemetery and redo the photos from their. This I did manfully fighting the wind that decided to blow from the north with a needless intensity. The job done, the men still lying where they had been, I sat and watched the trees with my better camera awaiting the opportunity to picture the wildlife. None appeared! A squirrel in the distance alongside a Magpie were the sum of it all. Birds chirped hidden from deep inside the trees but I could not see them.
I gave up, returned the doings to their place, looked for the bike and lo , high overhead two Kestrel type birds appeared searching for lunch. By the time I was ready for them they were miles away! I suppose they were a mating pair as it is unusual to see two such birds together. Why did they wait until I was homeward bound?
However I returned in time for the Scottish football which does not really concern us until tomorrow when we play Hibernian. I listened to the games online while my bones creaked and the muscles tightened slowly. I stretched, I stretched again, I fell on the floor, I groaned, I stretched, I made no difference. All this cycling is harder than it was last year, I really feel it this time. I might need to get one of those oarswomen to give me a massage, it makes a better use of them I say.