Showing posts with label Sainsburys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sainsburys. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Corporate Prices

A Sainsburys advert flashed across the screen on FaceBook the other day.  Sadly, I did not catch it, I merely dumped it and looked at something interesting.  However, the ad was claiming something about Sainsburys lowering prices, this is always good, yet surprisingly that day in the store I noticed it was incorrect.  
The meat shelves was first, neat selling at £3:75 had risen to £4, then at the coffee shelves similarly the coffee overpriced at £3:75 was also now £4.  That's how to increase sales I thought.  No doubt each manager has to manage the profits in a way that keeps the high ups happy and ensures further promotion in the dog eat dog world of supermarket managing, and this manager has done himself proud.  These are the clear increases, the 10% added to the stuff bought at a slower rate is less noticeable, yet it is there.  
The corporates own the nation and here we see how they make use of their power to rob us blind.  We have no choice but to shop at such stores, Tesco dominate here and both town centre stores increase prices always keeping in line with one another, while the far off Lidl shop is not in my view any cheaper.  Caring little for the customer, caring much less for the farmer and others who provide their goods these supermarkets are happily keeping in with governments of either persuasion.  Vast sums off money are donated, no opposition to price increases are heard in the House, and who knows what benefits individual MPs have received?
The use of 'British' stamped on most goods began under Boris to give support to the Brexit fantasy, implying that 'Britain' could go it alone.  Now the same needless 'British' stamped upon even ice featuring 'British Water,' though whether this is water polluted by 'British,' that is 'English,' water companies is not known.  Today 'British' is used in a vain attempt to put down Scottish nationalism, but instead this increases it.  The recent absurd misuse of turning 'Bells Whisky' into 'British Whisky,' followed by a new attempt to change the Law and allow 'English Whisky' to be granted single malt status is another anti Scottish game played by the English colonists.
These corporates are extending their control now to ensure the shoppers are removed when they get old.  No money to be spent on palliative care just bump them off to save money.  No-one who suggests taxing these rich people will escape under this totalitarian scheme, a scheme the people vote for !  
Supermarkets are crooks robbing us blind like the gas, electric and water companies, all supported by corrupt governments, all designed to keep the people down and increase profits to the rich in power.  Why do the people not stand up and complain?  Where are the protests?  Grumbling on 'BlueSky' is one thing but no action is ever to be seen.  
The people have been ground down, where are the Kier Hardies' of today? 

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Christmas Eve 2024

It was Christmas Eve in Sainsburys, 
All was riot and struggle....
Bruisers fought their way through the mob,
Me, I was too puggle..d.

Last desperate shop to fill every cupboard and the freezer.  After all the shops are closed tomorrow and will not be open again until, er, Thursday...  We might starve in the meantime.  
However, the number of fathers trailing around the supermarket with one child, the dad just as lost as the kid, was entertaining.  Not unusual to see dad's leading the child but less so in such shops.  Mum will have forced them out to get things done at home, this giving her free time and less hindrance for advice from both!
 Talking of starving at Christmas, judging by the number of people now wearing items 'Size Fat,' I am not convinced many will suffer malnutrition here.  Those that might have been to the Food Banks, ours works on Wednesdays so they either went elsewhere or got double rations, I wonder which?  I suspect the Salvation Army or someone else will be offering food tomorrow, I think they did last year.  I must ask about that, usually something is mentioned.

A quick glance at the tv schedules for the tv that I never watch shows that apart from a religious service most BBC one and two offer kids type movies, game shows with added celebrities I have never heard off, the News and weather, and little else.  I would watch some of this to see what I am missing but expect within a short time I would be moving away from that.  Possibly the wireless will offer better, I will look that up later tonight while supping from the Bottle of Jura that was accidentally opened before Christmas, I know not how.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, 
and an understanding of what Jesus coming means for us all.

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Long Weekend

It is the time of the year when the yellow flowers begin to announce themselves.  This brings joy to the bees and other beasties that will flock to them once they emerge from their cocoons.  These ones were improving a small grass area at the side of the pavement by reflecting the amazingly strong sun this morning.  As the white blossums begin to fade the yellow flowers appear alongside many other colourful wee buds.  This makes everyone much happier and the scowls around us hide an enjoyment we all share.
Naturally, this being the May Bank Holiday, the weather has already turned and cloud is covering us now.  Monday will feature rain and sunshine with occasional lighting bolts.  Just what you want on a Holiday Monday. 

In spite of the sun I managed to make communion this morning.  How nice to meet friends, share grumbles, be ridiculed and get a lift home.  I was somewhat tired, this became obvious as I found myself heading for slumber when the vicar was preaching.  I think we need to offer coffee before the service, not afterwards.  

For reasons unknown the press has ignored the results of the local elections for the most part.  No paper led with it, the tabloids ignored it, and the Tory owners remained in a huff in their non-dom status overseas.  I suspect communication between them and Keir will be on the rise, that the media will become stuffed full of lies, as already happens in Scotland, and Rishi may well be forced by the nazi part of his party to rush into an election.  Maybe this will do us all a favour and rid us of the Suella's of this world?

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Tech Hate

I survived this mornings fight with the Sainsburys self-service machine, only twice having to ask the young lady to fix it for me.  The man next to me had no bother at all, I will have to use that machine next time!   Grrrrrrrr.
This ought to have been no surprise to me, technology has been giving me a bad time recently.  The router keeps switching itself off, when it returns the speed has gone from 55 to much less.  As it keeps happening each time it returns the speed comes back slower, 48 to 32, to 27 to 14!!!
The air is somewhat blue around here.
I think, as the land line phone is somewhat scratchy, I may need to call in an engineer to fail to put it right.  As we speak the speed is a mere 24, good enough for routine things but not good for things that require a lot of resources such as facebook or the football websites.  
There again Ancestry is giving me gip!  I tried to insert a 'tree,' and it is so complicated, the instructions not clear enough for an ageing eejit, and it took several attempts before I began to understand what I was doing.  Several attempts at deleting things also!
Even worse, last night I lost my mobile.  I then spent some considerable time seeking the brute until finding it in my discarded trouser pocket!   
I hate technology!

Smarmy Sunak took another step into incompetence the other day, betting £1000 with Piers Morgan that asylum seekers would be on the plane to Rwanda before the election.  Has any Prime Minister been more galling than this one?  Even Boris would not have fallen for Morgan ruse.  To think, this man has his finger on the nuclear button!

Monday, 28 August 2023

Shakespeare Café, Braintree

Having risen at the usual time, even though it is a Monday Bank Holiday, I sat lamenting my life for a while at the laptop, including lamenting the fact that the spare laptop would not switch on last night, and downed coffee in a vain attempt to waken up.
By 9:30 I decided to venture out into the chilly sunshine and cross the greenery in the park.  The need for a small bit of green is within us all, though not if it is growing on the wall.  So, off I trotted, passing only a couple of dog walkers, and a young dad proving eh is a 'modern man' by walking the two Labradors along with a pram.  The dogs were too much under control, but dad will think he is 'strong.'
I wonder what my nieces would say to him?
Slowly hobbling up the hill I decided to breakfast in the 'Shakespeare Café.'  You will note the spellchecker ensures 'café' is always spelt correctly!  This was indeed a good idea.  Not long after 10 ish I was served by one of the two friendly staff.  These places make it easy today, the menu has set breakfasts etc, and all you do is choose one and ask for 'Set 2 please.'  This gave me a decent sausage, two eggs, on fried bread, two bacon, two hash browns, a wee bowl of beans, tea and two thick slices of bread, all for £9 plus small tip.
As I ordered it did not sound much, but in time a large plate appeared and I realised just how much there was here.  By the time I looked at the two toasts I thought I might not finish it all!  But I did!
A very good clean café, with friendly staff, usually lots of customers, today I arrived when it was quiet, and I certainly intend to make use of this place again.  Neatly laid out, tidy, well cared for and I suspect a great many regular customers.  I recommend this place!
Of course, now I am stuffed I can hardly move.
After this, I carried my increased bulk into Sainsburys, chatting to a Labrador pup guarding the owner at the door, and picking up a bag of wee orange things without a label thus holding up the ever growing queue at the other end.  I blethered my way out of their unspoken fuming, and ran for the door.
Altogether it has been a good morning, now to see what can go wrong with the day.

As I left the Kirk yesterday I sauntered along a road I have not walked for years.  The long way home took me past things often noticed but never pictured before.  The old museum habit of taking shots of anything remotely of historical interest has not died.  So, the school sign, declaring it was Essex built in 1929 somewhat boastfully is taken.  Not a school anymore, but still used for kids in some way. 

At the bottom of the hill stands the 1930s pub 'The Oak.'  Now long changed use it stands on the busy  corner.  This picture shows how much things have changed in just over 100 or so years.  

The 1930s building stands slightly to the right of this ancient one.   Judging by the motorbikes and the fashions in the picture this may be around 1914 time.  The distant houses have gone, industrial use now, but at first sight, apart from the rickets, 60 hour weeks, and low pay, life appears more leisurely. 

Only those who know their history would realise this lonely, and probably unused light appears to be part of the original 'Lake & Elliot' factory.  Most buildings remain, all in some sort of use, but only one such as I would jump to a conclusion, probably wrong, that this is ancient.

I limped home, getting slower as I moved, wondering if anyone tends these plants that appear to grow wild at the side of the road?  Possibly the council tend them, but I have never seen any action here.  Still, this is better than another fence, however well painted.

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Healthy Tuesday

It was the security man at Sainsburys who started it.  'You are a man who brightens a room,' said he.  'Move the beer belly away from the door and brighten this place.'  Back home I weighed in at a mere fifteen and a half stones, a mere 217 pounds to some, and I decided he may have had a point.  At one stage I was down to fourteen and a half stones, how on earth did it all return?  Well, apart from bad, lazy eating habits that is.  
So, it is green tea, this time with 'Orange and Lotus Flower.'  It remains still an acquired taste, if I am being nice to it...  I'm looking forward to my left over 'Pea shoots' and 'Coleslaw.'  What more could I desire?

Climate change has been appearing once again.  Edinburgh has had sunshine as well as rain, we have sunshine at around 30% and yet people deny the world is changing?  Some say the world is heading towards its end, well yes, I have been saying this for some time.  Jesus did say the world would only get worse, not better.  The earth is broken, and volcanoes, earthquakes, famines, floods and the rest will be added to, and the cause of, the wars that erupt so easily amongst us.  Only by holding on to Jesus will we make it through.  I suspect however, it may be some time yet, but you never know.  That nice Mr Putin may resort to some skullduggery that brings in other nations.  The Chinese may have a change of leadership, North Korea may press the button by mistake, and of course Sunak may start a war to win an election.  Stay in the shade until then.

This is one of three signs outside our door.  The other day the middle one said 'Let Agreed.'  Within hours it had been changed back to 'To Let.'   I realise a rent of around £800 a month is hard for many, but in truth our landlord is cheaper than others, but so many are having difficulty, even if there is two of them, in finding the money.  I can jump to conclusions as to why this has fallen through, but the UK is not the place to go seeking accommodation these days.  Houses that are built are only for those who have £400,000 or over, young folks can get no mortgage and some companies are no longer offering them.  You can tell we have a Conservative government.

Saturday, 1 April 2023

Saturday Sloth


I started the new month in the normal way, seeking for what day this is, working out what the time was, seeking coffee, and then hobbling up to Sainsburys before either I was awake or the crowds had gathered.  At Sainsburys the crowds had gathered.  I filled my basket as quickly as possible, joined the shortest queue at the checkout, friendly crowd here, good young lady on till, and struggled home, huffing and puffing all the way.  
Another month has begun!
This is the fourth, and I still working through the second!  Now Spring clean time has arrived, but thankfully I canny be bothered.  So that is that!  
The constant bug over the past few months has been hanging around making life difficult again.  However, by remaining indoors for the past three weeks, only shopping took me out, has helped greatly. Indeed, this week I returned to exercise and housekeeping!  Both have been missing, and my mind is clearer than for a while.  However, I have been here before.  A virus is not a good thing, they come and go, wave after wave, but hopefully this one will clear off soon, I may even stop coughing for a while.
So, Saturday is football day, and to nobodys surprise the Heart of Midlothian threw it!  A good reason for depression.  It is strange how a simple game like football can mean so much.  We all know its only a game but winning and losing have an effect on the fan.  I cheered my self up by watching Motherwell roundly beat Hibernian in Leith.  That brought a smile.
Now I prepare for tomorrow, Palm Sunday, mostly by staring into space...

      My latest great niece. That cheers me up.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Scotland Returns, Forbes Withdraws, and Prices Rocket

Last night Scotland deservedly beat Spain by 2 - 0 in their second game of the European Championship Qualifying stage.  This was not a shock result, this was the result of an ongoing process carried out by manager Steve Clark, a process that has had it's ups and down's over the period he has been in charge.  Scotland, the nation that not only invented the game of 'Football,' but developed the Laws of the game as they now stand, alongside the 'Scientific Football,' that saw them dominate the game before the Great War, has been through a tough time recently.  Until Steve Clark took charge Scotland were on the way down in football levels, last night they revealed the results of hard work and team discipline which combined with decent tactics and the always required luck, saw them return to the world stage, a stage they have not appeared on since at least 1998.
There has been moments when things looked like they may improve, only for them to fall down all around us.  Individual players of quality have appeared occasionally, but sadly too many lacked the quality, the managers the tactics, and hope that rose soon dissipated.  Questions can always be asked regarding how some players or managers obtained their place, eyes always glaring in the Glasgow direction at such times, but today is not the time for recriminations today is the time for hope and encouragement.  Hope that a renovation of the Scottish League to suit all sides rather than two will occur.  Hope that clubs can develop young players, especially those who are capable of making it overseas in places such as Italy.  Encouragement for those already involved, in spite of their obvious limitations, to continue to give all and develop on the field individually and together.  This is a time of hope, at last Scotland can look forward into the football future with hope, much development still is required, but as a man once said, "This is not the end, but it is the end of the beginning," or something...

Humza is swearing in himself and his new cabinet as we speak.  Each will have been carefully chosen to support the cabal that has undone the independence debate over the last few years.  To begin with offering Kate Forbes a lowly job at 'Rural Affairs' can only be seen as an insult.  Her supporters are also beginning to turn down the low jobs offered them.  This cannot be the way to unite the SNP.  What this man has done is to force half the SNP people who voted for Kate to one side as if unimportant.  This politically is dangerous as they will then gather around her and Ash Regan, we have no idea if she has been offered a post as yet, and form a powerful opposition to Humza within the party.  This sort of behaviour make the SNP look like the Conservatives and can only lead to disaster.  Maybe we can ask again regarding Special Branch operations with the SNP?


I came across this on Twitter this morning, 'Which' offering an idea of the rise in prices at the major supermarkets.  As they say, Aldi and Lidl remain cheapest, but still it gives a good indication of rising costs. 
I noticed this as I scrutinised my bread in Tesco after reading this.  The fancy type of bread I like, instead of the 'Plain Loaf' variety, now costs either £2:25 or £2:40, according to taste.   It was not that long ago it cost £1:60 or £1:80.  Now Brexit is too blame indeed, other factors such as rising energy prices, transport costs, slight wage increases must all be taken into account, but for me the real reason prices increase is greedy supermarkets!  They have us all on the end of a lead.  There is little opposition to a large supermarket, other than a large supermarket.  In my reach lie Sainsburys and Tesco, up till now Tesco were cheaper, but lately they have been catching up with the crooks at Sainsburys.  There is a Lidl up the road, too far to walk these days, but I never found them cheaper anyway.    
Now I can survive this, I simply do not spend on what I can no longer afford, I buy the cheapest stuff if required to.  Some however, suffer.  Gas prices like electric are doubling for me, or at least so they say, what may happen will no doubt be different, and many will struggle to cope.  Many of these will be working people at that.
Remove the government where the PM pays less tax than the workers, where MPs line their pockets on second jobs, and bring in a government of the people, for the people.  Hold on, I see a problem here.  The opposition do not know what a woman is, they have no policies bar getting the 'red wall' votes, and Keir Hardie is turning in his grave at what they have done to the workers.  Maybe an election is not the way forward after all...?

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Dreich Again

The rain pitter-patting outside greeted me this morning.  Had it been pitter-patting inside I may have woken earlier.  I trudged through to the East Wing, agitating the dust on the carpet, brushed aside a cobweb or two from the electric kettle and made tea.
As I clumped up to Sainsburys through the saturated streets, I noticed the sodden pigeons in the park seeking breakfast, oblivious to the rain or the puddles on the pathways.  As I entered the store I greeted the security man, as I did so the water slithered of my cap onto his mobile phone.  I did not snigger.  He did not laugh, but did follow me around on my trail for a while.  Too early for the girls to be on the checkout I made for the self-service counters.  These were busy, and the one woman in charge busier yet.  "Someone is coming to help you," cried one machine after another.  I began to formulate an idea re criminal punishments.  I wondered if instead of 'community service' whatever that is, criminal had to operate the self-service department in supermarkets.  If they were not already psycho then they would be after 24 hours in charge of these!  However, surprisingly nothing went wrong!  I put the stuff through, paid, took the receipt and six needless bits of paper offering extra points for things I bought once a year ago, and went back out into the downpour.  
Splashing my way home I noticed a young man, well dressed, but unfortunately dressed as one of the characters from 'Peaky Blinders' or whatever that was called.  I suppose he is trying to make out he is some sort of 'hard man.'  I would have encouraged him to travel up north and wander around parts of Glasgow dressed this way had he not been on the other side of the street.  I suspect he would dress differently after s day in Bridgeton Cross or the Gorbals.
So the day is set.
Yesterday I made Chilli, and put four bowls into the freezer.  I also attempted Flapjacks, according to an old recipe I once used a lot.  These were a wee bit soft, that is they fell apart.  Maybe next time.  Today, it is chicken casserole for the freezer.  Good grief, any more of this and I will do the ironing, clean the house and dress as a woman and claim all their advantages!  Self ID appears to be the way today. 

The media is full of a terrible incident, Gary Lineker, the well known football presenter, has spoken the truth!  The right-wing have risen as one to attack him and defend the fascist Home Secretary.

The Home Secretary proposed and won with a bill to stop asylum seekers reaching the shores via small boats coming across the channel.  She claimed a hundred million can claim the right to land here, in one paper the term 'billions' is used concerning those who may seek to arrive in the UK.
Gary's tweet brought out all the bile reserved for those who speak truthfully.  Naturally all the 'right' Tories have arrived to defend a woman they all know to be incompetent.  The Daily Mail has more stories on Gary than on the royal family today.  Not even Meghan gets a look in here.  The BBC, in an effort to defend its 'impartiality,' called Gary in for a word re 'impartiality' on tweets.  The BBC has a board of 12, 9 of whom belong to the Tory Party.   The BBC has a Chairman who has donated £500,000 to the Tory Party and arranged a loan of much more for Boris (or was that the Director General? Corruption looks the same in suits)  The Director General stood as a Tory candidate in Hammersmith and has removed almost every journalist offers an objective view on the political situation.  All newsreaders and the ones behind them are Tory led, all political programmes are Tory dominated, few opponents are allowed to speak.  With this as the situation it is hard to understand why Gary's comments are threatening 'impartiality.'  Interestingly, I am told the BBC did not lead with the Bill itself, they led on Gary's Tweet!

The UK has voted, under the lie of Brexit, for a right-wing coup.  This has succeeded and we do not know where this will lead.  It is two years before the next General Election, though something may arrive that changes this, and we have a corrupt and inefficient government, an opposition wearing Tory clothes (which is understandable as they do not know what a 'woman' is),  and the outlook is not a positive one for this country.  
I tell you this is a judgement.

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

The Morning Shift


I hobbled slowly up to the bank just after it opened the doors this morning and made to place a cheque in the 'paying in machine.'  A woman approached wearing a face a doctor's receptionist would be proud off.  
"Yew paying in?" she asked. 
"er, yes," muttered I.
She grabbed the cheque and examined the signature closely while the other staff glared on from a distance.  The vixen passed the cheque around the others who slowly examined the small piece of paper.  
"It looks almost genuine," one whispered.
"Him, paying in?" said another.
In the corner a customer mumbled to the clerk at the 'Information Desk,' "It looks dodgy to me, he has never been seen inside this place before."
The clerk agreed, but added, "However, I have only been working here ten years."
After a quick call to a stunned 'Bank Interpol' service I was allowed to proceed, though the woman with 'Stasi' in her blood did indicate she was watching.  Indeed she was, and soon made clear it the machine would not work while I was doing it  upside down.  Why are self service machines so difficult?
I made for the door, eyes watching me, some red amongst them, others white with little black spots in the centre, I took the opportunity to hide among the early morning throng.  I did notice two men across the way stare at me as I left the bank doorway, "What was he doing there?" one mouthed.
I sauntered through the townscape.  The sun shone brightly, those avoiding the market day crowd sauntered also, mostly in my path I noticed.  Few stalls were seen, though many regulars take holidays in the sunny parts of the world at this time of year.  Push chairs pushed past, invalid carriages also, a dog was walked through the town dreaming of fields and trees, and children were locked in school to everyone's enjoyment.
I felt free.

On my way back to my abode I dared to enter Sainsburys on a Wednesday after 9 am.  I was pleasantly surprised to find the hordes had not in fact gathered there already, it was not quiet but it was almost safe.  Safe that is bar the men not used to trolleys and the women who used them as weapons.  
The security man greeted me with his usual smile, one learned while serving in the Kings Own Royal Deserters, ran that electric weapon searcher up and down me and waved a pair of handcuffs in my face.  
I think he was telling me something. 
I browsed the grossly overpriced fruit and veg, avoiding fingering any in case they made me pay for the stuff.  Dodging two grimacing men facing one another down in the narrow space between the shelving and a staff trolley, and I headed for the meat.  
There was lots of it and the prices were fabulous.  I decided instead to take a walk out to a farm and kill a cow at the weekend, chop it up and shove it in the freezer.  Hard work, but less hard work than paying the prices Sainsburys wish to charge.
Was it Sainsburys or Tesco whose shareholders voted against a pay rise for the staff recently?  One of them gave their staff a box of 'Quality Street' chocolates as a Christmas gift!  As they sell at £4 a time and cost the store considerably less I am amazed at the generosity!  
Carrying a basket enables me to avoid the slow, old people that hinder so much in supermarkets.  Thus I collected the needful and headed for the checkout.  Alas!  The aged population had queued up, blocking the main passageway ignorantly.  This is not surprising from a generation that always considered themselves before anyone else, and so I went off and joined the other young people like myself at the self service tills.  
The young lass, who I had not seen before, was quick to aid those requiring help, even though she at first offered a visage fit for those seen sitting behind Tory Prime Ministers at PMQs.  While we passed items across the pinging till she amused herself by dreaming of her boyfriends/better job/bank balance/way of escape, until a cry of help was uttered.  I think I would rather sit at a checkout that be forced to run back and forward from one till to another constantly as in this job.
Once she had cleared my mistakes, once the security man had ceased glaring at me from across the hall, I moved out into the cold sunshine and braved crossing the by now, full car park.  Dodging the man with the trolley that did not go in the direction he was going, avoided the woman in the red car putting makeup on her face while the car moved, and stopping to allow an ungrateful couple pass with their pushchair, I halted to catch the sun above the church.  
Naturally it comes out dark, that's what happens when you point the camera at the bright sunshine, but I like it and do not have many other opportunities on days like this.
Back home, while the sun hid itself behind cloud and the temperature dropped like a stone, I concentrated on things that mattered.  So, I slept, ate, slept and ate.  Seems good to me.  My knees agreed, and we have decided not to wander out again until Friday or Saturday, and spend the time available doing things that matter.  
So, not much will be done this week again...

Friday, 23 December 2022

Wet, Boring Christmas almost Eve

After last night I spent a short time cleaning up, returning things to a normal state of chaos and dust.
I woke at 6am again, dozed until 7 am, then while considering rising to shop early, I noticed it was almost 8am!  Heavy with sleep I rose and prepared for an early trip to Tesco.  How does that happen?  If I am awake at 6, why am I not awake at 8?
I dressed for the heavy rain coming straight down.  I made my way to Tesco, changing my mind and stopping off at Sainsburys as it was closer.  Here, just after 8 am, the place was full of people avoiding the crowds, thus crowding Sainsburys and getting in my way, one who went early to avoid the crowds.
My basket heavy with overpriced goods I joined the happy throng at the checkout, too much there for me to fight the self-service.  The cheery lass enjoyed the fact that I was wet through and she would go home the minute the rain stopped at lunchtime.   I wished her a happy Christmas!
Back home I put away the drookit shopping and fought the desire to throw Brandy down my throat.  My head was still asleep and the rest of me wished to join it.  However, there were things to do, drying washing to find, who put that there?  And then rest my bones in front of the laptop while the router once again switched itself off for no reason and limited the speeds for me.  I checked the responses on my emails, the Irish song went down well, though one lass in Costa thought she had heard it before.  With no post again, another days strike, no post till next week sometime, I waited for the bell announcing another delivery from one of the other 'white van men,' but it did not arrive.   
Only an after lunch sleep did my mood change, and then nothing happened.  Isn't it always the way?
Things I was going to do never came to mind, until it was too late to bother.  I intended to walk out again but thought better off it, the traffic has not lessened since this morning meaning the shops, town centre and everywhere is packed with people offering 'Goodwill to all men' if they get out of the way!
Christmas increases feelings of 'love' I find.
Good news!  The PM has appeared, mumbled about being carful about using railways, and not budging on strikes, that is the ones he has heard about.  He gave the impression he neither cared or indeed had  noticed any problem.  He may have been spending too much time checking the 'Financial Times' to see how his wife was doing.

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Thurs...Wednesday Drivel

Another October morn with sunshine filling the sky.  Notice how 'Ryanair' and other early morn flights have criss-crossed the skies.  Most are landing at Stansted, others are passing over at 35,000 feet on their way too and from the US or China.  None ask me if I wish a lift.  
As it was Thursady I sauntered early around Sainsbury's, then, enjoying the experience of being outside I dumped my treasures at home and walked around to Tesco.  How the rich live!  I was a bit surprised to see some of the Wednesday market stalls sitting there, and slowly dawned the reality that I was a day early again.  However, I managed to purchase lots of things I do not require, as that is what us rich folks do, and more of the little xmas gifts that fill the bag.  
Back home, I considered watching the latest Prime  Minister fail at Prime Ministers Questions, but I just could not stand the smugness, the non answers, the bile, even though this one actually looks like a PM.
There can be little doubt that while he will amend many things from what the Muppet left behind, he has ceased one or two, there remains many 'Boris' problems as well as the 'Liz' ones to deal with, some will not end.  
The gas board have kindly sent me details of a new deal, mine ends in April, and I am wondering what they are up to?  Gas prices have fallen, government aid is working, and they are up to something.  It arrived this afternoon so I have not read it properly but there is a catch, but I know not what it is.  No doubt the blessed elelctric people will now do the same.

Thursday, 6 October 2022


I received a letter the other day, with an incomplete address, though the postman managed to get it to my door.  This was from someone new, the county council.  As part of Liz Truss's response to the energy crisis she has sent cash around the country to aid us poor folks in our distress.  This is kind of her, so kind that I will not inform her that by nationalising the energy companies she could have saved us a lot more money, and saved the cots of this gift.
However, £80 is quite decent, and a big surprise.  So, wide eyed and having checked this was not a spam merchant playing games, I trotted off to the store this morning to take advantage and fill shelves.  I confirmed with one of the better staff members that this was legal and they were aware of these 'handouts' from a woman who does not do 'handouts,' and began collecting the required goodies.  With my freezer quite full, not of steak however, I obtained the tinned stuff, and other long term goods as I intend to use them much more in my culinary arts. (The word 'arts' here is a misnomer.)  Some £19 was used, the young woman at the checkout appeared happy, and I carried my heavy load away already scribbling in my mind a return visit for other long term goods soon.  
Did I need this money?  I am doing OK here.  I am not starving, indeed the bug helped me lose weight, and I am seeking lighter meals anyway.  However, it is when the gas and electric contracts run out they will then raise the prices to who knows what.  That is when this will be a benefit.  Some have gone from £400 a year to £1500 or so. These often OAPs who do struggle.  How can they pay such bills?  We can take hope that this temporary PM will soon be gone, that a sensible individual will take over, and that intellectually satisfying policies can be offered.  Hmmm... we wait and see...

Monday, 30 May 2022

Mumping Monday

The sky offered the usual Spring deceit today.  As I stumbled up towards Sainsburys the chill in the air was hidden behind the blue of the sky.  By lunchtime I was sitting indoors with my jacket on wondering if I ought to make use of the heater!  Instead I did the laundry, at least drying the ageing T-shirts over that heater warms part of the house. 
Sainsburys, the checkout lass informed me last week, are planning to change things around.  Out will go several checkouts, replaced by larger, trolley sized, self-service checkouts.  Hooray!  Instead of people like me struggling to get a dozen items through a self-service machine soon people with trolleys will be struggling to get over a hundred items through the checkout!  
They will soon be off their trolley.  
Since John James Sainsbury established his grocery shop in 1869, somewhere in London, the company has been one of the leading supermarkets in the land.  Tesco long ago overtook them as 'top dog' but this company is still in their fighting and increasing the prices on their 'own brand labels goods.'  Anything to help the poor Qatar's who own 15% of the shares.
Having hobbled back I noticed changes downstairs.  Later, when I had finished my reduced (but not by much) Chicken Kyiv lunch I heard strange noises again.  These emanated from a man holding a heavy item half way through the downstairs window.  Naturally, as a keen helpful type I wished to offer assistance, my back however, wisely warned me not to interfere when a man is having fun.  So, I ignored the foul language quietly escaping him and settled back down to read the online press. 
This was not encouraging, it rarely is.  Much of the media is dominated by the queens Jubilee.  Now having been monarch for 70 years is clearly an achievement to admire, especially when you have no official power, and many will admire her for this, though not her son obviously.  Parties are planned, two days off have been granted (Thursday & Friday), pubs have longer opening hours and the police more overtime to clean up the mess.  
The church is having a 'special' service for her, including a lunch and a fun time afterwards.  Some cruel cynical types asked me If I would be helping out!  I have made clear I am unable to attend as I will be with the Young Communists, burning 'Butchers Aprons,' on Sunday.  This, as you may imagine, has not been believed by the Brexiteers amongst us.  I fail to see why.

I spent the day sending one or two begging emails, none of which have provoked a response as yet.  And also 30 minutes listening to my sister chatting.  While informative, this leaves more tinnitus in my ear than AD/DC ever did!  I gave her a second hand laptop, quite good enough for her needs, so I could email her rather than use long phone calls.  This she cannot work, her fingers are too aged to cope, and the email has not been set up properly, even though her grandson works for the phone people!  Kids huh?
Now, with no football to watch, I am left wondering what to fill my empty head with.  In the evenings tiredness leads to watching things that require no energy or thought.  Football often fits perfectly here.  Tonight's TV offers 'Britain's Got Talent,' a misnomer if ever there was one, 'Jurassic Park,' and 'Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun.'  I am not convinced this is my kind of TV.
OK then, it is time to read books...


Saturday, 14 May 2022

Baked Beans and Protests

It must come as no surprise to anyone that supermarkets are ripping off the poorest.  I bought two bottles of 'Hubbards Brown sauce,' Sainsburys perfectly acceptable 'own brand' sauce, the other day and noticed it now cost 54p.  Not that long ago this cost 44p, then rose to 48p.  This rise has nothing to do with Brexit!  I did not check the beans this time but I expect to pay more for them also.  
You may remember 2008, a year when Rishi Sunak and his like gambled with the word economy, broke a Dutch Bank and enriched themselves while we all suffered.  Beans at both Tesco and Sainburys then cost 9 pence a tin, overnight these increased to 20 pence a tin, a profit of 11p.  Considering how many   tins of beans would be sold throughout the UK at both shops you can imagine the profit made.  Today we see similar rip-offs from the poorest, those who now turn to 'Home Store' products rather than expensive and not always better, branded goods.  
Brexit has certainly made prices rise among the many other problems it has caused.  Is it, I ask, a good thing for supermarkets, who made a killing from the Covid pandemic, to raise prices on the goods many will now turn to?  
I wonder, would it have been a better idea to lower such prices and bring in the customer?  Such a price war might be too costly for these giant companies who tell us what to eat.  Possibly their shareholders would not appreciate the kindness to those whom they do not belong amongst?  
The Tory MP who claimed it was possible to make a meal for 30 pence, the one who has claimed almost £200,000 on expences, has anyone worked out how to make such a meal?  Take away the cost of electric or gas, even then a sandwich would cost more than 30p to create!  
Comments from Conservative MPs like that have never been lacking, the difference today is that in the past these were odd-bods on the back benches and a few catcalls quieted them down.  Today however, such comments are not opposed, many loudly offer support, and the man in the street appears totally uninterested in doing something about it.
"When I was a lad..." as they say, we wanted a fairer world.  'Make Love, not war,' was a common cry, though 'Make Tea, not love,' was more common.  Maybe it was different with you?   We wanted to change the world for the better.   Programmes like 'Cathy Come Home,' which concerned a woman losing her home, her husband and her children because of the housing crisis, had a powerful effect on the nation, today such programmes either do not exist or are replaced by women's porn or soap operas.  Our generation wished to end war and make the world better.  Charities abounded, protests also, change for the better was demanded.  What protests exist now?  The 'right' to murder a child in abortion perhaps?  The 'right' to consider you are born in the wrong body?  The 'right' to be what you have decided you are, want to be, or just want, is now what matters.  
Concern for others, improving the world for the better, re housing, hospitals, ending war, seeking a better world, are all pushed aside for the individuals desires.  
There are no protests in the streets regarding government corruption.  No protests today demanding Brexit being ended.  No protests regarding a lying cowardly crooked Prime Minister.  No protests filling the streets regarding Priti Patels migrant policy.  
Indeed looking at the recent local election results it is clear many still vote willingly for this government in spite of what it is doing to them!   While many have risen up to oppose not enough will appear come a general election and depose this government.  This when today we hear the Chancellor claim he cannot increase aid to those suffering for the cost of living as 'Due to a technical problem, the computers cannot deal with this!'  Such blatant lying, accompanied with a Patel like smirk, even yet does not cause the people to rouse themselves, rise up and demand change.
What is going on in the nation?