Showing posts with label Heart of Midlothian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart of Midlothian. Show all posts
Saturday, 8 March 2025
Thursday, 12 September 2024
Scottish Football Reflects the Times.
I was watching a clip of the Heart of Midlothian scoring 90 goals against Hibernian. I must point out these goals did not arrive in only one game. The first clip came from one of our victories in 1959, before I had made it to the ground.
Several things struck me as I watched these early games. The goal celebrations were the most obvious. A goal is scored, with ease against Hibernian, and the players 'jumped for joy,' congratulated the scorer and returned quickly to the centre circle to do it all again. No sliding needlessly into the corner, no standing on the wall taking the glory. No rolling about on the ground while other formed a horde about you. Just get back and get on with the game.
The game was no less serious, the attitudes deep. The joy of a win and the despair of a loss great both ways, no less than today, and yet...
People tackled harder in those days, yet there were less bookings and sending's off. Both sides fought hard to win and yet there was less animosity. Indeed, many who bought season tickets for Tynecastle to watch the Heart of Midlothian also took season tickets at Hibernian and watched the teams week about. This is not possible today and many would not understand this anyway.
Life has changed in the last 70 years. Our attitudes to football reflect this. It appears to be that attitudes have hardened somewhat, football success is more important than it ought to be, and this is reflected with many no longer watching great European games and preferring to watch teams further down the ladder where 'real football' can be seen. This includes standing on a near empty terracing, banter between fans, and the occasional dog demanding attention, especially when eating the miserly pies that are on sale from the van on the corner.
Football has got wealthier alongside the nations, neither have become better because of this.
Heart of Midlothian,
Scottish Football
Saturday, 3 August 2024
Saturday Riot Watch with added Football
The beginning of the new football season got under way this weekend. Last night the Championship began well, a 2-1 victory for Falkirk over Queens Park, one of the oldest football teams in the world. Today the big boys got going, and I was thankful to be able to watch this on the overpriced SKY football show.
Much of the day however, was taken up with reports of riots across England, always referred to by the press as 'Britain,' or 'UK.' The use of mobile phones has been helpful but also rather worrying. Watching shops being looted, single individuals set upon by groups of face masked yobs, and the police under great strain attempting to contain large crowds of rioters, none of whom are showing restraint.
The phone footage is very useful, many are now in custody or on police bail because of the images of their actions. One or two have been returned to prison, several others will be breaking their early release orders, and many a mum and dad will be surprised to find the constabulary at their door early this morning, or during the next few days, as their dear precious boy is taken away for 'questioning.'
Why is this happening now I hear you ask? Well Nigel has deliberately made a point of inflaming racism to further his wallet. He himself may have right wing leanings however, mostly he is a front for others who are seeking to destroy the nation through division, all for their own advantage. The favourite so far has been Russia, with President Putin keen to remove the UK from the EU through Brexit and remove what little power was left in the world. Another theory is Israel, seeking to destroy Islamic types in the UK who are a threat to them by stirring up hatred in the UK. Hatred against 'them over there,' is of course easy to encourage and Nigel has been doing just that. I wonder how much he has made from all this, possibly from all sides.
Clearly these attacks are being controlled from somewhere, do the government know from where? Would they admit it if they knew? Musk, and his right-wing leaning Twitter has certainly played a part in encouraging far right thugs. I have spent much time today reporting as 'Spam,' lots of people claiming to be independent souls, all with union flags, all claiming to be white patriots, all saying exactly the same thing, 'Keir Starmer thinks I am a right wing thug.' I wonder if any of them know their foto is being used in this way? Is this Reform or another I wonder?
In the real world however, the Heart of Midlothian saw out a nil-nil draw with the blue bigots. Once again we saw Nicky Walsh display his anti- Heart of Midlothian bias, add to which was the inept Rangers referee upstairs on VAR, one Andrew Dallas, who like his father before him became a referee but failed to understand the laws while keeping the pro Rangers bias. Today a clear penalty ought to have been awarded to the Hearts, the referee being instructed to check the monitor, this did not happen. Dallas, wearing his Rangers shirt did not call the ref and so no chance for him to refuse to award a penalty. Typical SFA refs. The SFA website is also inept, just try to find a referee for a game and it takes you to many places but does not provide a result. Irony eh?
Anyway, we were good, our two Costa Rican's were excellent, and Gerald Taylor has a great future here and is already a fans favourite. This looks like a good season ahead once all the early season rust is removed. The future is bright, the future is maroon!
Costa Rica,
Heart of Midlothian,
Scottish Football
Thursday, 11 July 2024
Dreich Time
It's been a bit of a bind in recent days. My knees not being good, overdoing it on the front and scunnering myself for over a week, then as that eased I fall flat on my face and do my arm. That will take a while to go, possibly months, and twice today I have screamed after I did this aaaaaaaaaaaaagh, and what is left of the muscles in the arm did not like it. Ice packs aplenty in here. I have only been to Sainsburys and Tesco, and that's too far, and now I just wish to sleep all day. Mind you I am happy with that.
What limited hope has been from watching England fail. Sadly this has not happened. Russian VAR men and a German referee threatened by England before the game saw the officials miss hand balls and gave penalties that did not exist. 5 million Scots very unhappy, let alone the Dutch and the rest of Europe! Only Rangers fans and a handful of Scots Tories support the colonial imperialists.
Viva Espania I say!
One man heading for the final will be England's Prime Minister. And I mean 'England's.' Just in the door and he is already stopping them drilling for oil, his 'Scotland at the heart of Government reveals one cabinet minister only, and Keir's promise to women that he would protect their private spaces has gone out the window as he has installed three women and one man all of whom support the trans lobby. One calls herself not Miss or Ms but 'They,' the man Kinnock's son, has a son who dresses as a girl, and the rest have no idea about life! Scotland and women down the drain, I await a 'U' turn soon.
Twitter has been as mad as always, however, most of the Reform bots have gone. It is interesting to see how many claim to be REFORM, joined Twitter 10 or more years ago, have lots of emojis alongside their name, and have 25,000 followers! Somehow I fell these are as false as the REFORM candidates that did not exist.
I also clicked somewhere on a catholic post, I know not which, and have been inundated with people arguing about the Latin Mass. It was tempting to join in and upset many but I just blocked them all, though others still arrive.
The algorithm sends hundreds of posts because you 'liked' or commented on one. No matter what you are then inundated with them. At least most are UK, up till now they have always been US led and of no use to me.
There is no time to read them, or am I just slowing up?
I noticed today some 'WhatsApp' posts I have not answered, and other things are being left undone. Partly this is because of movement difficulty and I suspect too much football at the wrong times and a great deal of sloth could be involved. Football is however, slowing, and less will be available for a while.
The lonely sea and sky.
I've left my shirt and socks there,
I wonder if they're dry?'
Spike M.
I feel like that also. Though I suspect the beach we see here will be mobbed by hundreds and thousands at this time. A little bit of sun and warmth and the UK population rush to the coast to get away from it all, and are stranded among millions getting away from it all. It would be nice.
Gerald Taylor, yet another Costa Rican international who has joined the world's most important football club. If he is as successful and his predecessor Vargas we will be on to a good thing indeed. I am not sure where his finica will be in Gorgie...
Euro 2024,
Heart of Midlothian,
Keir Starmer,
Monday, 20 May 2024
Season Over.
Well that's that. The season ends successfully, third place secured, largest points total for a while, lots of hope for the future with some recently introduced players finding their feet in the Scottish game, and a centre forward and captain who scored over 30 for the first time in many years.
The future is bright, the future is maroon.
Living so far away, unable to reach Edinburgh these days let alone get into the ground, I have become happy with tv coverage. OK, it is not tv, I am not wealthy enough, but by making use of the few games covered by various TV companies I have seen the boys play and have a good understanding of them. The use of PPV is to be encouraged, pricey but one of the ways forward, especially as SKY has been a disaster. The SKY decisions ton only cover 41 of the 48 (?) games allotted to them is a disgrace. Having only two games without the sectarian Glasgow clubs is also a disgrace. No Edinburgh Derby was shown, I suspect the same will happen again, with the added loss of the Dundee derby that ought to be covered. It is time to dump SKY or ensure fairer cover for all teams, especially the Heart of Midlothian.
With only two games of importance to go, the play-offs between Raith Rovers and Ross County for the top division place, I have decided to drop SKY after this as I am sick of the OF bias. I will also save around £40 a month!
However, I look forward to next season as a chance for the Heart of Midlothian to improve their league position, win several games in Europe, and develop more young players for the future. If I see them rarely I will be happy with that.
I have just read a news site that offered me pop-ups.
I left.
Moving on to another I had a video on one side arrive, request for link, a request for donation, and something else before I dumped it.
Every site offers pop-ups, the Daily Mirror site is so bad one of the leading men threw his phone away as he could not read what he had written on the site. He demanded changes, and changes there were.
He was made redundant!
Every news site must ad a needless video concerning a different news story than the one you read.
Every independent site wants your money first!
Some have four 'pop-ups, some have more, and the 'Before you go' one never gets read!
When I am king all these will be banned!
Sunday, 21 April 2024
Friday, 25 August 2023
Busy Friday
Last night, while slugging my Greek wine from Patra, I watched the Heart of Midlothian slug it out with PAOK from Greece. Jolly good it was too! Especially this little man here, Kenneth Vargas, a wee ball of fire who enlisted with us after Leaving Herediano in Costa Rica. While he has a lot of adaption to the Scottish game to go through it is clear he has the correct drive and intention from what we witnessed last night. The first game may have been lost, the second will be a hard game next Thursday, but we are positive and looking forward to the game. Whatever happens, this is where we must be aiming for!
After another busy Friday, Hoovering, ironing, shopping among crowds, and even exercising I find no energy to eat. I instead of food have one of these, as they are supposed to be full of Vitamin 'C.' The feeble, skin covered chips, I found to go with it do not appear to possess any vitamins of any kind.
The day tomorrow is now free, nothing to do but eat, sleep, pray and ache all over. I'm looking forward to it.
Heart of Midlothian,
Kenneth Vargas,
PAOK Salonika,
Red Pepper
Thursday, 24 August 2023
Thursday Mumble
Another summers day in Essex.
I have been half asleep all day. I woke early, half asleep, had breakfast half asleep, and scribbled a couple of emails before 8 am, half asleep.
I may not get a response!
There has been a lot of scribbling, but not much progress. The hoovering, like the exercising, has not got itself done. There again neither has the ironing.
However, the last washing has been attended to.
A blanket required a scrub, this was done. After a long wash, like they all are these days, 2 hours and 6 minutes! The blanket came out. Though after it finished I forgot to remove it for two hours again.
Unfortunately the rim of the blanket has problems. This I discovered when a cloud of white specks formed around me and remain, even now, on the filthy floor. A white carpet of woollen bits that is getting everywhere!
They can wait until tomorrow and the hoovering will finally get done...
The football at least returns tonight. We play the Greek side PAOK hoping to do better than Hibernian did last night, losing 5-0 against Aston Villa. Whatever happens, I just hope we make a game of it.
Again I am amazed by the wonder of it all. I can sit here watching on a laptop a football match taking place 400 miles away. A short time lag, sometimes as much as a minute, may occur, but it is amazing that I can see this game live. In days of yore we relied on the wireless to hear a commentator at a game. Before that we could only read newspaper reports, never trustworthy at that. Now I can watch the game almost live.
During the period from the mid 70s until the late 80s I saw little football, and what was available was always English. It was as though I was living in a foreign country, not a United Kingdom. Newspapers were rare then, radio and TV information almost unheard off, and nobody in this nation cared. There is no United Kingdom, Scotland is just a colony of an imperialist England. Without Scotland England would die, and they know it. It is time to ensure this happens.
Heart of Midlothian,
United Kingdom
Thursday, 27 July 2023
Late Delivery
No rain this morning. Cloudy sky yes, rain no. So I prepared for a haircut!
Shoes on, not the slipper things I tried to go out with the other day, jacket on, glance out the window and off I go downstairs.
I open the door and the rain is thundering down!
One huge dark grey cloud hovers above me, drenching the park opposite and all who were dwelling therein. To my right heavy drops crashed onto the road, the cars, the people sheltering ineffectively under the brolly. To my left bright blue sky beckoned, a white cotton wool cloud reared up to the heavens, speaking of warmer climes.
I waited inside the door.
Eventually life moved on. My hair was cut by a lovely young lassie who, when I remarked on all the grey stuff lying around, informed that this was 'Very fashionable today.' What a clever lass.
The new day is already half over, the sun is shining now I am indoors, and once again nothing has happened. The media crow over their defeat of the woman in charge of 'Coutts Bank,' as she resigns her position, after Government threats. Even the burning tourists are pushed aside for this one. What else are the press ignoring/covering up? The question as to why a wee girl, known to Boris, gets into the Lords perhaps?
Thursday morning.
Once again I forgot about this. I was so busy doing nothing that I forgot until late at night. Too late to finish of a meaningless post.
So I will take up the meaninglessness this morning.
The usual international clearances are required, but as always it is the Visa that is a problem. This as you will know, is controlled by the English Colonial office in Westminster, and they may decide he is not wanted, him being foreign and all that. So we wait and see.
David Roberts - The Aqueduct of the Nile
Costa Rica,
Heart of Midlothian,
Rock Dove,
Sunday, 7 May 2023
Willie Collum Does it Again for His Team
Another Heart of Midlothian v Celtic game, another example of Willie Collum's deliberate bending of the rules to benefit his team. Yet again he takes his teams side. This is not new, I make it six penalties he gave in seven games against us, none of which were penalties, and add to this several non red cards which he decided were red and has shown against this club, and he has gone one better today. Sitting far from home in Glasgow he has made use of VAR to force the referee in today's game to send off a Heart of Midlothian player for no reason. A foul, if it was a foul was committed, a yellow card shown, if that was required, and the Willie demands a red, because that is what he does!
Had I been the boss at Tynecastle I would have taken the players from the field and sued both Willie and the SFA for the cheating we have endured. This is not new, I have seen this as far back as the early 60s when Gordon Marshall was also treated badly by a Glasgow referee. The 'Old Firm' have always had the refs in their pocket. Today, ought to have been time for action. The cowards at the Heart of Midlothian board will fail to react, once again.
Heart of Midlothian,
Scottish Football,
Willie Collum
Wednesday, 5 April 2023
Bobby Walker, Jesus, the Temple and Anguish.
Bobby Walker was the greatest footballer of his generation. Known by even English commentators as the man with ;twinkling feet,' and considered by no less than Billy Meredith the great Welsh winger (who had over 70 caps for his country) as the best footballer around.
He is of course almost unknown outside of Edinburgh today.
Born in 1879, not far from the origins of the Heart of Midlothian itself, this late Victorian young man moved to Gorgie, watched the Heart of Midlothian bring the Scottish Cup home in 1891, what a delight! and was destined to play for his club. Beginning as a 14 year old at Dalry Primrose Bobby soon attracted the attention of the Heart of Midlothian. Interestingly (I say) a picture, which I cannot find online, shows the team in 1896. Bobby Walker sits at the front alongside his team, and looking at two or three faces around him I find I recognise them! At least three of the young men pictured are identical with three of the young men who formed the crowd following the Heart of Midlothian during the 1960s. The family resemblance is too strong to ignore. I did not know these men as they came on other buses, but they are descended from members of this team.
During 1896 the Heart of Midlothian defeated Hibernians by 3 goals to 1 at Logie Green in Edinburgh. Amongst the crowd was Bobby Walker, aged 17 and soon to sign himself for this great side.
From his first game for the club, a friendly two all draw against Sunderland, until his last in 1913, a Roseberry Cup semi-final against St Bernard's, Bobby Walker established himself as one of Scotland's greatest ever footballers.
If you read the Glasgow press this fact may have escaped you however.
In those far off days Scotland had two international sides, the SFA Scotland side, and the Scottish League side, both of equal importance then. Of course we only played against Wales, Ireland and England, no other nation was considered worthy enough to challenge regularly. However, Bobby Walker obtained a record number of International 'caps,' 29 in all, including an amazing 11 caps against England, another record.
Speaking of records, he managed to play against Hibernians 94 times! There were many more leagues, cups and friendly games in those days. He also scored 17 times against Hibernians at Easter Road, even John Roberson in the 80s could only manage 15 there. Keep in mind Hibernians great centre forward Laurie Reilly only managed 7 against the Hearts and you can tell something of the mans talent.
There is no doubt that his talent was recognised by all in the day, only injury or his own desire stopped him getting more rewards for his ability.
After football he continued to play in friendlies, though his health was not always good. At least this avoided his participation in the Great War. However, his financial dealings were not wise, his pubs lost money, his wife appeared to commit suicide, and he himself did not help by drinking. A great curse amongst Scots is the drink! Far too many die from the after effects. It is to be hoped today's players are encouraged to a different lifestyle to aid long term health.
Bobby Walker died during August 1930, and was buried in Merchison cemetery not far from Tynecastle Park which he graced for so long. Huge crowds lined the streets as his coffin passed by. A rather tragic end to a great footballer.
This book comprised much written by Bobby himself in his autobiography, lots of photographs from the time, and masses of statistics at the end to please the most fervent statto. It is a long read, going year by year of his career, and invites us into a foreign world from the turn of the century and before the Great War. So near in time, yet so different from today. Yet the tale of one talented young man making it to the top in football is no different. Spotted at a young level, signed and escorted by players more senior to him whom he knew. And capable of making the most of his talent, and obtaining great reward for it. He was earning £6 a week at times, a soldier only got 10/- (ten shillings) and many people earned less!
For fans of football and history this is a book well worth reading. The man speaks for himself, the pictures and reports speak for the times. The talent speaks for itself.
On Palm Sunday, though it was not called this at the time, Jesus entered the Temple and upset all the tables of those making money. This was not just a bad temper, the area in which these money changers and merchants were operating was the 'Court of the Gentiles.' This area was where all people could come and worship the God of the whole earth, not just Jews, the 'chosen people.' Instead of prayer what we see are money changers. A rule had arisen that only Temple money could be used, so someone was getting rich. The animals brought for sacrifice were rejected as 'not good enough' and only those on sale, at a price, could be used, pigeons, for the poorest, lambs for the wealthier, all at a price using Temple money. No wonder Jesus was upset! This was a Temple area set out as 'a place of prayer, for all nations,' and instead it was a capitalists dream. No wonder the tables were overturned, the animals set free.
The word 'sorrow' used here as you know is perilupos which is not covered by sorrow. 'Very sad,' 'deeply grieved,' or 'exceeding sorrowful,' says 'Vines Expository Dictionary of NT words.' Here is a man who bows before his father knowing that this cross is the only way to save mankind. Before him lies arrest, opposition, hatred, lies and beatings before being falsely found guilty of being what he is, the 'Son of God!'
He takes his disciples with him, only eleven are left, with the closet three nearby. Three times he appeals to his father for this to be taken from him, but there is no other way. He wrestles with giving up himself to physical assault and then crucifixion, and then separation from his father for the only time in eternity, all for you. Jesus the man has to choose whether to suffer this because you and I sin, and care little about it, or whether he should keep his body, return to his father and let us all be lost, suffering Hell, the separation from God for ever.
He chooses to accept the fathers lead, all the while he struggles and his closest friends forget him and fall asleep. How very like me.
Bobby Walker,
Heart of Midlothian,
Saturday, 1 April 2023
Saturday Sloth
I started the new month in the normal way, seeking for what day this is, working out what the time was, seeking coffee, and then hobbling up to Sainsburys before either I was awake or the crowds had gathered. At Sainsburys the crowds had gathered. I filled my basket as quickly as possible, joined the shortest queue at the checkout, friendly crowd here, good young lady on till, and struggled home, huffing and puffing all the way.
Another month has begun!
This is the fourth, and I still working through the second! Now Spring clean time has arrived, but thankfully I canny be bothered. So that is that!
The constant bug over the past few months has been hanging around making life difficult again. However, by remaining indoors for the past three weeks, only shopping took me out, has helped greatly. Indeed, this week I returned to exercise and housekeeping! Both have been missing, and my mind is clearer than for a while. However, I have been here before. A virus is not a good thing, they come and go, wave after wave, but hopefully this one will clear off soon, I may even stop coughing for a while.
So, Saturday is football day, and to nobodys surprise the Heart of Midlothian threw it! A good reason for depression. It is strange how a simple game like football can mean so much. We all know its only a game but winning and losing have an effect on the fan. I cheered my self up by watching Motherwell roundly beat Hibernian in Leith. That brought a smile.
Now I prepare for tomorrow, Palm Sunday, mostly by staring into space...
My latest great niece. That cheers me up.
Great Niece,
Heart of Midlothian,
Sunday, 22 January 2023
Frost, Bishop and a touch of Toby
It was one of those ridiculous winters morning today. The sky was blue, the sun shone, and the streets were slippery with frost. As I walked, tripping up several times and almost going flat out once, the pavements on one side were white while the frost on the telephone wires above slowly melted, dropping great blobs on heads of the few passers-by. Everything ached, and as I rose that morning my one thought was "I wish it was Monday." Then I can go back to bed, but not today.
Today the Bishop was preaching, so I was ordered there to take pictures.
This once confused me as he is not the Bishop of Essex, just of Colchester. But large counties have a Bishop and as many 'sufferagent Bishops as required, Essex has three. The sbishops, as you may have noted, are strange people, this one however, has his good points. For a start he knows God, though he does have a tendency to the 'Stonewall' nonsense. I was glad he did not mention this today, I may have started something. All went well, he spoke well, many pictures were taken, all smiled.
I then watched as the Heart of Midlothian strolled past the poor Hibs team. This, as you know, is not unusual. The best part was watching Toby Sibbick run up the park near the end of the game and chip the ball past the despairing goalkeeper. Toby Sibbick, the new striker! Another great performance from him, though the team was not playing to well once again. Playing not to good we have beaten Aberdeen and Hibs. All looks good so far.
Bishop Roger,
Heart of Midlothian,
Saturday, 22 October 2022
A Quiet Week...
A quiet week, a week in which I decided to start Xmas shopping. I like to have everything ready and off by December 1st, and so on the last 24 hours I have spent over £300 and still have some way to go. The advantage of 'Amazon Gift Cards' is that they can be stuck in a card and the recipient buys what they want, not what I send. This is better for all, and the girls, and it is mostly girls at the other end, prefer this. I do not ask what they buy!
So I bought the cards, went back for more today, obtained other items from Tesco and B&M, strange the places Xmas comes from, and searched a charity shop or two. Now all I have to do is organise all this in a sensible fashion and obtain cards to go with them. Then there are the online shopping to do, but that can wait till nearer the time, and stuff for little hands round about.
For those I popped into the museum and searched their overpriced shop. I bought a couple of things, searched the actual museum for changes, recognised one of the dinosaurs on display, and bought museum honey and chutney. Home then for the football.
How nice to see the team playing properly today. 'Up and at em' was the cry, led by Cammy Devlin our Australian dynamo. What a man he is. It was his drive that carried us through the first half alone. After a few difficult games, missing many important players, we were heading back to our best again. With the others returning, by Christmas we will be much better off, though probably out of Europe.
The VAR experiment went well, Celtic lost out! Without fair coverage they might have won! Well done VAR!
Apparently we are aiming for another Prime Minister. One of the contenders is Boris Johnson, liar, cheat and idiot, who considers the nation needs him. Maybe he plans to kill another 180,000 in two years? I wonder if the temporary PM will release the 'Russian Report' that Boris refused to release, as it contains evidence of his treason and all the Russian money pouring into Tory funds? I somehow doubt it, decency is not her way. So, the comedy show continues, we await developments.
Boris Johnson,
Heart of Midlothian,
Liz Truss
Friday, 16 September 2022
Nothing to say Friday
Life has been busy recently. At least having to watch football at 5:45 and 20:00 hrs three days running I fond this quite tiring. Made worse by watching replays of games the next day. Still, someone has to do it. Anyway, the Heart of Midlothian did well considering their many injuries, including during this game, and successfully overcame the Latvian opponents. It has been a long time since we were at this level, and it shows.
I have however, managed to work out a setting that enables a poor shot of the moon. Naturally it is ebbing away now, and this morning I noticed it had moved across the sky to the west. Why can they not keep these things in one place so I can set the camera up properly? Tsk!
The 'Lying in State' and Charles touring the country has left little space for other news. This of course has not stopped the Conservative leader from releasing licences to 'Frack' for oil in various places. This done on the day the queen lay in state in Edinburgh! How noble. While Charles and Camilla 'walk about' greeting happy Welsh folks today I am left wondering what Liz is doing. She has ensured she was seen on camera in Edinburgh, Northern Ireland and Wales, none of whom want her, and managed a hate filled glare at Nicola while she read first during the service in St Giles. Tasteful. While she will no doubt take advantage of the time to meet with leaders from many nations in the next few days, as indeed she ought, I will be amazed if any are happy with her. Joe is annoyed about the Protocol, China, if any arrive, are annoyed about Taiwan, Russia is annoyed Putin was not invited! She has at least allowed the Bankers to increase their bonus's, another Brexit benefit.
Poor Charlie and his woman, feted everywhere, then stabbed in the back at the earliest opportunity. What a life to lead. Well paid, surrounded by servants, and not having to walk to Tesco in the morning as the shops are shut on Monday may be very well but, the queen herself preferred the days at Balmoral when she could just be a housewife. Phillip cooking the BBQ and she washing up afterwards, all much more enjoyable than meeting the people they are forced to smile at.
Heart of Midlothian,
King Charles III,
Liz Truss,
Saturday, 16 April 2022
Broken Cooker but not Broken Hearts
It's been all go!
Or rather, no go!
Everything is falling down around me again.
The preparation for monday has not ended, though much has now been done.
Energy is abundant, until I start work, then it fades rather.
Good Friday was a 'spiritual' day, lots of pondering and happiness indeed.
Friday night was time for Inverness v Kilmarnock where Killie could ensure promotion by winning.
They lost.
However, disruptions for me are abounding. Twice the picture failed for no good reason. 'Cannot play' or some such warning came up, then suddenly it returned. Why? No reason whatsoever.
As it is I was already musing about another breakdown, the cooker. The thermostat or whatever has failed. It comes on, warms a wee bit and nothing else. No grill at all, totally useless.
This with my niece on Monday approaching, looks like cold chicken for lunch!
Today saw me attend wearily to more items, the first job done, the second cleaning the broken cooker after fiddling with it for a while. I had of course switched off the plug just in case.
After much failed engineering I gave up, switched on the kettle and it did not work!
Thoughts of a new kettle, rushing about Tesco, faffing about once more.
Then I considered plugging the radio into the socket just to see what was what.
No radio sounded.
I wisely checked the main box, a switch was down, but not marked as to what it was. I guessed it may help and returned indoors where the kettle now worked.
The cooker however, did not.
Enough now, that will have to wait until Tuesday. The Hob works as does the microwave, but cooking plans have gone asunder.
Another Scottish Cup semi-final, another semi-final against the wee team Hibernian, another victory for the Heart of Midlothian! This was of course not unexpected, History reveals the great gulf between the Heart of Midlothian and the wee team, just look at the record.
Edinburgh Derby
Games: 653
Heart of Midlothian wins: 286
Hibernian wins: 206
Drawn: 155
Abandoned when the Hibbys cried "It's ma ba," and went home while losing: 6.
Heart of Midlothian wins: 286
Hibernian wins: 206
Drawn: 155
Abandoned when the Hibbys cried "It's ma ba," and went home while losing: 6.
Goal scored
Heart of Midlothian: 1102
Heart of Midlothian: 1102
Hibernian: 926
The 'Natural Order' prevails.
The 'Natural Order' prevails.
It was no surprise to find Hibernian players kicking Hearts men all over the pitch, this is what they usually do. It was a surprise to see such an efficient referee allow them to remain on the pitch when other refs would have dismissed them! However, inevitably Mr Newell got himself sent off for violent behaviour, something he knows all about.
Once again the Heart of Midlothian approach a Scottish Cup Final.
Once again we have removed Hibernian from the game.
Once again the media will ignore us and talk about the sectarian Glasgow bigots.
Ah Well...
Heart of Midlothian,
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