According to reports in the 'Telegraph,' playing 'Tetris' develops the brain power! For office workers everywhere this is good news! Psychologists in Albuquerque somewhere in the US have been investigating changes in the brain when this game is played. The mental effort involved in juggling the shapes into lines across the board develop cortical thickness and develops a healthier brain. It has long been claimed that mental exercise, crossword puzzles and the like, prevents the brain deteriorating and keeps people young longer. The mental agility required using 'Tetris' is an excellent way to keep yourself alive!
'Tetris' is one of those silly computer games which have quickly spread worldwide, and now is enjoyed by millions everywhere. I am not surprised as it appears to me the most successful games are often the simplest, not the most complicated ones. Invented by Alexey Pajitnov in the USSR in 1984 the name combining 'Tetramino' & 'Tennis.' A 'Tetramino' as you are aware is a geometric shape. As the patent was granted to the USSR state the inventor made little money from his game. Regaining the patent in 1996 an effort has been made to remedy this. However as so many companies have patents, mostly illegal, many court room battles have taken place over the ownership and these continue today. A wide variety of imitators exist.
One thing is for sure, when interrupted in future for 'wasting time playing daft games' I can respond that I am merely improving my 'little gray cells.'