I cannot make up my mind. Is the advert for this fragrance the worst advert on TV, or is it one of those cheesy ones with groups of happy party goers stuffing their faces? Maybe it is one of the 'magical Christmas' ones that get up the nose in the way the 'Walton's' used to? It's a difficult choice really. This 'I Million' advert is full of fast images lasting a few seconds. Each portrays something young, modern, trendy, and it makes me want to throw up! Worse than the advert is that this is a 'fragrance' for men! Stone me, don't they make 'Old Spice' any more then? I can't get my head around how much this stuff will cost. Only football players and TV 'celebrities will be able to afford it, and yet the people who buy it will be the dreamers who imagine wearing this stuff makes them part of the 'In crowd!' Believe me, don't join the 'in crowd,' there is nothing there!
As for those happy, well dressed party folk. You know that they really would not pay £9 for a cake, even one with a Cognac filling. They would however contribute somewhere to a family get together that will probably descend into chaos. You know the idea,they all dress up, get stoned on cheap wine and occasional brandy and bash one another for a while. Instead of smiles there is bad feeling, divorce, prison and I have just remembered why I have not heard from my brother for a while! He must be tired of being 'detained at the Queens pleasure.' Though quite what pleasure she gets out of it I fail to comprehend.....
TV adverts attempting to stuff food down your throat, sell you trinkets you don't need but the family demand, and warn that your life is nothing if you are not doing what the 'best folk' are doing are annoying me again! Christmas trees, with no biblical significance whatsoever (burn them I say!). 'Peace on earth,' although the book actually says, 'Peace to men of goodwill,' so that changes it then, and 'a magical Christmas' experience, that leaves us empty and deflated afterwards. Family get togethers can be fun, and I like them, but a Christmas of greed, drunkenness and strife, is not what Jesus came to bring us.