Showing posts with label Mum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mum. Show all posts
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
Kids Day
I opened the doors at ten and fell under the crush of kids, mums, push chairs, dads, grans and granddads who were waiting outside. We never stopped and by 11 am I had had to reprint all the paper 'trails' we were giving out, refill all the 'stickie' labels and still they kept coming!
My reckoning claims around a hundred thousand came in today but this might be inaccurate. The fact that they were still coming in long after I left at 2 pm tells us that we touched on a popular subject this time.
I was weary when I arrived, an hour short of sleep, and was posted giving out the trails and setting folks in the right direction. My knees did not like standing all day but I really enjoyed today just the same. Most of the kids were young ones, mostly under 9 years, a great many under 5 years and they were easy to please, few were unhappy and for most this did not last.
A magician was on hand with card tricks which proved popular, one lass aided the kids making cupcakes, she had to run back to Tesco for more six times but the first thing all kids liked was 'cupcakes!' In the big hall many more made magic wands, each and every one in the hands of a three year old designed to 'take someone's eye out.'
This I think was an excellent day even though the quiz was too difficult for most and I had no clue as to what it was about. Still they all appeared happy, mums and dads, including the dad who was constantly chasing his 3 year old this way and that, all smiled and were determined like the kids to get a free sticker at the end of the day. It is amazing how getting a sticker cheers a small child!
I am now attempting to find something nourishing for my hulk. The kids will sleep well tonight, mum and dad will sleep well tonight but none will sleep as well as I will!
Wake me on Thursday!
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Another Day Another Disaster!
The food poisoning I gave myself has had its effects. Today I rose swiftly as a Lark with a headache and eventually set off for work late. Once there I began my good work, organised the place as I ought and made my tea. There was off course no milk so I checked my watch which said it was tn minutes to ten, therefore I should make it back in time for opening up.
As I slipped out the back door I noticed the group of 'walkers' who meet on Tuesdays at out gate heading off into the day, I thought it unusual they were going early. I got the milk, paid the young lady, wandered back through the back door wondering why people were crowding the main door which I had not yet opened.
As I made my way to the start I found the place crowded with people. The girls had opened early I thought but was informed it was ten past ten and where were you? My watch, which never fails, was twenty minutes behind! Why?
As the kids were arriving for the activity at 10:30 I found myself alone with the mums and kids, booking them in and passing them on. A simple task but difficult if the eyes don't focus and you have to ask the kids to find their own names upside down on the sheet. They always did straight away!
A woman booked a ticket for an forthcoming event, a simple task I made a mess off by mucking up her name. Then, having obtained her card details I attempted to enter it in the card machine, it would not work. I tried again, and again, and again but it just bleeped and bleeped and I stopped, sat back and pondered. That did no good as nothing came to my pondering head so instead I just sat back.
The boss came through to check all was well and I explained the situation.
Helpfully she asked, "Did you enter the price first?"
I merely laid my head on the desk and muttered "I hate my life, I hate my life" as this appeared the thing to do.
The paperwork I was using states in large letters "FIRST ENTER THE AMOUNT" at the top of the page.
This I had not glanced at.
It worked next time.
The rest of the time passed in a blur as I attempted small jobs while dealing badly with mums and kids doing another of the holiday week adventures. I canny mind which one ran out screaming though it might have been me myself. I did not attempt to make coffee as I was afraid I might kill the machine.
I made my way home in due time.
The police helicopter found me in the fields nearby and returned me to matron....
I don't think I have had enough protein for my mind this week...
p.s. I've just burned my dinner...
Monday, 27 August 2012
The Blogosphere has been choc-a-block with comments on the late Neil Armstrong. No point in repeating what has gone before but it was indeed a moment to remember that first step onto the Moon! In fact while ruminating on this I drifted off into many memories of the time, including the trip before Armstrong's. On that occasion the capsule went close to the moon, and watching on our B & W TV It appeared to me that they were just skipping the surface of Earth's satellite. It was a fascinating close up of the surface of the moon, almost like being there, we were so close. The memory stays with me and by the time the actual Moon landing was to begin I, like the rest of the world, was agog!
In many ways it is difficult to comprehend the emotions of the time. Here was man, American or Soviet it mattered not, about to leap into space and stand on the Moon! This was indeed as important as those famous explorers of times past, and on this occasion almost the whole world would be able to see it happen. To place a man on that globe hanging above us, sometimes a thin crescent, sometimes huge and bright, all to often hidden behind cloud, was an amazing experience. Having been brought up during the 50's, fed on a diet of 'Dan Dare,' and guesswork regarding space exploration, reading about rockets that would soon speed through space taking us to the far corners of the galaxy was eye opening, and here we were actually doing it! Fantastic!
The night before they launched the BBC broadcast a special programme from the launch site. This ended with the camera slowly passing in front off the waiting rocket, this was lit by searchlights in the dark night, as the theme from '2001 Space Odyssey' (Zarathustra) played. It was an emotional moment. I was, as they say, 'thrilled,' indeed excited. Later my mother and I sat up late into the night watching the actual landing. Here was a historic moment indeed. One of the few real historic events in mankind's existence, and I (along with billions elsewhere) was there.
I had just turned 18, that year my father had died from cancer, and Jesus decided to inform me of his existence. Altogether a funny old year looking back. My dad was born in 1908, five years after man had conquered flight. In his time he saw the development of wireless, television, a depression and a major war. He also saw the new world in 1945, better housing and an NHS without which his illness would have been unbearable. He died when we stood on the Moon, how far had we come? Human nature has never changed and
while we conquer space we still cannot conquer famine, crime, ourselves.
By 1972 when the last man (who was he?) walked on the moon it had become old hat. Space travel rarely excited any more. The Voyager craft and their kind sailing to the edge of the Galaxy excite some interest but rarely does space mean much to us today. The recent Mars landing and the pictures returned have been worth while but far short of the adventure of reaching the moon.
A local scare has seen the police, sharpshooters and all, Zoo keepers, and helicopters aplenty scouring parts of Essex for a Lion! There are thought to be several large black cats, possibly Puma's that have once been kept illegally as pets and now released into the wild, roaming in various places. How true these stories are is debatable. However a large 'yellow' creature was seen, captured on film, and one man heard a 'roar,' and so a police chase was set off.
Nothing was found, and the chase called off as it was 'just a large domestic animal.' says the coppers. Hmmm I hope they are right, or a few dogs will get one big fright the next time they chase a cat.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Today is 'Mothering Sunday' in the UK. 'Mothers Day' is one of those 'Days' that are inventions of the florists and card manufacturers who line their pockets from our guilt. Valentines day is another excuse to keep small, and large, businesses busy during otherwise quiet times. Brave people ignore such money grabbing excuses and are free to inform the world that they do not require special 'Days' to show their care and gratitude to their 'loved ones.' Most of us obey as we know that 'she' will remember!
As it is almost two years since my mother died I am spared the need for cards or chocolates, an expense I can do without. It is strange how often I think about my mother however. Not just the fact that she is not there but when something happens on TV or in the media I can often 'hear; her response. What makes this more intriguing is that yesterday was the sixth anniversary of my sisters untimely death. I often hear her in a similar manner as we used the same expressions (usually complaining about something) and I suspect this is an attitude that goes back many generations in our family! I have heard from Australia a namesake giving evidence of this. That is frightening if we ever have a family get together! I don't wish to be there!
One thing needles me about Mothers Day is that I can only regret not doing anything for her. Since she died I have come to a much better realisation of just what she gave up for us, how she endured the difficulties of raising a family of four on a tight budget, dad struggled to get good work, and yet at her funeral a large number of people turned up, people who genuinely missed her. Mothers Day gives me that 'if only' feeling, and as I have it often enough I do not wish anyone else to endure it. If your Mother, or even your sister, is still around then I urge you to make the most of them. The 'if only' emotion is one of the worst to endure.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
They Have Lost Her
When my mother died early on Saturday morning she had not been in the hospital for twelve hours. Under Scots law this means a death certificate cannot be issued. I am assuming a report is made as we were then told that this would be passed to the Procurator Fiscals office (Google it!) and then a decision would be made whether a Post Mortem was required or if the certificate could be issued.
This would be passed to my niece, she would then discuss with the undertaker the arrangements, and an attempt would be made to fit in with the minister and the crematorium. Naturally, being our family, things are going wrong. For one they have lost her! The paperwork (a yellow form) has not appeared in the Procurator Fiscals office. They have looked and found none. My niece has not thought of phoning the hospital and enquiring from that end, as some ward clerk is probably still sitting on it, and so we await developments again tomorrow morning. Add to this the minister leaving on Saturday for two weeks holiday! While he is willing to fit in as much as he can, including Saturday morning, it would be difficult to find a place for refreshments afterwards and anyway I for one think this would be a bit of a rush and am opposed to rushing this!
Tonight I attempted to book a flight on Easyjet and with each touch of the keyboard the costs rose even more than I had expected. That is irrelevant as it just has to be done. However, as I planned how to rob the bank or mug old ladies to pay for this I had a problem. The printer, which printed OK the other day, has once again refused to print! I suspect the PC and the printer are not talking to each other. However this means too much work for tonight and I have done what I can.
When my sister informed me that she was missing we considered whether she really had gone missing. It crossed our minds that maybe, just maybe, she had got out of bed the other morning and found another woman to whom she could chat. Possibly the wrong lass has been declared dead and my mum is now sitting amongst a pile of empty cups chatting happily to a woman she has never met before. It was her way. The fact that four days have past would not be noticed by a couple of Edinburgh's finest would it?
This would be passed to my niece, she would then discuss with the undertaker the arrangements, and an attempt would be made to fit in with the minister and the crematorium. Naturally, being our family, things are going wrong. For one they have lost her! The paperwork (a yellow form) has not appeared in the Procurator Fiscals office. They have looked and found none. My niece has not thought of phoning the hospital and enquiring from that end, as some ward clerk is probably still sitting on it, and so we await developments again tomorrow morning. Add to this the minister leaving on Saturday for two weeks holiday! While he is willing to fit in as much as he can, including Saturday morning, it would be difficult to find a place for refreshments afterwards and anyway I for one think this would be a bit of a rush and am opposed to rushing this!
Tonight I attempted to book a flight on Easyjet and with each touch of the keyboard the costs rose even more than I had expected. That is irrelevant as it just has to be done. However, as I planned how to rob the bank or mug old ladies to pay for this I had a problem. The printer, which printed OK the other day, has once again refused to print! I suspect the PC and the printer are not talking to each other. However this means too much work for tonight and I have done what I can.
When my sister informed me that she was missing we considered whether she really had gone missing. It crossed our minds that maybe, just maybe, she had got out of bed the other morning and found another woman to whom she could chat. Possibly the wrong lass has been declared dead and my mum is now sitting amongst a pile of empty cups chatting happily to a woman she has never met before. It was her way. The fact that four days have past would not be noticed by a couple of Edinburgh's finest would it?
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Strange and Annoying Day
Being informed of my mothers death first thing did leave me full of thoughts. Some were good and some bad. She had been a marvellous mother who put her children first all her life. I am not convinced she got nearly as much back from any of us, especially me! At 94 years of age this is not an unexpected event, although as she was so well for her age it was not expected this week! However I spent the morning pondering, as you do, not really thinking and awaiting instructions from Edinburgh as to what to do as there is a problem, isn't there always. Under Scot law a death certificate cannot be given as she was in the hospital for less than twelve hours. Dying quietly in the early Saturday morning meant nothing can be done until Monday, and then only when the Procurator Fiscal gives the go ahead. That of course could take days! There again my sister and my niece, who went through this a few years ago when her mother died, are well capable of dealing with all arrangements.
My ponderings were disturbed by those Christians yesterday. In the park opposite they had a little outreach programme. Fun and games for the young of the town. Naturally, after I had several times complained about noise nuisance from such activities, they built a stage that pointed straight at this building. A distance of 100 or less yards enabled me to hear everything, at over 100 decibels, of the music that was mostly 'rap,' and 'rap' with a capital 'C' at that! I have as yet been unable to finish my e-mail to the council, the wording so far would get me at least six months, and it must be said, would embarrass a football player. Quite why this was aimed in my direction I do not know but I spent much time chasing my coffee cup across the desk as the beat moved it half an inch with each blow! "Come to Jesus," shouted the man. He has no idea how near his words became, "Come to....oh, hullo Jesus! Why have I got an axe in my head?"
As I tired in the afternoon, and my thoughts became strained I wondered the use of an axe in such situations would be classed as murder, or manslaughter under diminished responsibility? Billy Graham yesterday has no idea how providential the intervention of my guardian angel was. I still have no idea where all the 'blunt instruments' have gone. From 11a.m. till after four this went on and I could well have done without it. There again as is the way I feel bad about being here and wish I was up north again. Strange how it is better to be useless up north instead of useless down here.
I did get a surprise when checking travel prices however. I once travelled by rail regularly from Kings Cross to Waverley. A grand journey especially with a cut price First Class ticket where one can avoid the plebs! Yesterday I discovered the basic price for Standard Class (What we used to call Second Class!) is well over £200 return! The First Class, (What we used to call unatainable) is over £300 and the National Express company has recently claimed they are losing money running the service! This line has now become Nationalised, as indeed they all should, but prices like this on an enjoyable run are far too expensive. The Easyjet return from Stanstead will cost me less than £200 if I book early, and just over a hundred depending on my return date. No wonder I didn't get home often!
My ponderings were disturbed by those Christians yesterday. In the park opposite they had a little outreach programme. Fun and games for the young of the town. Naturally, after I had several times complained about noise nuisance from such activities, they built a stage that pointed straight at this building. A distance of 100 or less yards enabled me to hear everything, at over 100 decibels, of the music that was mostly 'rap,' and 'rap' with a capital 'C' at that! I have as yet been unable to finish my e-mail to the council, the wording so far would get me at least six months, and it must be said, would embarrass a football player. Quite why this was aimed in my direction I do not know but I spent much time chasing my coffee cup across the desk as the beat moved it half an inch with each blow! "Come to Jesus," shouted the man. He has no idea how near his words became, "Come to....oh, hullo Jesus! Why have I got an axe in my head?"
As I tired in the afternoon, and my thoughts became strained I wondered the use of an axe in such situations would be classed as murder, or manslaughter under diminished responsibility? Billy Graham yesterday has no idea how providential the intervention of my guardian angel was. I still have no idea where all the 'blunt instruments' have gone. From 11a.m. till after four this went on and I could well have done without it. There again as is the way I feel bad about being here and wish I was up north again. Strange how it is better to be useless up north instead of useless down here.
I did get a surprise when checking travel prices however. I once travelled by rail regularly from Kings Cross to Waverley. A grand journey especially with a cut price First Class ticket where one can avoid the plebs! Yesterday I discovered the basic price for Standard Class (What we used to call Second Class!) is well over £200 return! The First Class, (What we used to call unatainable) is over £300 and the National Express company has recently claimed they are losing money running the service! This line has now become Nationalised, as indeed they all should, but prices like this on an enjoyable run are far too expensive. The Easyjet return from Stanstead will cost me less than £200 if I book early, and just over a hundred depending on my return date. No wonder I didn't get home often!
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Mum Dies

First thing this morning I got a call from my sister informing me my mother had died early that morning. She was 94, and it appears had been sick all week. The difficulties of being 400 miles away show at times like this. Now I have some strange emotions, guilt, loss etc. The "If only" bothers me now. A good woman who deserved a better family and now gone. As she would say, we just have to 'get on with it' there is nothing else to do.
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