Showing posts with label Billionaires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Billionaires. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Media, The UK, Owned by Corporates

The Canary, a free independent newspaper, reports on how great an increase there has been in the UK media, owned by a variety of billionaires, concerning the disabled and chronically ill benefit claimants. 
For some time the Conservative administration proposed cut backs in payment for such claimants, since Labour took office there has been little change bar the increase in press attacks.  This is led by Labour ministers, and Labour the party of the 'working class, the sick, the poor and the needy?'  Not any more.  The Labour Party are owned by the same corporates who own the rest of the UK.
According to the 'Canary' research on items on this matter in the Telegraph, Mail, and Times, have risen by 1132% since 2023.  The usual scribbles claim fraud and abuse by claimants, the need for a 'crackdown' though such has been offered since Gordon Brown was in office, and the cost of the bill to UK taxpayers.  Here we see what they wish.  Welfare, which for some reason now includes pensions, costs a great deal.  Therefore to cut it down government make it difficult to claim, I think the form is 45 pages long these days, and acceptance is not guaranteed.  It is not known how many have died while attempting to claim or have been refused help, I reckon thousands.  Money is more important that people and it always has been.
You do not need to go far to look at the absurd 'Assisted Suicide' Bill that is being hurried incomplete and without safeguards through parliament at the PMs wishes.  This will enable thousands to kill themselves, mostly from guilt at being a burden, rather than anything to do with easing pain.  Thus the NHS costs, and they are great, will be lessened and palliative care costs almost ignored.  This already occurs in the Netherlands, Canada and elsewhere, with many dying early or being pushed into considering this.  OAPs beware!
Add to this the report in 'Declassified Today' where the increase in stories urging an increase in defence spending has risen sharply in recent years.  According to their research there has been a rise in stories demanding an increase in such spending since 2020.  This has risen by 2700% from 110 in 2020 to 3122 in 24/25.  TV and radio is becoming filled with agitators for a possible future war, but where are the dissenting voices?  They are not being heard.
Disability, Assisted suicide and future wars are all backed by the same people.  The media barons support all this to save them paying tax, the real reason for Brexit, and they will benefit from sales and shares in the required material wanted to put these plans into operation.  The BBC and other main stream TV channels are all under control, journalists who ask questions are ignored or removed from all.  A coup has taken place, one that was supported by the people as they voted for this thinking they were getting something to benefit themselves.  Instead the corporates have taken over, the intention is to enrich the rich and enslave the people as in days of your.
The people for the most part are still asleep while this happens.  'Bread & Circuses works.  


Saturday, 18 January 2025

The Lawman and the Lawless.


Denis Law 20th February 1940 - 17th January 2025

Scotland has lost one of her greats, Denis Law, one of the finest footballers to come out of Scotland has passed away.  A loss to his family and to his nation.
Law's professional football career began as a 15 year old with Huddersfield Town in 1955.  He suffered from a squint which was fixed while there greatly improving his game.  A man called Bill Shankly, later famous at Liverpool was manager at the time.   Four years later he went to Manchester City for a then record fee of £55,000.  However, one year later Torino in Italy paid £110,000 for him.  Italian life was good but difficulties arose for Scots and English players there at that time, the style of play was far too  defensive at the time, soon Denis Law went back to Manchester, this time Manchester United paying £115,000 for his services, services which he duly repaid with outstanding football.  These appeared to be enormous sums of cash in the 1960s, however, if he played today he would outrank Lionel Messi when it came to transfer fees and weekly wage, his ability was greater than the Argentinians.
Denis Law became a Scotland regular at a time when some great Scottish footballers could be found, Jim Baxter and Dave MacKay played in most games alongside him for one.  Law scored 30 goals in a mere 55 games, other player may score more however, Scotland play many more internationals today.
Born in a poor area of Aberdeen during the war poverty was to be found in a home with 7 children.  He endured the same struggles many others had at the time and later in life was happy to receive the 'Freedom of the City Aberdeen.'  In 2012 a statue to Denis Law was unveiled at the Aberdeen Sports Village, in his famous pose having scored against England, his favourite hobby!  
Sadly Denis endured a type of dementia in his last years.  I recall him speaking of this a few years ago.   Many great players suffered this way in their last years, especially those where heading the ball was featured, and Denis Law was famous for his heading ability.  Whether this was part of the cause must be unclear for now.  
A great player and a great man, much missed by all Scots and lovers of football everywhere. 

The Conservative Disability Bill, not passed before the election, will be passed by the so called 'Labour Government.'  This Bill takes billions from the disabled with little care if they live or die.  This from a  Labour Government!  
We no longer have Labour and Tories these days, today we have class warfare between the very rich and everyone else.  The unemployed, the disabled, those badly paid, and pensioners are all targets for the elite who now run the UK, and indeed the USA and other western nations.  These are bankrolled by rich Billionaires, corporates who seek to end all benefits, and the NHS is a benefit to them, and force the masses to pay through the nose while they sit back and reap all dividends.  
Therefore Freeports and SEZs have become the norm, and soon they will begin reducing workers rights, attacking benefits of all sorts is now normal, and only the upper levels of society, that is those who have now bought all politicians on all sides, will benefit.
And the people have let this occur.
Where are the Keir Hardies' of today?
Where are the men standing up for the workers?
Where is the outrage from the workers?
They do not appear to exist.
Media propaganda has many looking at migrants in boats as the enemy.  Pointing 'over there' to an enemy that can be seen but in reality does not exist.  All the while the rights of the 'Farage Rioters' are being eroded before their very eyes and they cannot see it because of propaganda. 
Energy companies, supermarkets, Freeports and SEZs laugh at the people who sit back and take the price increases and vote for the people who are encouraging such increases!  The people were warned Labour was no more, the people ignored this.  We are now owned by billionaires and few realise this or how it will end.  Law is a fickle thing, any opposition will soon fall under a new Law, easily enacted by a parliament looking only to self interest.  The future is bleak and the lower orders and the middle classes will be paying for it while blaming everyone else!