Showing posts with label Hebrews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hebrews. Show all posts

Monday 7 October 2024

The Promised Land

There is much understandable fuss today concerning the anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel last year.  Most of what we read and hear is of course nonsense.   Ignorant and deliberate propaganda from both sides, and a great many other sides with something to say or a benefit to gain from this conflict, shout loudly to all around.  Israel has many backers, the US and UK amongst many others, supplying weapons and diplomatic and other support.  The Palestinians have support, much from Arabs all around them but also these same Palestinians have grieved neighbouring states with their war.  Not all Arabs supported Palestinians in the past, most just wish to get on with their lives and end their own wars.  
For as long as man has trod these lands war has been the main employment during the Spring and summer.  Raiding and warring has enlarged and destroyed the states all around.  The Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians then the Persians alone conquered and lost this land.  Since then Greece and Rome and Ottoman Turks have ruled and passed on.  War is a constant, therefore war is to be expected when the Hebrews return to a land they believe was given to them by the only God way back in Abraham's day.  
Either this was true, or this was a lie.
If it was a lie and the Jews deceived we can forget about this and move on.  
If it was true, and the only God Yahweh, gave this land to the Hebrews while working out his plan for eternity in this world, then we must look again and choose carefully what we say and do.
Either way, it would be fair to say that politicians on all sides have little understanding of how the Living God works out his purposes, and Bibi Netanyahu is probably not one to acknowledge Yeshua Messiah as Lord.
Thousands have died in this last 12 months, some cruelly, some from bomb or bullet, some from hunger, others from lack of medicine and care.  Some soldiers have enjoyed killing, many have grown up with hate filling their hearts on both sides.  Few have been raised with peace in mind.
I have no answer to the present Israel/Gaza war.  The human cause is possibly Netanyahu attempting to avoid coming before the courts for charges of corruption.  Israel have jailed similar men for corruption before now.  His desire to kill those in Gaza being an excellent excuse to avoid the courts.  As I understand it, he cannot be tried while Premier.  Years of conflict, thousands untold dying along the way, have prepared Israel for this outbreak.  It may last a  while longer.  Many more will die.  
Politicians will talk of peace while providing arms and support all the while.  Israel must be supported, even though few of these men understand what the Lord God is doing here, and that one day they will stand before him in judgement!
I do not understand the workings here, but I know God is working his purposes out.  He is shaping the middle east for Jesus return.  Can we understand this clearly from scripture?  You may be able to, I struggle with the clarity bit.  
Is the Israel in Israel the nation to be surrounded by enemies?  Or does this mean the church of God, the people following Jesus until he returns is surrounded and opposed?  I know not.  
Does Yahweh rejoice in the death of the wicked?  
Certainly not, that is why judgement on us all has not fallen yet.  
He cries out as always that he gave his Son so that you could live with him for ever!  
Our corrupt nature cannot be saved, yet Jesus died for us so a way is open to meet and live with God.
He suffered for us.  
He took our sin.
Turning to Jesus, accepting his death on our behalf, and living for him brings life.
No riches or wealth in human terms, but life everlasting and worth having.
Somehow all this is involved in Gaza today.  
Many there have already met Jesus, they are not all Muslim.  
Many continue to suffer for their belief in Jesus, and not just in the Middle East.  
Let us learn from the conflict there that Jesus is till in control, he remains Lord of all, in spite of our own troubles and what we see in our biased media.  
Let us put our trust in him.