Showing posts with label Anger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anger. Show all posts

Saturday 24 August 2024

Packet of Fury

There is of course little connection between a 'wise man' and myself.
One day recently, I was sitting happily scrolling through E-Bay looking for one thing when I came upon some Chinese tat that might do.  As you know, shiny things attract, and I was attracted to the cheap price.  Only once it was ordered did I realise it was coming from China.  Usually these things are stored in warehouses here all along.  Tsk!
Anyway, I was notified the tat had arrived in the UK 48 hours later and would soon reach me.  This was Friday, the goods should be here by Tuesday.
On Wednesday, I began to wonder.  Then the E-Bay info said it was posted and on it's way.
'Yodel,' the carrier, did not have this on their site, however.
Nothing happened.  
On Thursday I checked again, I made use of the 'Live Talk' button and talked live to a human being with a Pakistani name.  It's on it's way, they said.  
Then, the driver could not find the address!
I may have mentioned somewhat surly like that the house has been here for 200 years and the road itself for over 3000 in the middle of town, and he could not find the address! 
The person on the other side tried hard to be polite and helpful, they did not deserve me.
Friday, I waited, I waited, the Yodel site did not show the packet was coming out.
By lunchtime, I fumed myself into a tizz and emailed the man who sent the goods.
Not in Chinese I should say.
I pointed out that the packet had taken 48 hours to come from China several thousand miles away and 7 days to come to me from Ipswich 33 miles up the road!  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!  I said Grrrrily.
In a much nicer manner than I had the two days previously with the customer service folks who probably were in Pakistan.
I sat back irked out.  
I had told them! 
30 minutes later, the packet arrived at my door. 


Tuesday 6 August 2024


I was fiddling with this atrocious picture this morning when I realised it was August!  Why do I not get informed about such changes?  The months are going by quicker than they used to.
However, as I watched the many Farage led riots 'Taking their country back,' by destroying as much of it as they could to show Muslims who's country this is, though they failed to damage many mosques because there were lots of Muslims standing outside protecting them and they, like Farage, Fox and Tommy all ran away.  
The anger is real with many though the intellectual depth behind it is somewhat thin.  One man was heard claiming the pubs and betting shops are closing down.  Quite what that has to do with Muslims I am unsure, though Brexit and the cost of living has a great deal to do with pubs closing.  Betting shops remain open here, at least two in town and possibly one or two elsewhere around.  
Anger is clear, the reasons are not.  Lies offered by the 'Express,' 'Mail,' Sun' and 'Telegraph,' accompanied by Musk's Twitter and bots abounding from Russia, Iran and Israel, have encouraged much outrage.  All are of course lies.
I wondered what to do with anger, especially after informing the referee on Saturday lunchtime my opinion of his performance.  Is this acceptable I said wiping the blade of my Cutlass, ought I to have remained in a more calm and accepting frame of mind?  Ah, I've just remembered where I left that flanged mace!
Anyway, I placed an empty sheet in front of me, looked up 'anger' on the 'You' site, and began to copy and past appropriate verses to study on.   Within minutes, I was angry!  The blasted thing would not copy, then it copied only bits, then it copied too much!  The 'closeness' of the day, not quite sweltering but not cool, made my fingers stick to the desktop rather than float across it.  This ensured things would not link, cut or paste.
Eventually I got it all down and indeed a similar page regarding the word 'Fret.' but by then I was wondering what was the point.  So, I sought an encouraging word, I found this:-

Matt 5:22.  But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, “Raca,” is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, “You fool!” will be in danger of the fire of hell.

Have a nice day...