I woke this morning to find the Twitter feed stuffed full of 'England expects' jingoism. The media full of this imperialist pomp. England, inadequate at heart and desperate for a role now the UK has been destroyed by Brexit, has the Brexit generation seeking an enemy, and Germany, a footballing nation they cannot defeat, are the main enemy. Desperate for a purpose they are reduced to crowing about 'Two world wars, and one world cup.' Such sentiments ignore the role the French, Australians, Canadians, Indians, Russians and many other played in the Great War. It emphasises the role of 'standing alone,' though Canada, Australian, India and others stood with us, and ignore the role of the Soviet Union in carrying the bulk of the fighting on land until 1944. As for a 'World Cup,' we can merely state 'The ball did not cross the line,' and let them bleat.
crowds will return to Wembley tonight to worship England. Hopefully England
will be thrashed causing many of us to sleep well tonight. The flags
adorning so many cars today will be piled up in the bins by morning, pub
windows broken, police assaulted, and the usual peaceful England
gatherings noted. Oh, and the indian variant found wandering through the
crowds also.
However, the usual suspects, putting English football to the back page, lie about Sajid Javid bringing lockdown to an end in July. It must be said that the 'Daily Mail' is hammering the need for an end to the lockdown for a reason. The reason being their boss, one Lord living as a tax exile in France, also owns the 'Metro.' The 'Metro' is the free paper found in railways stations and on buses, this means that lockdown has removed his audience and the 'Metro' sales are now down by 80%. No sales, no advertisers, no advertisers no money for the absent Lord. Hence the 'Mail's' coverage. The 'Daily Express' also offers such hope, more for themselves than their owner. This while the majority of their staff, at least those not yet made redundant, work from home.
Will Lockdown end? The Indian variant is rampant in the nation, it must not end yet. Will rising sickness numbers and a higher death count force a continuation? It ought to, but the Tories worship cash, not people.
Chris Whitty, the somewhat sombre government health advisor, was once again harrassed by yobs yesterday. This is not the first time he has been attacked this way, though the last time was by an adolescent who suffered his mother wrath for his rudeness. It has become the thing these days to harrass those you disagree with. Kim Leadbeater, the sister of the MP Jo Cox who was murdered by a right wing looney, was harrassed by a group of Muslims the other day. These came from outside of Batley, the town where a by-election is under way. These are well known Muslim activists and were freinds of George Galloway, a wayward attention seeking failed MP, once tipped as leader of the Labour Party, now a mere 'dog-whistle' at every by-election. His chance of succes is nil, Kim Leadbeater has a good chance of taking the seat, and the outsiders harrassing her may well have helped, not hindered. Whether she would be any good as an MP is irrelevant these days, back benchers just do what they are told. The need to hassle and mob those you dislike will continue under this government, Boris himself always under a mob abusing him whenever he appears, not the sign of a successful PM. It must be remembered that Chris Whitty's father was dragged out of a car in Athens while working for the British Council and murdered by Abu Nidal terrorists in 1984. It is no wonder Chris comes over as he does. Such experiences will not help a man such as he.

A very interesting experience yesterday, I watched a funeral in London from home via 'Zoom.' 'Zoom,' is proving its worth these days. With people spread out across the world 'Zoom' is a real benefit. The deceased had been laid to rest in the family grave and then there gathered here many to pay respects and hear those, often untold, stories regarding her life. Memories come rushing back when people speak as do memories of those spoken about. Situations that arose and their results, family history and background. All good and proper. Beginning at 3 pm, well usual church time of thirty minutes late, it was clear, as the son spoke of his mother, that we would not see the 5 pm kick off at the Euro's. As the preacher spoke, recounting her early life and his experience of her when taking charge of the church 50 years previously, we realised we might not see the 8 pm kick off!
However, all went well, the zoom camera worked, the sound was obtained, and occasional people were recognised at a distance. Zoom put to good use, but hopefully not being used in this way again for some time.