Showing posts with label tv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tv. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 March 2025

Trigger Warnings Radio & TV

Now I am not one to complain but, really, must the BBC insult our intelligence with 'Trigger Warnings' on programmes?  This series, 'Short History,' covers a wide range of historical events, some indeed featuring war and destruction, however, to offer the weedy wee lass informing us that 'This programme contains mentions of violence,' is more than insulting to the listener.  These include programmes covering diverse people and events such as Winston Churchill, The Battle of Stalingrad, and Pompeii!  Just imagine warning people the Battle of Stalingrad contains violence!  How stupid are people today?
I am led to believe such warnings are offered in universities around the country just in case a student is frightened by what they may learn.  What are they attending university for?  How mentally inept are they not to understand what might be ahead of them?  How stupid are universities that offer trigger warnings?  
People of my age grew up with the second world war just behind us.  We heard about it at school, we read about it in books and comics, we played war games everywhere, yet today students in their late teens and early twenties require trigger warnings?  What sort of parents did these people have?  Do they not read the media, listen to the radio, watch TV news?  Yet they require trigger warnings to read about war and destruction?
Of course the people who produce this needlessly over dramatised series 'Real Dictators' also, another programme which offers those tedious warnings that violence is within, when talking about Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin!  What is wrong with people today? 

The dramatisation of those online tales reminds me of the dearth of interesting drama or plays available on tv today.  As you know I no longer watch tv, the drama is merely soap operas with added guns and a few females stripping off, not much depth required.  I recall in days of yore plays that would be too much for todays audience to comprehend.  One featured two men sitting on a park bench talking.  Boring?   Not when it turns out one has come all the way from Mars.  This does not make it boring.  Another featured a man who's skin was turning to metal.  Possibly this was a spoof on the 'A' Bomb fetish of the time, possibly the result of too much alcohol.  There was the usual suffering women plays, the suffering women up north with a few mine disasters and funny accents, and by the 60s an occasional hard hitting play such as 'Cathy Come Home.'  Hard hitting but made no difference.
The soap opera's were better then, there being only Coronation Street to speak off, while 'Z-Cars' gave us half an hour of imitation police, and the first real soap opera 'Emergency War 10.'  They all appeared more realistic back then.  Of course the war was featured often with all those Black & White films glorifying 'our boys,' though some considered 'The Army Game' closer to real life experience.
What did the US offer?  'Highway Patrol' and 'Lucille,' and later 'Star Trek.'  
Me, I will stick to the football, it makes more sense.   

Thursday, 22 September 2022

Moronic Media

We need more about this woman.  Today's media is stuffed full of garbage regarding actors, TV celebs, and other nobody's and their love lives, 'floods of tears,' and similar non stories.  Once again people wrongly diagnosed by overworked doctors (they never mention those who were successfully treated) tell us their woes among the routine murder, rape and 'Kiss & tell,' stories that I loathe.  
Even the football pages struggle as the international games are upon us once again.  This means the routine lies and half truths offered week by week will not do.  Hacks spend must time filling space with  nothing at all and expect to be paid for it.  
The reluctance to grumble about this lying government, today announcing more benefits for the rich and taking money from the poor, is still ongoing.  Serious journalism is hard to find, especially when Twitter remains blocked, and the variety of news feeds I come across are either too far left or too far right.  Journalism cannot be one sided, it requires an open mind, but that does not sell the press. 
A quick look at the TV guide and all hope has gone.  Bread and Circus's without jam.  I am so glad there is some football on tonight.

Monday, 22 August 2022

Edinburgh, Autumn and Football

Louise Rayner - John Knox's House, Edinburgh

A quick glance at this picture and you may think the scene has not changed much in all these years.  This picture, painted in the later 19th century, is full of life and depicts what is supposedly a normal day in the life of the great city of Edinburgh.  We see the High Street, or 'Royal Mile,' as it is known as it leads from Edinburgh Castle down to Holyrood House, has always been a bustling place.  The painting portrays the locals, with a few workers of many kinds included.  The better off by now having moved down into the 'New Town' long since, we can tell the small tenement dwellings are occupied by those standing around in the street.  None are ashamed of hanging out the window and participating in the conversation, none are ashamed of washing hanging from the windows, neither activities being seen done today.  
However, this month Edinburgh endures, sorry, welcomes, the Festival.  An orgy of high class entertainment for the paying public.  Alongside this come the 'Fringe,'  this is an orgy of artists seeking fame and fortune, alongside those from previous generations who made it here in the long forgotten past.  This comes with a plague of leaflets no-one reads, mostly scattered about the streets or pinned to any available post, also unread by passers-by
Add to this mix the Dustbin men are on strike for a week!  This means wheelie bins overflow, rubbish piles up, and none gets collected.  The tourists flooding into Edinburgh, while the locals flood out if they can, get the benefit of Brexit Britain in their face, and certainly up their nose.  An excellent idea of the Binmen to make clear what is happening in our country today, low wages, high energy bills, and Brexit failures flood the nation, and the government, in Westminster, has gone on holiday!  As I keep telling the Brexiteers, "You voted for this!"  But they refuse to accept reality.  "This is not the Brexit I voted for!" Is their cry, though there never was any other on the table.  Lies and devious politicians, backed by very rich men abroad has brought the nation to its knees.  And Brexiteers refuse to accept this.  Trains, docks, Royal Mail, and dustmen on strike, and Brexit continues to make problems.  
Boris is on holiday.

400 miles away from all this I sit watching August slowly disappear from us.  Already 22 days in and leaves are falling from the trees.  Possibly this is encouraged by the dry ground, the heat heavy upon us this year, possibly just normal Autumn approaching.  
The sun still shines, though now through much more cloud, and slowly heads towards the west.  Women take their dogs across the quite safe park, enjoying the sun while standing gossiping about their neighbours with others like minded.  The impatient dogs snuffle around the fallen leaves and sun browned grasses always finding something to keep them busy.  
The rush hour now struggles past the door, music of an awful kind emits from one, a ringing phone from another.  Rap, with a capital 'C' passes by at three miles an hour, followed by the airport bus, hydraulic brakes squealing like a crying child.  Every evening the same people, the same slow struggle towards retirement.  Others, often retired, foolishly shop at Sainsburys in time to meet the rush hour.  They have done this for several years, why?  Have they never considered an early morning or late night shop?   I suppose getting up, checking the pills, finding breakfast, walking the dog, and then it is too late for shopping.  In the evening they would not wish to miss the 'Bread & Circuses' provided for them by broadcasters dulling the brain and hindering thought.  
I avoid such TV yet find my mind is dull and thought hindered.  Having exercised, twice early last week, then twice worked in the front to clear the mess I found my self very tired and aching much from Thursday onwards.  Even today, after a trip to Tesco, my body aches.  This, I must say, has nothing to do with the money saving offer on a bottle of 'Jameson's Orange Whiskey'  that was going cheap last week in Tesco.  Irish whiskey does not just possess a wrong spelling of 'whisky,' it is also only 30%, which tempts some to drink more than they ought.  Especially when watching football.  My neighbours now know I was watching football at the weekend.  

Monday, 30 May 2022

Mumping Monday

The sky offered the usual Spring deceit today.  As I stumbled up towards Sainsburys the chill in the air was hidden behind the blue of the sky.  By lunchtime I was sitting indoors with my jacket on wondering if I ought to make use of the heater!  Instead I did the laundry, at least drying the ageing T-shirts over that heater warms part of the house. 
Sainsburys, the checkout lass informed me last week, are planning to change things around.  Out will go several checkouts, replaced by larger, trolley sized, self-service checkouts.  Hooray!  Instead of people like me struggling to get a dozen items through a self-service machine soon people with trolleys will be struggling to get over a hundred items through the checkout!  
They will soon be off their trolley.  
Since John James Sainsbury established his grocery shop in 1869, somewhere in London, the company has been one of the leading supermarkets in the land.  Tesco long ago overtook them as 'top dog' but this company is still in their fighting and increasing the prices on their 'own brand labels goods.'  Anything to help the poor Qatar's who own 15% of the shares.
Having hobbled back I noticed changes downstairs.  Later, when I had finished my reduced (but not by much) Chicken Kyiv lunch I heard strange noises again.  These emanated from a man holding a heavy item half way through the downstairs window.  Naturally, as a keen helpful type I wished to offer assistance, my back however, wisely warned me not to interfere when a man is having fun.  So, I ignored the foul language quietly escaping him and settled back down to read the online press. 
This was not encouraging, it rarely is.  Much of the media is dominated by the queens Jubilee.  Now having been monarch for 70 years is clearly an achievement to admire, especially when you have no official power, and many will admire her for this, though not her son obviously.  Parties are planned, two days off have been granted (Thursday & Friday), pubs have longer opening hours and the police more overtime to clean up the mess.  
The church is having a 'special' service for her, including a lunch and a fun time afterwards.  Some cruel cynical types asked me If I would be helping out!  I have made clear I am unable to attend as I will be with the Young Communists, burning 'Butchers Aprons,' on Sunday.  This, as you may imagine, has not been believed by the Brexiteers amongst us.  I fail to see why.

I spent the day sending one or two begging emails, none of which have provoked a response as yet.  And also 30 minutes listening to my sister chatting.  While informative, this leaves more tinnitus in my ear than AD/DC ever did!  I gave her a second hand laptop, quite good enough for her needs, so I could email her rather than use long phone calls.  This she cannot work, her fingers are too aged to cope, and the email has not been set up properly, even though her grandson works for the phone people!  Kids huh?
Now, with no football to watch, I am left wondering what to fill my empty head with.  In the evenings tiredness leads to watching things that require no energy or thought.  Football often fits perfectly here.  Tonight's TV offers 'Britain's Got Talent,' a misnomer if ever there was one, 'Jurassic Park,' and 'Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun.'  I am not convinced this is my kind of TV.
OK then, it is time to read books...


Thursday, 24 March 2022

Remember This?

Goodness gracious!  How long ago was it when we used to sit entranced by the 'Lone Ranger?'  This masked man on his white horse, dressed immaculately in an all blue outfit, and carrying a silver gun that shot silver bullets at baddies and Red Indians.  With one bullet, looking back at a chasing posse of such 'Indians' he could shoot several at once with one shot!  This character apeared to be the good guy to us as he, and his Indian accomplice Tonto, ran through each exciting episode doing good.
The TV series ran for 8 years and was watched in Black and White, though the last two series were in colour.  Several films of the adventures were made, and many offshoots from the series which began on radio before the war.  Sadly I never got myself a magazine like this, these would have been too expensive in those days when we never had it so good, but the thrilling 'William Tell' music stays in the memory.
How different we see this show now.
The cowboys of the 19th century would laugh at the outfit, the Indians, now referred to as 'Native Americans, would not be pleased with the Tonto image, especially as he was a mere secondary plant.  And any couple of men 'riding off into the sunset' at the end of an adventure would be seen as suspicious, and as we never find out where they come from or where they go to, nor how they paid their way questions would arise among the local sheriffs.  And as for the cost of those silver bullets!   
From programmes such as this many consider they understand 'how the west was won.'  I consider many white Americans today vote according to the images offered them in such 'John Wayne' type films.  Actual History is sometimes taught in the USA, however, people respond emotionally, not factually, and they vote according to the image placed in their heads by those making use of their historical fantasy myths.

Sunday, 26 December 2021

Boxing Day 2021


The problem with having Christmas Day on Saturday is that many folk think Sunday is a Monday.  I am convinced some folks were half way to work this morning before remembering what the day was.  For many others the presence of family or friends, and maybe the weight of over indulgence proved too much for them as few indeed arrived at the Kirk this morning.  The teeming rain did not help either. 
However, we gathered, sung several songs badly, and without the technicians being available we had to read the words out off a book rather than view them on screen.  This has not happened for so long some among us had forgotten how to read!  It was clear we had all forgotten how to sing.
Soon enough I was back home, the shepherds and angels remaining behind while I indulged myself in roast potatoes, not black like yesterday, and a chicken concoction far too big for me.  However, with some effort I managed, and washed this down with Plum Vodka.  A bit strong with the cloves dear! 
Then Joy!  The Heart of Midlothian game against Ross County was available and I was able to shout abuse at the TV director for failing to do his job properly once again.  Why does he spend so much time looking at the back of players heads?  Just watch the game mate!  Surely this is the easiest job in TV, why make it hard?  Anyway, we won of course, so that provided more cheer.  Now, lying ahead of me are two more games on Now TV via SKY.  It is so hard deciding whether to watch here or go and watch from my bed...

Two days holiday now follow.  This is time for the wrapping paper, empty boxes, the ones without cats sitting in them, and other assorted rubbish, including that strange uncle that comes only at Christmas to be discarded, recycled or dumped.  Peace and quiet, unless the kids are still around, and a time for sleeping off excess now arrives.
I hope your Christmas has been a good one, Jesus is still here, no longer a baby but a King, talk to him, he will listen.  He even arranges a driver when the rain is falling, or at least he did for me today anyway.  
You do realise that this time next year will be a new year?  Jings!

Friday, 10 December 2021

Old TV

                                              Pure Energy

I was reading Max the other day and he brought back memories of the days of long ago, back when it was 'always now' and the days longer, sunnier and energy never lacked, until nasty parents forced you unwillingly inside to feed and push you to a far too early bedtime. 
Not that you could get up in the morning mind.
Max spoke about the TV of the 50's and that brought to mind the old 'Ferranti' tv that we obtained, by rental, from either 'Currys' or the 'Leith Provident' (who, being a 'Co-op' gave a dividend!).  This model found here on 'Pure Energy' is very like the one that arrived in 1958 in the corner of our house.
The programme on while the TV was being installed was 'The Army Game,' a comedy set in an army barracks laughing at what life the majority of men, and many women, had endured during the war only a dozen years before.  
In those far off days, much further far off than I would like, there was a choice of two TV stations, BBC and STV.  I cannot mind the actual numbers but I think to change from one channel to another meant getting up, turning the dial from '10' to '8,' then standing back to ensure the picture was not rolling up or down.  This meant playing with the knobs at the rear until the picture settled.
However, as Max reminded us we had such fine Historical dramas to entertain us as kids, 'The Lone Ranger,' 'Gunsmoke,' and many John Wayne westerns.  I remember 'Robin Hood' and 'William Tell,' all with dynamic leading men, a woman who did little, fast action, dramatic music, and an audience of millions around the nation.
It was many years before we realised the actual 'History' offered in such programmes was nil!  By the mid 60's, once we were all at work, we realised the 'Wild West' was not fought with 'Colt 45's' blasting Indians (now called by white middle classes 'Native Americans,' though they all had their own tribal nation names anyway), Indians who fell off their horses, always forward, and by the dozen, at the firing one one bullet from a man looking backwards while riding a horse at the gallop!  
As for 'Robin Hood' and 'William Tell,' well!  
The BBC at the time had a high reputation for journalism, especially after the war when the Beeb had stood up to government pressure, Winston wanted to take it over Geobells style, and gave as honest a news service as possible without giving away secrets.  The new style news programmes such as 'Tonight' which offered decent, popular much liked presenters, interesting and often humerous reports from around the nation, as well as more serious topics in a sensible manner.  Cliff Michelmore and Fyffe Robertson became household names, and not like the 'celebs' of today.  
TV started in the evenings only, Scotland did have the 'One o'Clock Gang' in which Larry Marshall and his gang offered repeats of jokes told many times before, as well as a song or two, also repeated often.
The afternoons may have featured the boring black and white coverage (all was black and white until the early 70's) of cricket, that most boring of games, that was made more boring by being in black and white, with Peter West, a racist Englishman who did not like Scotland, commentating in a frightfully English manner.  I went out and played football night after night like the majority of schoolboys and ignored such appaling TV.
However, some programmes were unmissible.  'Hancock's Half Hour,' which on radio had 25 million listening weekly transferred to TV and the audience followed.  Imagine 25 million watching any programme today other than the World Cup Final!  The result was conversation the next day which always began with the TV from the night before.  The nation had something to keep them together, although TV also helped divide them.  
The 1956 Suez crisis would have been seen by many on TV news.  This brought a sharp division and soon a new Prime Minister, Harold MacMillan.  He was one who could make use of TV and was keen to do so.  A new situation arose, words on radio were no longer good enough to get elected, you had to look the part, not just sound it.  Many were slow to accept this. 
Today, TV is something I never watch.  The output on 50 Free channels is usually vile, tepid, repetitious or banal.  I watch football via the laptop and occasional programmes only, I miss nothing.  Few can converse regarding last nights TV as almost all watch different poor quality trash.  Many young folks are on video games, older folks also, and music means more to young than TV.  The BBC, especially in these last dozen years, has failed to report in a journalistic manner.  UK news is tainted with Tory propaganda, ITV and Sky follow suit, social media is the way to get news today.  Boris and his cabal already own the major press, now they have quieted the TV output.  Whoever owns the major news, press, TV and radio, can keep the people under.  The majority, though suspicious, will never react in the hope they can survive and not get blamed. 

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Sunday Sunshine

The weekend is almost over, that is, I am running out of football! 
On Saturday,as expected, the Heart of Midlothian sauntered past Inverness Caley, ths upsetting their manger who was sent to the stand.   Suggesting he would 'Knock our managers block off,' is not really the done thing these days.
The Scottish Cup, played at odd hours for the sake of TV money, is played this weekend, without ,as we considered we had won the trophy often enough in recent years and felt lesser teams ought to have a go.  
Two games down, two to go, one about to start and one on Monday evening.

While the sunshine is worth having around I was freezing after church.  We could only gather, at a distance, outside and the cold wind was chilling my back something awful as I listened to one of my women's woes.  It is good to have a few minutes with people, just to remember what they look like!
Not much time to talk mind you.

Today, 25th April, is ANZAC Day, when we commemorate the Australian and New Zealand forces in the Great War. For some this was the event that made both individual nations, seperate from the Mother Country.  Their adventures during the conflict have not been forgotten.
We see here an astonishing picture I think.  An off side portrait, the view behind, the face of a man who may well be happy to be alive, and I think it makes a striking picture.  "Alsatian prisoner of war captured by New Zealand troops. Photograph taken probably near Colincamps 15 April 1918 by Henry Armytage Sanders."

Saturday, 11 April 2020


One of the joys of Spring is sitting in my bed in the evening with the late sun shining brightly, then turning into fancy sunsets as it gores down far over the field. 
Thus it was last night.  It would be again tonight, if I could drag my hulk off the couch and go through.  The thing is during the day I am now placed in the 'Summer Palace' position, where more light gets in and I am more comfy. 
The disadvantage is that I am thus tempted to switch on the TV and scrawl through it again and again in an attempt to find something to watch, in these days this is important.  As you will realise this is a failed endeavour.  Nothing is worth watching today, one programme might have been but my feeble aerial could not receive it.  Not much lost really. 
The radio is poor also just now and variety is not the spice of life today.
Good job I am not one to complain.

Today we hear of over a thousand deaths, no news on the number who recovered, usually about ten times as many, nor the number who died of other things, unknown but possibly of the virus, and no news of testing everyone.  There was a grumble that enough equipment has gone to the NHS but they misuse this, an interesting number of replies on Twitter to that one, and the people are beginning to wonder when journalists will appear and question this government about their work.  I would not expect that in a hurry. 
I expect at least 18 months of this.  If I am right consider the implications.  Business hampered, few working, lack of money, evictions, mortgage failures, economic collapse, even if the banks are stronger it will be difficult.  The WTO claim the worst could be like the 1930's again!  I see no answer until a vaccine arrives, and do not trust this lot to offer it willingly or properly. 
The immediate future is not looking good. 

One day soon we will be back here again....

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Broken People

Digital Spy

The 'British' intellect is a simple one.  The press understand this and follow, or is it lead, that intellect to a degree of profit for themselves.  For days we have been offered sensational warnings regarding 'Storm Dennis' which was about to blow us away and destroy the nation.  It didn't.  The warnings were in every paper, TV and radio also blasting out threats of suffering in 90 mph winds and heavy rainstorms.  In the end they were not much worse than what we usually receive. 
However as this was vitally important information nothing but the most urgent news could shift it from top spot, especially as it was being used to hide tales regarding our inept Prime Minister and his dog Dominic Cummings.
The heart of the nation is revealed (as the headlines would say) to be centred not on obtaining the 'Russian Report,' not on worrying about the Budget, not on questioning serious dodgy dealings in No 10 but instead on the death of an unknown women at 40 years of age.
Apparently this woman took part in a programme I would have thought unworthy of broadcast, but there you go.  As I did not watch 'Love Island' I cannot comment on the content, well I can as I know just enough to make me switch off, and I can say it is something that the death of such a woman is considered fit to splash over all front pages.  What sort of a society watches 'Love Island?'
There are court cases involved which concerned this woman, there was pressure from the media, there was her unstable mind, all these things contribute to her death.
The court case I did not concern myself with, apparently she bashed a boyfriend and the media lived on this for a while.  The media make use of her story and she and others complain she was used.  Hmmm.  These people seek attention and when it comes they cannot cope with it.  Those who participate in such programmes will be hassled without mercy by the tabloids who are clearly out of control.  
Nothing will be done.
Much may be made of her unstable mental condition, however I suggest anyone who wishes to be famous' in such a way, or indeed by being a 'Pop or Film Star' is clearly unstable.  The world is filled with broken people seeking attention.  Possibly  they just require proper 'Love' and 'Care.'  
It is very sad that a pretty woman should be killing herself at 40, or indeed at any time.  It is disgraceful that the media will live on this for days.  It is inevitable that the pother broken people out there will 'read all about it' and see no wrong in their desire to peer into another's broke life. 
The storm appears to have abated, many flooded in the usual places, less articles about them now.  I wonder what the media will distract our attention with next week in between using another young broken woman, and hopefully they say, breaking others for a story?

I was very impressed this morning as I walked to church.  Just before 8 am the rain came down in torrents, it was like looking at a gray mist. I began to plan remaining indoors.  However I was doing the reading this morning, Genesis Chapter 1 and a bit of 2.  This is quite long and the Rev thought it funny!  So I had to be there for that at least.  No offers of transport arrived, I waited for one of my women to offer, none did.  All those Valentine's cards wasted again.  However by the time I left it was dry.  I almost got to the door before any rain developed though I had the pleasure of walking home in heavy rain later.  My big jacket is still wet.  

On the corner near the church was an enormous puddle reaching out into the road, blocked drains must be doing this everywhere.  A BMW rounding the corner almost drove into it until he saw me walking by and moved out to avoid drowning me, thank you sir, but he almost hit a small car coming the other way.  I wonder how many people would have driven through the puddle?  I wonder how many accidents we do not hear about are caused by such? 
I look forward to the end of the great storm, or at least the great headlines regarding the storm.  Daily winter weather is upon us.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Cold TV

A wee bit chilly last night.  I forgot to put the heater on in the living room and it was a lower temperature than any so far!  Wrapped up in my duvet in the West Wing I did not notice so much.  The field was white but soon the frost evaporated as the sun rose low in the distance.  (I suppose the sun would be at a 'distance.')

I am not sure if you had noticed but apparently Prince Harry, him of the ginger hair, and his woman have fled to Canada.  Apparently they think this will give them the opportunity to live free of press scrutiny and allow them to live life their way and make cash sufficient to enable them to live according to what they have become accustomed.  He clearly has his mothers brains.
You may have missed this and I hardly noticed it myself bar the near entire page of the 'Online Mail' mentioning it several times.  Almost everybody connected to the Royal House have made their comment, although none of the actual royals have done so, ex-butlers, retired journalists, women who 'waited,' 'friends,' 'sources close to...,' and lots of nobodies who wished a chance to appear on TV or have their picture in the paper have spoken.  I missed them all.    
My ignorance of the travails comes from a choice, a choice to ignore anything other than the main headline and omit the pap that follows, this makes life easier.  There again not watching the 'Bread & Circus's' offered by TV I do miss much of what is going on in the world, however I do not appear to miss out on anything important.  One lad asked two old men on Sunday about a chap called 'The Rock.'  My mate asked if this was 'Rocky Marciano?' but the young lad had never heard of him.  It appears this is a chap from TV who we had missed.  I am not sure we regret this.  This reveals how we are educated into the world.  Kids follow what the others at school watch, much of TV is ideal for young heads, and anyone over 35 or so avoids such TV unless they have kids watching, the parents attempting to understand what is going into the brats head.  
Were we like this?
Did we become dumb watching 'The Lone Ranger,' or 'Robin Hood?'  Knowing now how little historical accuracy was employed in either programme, let alone the sight of the 'Lone Ranger' and his mate 'Tonto' walking across the prairie searching for the silver bullets he fired that missed, did not take away from us kids the enjoyment that such rubbish brought.  Young folks require historical accuracy but not it appears entirely accurate.  How many 'Cowboy' films did we watch, still available on the 'Movies for Men' channel, before we realised they were nonsense?  How often did we see our lives developing as some individual on TV?  Real life got in the way too often to stop those lives appearing.  I could never afford those sharp 1960's suits the 'Saint' wore anyway.  What we put into our kids heads influences them, just as it does us.  
Looking at what is on offer on TV today I am glad books exist!  Books, whatever sort, offer more detail, more facts and by reading both sides of an argument you can come to a conclusion not offered by watching the 'A Team' or a film from the 1940's.  Such films appear to be popular with women more than men I note while men prefer news or programmes that actually say something useful, like football!  My mum used to complain men just want to watch the news while she just wanted local news.  
Men are such a nuisance.  

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Morning TV and on...

I was surprised to see a return of the series 'Love Island' on the early morning TV news today.  I was surprised because I had not known it to have gone away before.  This programme, like so many others that get a great deal of publicity is one I have not actually watched.  I suspect if I did find it on my television I would watch with the sound turned off.  That way it might have more purpose.
Another giant of the screen was 'Game of Thrones' (I think) which has mesmerised many but unfortunately not appeared before my eyes.  Occasionally it is mentioned online, on forums, and by people I meet but too me it appears not worth watching.  I find such programmes a wee bit childish now though I suspect I would watch them in the past.  There again having read so much about the real world I find it hard to escape into such fantasy as this.  Viewing pictures of war, a bible reading and such programmes are seen as well, cobblers!  This means I cannot watch them for more than five minutes before allowing sarcasm to begin.
Between 1978 and 1986 I did without TV altogether and was constantly informed of wonderful programmes which I missed.  When I eventually saw such programmes I was not impressed.  It is possible that reading books instead of watching TV or just living in the real world had influenced me against them I know not, however TV did not hold me as before.  Most TV is puerile to me now, only occasionally, like this morning, do I switch it on and find channel after channel offering me 'tele-shopping' and that for items for which I have no use.  Most of the rest are just junk, I mean who needs to watch 'Coronation Street' early in the morning?
There is a place for TV in this world, there are some decent programmes if you spend time scanning for them, but on the whole most are wasting my time.  At the time of asking there is only one programme worth watching and my TV refuses to pick it up!  The other 50 channels are not being switched on.
And don't get me started on the adverts...

One of the items this morning concerned the Birmingham school where parents, mostly Muslim, object to the teaching of homosexuality to five year-olds.  The two presenters discussed this between themselves both taking the same viewpoint and allowing no disagreement with their opinion.  Further voices were heard all supporting the gay viewpoint and encouraging teaching children about gay sex, including four and five year olds!  Anyone who offered a different point of view was called 'bigot,' as indeed the head teacher behind this teaching was quick to say.  This appears to be acceptable to Sky News early in the morning but does not equate to journalism nor objectivity on any subject.
Now we understand the media is full of people who are gay or loose with their sex lives, few have a grasp of the world beyond their university and childhood and all share the fashionable viewpoint of life, they appear to have heard no other.
Esther McVey, a good looking but not one to trust Conservative possible PM did claim parents should have a 'final say on what they want their children to know.'  This of course has led to the usual gay lobby bots objecting on Twitter. Clear evidence, as if it was required, that disobeying the gay lobby brings condemnation for speaking the truth.  The totalitarian society is just around the corner.

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Sunday Blether

Being stuck indoors while avoiding food adverts on TV I realise once again just how poor TV is at the weekend.  It is bad enough during the week but at weekends it actually gets worse!  To fill the schedule many channels are filled with just one programme with 20 or so episodes churned out all day then repeated.  What fun to watch a whole day of 'Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away,' or 'The Big Bang Theory,' or 'Monkey Life.'  The last I suggest the inside story of TV producers working on ideas to fill their screens.  There is the occasional sporting event to be found, a documentary that has only been seen seven times before might brighten the day and watching the news channels struggling to make headlines out of nothing more than local news is a bit of a giggle.  
However even if we have the iPlayer and other channels repeat opportunities it is a poor show that weekend TV is just awful.  I realise there are videos, DVDs and such that entertain many but surely there is better available at the weekend than this pap?

I remained indoors today pleading weakness from not eating yesterday.  Some would suggest the weakness was there already and I fail to find an argument fitting to that one.  The annoying thing is that I did have a decent exercise the other day and was looking to more of same to come.  Each time I start exercising something goes wrong.  I think I am meant to be a fat slob!  With the Rugby League Cup game on at the moment, something I rarely watch but the only thing worth having on, I look at the players and the men on the bench and note that while I am of similar weight to them they are bristling with muscle and none possess a beer belly.  From what I see of the fans few of them are so endowed.  Maybe I should take up the game?  
In the 1860's football fell into two parts, the game had been played for years, hundreds of years in one manner or another, but then there came the 'Toffs' who agreed an accepted form of rules the Laws of which form the basis still today.  Most were happy to play this form of 'Association Football' but some, Blackheath amongst them, felt that not being allowed to 'hack' failed in so far it stopped men learning to 'take it' and play on with a 'stiff upper lip.'  They chose to join the handling game which became 'Rugby Football.'  Until the later days of the century many did not get a Saturday afternoon off work, however some ceased work around lunchtime.  This meant that men playing either game lost money by taking time off, money they could not afford to lose.  Fine for the 'toffs' who had plenty but men required cash and payments soon began to be paid to players 'under the counter.'  This upset the middle classes who did not require payment and many who honestly thought of sport as an amateur enjoyment not a paid profession, trouble soon erupted.  By the end of the century football came to accept players being paid, many until then were signed by clubs and given jobs close by, whether they did much work other than play football is uncertain.  That system continued long after professionalism was legal but it was used to increase players wages.  In Rugby however a different attitude arose.  The class system caused the middle classes to become jealous that the common types were taking to football and so strenuous efforts were made to ensure Rugby did not tolerate players being paid.  Up north however rugby players required cash and soon Rugby Union for the middle classes became separate from Rugby League run by and for the Working Classes.  A sad day but one the middle classes held onto for many years.  Only in the last thirty years has rugby in the UK accepted payment much to the detriment of many local clubs.  In Scotland there exists only two senior rugby union cubs, Edinburgh and Glasgow, all the clubs that reared the famous faces in the past are regarded as small fry.  The same is true in England where many known names have been reduced to a whimper.
Football benefited from payments even though much mishandling by football authorities and boards was to be seen along the way.  Today some areas are awash with cash and while huge clubs get bigger the smaller, and in my view the 'real' clubs are suffering hanging on the coat tails.  Money is a good thing when used to benefit all, alas we are all sinners and far too much is abused by all.


Thursday, 12 April 2018


Life, in this misty world today, was full of surprises.
For a start I was not sick, I had food, except bread, I did not need to rush out and no crabbit emails arrived.
Instead I slowly wandered about Tesco enjoying the need not to rush.  Of course I came home to remember what I forgot to buy!  
I then cogitated on Deuteronomy 7, the book that lies at the heart of our liberal thinking.  
Not that a Guardian reader will agree.
After exercising I counted the aches and went for a haircut.  What a surprise, I got in!  Instead of being crowded with kids being trimmed for next weeks back to school there was only a spotty teenager, scowl attached, awaiting a 'Number Two,' whatever that is.     
Naturally I felt cold wandering home with a lot less hair, and my mind was full of wondering where all that silver stuff had come from.  I also wondered why I have hair while my dad (who died at 61) has so little.  His hair was thin, possibly this was the old army back and sides showing through and his army need to cut hair that was not long.  My brother and I had plenty of hair and of course I retain my youthful looks.
The only disturbance was a call from the landlord's man while I was unavailable.  It sounded urgent.
I called back expecting to be turfed out, rent increased, damage reported, complaints made, and found they merely wished to send a man in to test 'energy performance.'  Naturally I pointed out there has been no energy performed here for at east fifteen years but it appears she was talking about the building.  I still fail to understand as this has not happened before and sounds like they have something up their sleeve.  It may lead to improved windows, these are 'listed' so cannot be replaced by plastic ones, and this certainly would increase the 'energy performance.'  These windows for the most part are original, 1812 I believe.  That is probably the last time they were cleaned.   I wonder what the man is up to with such exploits?
I have been ignoring the telly, the news happens but I have missed it today, Commonwealth Games are taking place somewhere but I have little interest, and other things are happening but if I ignore them they actually do not change my life in any way.  There is a story in there somewhere.
One thing I have noticed in the adverts that fill most screens is the way you never see black people together.  One add showed a black man suffering while coaching kids football, his wife appears at the end but she is white.  Another shows a black man on a train hand his 'tablet' to a child, who is white, yet another shows a sentimental mother dressing her daughter for her wedding - to a white man!  Why is it that a black couple are never shown?  There have been adverts for products featuring black or Indian families, why are they not shown now?  Did UKIP object?


Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Boxing Day

Boxing Day is a day for actually looking at the gifts that have flooded through the letterbox.
My family are beginning to understand the best way to make progress is to send books or a book token, this is what they have done.  For reasons that remain unclear two of my nieces appear to think smelly stuff is a requirement that goes with book reading.  
One niece, her opinion of me is noted in the 'Mr Grumpy' stuff at the front, sent a Levi shirt, this made possible by her new job in one big Edinburgh department store where the staff concessions make up for low wages (she says).  The other continued her unspoken hints (recent gifts have included  the 'Oldie' annual and 'The Real Dad's Army' amongst others, and she added some 'Old Spice' to the book she sent.
Next year I may go up there and see if they can alter their opinion.  
Well actually now I think about it....    

As always there was fifty channels on the TV showing nothing at all.  I did however spend a little time watching the Beatles in 'A Hard Days Night,' a film that still provides good music and was enjoyable in the background while I scrambled together something for lunch.  
Otherwise there was the usual films and old series filling the screen, the non news that occurs at this time of year with one or two tragedies thrown in, and even worse no football to watch!  Only English games of little worth and I just could not be bothered struggling to find them.
Nothing to do bar send thank you notes by email and search social media for something other than political comments.  These could be avoided on Boxing Day, indeed all week but once they are posted a desire to reply appears.  
I did however rush up unwillingly to Sainsburys, the only supermarket open (I think they take it in turns to cover Boxing Day) for milk and bread as tomorrow the rain that is now falling hard will continue all day.  On top of this the temperature will drop and winds increase so I will hide away with my books and the heater.
And so to bed...

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Last Shift

That is the last shift at the museum for this year.
A day spent with a few visitors and a long list of photographs to search! 
For a future exhibition there is a need for suitable pictures and I was selected, no-one else around, to sit there scrolling through and clicking on hundreds of photos.  
I found four of aircraft (it was a local airfield we are researching) and millions of pictures of dinners, VIPs, awards, and a few personnel but rarely a suitable picture.  
When an airfield has existed since 1943 and seen a great deal of action during WW2 and later during the Cold War, it closed in the 90's, many aircraft and numerous men have passed through.  First the RAF and then the USAF of one sort or another have been there and enriched in every way the locale.
We often find US men returning with wives obtained while here.  Occasionally a man will remain in this country with his wife.  
A few decent pics of events, one or two of individuals who may be important, but not enough of aircraft.  I have found one or two other sites online that are better but copyright is always a problem there.
So now, unless I have to meet someone there I will be out of the museum for two weeks.  Closed over Christmas week but how will it survive without my input?  What?....oh!

As Christmas nears the news deadens as politicians run for home or overseas visits and major items that keep the media happy run out and minor events are blown out of proportion.  This means no more Brexit lies for a week or two, few tales of corrupt politicians and nothing concerning badly behaved attention seeking film/pop/tv celebrities filling the news.
It does however mean a TV filled with old films, programmes and assorted junk to watch if the TV means something to you.  Personally I will seek more on the radio but so far it does not sound too exciting, maybe this will change but I doubt it.
It's being so cheery that keeps me going!