The world rests easy tonight. Around the world leaders of all nations, bar one, have been congratulating Barack Obama on his success in regaining his position as President of the United States. Memories of Ronald Reagan's disastrous adventures in the middle east, Bush seniors Kuwait expedition, and the needless invasion of Iraq led for reasons as yet unexplained by George 'Dubyah' Bush junior caused the world to fear when they realised a man even less able, less intelligent and less knowledgeable than than those who had gone before becoming president. Mitt Romney, a man who thought Iran wanted Syria to reach the sea when Iran lies on the Persian Gulf, a man who thought the United Kingdom which he calls 'England' could not run an Olympics, a man who closed his factories and outsourced the work to China then criticised Obama for losing jobs to China, this was a man who wished to spend trillions on increasing military hardware and once again oppose the Soviet Union while not appearing to notice the Islamist threat. Such a man as president? It would be like having Dave Cameron as.....oh! Romney is a Mormon yet has not realised that Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormons, was a scam merchant and a fraud, surely his is a fit hand to be on the nuclear button?
The world rests easy but does not sleep! The world will never be safe and many dangers lie ahead. Islamic extremists, economic collapse, nuclear fears with Iran and Korea, and the growth of China as a world power all offer a slippery slope. This however is why these men take office. His problems at home come from a rising number of young liberal voters. Too liberal for me, these believe abortion, the murder of the unborn child, is acceptable, they also see nothing wrong with sexual perversion such as homosexuality, the women also appear to think that being female ought to give advantages not offered to men. The racial element is less about 'Blacks' sorry, African American's today, Hispanics flooding over the border appear to be a more urgent question. Advantages for these also appear to help gain votes. Meanwhile what is often referred to in the UK as the 'Right wing Republican Christians,' or 'Tea Party,' appear to be demographically losing out. You of course realise that biblical Christianity is somewhat different from their biblical view. Their numbers may be failing, hopefully a reading of their good book will change their worship of mammon to worship of God!
What happens now? The Congress has to work with this man, although they are mostly Republican but the Democrats do control the House. If they fail to agree the whole world may be affected, including the second most powerful economy China! Already that nation is suffering from the west's economic slowdown, jobs are being lost and some millionaires there are beginning to almost worry about their next bottle of single malt whisky. A new leadership in Beijing arrives shortly, how will they deal with Obama?
As always the world is full of 'wars and rumours of wars.' Natural disasters will continue to occur, political events will surprise us in the way the Arab Spring has, and none of us really know what will occur tomorrow - and the majority of the world will just get on with life and make the best of it, there is no other choice.
The one man who does not rejoice at Obama's success? Premier Netanyahu of Israel. he it seems has already attempted to drop a nuclear device on Iran and been stopped by his own people. He would have been happier with Romny I think.
The election cost several billion dollars, however one facts today indicated the States spend $3 billion on Halloween outfits! The election seems cheap at the price!