Showing posts with label Matt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matt. Show all posts
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
'Matt' at the 'Daily Telegraph,' is without doubt the most reliable of today's cartoonists. Always relevant and rarely unfunny. Sadly this cannot be said for so many at the moment. Too many are busy insulting someone or just being bland and humourless. Matt is so popular I note the shops now sell birthday cards with his cartoons emblazoned on them as well as his annual book. I like this one, it comes near to my heart.
Yet another trip into town today, this time for a meeting that never happened. I expected something of an educational experience but found I would have been better off at home. Still the folks are nice and I did learn something in the end. There was a wonderful sky outside the window and I wanted to grab the camera and run out but was not in a position so to do. Heading towards the station the twilight was aching to be photographed yet I could not get a space to take advantage of it. By the time the train arrived it was dark. and I landed on the last train before commuterland comes alive. Considering the snow up north and the biting wind a picture of the old weir, I wonder if a mill stood here once, looks jolly in the sunshine. The river is very high however. Not very exciting but difficult to photograph at this place.
We ought also to remember Japans biggest mistake, the attack on Pearl Harbour, 70 years ago today.
Pearl Harbour,
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Naturally I have had little sympathy during my 'Man Flu' experience. Although I found this site very helpful with that :- Man Flu Only today I was forced, against my better wishes, to visit the dole office and pretend I was seeking work. Sympathy extended to such things as being told to "Breathe in the other direction," and "Don't e-mail me, I might catch a virus." A resounding "Bye" and a waving of papers in my direction ended my short visit. Good job I am not one to complain.
The answer to unemployment is to start your own business. Great idea, but when this is put forward people tend to forget to mention how many such starter jobs fail within three years, if indeed they last that long. The answer is for bigger companies to be encouraged to employ folk. There appears to be nothing around that will let that happen. Two and a half million unemployed yet no jobs being created, bar short term ones in the east end for the Olympics in 2012. Are you as excited as I about these games? I am as excited as Matt in the Daily Telegraph!
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Tuesday Babble

So we put off yesterdays driving lesson because of the snow, and today we decided to miss out because of the black ice. Being wise the lesson has been rearranged for Friday. Now the weather man has warned us about a repeat of the snow Thursday night and Friday morning! Oh Goody!
However the sun did shine today. the sky was blue here, and walking on the pavements was similar to going down the 'Cresta Run!' I canny wait for tomorrow!

This nurse offered to pray for one of her patients, and next thing we know she is in front of a disciplinary hearing, for causing offence! Oh yeah? How can such a simple offer cause offence and require a disciplinary hearing? I get offered double glazing on the phone, can I sue for being offended? How ridiculous this nation has become. However this is typical of the treatment Christians must expect from now on. This type of persecution, for that is what it is, will occur more often as the atheist lobby grow even more powerful. The apparent notion of avoiding offence, usually to homosexuals and ethnic minorities, at first glance appears fair, we ought to treat everyone fairly. However this opens the way for persecution of anyone who holds opinions the political correct decide are right. Christians, who care for folk and therefore object to anything that harms them in Gods eyes, are the main, but not the only, target here. The common sense and common decency that appeared to exist a few years ago has gone. A rush to law, and a claim for 'rights,' which in reality means money, has taken its place.
This nurse does no wrong and is attacked. My nation suffers prejudice daily and no-one objects. It's a funny old world we live in today! 'Daily Mail'

MATT in the Daily Telegraph is one of the most consistent cartoonists around. For many years he has brought a smile out of a variety of situations. Here he comments on 'Total' bringing Italian and Portuguese workers into the UK. This has led to 'wildcat' strikes from those fearful of losing their jobs during the 'Credit Crunch.' For me he is always worth a look!
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