Showing posts with label Liz Truss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liz Truss. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Thursday Twaddle

Another day of joy and happiness passes by, the usual suspects playing silly games for us.  
I note Liz Truss, she of the £40 or 70 Billion disaster as PM has sent a lawyers letter telling the present inept PM to stop saying she was at fault for her fault.  'Cease and desist claiming I crippled the economy,' she writes. 
If I were PM I would reply,

'Thank you for your letter, I acknowledge receipt.
Your letter has been filed in the bin alongside a 44 day old lettuce.'

I remain etc... 

I suspect he will not desist or cease, and if she does sue, which she will not, it will be interesting to see what else comes out of this.  Her future will be assured as a failure sadly.  What a waste of a life.

President Musk, soon to be officially sworn in, is apparently desperate to replace Farage as leader of 'Reform.'  Now Reform is not a political Party, it is a business.  Those who sign up have no voice, no vote, and merely pay in money which ends up in Farage and Tice's pockets, Farage taking around 2/3rds of the cash.  He has already made £600,000 they claim from his other jobs since become MP.  Quite how Musk can replace Farage at the top with another billionaire who he does not know is worth considering.

Every so often a tyrant of some sort arises, Hitler and Stalin, and who thinks of them today?  Others in their locale have been dictators, now forgotten, others will rise like Putin, threaten the world, but can be seen off.  No worries here.  

Monday, 12 February 2024


There can be no doubt that there is a coup underway.  The question is who is behind it?  Is it Putin, or some group of US Billionaires?  Not that there is much difference.  It most likely may be they are all working independently in the same direction, complete control of society in their favour.
Steve Bannon is one man heavily involved here.  Touring the world and mixing with Trump and Putin, Boris and Victor Orban the Hungarian leader, he has followed the age old system of lying and pointing the finger 'over there' to divide the nations and pander to the wild populist vote.  
Politicians are scared of this, though not the ones who jump on the bandwagon.
In the US Trump, in spite of all the abuse of women, theft, mad ravings and complete deceit, might well obtain enough votes from the sheep to become president again.  What does this say about US politics?  Underneath lie the same policies of Putin, and those who in the UK have looked for and found a zombie able to front their policies, Liz Truss.  Boris was their man but he shot himself in the foot too often to remain.  However, he might return yet, unless Liz can stop this.  
Behind them all lie policies that remove worker protection, cut wages, cut the power of judges one way or another, break through all democratic safeguards,  and enable the rich elite to remain the rich elite, keeping the workers down as they have done so often before.
Yet, where is the public rising up to create about this?
The 'man in the street' either does not comprehend, does not know, or does not care, but foolishly considers an election will soon occur in which he can have a voice.  The election will occur, but first there might be a 'Reichstag' moment to allow 'a state of emergency' being introduced!
Poland has shown the way to overcome this, but it took a while and the media in the UK cannot be trusted, nor will it oppose what the owners support.  Poland threw out their dictators, will the US and UK do the same?

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Friday Flannel


Life after a wee bout of Covid is not much different from what occurred before.  I sit here doing little, thinking little, and watching the 'to do' list slowly curl up as little has been done about that.  This however, changed today as I hoovered quickly because the boiler man is coming to check the boiler tomorrow.  This means moving a couple of things and I wanted to see the dust first and check what may be lying under there.
After that the world slowed down again, and I am glad.
The worst of Covid passed, but the lack of sleep and eating did not do any good.  I ate little yet my weight has not gone down!  This week I have eaten and slept much more, just like having a job again...
Have you noticed how facebook comes alive after 9 am, when office workers turn up for work?  
Facebook at least has ceased the absurd ideas for now.  They have bled us dry in many ways, and still do, but I think the boy is just waiting for Musk to collapse so no new initiatives appear.  Musk, and his swastika Twitter, must collapse soon.  His latest idea of charging a fee has not gone down well.  The number who will move or just drop it, I amongst them, will be great.  His followers will remain but Twitter under Musk is very dead.
With parliament closing down so the parties can have a wee jolly at others expense, I not the PM, a man called Sunak I believe, has announced yet another 'U-Turn,' after being ordered to do this by one Liz Truss.  This has angered the other right-wing zealots who thought they were running the party.  None care for the UK of course, all are concerned to win an election, keep their job, and in Truss's case, make a come-back!  Surely not?  We await the stories of lax living at the conferences any time soon.
The King, that Charlie fellow, went over to France and more or less indicated that Rishi rejecting the 'net-zero' idea was a foolish idea.  Charlie spoke up for doing something about climate change just as Rishi was doing the opposite.  Charles has always been tactful.  There is no doubt he was implying also that BREXIT was a dumb idea and ought to be reversed.  The royals have not forgotten how Boris treated them, have they?  I suspect more to come here.
Summer has ended, Autumn has arrived, I can tell by the rain outside my window, always falling at the wrong angle to clean the panes.   While the natural Englishman still wanders about in shorts and T-shirt more intelligent people are now wearing coats, and coats with hoods I note, as they can tell the temperature drop and notice the wet stuff falling on them.  Some Englishmen appear not capable of noticing this. 
I will now shut all the windows opened for air, close the doors, turn the over on to heat the place, and add another blanket on the bed.  I canny wait for January!

Saturday, 22 October 2022

A Quiet Week...

A quiet week, a week in which I decided to start Xmas shopping.  I like to have everything ready and off by December 1st, and so on the last 24 hours I have spent over £300 and still have some way to go.  The advantage of 'Amazon Gift Cards' is that they can be stuck in a card and the recipient buys what they want, not what I send.  This is better for all, and the girls, and it is mostly girls at the other end, prefer this.  I do not ask what they buy!
So I bought the cards, went back for more today, obtained other items from Tesco and B&M, strange the places Xmas comes from, and searched a charity shop or two.  Now all I have to do is organise all this in a sensible fashion and obtain cards to go with them.  Then there are the online shopping to do, but that can wait till nearer the time, and stuff for little hands round about. 
For those I popped into the museum and searched their overpriced shop.  I bought a couple of things, searched the actual museum for changes, recognised one of the dinosaurs on display, and bought museum honey and chutney.  Home then for the football.

How nice to see the team playing properly today.  'Up and at em' was the cry, led by Cammy Devlin our Australian dynamo.  What a man he is.  It was his drive that carried us through the first half alone.  After a few difficult games, missing many important players, we were heading back to our best again.  With the others returning, by Christmas we will be much better off, though probably out of Europe.  
The VAR experiment went well, Celtic lost out!  Without fair coverage they might have won!  Well done VAR!

Apparently we are aiming for another Prime Minister.  One of the contenders is Boris Johnson, liar, cheat and idiot, who considers the nation needs him.  Maybe he plans to kill another 180,000 in two years?  I wonder if the temporary PM will release the 'Russian Report' that Boris refused to release, as it contains evidence of his treason and all the Russian money pouring into Tory funds?  I somehow doubt it, decency is not her way.  So, the comedy show continues, we await developments.


Friday, 14 October 2022

Calamity All Round Day

Another week filled with joy and happiness heads towards its end.  The thin cloud covering the world, the chill in the air, and the leaves lying across the world indicate the time of year.
The choking cough I suffer today indicates I did a  washing yesterday.  This involved a lot of shirts and one blanket.  Some fool forgot that this blanket leaves fluff on everything, so I now have fluff on everything!  Including my throat.  I had kept the red duvet cover separate to avoid more pink items, and put that through on its own today, but having done that separately I now have to wash all the rest once again on Monday.  Life, as it is normally lived, in this house!  
Oh yes, and I had to hoover the fluff off the floor afterwards also.  Fool!
Of course I can add to the delights my Turmeric soup.  I did not plan on making Turmeric soup but as I added a bit of this, a bit of that, I also added a bit of oops, too much Turmeric!  The flavour, for want of a better word, will not earn me a place on one of the ten times a day, cooking programmes  on television.  I heard the dog downstairs howling as I ate, I suspect the aroma got down to him.
As it is the end off the week the weather had deteriorated accordingly.  Wind has gathered its power, clouds gather, huge clouds gathering in mid Atlantic awaiting Monday morning, and football ruined by the wind.  Tsk!  The clouds also mean I canny get a better shot of Jupiter than the last one.  Once again my wee camera is not reaching that far out.  I thought I had got something special last night, but it was just a plane leaving Stansted and passing over us.  Those lights are confusing.

It now transpires there are only three Prime Ministers until Christmas.  How time flies?  The shortest ever Chancellor has gone back to making more money and dodging tax, while the woman responsible for his policies that ended with him thrown under the bus in a vain attempt to save her own skin, remains planning decorations at No 10.  
I'm not sure she needs bother.
The somewhat smug Chancellor has been replaced by a very smug Chancellor, one Jeremey Hunt of Freudian slip fame.  He of course is no fan of our Liz but he is a fan of taking her job.  Clearly he sees an opportunity falling towards him here and she has not.  Liz not comprehending surprises no-one. 
So, what now?  Satirists are struggling to keep up here.   It is not possible to write something today and know it will not have changed by tomorrow.  I wonder if she can find a small war to occupy people's minds?

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Crash Dive!

You may have noticed movement in the earths superstructure lately.  This was caused by Liz Truss (the Prime Minister no less, stop laughing at the back) who encouraged her Chancellor to drive the nation over the cliff.  It seems Brexit was not enough, we now need to line the pockets of the rich by stealing from the poor.  The usual, but not so bare-faced, Tory approach.  The intention is to 'Drive Growth.'   She did this so well that yesterday, in an unexpected move, the Bank of England stepped in (at £60 Billion or so) to stop all the Pension funds running out of cash and destroying the lives of millions.  The response from the leader, who hid for several days, was "No bother."
Now, she is connected to many organisations based in 'Tufton Street.'  These are the people who drove Brexit, 'Leave.EU,' 'Taxpayers Alliance,' and 'IEA,' all companies of sorts who do not reveal who pays their wages.  This is easy however, it is US billionaires and their friends, those who pushed for Brexit, and made millions, and push now for deregulation of everything, no matter the cost, so they can make more millions.  Liz receives money from most of the backers.  
There is little surprise in these moves, they have been coming, but few expected them to actually happen.  Now the UK is seen worldwide as a 'Basket case,' and not just in the UK.  Corruption at the top is driving this.  Intelligent thought, care for those suffering, and taking responsibility are not on the agenda.  'I'm all right Jack,' however is.  

Friday, 16 September 2022

Nothing to say Friday


Life has been busy recently.  At least having to watch football at 5:45 and 20:00 hrs three days running I fond this quite tiring.  Made worse by watching replays of games the next day.  Still, someone has to do it.  Anyway, the Heart of Midlothian did well considering their many injuries, including during this game, and successfully overcame the Latvian opponents.  It has been a long time since we were at this level, and it shows.

I have however, managed to work out a setting that enables a poor shot of the moon.  Naturally it is ebbing away now, and this morning I noticed it had moved across the sky to the west.  Why can they not keep these things in one place so I can set the camera up properly?  Tsk!

The 'Lying in State' and Charles touring the country has left little space for other news.  This of course has not stopped the Conservative leader from releasing licences to 'Frack' for oil in various places.  This done on the day the queen lay in state in Edinburgh!  How noble.  While Charles and Camilla 'walk about' greeting happy Welsh folks today I am left wondering what Liz is doing.  She has ensured she was seen on camera in Edinburgh, Northern Ireland and Wales, none of whom want her, and managed a hate filled glare at Nicola while she read first during the service in St Giles.  Tasteful.  While she will no doubt take advantage of the time to meet with leaders from many nations in the next few days, as indeed she ought, I will be amazed if any are happy with her.  Joe is annoyed about the Protocol,  China, if any arrive, are annoyed about Taiwan, Russia is annoyed Putin was not invited!  She has at least allowed the Bankers to increase their bonus's, another Brexit benefit. 
Poor Charlie and his woman, feted everywhere, then stabbed in the back at the earliest opportunity.  What a life to lead.  Well paid, surrounded by servants, and not having to walk to Tesco in the morning as the shops are shut on Monday may be very well but, the queen herself preferred the days at Balmoral when she could just be a housewife.  Phillip cooking the BBQ and she washing up afterwards, all much more enjoyable than meeting the people they are forced to smile at.

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Liz Truss, PMQs and European Football

I gave PMQs a go at lunchtime, especially as I wanted to see how Keith would deal with Liz.  I did not watch for long.  Starmer was short, to the point, and making it clear Liz stood for the rich, as she more or less admitted, and Labour stood for the poor.  He wasted no time on congratulating her, he just got on with it.  She, as expected, made promises, claimed to be doing it for the nation, and said nothing, as expected on the first date.  It is clear they do not like one another.
After Keith I listened for a short while but it was clear nothing was going to be said.  Questions were asked, no answers given, yet we all know who will benefit from this short term government.  The opportunities for satire are clear, but the opportunities for the less well paid, and here I refer to Police, Fire and NHS staff as well as those in badly paid work, and I know about those, are non existent.  I note the Firemen have been offered 2%.  Inflation at around 10%.  More strikes, more trouble, the rich still taxed less.
A quick look at the 'Daily Mail' shows the readers are not impressed.  Her bots try to defend her but the people understand she is still working for 'Shell.'
I watched the Celtic game on the mobile last night.  Lying happily in my bed, on my side, straining my eyes to see the small screen, while Celtic pretended they
were a top side, only to lose to a proper top side by three goals to nil.  It could have been so different, but it wasn't.
Today they cry 'unfair,' because Real Madrid have £700 million more than Celtic have.  'The rich clubs beat us, we have no chance.'  Considering they have similar benefits over the likes of St Mirren I see no reason for such whining.  Whining which will be repeated after Rangers are humbled by Ajax in Amsterdam tonight.
However, good news!  I think I have found a way to watch the humbling on the laptop.  Such a device is available at BTSport/Watch.  As long as I have the correct log in I will be OK.  I am convinced nothing will go wrong...

Monday, 5 September 2022

Storm Liz


Summer is still here.  
I realised that at about 3 am when a tremendous clap of thunder brought me to life.  This was followed by the usual downpour hissing across the area.  At first I thought someone had fallen down the stairs, it was that sort of elongated rumble.  However, my interest peaked at this point and I closed my eyes as lightning flashed once again and I retuned to slumber.
I wondered if this storm could be a precursor to the announcement regarding one Liz Truss becoming Prime Minister.  I shall repeat that, 'Liz Truss has been announced as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom!'  Yes, the 0.34 of the population, or those unknowns living overseas who joined the Party just to vote for her, have given us Liz as PM.  
According to Suetonius in his 'Lives of the Twelve Caesars,' it struck me as interesting that when ever an Emperor was born an eagle was seen flying over Rome, lightning struck the Temple of Mars, and a woman gave birth to a horse with three heads.  I wonder if the lightning arrived last night in such a manner?  There has been no reports of eagles and less about strange creatures born to woman, until now at least, but it is worth keeping this in mind.
I noticed a sign on the 'Citizens Advice' centre door, 'Liz Truss PM : EMIGRATE!'
While the two previous PMs were a flop neither was as inept, lazy and possibly treasonous as Boris.  Now e have come one step further down the line.  A woman who's mind changes so often you begin to think she is a woman!  Much has been written by her backing from US billionaires who made their money from fossil fuels, and their right-wing policies are found in much of her scribbles over the years.  There is no doubt she is for the rich and wishes to ensure the cowed population behave as serfs, as she, and many other Tories, clearly intend.  There is a new level of spite and idiocy at the door, this leaves only one question: How long can she last?  I say gone before Christmas, unless she calls an election and wins.

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Today's Politicians, Compared to Yesterday's, briefly.

It has been reported that Rishi Sunak, the 'would be' PM, has stated that he was not encouraged to speak out during the pandemic.  His claim is that had he been able to speak he would have ended lockdown, masks and other scientific advice, removed all scientists from the public eye and cut down the information given to the people about Covid.  This he says would have encouraged business, the economy and enabled growth, though I do not quote him directly.
This reveals the changes in politicians in my lifetime.
The first half of the 20th century saw two major world wars, a world depression and an attempt, after 1945, to improve life for the nation.  All UK political parties wished things to improve, even though there were disagreements as to how and when.   
Then, after 20 or so years of this came Thatcher!  The idea of working together was replaced by greed.  It could be said that this new economic model enriched everybody, and indeed it did, except for the 3 million unemployed of course, many who never worked again.  Under Blair and Brown the worst excesses of Thatcher were diminished, however, a growing threat came from those growing up in the 'Punk' era.  Having known nothing of war or hunger, even from a distance, having been brought up with a 'silver spoon in the mouth,' though often brought up by uncaring parents, those who became politicians, newspaper and media people, all from the same background, cared nothing and knew nothing about those outside of their circle. 
Today, the new PM is to be Liz Truss, a woman connected to many organisations that wish to reduce benefits, they mean end them, charge for the NHS, drop all protection for workers, the environment and anything that hinders their profits, and we can see how this will work out through the privatised English water companies today.  In short, a return to 'Victorian Values,' without the 'Victorian Social Gospel,' that changed the world for the better.  People no longer matter, they are cogs in the wheel to make the rich richer.  Truss and her kind have been planning this for many years.  Lobby groups abound and we do not know who pays for them, though Koch, Mercer, Pharma companies and Fossil fuel companies are all involved yet we are not officially told who pays.  US money offering US standards to UK people while UK politicians line their pockets and prove unworthy of office!
The futures bright, but not in the UK!

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Thrush and Sunak

It is the time of the year to look up and listen.  Last night, as I was bemoaning the lack of football on TV, I heard this boy sing.  (It may be female, I don't know)  How wonderful is the sound of a Thrush in the evening, or perhaps a Blackbird, lots of them around here as always.  So far tonight he has not shown up, too early, and the sun is still shining high in the sky.  I suspect he, and his mates, will be seeking the late worms and other beasties that manifest themselves at this time of year.  Walking around today I noticed again the Swifts overhead.  Maybe they were House Martins, but I am sure they are swifts.  They all move to fast to check!
I saw them when I was returning from 'Poundland' & 'B&M.'  I had gone to stock up on the £1 imitation Daz, and cheap bleach.  However, there were huge gaps in the shelves.  While filled as well as could be expected it was clear stocks were low.  So I left 'Poundland' and went next door to 'B&M' where a similar situation was to be found.  It is clear Brexit and the huge costs, let alone the amount of paperwork, has taken its toll on shops importing all their goods from China.  Another Brexit Dividend I assume?

In spite of all the denials, all it took was a report from Sue concerning lots of parties at No 10 to enable the Chancellor to hand out the cash to the needy.  While this is beneficial, I ask, is this the best method?  Certainly this will help many, but for those on benefits how far will £650 go between a family of four, especially if they are not the wisest?  I suppose Boris can now claim to be doing something, however, nobody believes him.
I wonder, if he stood down who would replace him?  The leading lights are lights that are very dim, and no proper leader will wish to take control, especially as the next election will be a disaster for the Tories.  So, step forward Liz Truss!  This is your moment, take control, spend two years being worse than Boris, lose the election and allow a real Conservative to return, if there are any left...