Showing posts with label Daily Mail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Mail. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Media, The UK, Owned by Corporates

The Canary, a free independent newspaper, reports on how great an increase there has been in the UK media, owned by a variety of billionaires, concerning the disabled and chronically ill benefit claimants. 
For some time the Conservative administration proposed cut backs in payment for such claimants, since Labour took office there has been little change bar the increase in press attacks.  This is led by Labour ministers, and Labour the party of the 'working class, the sick, the poor and the needy?'  Not any more.  The Labour Party are owned by the same corporates who own the rest of the UK.
According to the 'Canary' research on items on this matter in the Telegraph, Mail, and Times, have risen by 1132% since 2023.  The usual scribbles claim fraud and abuse by claimants, the need for a 'crackdown' though such has been offered since Gordon Brown was in office, and the cost of the bill to UK taxpayers.  Here we see what they wish.  Welfare, which for some reason now includes pensions, costs a great deal.  Therefore to cut it down government make it difficult to claim, I think the form is 45 pages long these days, and acceptance is not guaranteed.  It is not known how many have died while attempting to claim or have been refused help, I reckon thousands.  Money is more important that people and it always has been.
You do not need to go far to look at the absurd 'Assisted Suicide' Bill that is being hurried incomplete and without safeguards through parliament at the PMs wishes.  This will enable thousands to kill themselves, mostly from guilt at being a burden, rather than anything to do with easing pain.  Thus the NHS costs, and they are great, will be lessened and palliative care costs almost ignored.  This already occurs in the Netherlands, Canada and elsewhere, with many dying early or being pushed into considering this.  OAPs beware!
Add to this the report in 'Declassified Today' where the increase in stories urging an increase in defence spending has risen sharply in recent years.  According to their research there has been a rise in stories demanding an increase in such spending since 2020.  This has risen by 2700% from 110 in 2020 to 3122 in 24/25.  TV and radio is becoming filled with agitators for a possible future war, but where are the dissenting voices?  They are not being heard.
Disability, Assisted suicide and future wars are all backed by the same people.  The media barons support all this to save them paying tax, the real reason for Brexit, and they will benefit from sales and shares in the required material wanted to put these plans into operation.  The BBC and other main stream TV channels are all under control, journalists who ask questions are ignored or removed from all.  A coup has taken place, one that was supported by the people as they voted for this thinking they were getting something to benefit themselves.  Instead the corporates have taken over, the intention is to enrich the rich and enslave the people as in days of your.
The people for the most part are still asleep while this happens.  'Bread & Circuses works.  


Friday, 17 May 2024

Banned and Redeemed in Gardens

I'm peeved.
The 'Online Mail' has banned me and not even told me I was banned!
I feel rejected.
Of course I was only on there to wind up the 'wide eyed loons' who abound on the site, helpfully indicating the falseness of the DMs scribbles.  However, this appears to have been unwelcome.  I know not why, others agreed with me, maybe they have been banned also?   This of course is very much the Tory way these days.  Dictators push one line of thought and ban all others.  In the UK only the far-right are allowed to speak, just watch BBCs 'Question Time,' and see dictator led debate for example.  Only one line of thought is allowed.  Those who question this are browbeaten and not invited back.  
Now, with so much more time on my hands I must make the most of it in a positive manner.  Maybe I will spend more time of 'Twitter,' now of course known by some as 'X.'  But he has stopped Firefox from using Twitter as that browser blocks his data stealing, others do not.  So it means much less time there.
Dearie me, I am going to have a lot of time to myself now...

Well, hold on a minute!  
I have just been for a short 40 minute walk that used to take 10 minutes, round the gardens and when I return the situation has changed.  I can once again post on DM, possibly it was a 'blip.
Blips online are not easy to deal with.  At Sainsburys this morning the lassie was struggling to get onto her phone.  It seems that the staff must do everything by phone these days, holidays etc, and logging in does not work!  

Firefox would not let me log into Twitter this morning, this was a problem.  It worked elsewhere, Edge and Chrome, but adverts appeared as the adblocker was not working there.  Most annoying.  However, later, that also appears to have ended.  Others tell me Musk has been playing around with Twitter, changing servers and fiddling with things, so this may play a part.  However, he is a rogue so we do not know what he will do tomorrow.

The sun was quite hot, the flowers were opening everywhere, and the Bees were filling this bush and having a jolly old time there.  Of course, where I pressed the button they moved inside the flower!  The rear end appears to be their best side as it was offered most of the time.  

These blue things are ripening in time for the birds to enjoy.  I expect soon they will be covered in feathered friends chomping away.  I did not try them myself...

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

St George's fans in all their Glory

The 'Online Mail,' or someone unknown, are at it again.
The 'Mail' has amended the comments section.  A new system, just as inept as previously, has been introduced.  The same people, bots, activists and people like myself who like to wind up the far-right 'wild eyed loons,' still feature.  However, these days I notice an enormous number of names beginning with a colour.  For instance 'BlueMoon,' 'Purplethis' or 'Purplethat,' 'Orangethis' or 'Orangethat,' and many of these support my comments.  This is unusual on the 'Daily Mail.'  I am wondering what lies behind this?  Bots from those opposed to the paper, St Petersburg perhaps, North Korea, or maybe one of the Arab states known to have interfered with various MPs emails by sending them 'Dickpics?'  
Who would wish to increase the 'clickbait' on this grubby paper, why do so, what is in it for them?  
Do these names appear elsewhere I wonder?

SKY News

St George's Day today, a day once forgotten but now taken up by the far-right 'yob' element of England's lower orders.  Encouraging division re Scotland's independence debate has led to a backbench cry of 'English Parliament' like the Scots one.  Of course they already have one, it is at Westminster, and they sit there daily voting the way they are commanded.  
A parade past Downing Street up Whitehall was allowed by the Met Police.  Naturally some of Tommy's Boys have made an attempt to break into or out of the parade, I am still unsure what they were attempting, so once more the 'Boys in Blue' are dealing with loyal English men behaving like thugs.
This does not surprise me.
What did surprise me, and also he himself, was Tommy Robinson the Luton Boy, born of Irish parents and called Yaxley-Lennon in truth, was cleared of his last riot because the judge found the police officer responsible for the paperwork had entered the wrong date.  Something about the laptop battery fading, once repowered he entered the incorrect date.  Case thrown out!  What a chance missed.  However, the Met will not forget, I get the impression Tommy is not one of their favourites, and one day they will do him properly, and this to the advantage of us all.

Thursday, 20 July 2023


The Eon Crooks have been at it again.  
They sent a lying email informing me the costs will be coming down,  almost immediately I get another making clear the Tariff has ended and I must choose another.  Both are rip-offs!  One offers a dear monthly payment, that may go up or down according to electricity costs.  Lies all lies!  This will never go down.  The only alternative is a high monthly cost, and summer will soon end.  Crooks, Tory bribing crooks, and inept Labour following on crooks also!   
I am already in credit, but the costs have risen.  Standing charge, day and night charge, and 'line my pockets because you cannot do anything about it' charge are all up!  I cannot use another company, they demand 'smart meters,' and with the meters being in the basement those do not work.  Indeed, the chancers called me the other day, I suspect from the Philippines, demanding I install one.  I reminded the woman that the engineers stated they do not work.  I suspect this will make no difference to these incompetent crooks!
I am not pleased.  I suspect the Gas will do similar shortly.

The 'Daily Mail,' and their fascist friends, have been making a lot of noise re Nigel Farage being chucked out of 'Coutts Bank' because he is a Russian agent.  They are plastering the pages with tales of woe, all because this lying fraud lied in a fraudulent manner about his account being worthless.  I suspect Steve Bannon, the fascist organiser, is behind this latest publicity spiel.  'Outrage' and 'Fury' abundant, all based on lies, and possible fears that they may be next.
No outrage about real problems mind.

We read in the 'Daily Star,' that Aled Jones, a singer, wandering about Chiswick close to home,  was attacked and robbed of his £14,000 'Rolex' watch, by a 'machete wielding' man, possibly as young as 16.  A suspect was found, but so far no 'Rolex' watch.
We ought to feel sympathy at such a loss, however, my reaction was to feel none whatsoever.  Who needs to pay stupid amounts of money for a watch?  Thousands do, singers like Aled, footballers, MPs and others earning amounts high enough not to notice the electric price robbery.  Personally, unless such an item was required, there is no reason to spend thousands on a watch!  We often read of women losing their bracelets or watch to such robbers, I feel no sympathy.  If your understanding of money is such as this you deserve none.

Barcos en el puerto - 1881

Friday, 16 June 2023

Boris, Congregational and Museum



It is no surprise to find Boris has accepted around £250,000 a month for lying in the 'Daily Mail.'  The 'Telegraph' or whoever will be owning the 'telegraph' soon, will be unhappy at this.  Of course the new owners might care little, and offer Boris the editors job and then the 'Daily Mail' will find reason to call the fat lazy, ungrateful coward, a fat lazy, ungrateful coward.  He will care not as long as someone pays him.
One report claims he has informed his people not to vote against the big vote on Monday, so he has a deal of some sort with Sunak.  But what would that deal involve, and why should anyone trust the untrustworthy rogue?  
Interestingly, it was pointed out that the Murdoch press said nothing much re Boris today, thus implying Rupert is looking elsewhere.  Murdoch is less loyal than Boris, so no chance of him working at the 'Times' any time soon. 
I just want him far away, preferably in jail, and soon all the other corrupt rogues can be following him into Pentonville!

The heat has been hot, but the furthest I have been remains the Supermarkets.  However, yesterday  I slogged it up the road to the large Co-op store in search of s suitable gift for the two youngest.  Lots of stuff but nothing suitable!  Ain't life grand!  Therefore I decided to try the kids toys in the museum.  On the way I passed the wife of the Congregational minister.  Sadly he had died in March and I never knew.  I was so sad about this as I had known them for many years.  Congregational churches, as you know, are owned by the congregation, and the problem here was the age of the people.  The minister over the years had buried most of them, and just before Covid struck only around eight members were left.  Aged people, Authorised Version bible, poor music, and this will not attract young folk.  The end was inevitable, and now this church, standing here for over almost 400 years, will soon begin to fall apart if a decision is not made for the future.  It looks like they will have to sell the building to another church in need.  It is a great building with semi circular seating, raised platform, room for development and its own graveyard, where all the previous ministers now lie.  The poor widow is of course cut up, they had been married over 50 years and very close.  The building has recently replaced the lead stolen ate at night, they stole the lead from the roof of the bank also, and this cost £11,000 to replace!  
Anyway, somewhat disheartened, I plodded round to the shop.  There the young assistant was keen on assisting me, to get me out of the shop again, she knows me well, and soon she had taken many pieces of gold from me and sent me on my way.  It costs a fortune just to browse in that museum these days.  

Saturday, 18 March 2023

King, WW2 and Rolls, What else is Required?


You will be as delighted as I am to read that Prince Louis will be attending the coronation alongside George and Charlotte. whoever they are.  My heart leapt at this news, didn't yours?  
No?  I am not surprised.  
This is just another 'Daily Mail' story ignoring the real problems in the UK and pandering to royalists everywhere.  Their Tory lies have not convinced anyone so talk about something that distracts the readers is the usual way.  So, the 'Online Mail' fills the top of the page with tripe like this.
A serious point has to be made however.  Charles, they say, (always 'they' whoever 'they' are) wanted a 'cut down' coronation.  So who decided to make it a bog occasion, Holiday, long weekend, pubs open late, and all that?  Surely this was a government desire to blind the population to their faults, if indeed they are still in office come the day.
Surely if the monarch wishes to be popular he would avoid spending millions on an event in times of cost-cutting?  Surely he would be avoiding large gatherings and seek a cheap coronation?  Now, after fifty years awaiting his enthronement I can understand Charles wishes to have his big day, but consider the effects on the public.  
In Scotland support for the monarchy is falling, 36% were in favour, if I remember the last poll correctly, 45% against.  So a third of the country is for a monarch, mostly Tories and Rangers fans, and an ever growing number wish to lose royalty.  This in a nation where the monarch was known to wander the pathways around Balmoral freely, accompanied only by a security man and rarely recognised, and usually ignored by the public.  A friend of mine walking there one day met Camilla and her guard wandering the hills.  They chatted amiably and went on.  This ought to continue whatever the decision, but for Charles to ignore, or not be made aware of the publics view is a mistake.  
There is also the question of the Stone of Scone (pronounced 'Scoon') now kept in Edinburgh Castle.  On this stone the King of Scots is crowned, and until now it has been placed under the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey.  Stolen by Edward I the brutal imperialist English king in 1296 during one of his failed invasions, and removed to London where it was imprisoned until returned by a desperate London government seeking to stop Scottish Nationalism in 1996.  That failed.  The question now is, ought the stone to remain in Edinburgh?  Should Charles be forced to come to Scone Abbey and be crowned 'King of Scots' there?  I wonder if the new First Minister has the guts to ask this question?
I doubt it.

You can tell it is a Saturday simply by looking at the 'Online Mail.'  Every Saturday without fail we find a Second World War story, this time one featuring Plaszow Concentration Camp, an unruly, lawless place, even by Nazi standards.  This story tells us off a violent man who allowed the power to go to his head, and the survivor who sought him out after the war and had him brought to justice.
Now the tale is not pretty, but the tale is not important.  What is important is to remind the reader that 'They are British,' and that 'We won the war,' and allow them to sink into the Brexit dream of imperialist greatness that would make Edward I jealous.  The facts of the war matter not, most of the readers were not born during the war, it is the 'British Flag Waving' that counts.  As indeed does the coronation story at the top of the 'Mail Online' page.  
Journalism, who needs it? 

There has been a bit off a hoo-hah in the press because a Glasgow company, 'Morton's Bakers,' has ceased to exist.  This Bakers has become famous in the west of Scotland for providing the morning roll so beloved by Scots, especially on a Sunday morning!   While this is sad news for Glaswegians it kind of surprised me as in Edinburgh it was more normal on Sunday mornings to walk to the local bakers shop for rolls and then gather the newspapers from the nearby newsagent.  It is to be hoped the clever people in the house already had bacon, eggs or square sausage available for the rolls, or there would be trouble!  As far as I know this is still normal procedure for many.  Huge bakeries may supply rolls to supermarkets and large shops, but the rolls from the local baker are always the best in the world.  All over Scotland small bakers can be found hard at work at a Saturday midnight as they prepare the requirements for the morning.  In times past, when I was walking home, too late for a bus, to cheap for a taxi, I often made my way through Stockbridge.  Just after passing Royal Circus on the right hand side were a row of shops.  Amongst them there was a small bakers shop hard at work, and on a quiet, late summer night the fragrance of the bakers work filled the air all around.  Marvellous!  I remain unconvinced such wee bakers can survive with large supermarkets around but surely many do.  There is nothing better than entering such a shop, being served by a 16 year old (if that) on her first job, possibly buying a 'snowball' or two, and maybe a couple of 'Fly Cemeteries' for later.  Now, we have a large 'Greggs' in this town but there is no way I would buy in that shop (I use Tesco) if there was a suitable bakers nearby.  Sadly this area does not possess one such wee baker.
However, for the hungry, I have found a suitable recipe for those able and willing to learn how to eat properly.  Scottish Scran  Go read and learn how to eat properly!

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Cancelled Truth


As mentioned the other day I have been banned from Twitter for standing up for the truth.  Naturally I appealed this nonsense and await a reply.  Until then I am banned, I suspect they will keep me waiting in the hope I delete the truth and save them the bother.  They are foolhardy if they think this.
However, while we await a known apparent infringement of their rules an email arrived informing me I was permanently banned from the 'Online Daily Mail.'  Tsk!  They did not even have the decency to inform me as to what I said wrong.  This is annoying.  I looked it up and wonder what could be the problem, possibly not agreeing with the Queens mob, possibly not agreeing with the Mail most days I suspect.  Anyway, that is one name that will not be seen again on the 'Mail Online' sadly.  
Of course I discovered another name I use there still works, three Brexiteers proved that tis morning, and so I am limited to using that one alone for now.  No more agreeing with myself to boost numbers...
The 'cancel culture' is an undemocratic movement, and when those strongly opposed to it begin cancelling those with whom they disagree it speaks volumes about them, and society in general.
Society is often confused, conflicted, and led by those who really care nothing for society.  This has left this nation with a browbeaten population, youth with much confusion as to what life they ought to be living, no belief in right and wrong, just an exaggerated expression of 'Me First,' and 'My feelings are important.'  The 'silent majority,' many of whom queued up to pay respects to their queen the other day are being let down by those who ought to lead them.  Politicians, church leaders, the media and whoever has a voice in society ought to be speaking truth.  This is not happening.  UK Politicians in government are owned by US Billionaires, and speak policy that benefits the rich, this is not leading the people, just the few.  Church leaders are taking the congregations with them under 'Stonewall' control. Jesus is forgotten, scripture ignored, the nation kept in ignorance by those who ought to proclaim Jesu crucified from the housetops.  The nearest we have seen this in recent days was the Archbishop speaking at the queens funeral, an almost proper sermon, so rare even from him, though she would have agreed. Those who consider men or women believing they were born in the wrong body browbeat any who rightly oppose them, nobody wishes to stand up to the mob!  Facebook and Twitter and other social media do not know how to cope, and just continue to gather data.  TV and press offer 'Bread & Circus's' while journalism and investigation is passed over according to whoever owns the works.  
Amos the prophet, saw such events many years ago.  The Lord himself loved the people, even though they had walked away from him and ignored him.  He sent many prophets but Amos sums up some of our day quite well.  The rich get richer, the poor do not get justice, and soon judgement falls. 
Individually and as a nation we cannot continue to live so far from a God who created us and who desperately wants us, so he can give us real life, a life that satisfies.  
How God cares, how Jesus weeps.

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Liz Truss, PMQs and European Football

I gave PMQs a go at lunchtime, especially as I wanted to see how Keith would deal with Liz.  I did not watch for long.  Starmer was short, to the point, and making it clear Liz stood for the rich, as she more or less admitted, and Labour stood for the poor.  He wasted no time on congratulating her, he just got on with it.  She, as expected, made promises, claimed to be doing it for the nation, and said nothing, as expected on the first date.  It is clear they do not like one another.
After Keith I listened for a short while but it was clear nothing was going to be said.  Questions were asked, no answers given, yet we all know who will benefit from this short term government.  The opportunities for satire are clear, but the opportunities for the less well paid, and here I refer to Police, Fire and NHS staff as well as those in badly paid work, and I know about those, are non existent.  I note the Firemen have been offered 2%.  Inflation at around 10%.  More strikes, more trouble, the rich still taxed less.
A quick look at the 'Daily Mail' shows the readers are not impressed.  Her bots try to defend her but the people understand she is still working for 'Shell.'
I watched the Celtic game on the mobile last night.  Lying happily in my bed, on my side, straining my eyes to see the small screen, while Celtic pretended they
were a top side, only to lose to a proper top side by three goals to nil.  It could have been so different, but it wasn't.
Today they cry 'unfair,' because Real Madrid have £700 million more than Celtic have.  'The rich clubs beat us, we have no chance.'  Considering they have similar benefits over the likes of St Mirren I see no reason for such whining.  Whining which will be repeated after Rangers are humbled by Ajax in Amsterdam tonight.
However, good news!  I think I have found a way to watch the humbling on the laptop.  Such a device is available at BTSport/Watch.  As long as I have the correct log in I will be OK.  I am convinced nothing will go wrong...

Friday, 5 November 2021

Friday Frippary

A day of nothingness.
Nothing in the news bar finger pointing by ex-MP Paterson's friends and enemies.  Tory MPs indicating their displeasure at his situation and what it has done to them and their 'integrity!'   Boris, as expected, hiding in a fridge while his Chief Whip takes the blame for his mistakes.  Madame Leasom has not commented as far as I know.  The 'Daily Mail' made clear their opinion and roasted him this morning, Geordie the editor does not like Boris, even though the owners wife does.  Maybe she has changed her mind, Geordie has not.
The 'Sun,' which still exists, avoided the issue.  The Commission still has questions over his wallpaper and holidays which Boris is refusing to answer.  Hopefully a 30 day ban might occur for him and then we shall see something!

I spent the day on the laptop.  Emails, from me begging for money, sending the gas meter reading, and searching for ages on how to log in when the password and name does not work so I could renew the WFA.  Tonight, after watching Scotland humbled by a poor Indian side at cricket, it all went through by chance, how did that happen?  I still do not know.  A pension provider, £10 a month, keeps sending online payslips, I am unable to find the log in details or the paperwork detailing these.  This meant clearing out the 'imortant paper' file.  That has half filled the recycled box but did not produce the letter.  I used to be very careful with these things, but times appear to have changed.
November 5th, fireworks have exploded at strange hours occasionally this week, and they are banging away as we speak.  Being Friday there may be more later, however, tomorrow might be the time for a blow out altogether.  Possibly Covid and common sense might lessen the effect tnight and tomorrow.
I am beginning to think only organised displays, by various groups, ought to be allowed, thus lessening the noise, diminishing danger from bonfires, and making it safer for all.  And remember, after November 5th it is all out Christmas on TV, Radio, media and your purse!

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Wednesday Wittering


Just on Nine I slogged my weary way to Sainsburys this morning in 67%F of heat (that's about 19C to foreigners).  Three days in a row the sun has shone, this, as you will realise, is a clear indication of a storm to follow.
At the supermarket I took a basket as always and perused the shop for the few items I needed.  The picture above claims to be representative of the most popular trolley in supermarkets.  I always take a basket, partly because these days I can only carry so much but also because it makes progress around the store much easier and quicker.  To pass aged men with no idea what they are doing, bar obeying orders of 'she who must be obeyed,' and women with trolleys packed with expensive shopping most of which they could easily avoid, you require a basket.  For many years this has speeded up the shopping trip.  Certainly it can get heavy, but a well organised basket can carry a fair amount, at least that is what the cost at the checkout indicates to me!  £20:18 for that lot?  There again this is cheaper today because of the diet, without the cakes, beer and other fattening items omitted once again I am saving money.
Once again I noted the indifference to the checkout operators from those pedalling vaccines.  There ought to have been an urgent requirement for such as these to be vaccinated first.  These people meet the public daily, as indeed do postmen, bus drivers (several of whom died from the virus) and dustbin collectors alongside other council workers.  We realise NHS workers and care staff ought to have been offered the 'jab' first, but how many received it?  In Scotland they did do the care homes first, one good thing from Nicola, but how many missed out?  It is 'unfortunate' that these other front line workers, who face us daily, are considered so unimportant.

We can ask here how many missed out taking the 'Jab' because they believed the anti-vax nonsense spouted by many who fell for conspiracy movements?  Why do people think a virus would contain a bug that transmits your details to Bill Gates?  He already has all your details through Microsoft, as indeed has Google, Facebook, and all sorts of other organisations, let alone those 'official' government departments that can look you up if required.  Why believe the Bill Gates lie?  Do you really think he needs to know about your boring life?  
This I suppose belongs to the politicians need to polarise the world to advance their personal position.  One of the oldest political motives, 'divide and rule,' this has been around since the dawn of time.   How many have died by avoiding the 'jab' because of such polarisation? 

One of the most obvious examples of 'Divide & Rule' is found here, with Rupert Murdoch.  He, in all his grubby papers, along with the 'Daily Mail' and 'Daily Express,' have encouraged their readers to believe the country was flooded with immigrants, all the fault of the Labour Party, and that such immigrants were given priority over housing, benefits, and opportunites, all of which were being denied to the indigenous white 'working class' population.  
This has worked.  
In similar fashion lies re the EU has led to many Labour people voting to 'Leave' because they felt hard done by.  However, the benefits regarding tax dodging for the owners of such papers was not made clear, or ign ored altogether.  Now, a collapse of the UK economy which will hit the white, and indeed immigrant, population very hard indeed has arrived, will the Brexiteer white understand why he is laid off?  Or will he blame the pandemic?
We see how successful 'Divide & Rule' has been.  The areas of northern England, once industrial heartlands, now desert like places, has seen the Labour voting population not just die off but change their voting habits and support the new incoming Conservative member, why?  Do they agree with Tory policies?  Do they know what those policies are?  This is highly unlikely, however, they have heard that the Tories will 'Control immigration,' and protect the local natives from a Muslim takeover.  
That is all that was required.  
Lies about Muslims, frequent in the 'Yellow Press,' re immigrants, mostly black, and the EU citizens flooding in also, (no comment ever made re the 3 million UK citizens in the EU by the way) all added up to a fear campaign that benfits the Tory party but not the voter. 
The result of this lie, added to the inept situation in both the Conservative and Labour Parties has led to a feeble government since 2010.  With no opposition bar the SNP who cannot have sufficient influence in the Hosue, and the dead Labour Party, there is nothing to stop the Tories doing whatever they wish.  Add also the instability withing the party producing Boris Johnson as Prime Minister and we are left with a chaotic situation unsurpassed in UK history.  It times of strife in the past serious politicians came to the fore, today none can be found.    
I have just discovered what the amendments to the constituencies will mean if allowed to go through, a vast number of increased Tory seats, and Boris and his mob ruling for ever!


Saturday, 22 February 2020

Now, I'm Not One to Complain, but...

But, really, has this all got out of hand?
The TV and radio, the press in general, are spending an enormous amount of time of the Chinese Flu coverage.  They took a break for a while while the Caroline Flack death intruded, spent a day or so at the many flooded areas, which appear forgotten now, and are back with the Flu. 
Could it be there is no news available?  Could it be the English xenophobic way?  After all those trapped rather stupidly in Yokohama harbour have spent two weeks in a boring bedroom, now they are being airlifted back to similar accommodation 'somewhere in England.'  Is this story really so important?
I am impressed with the 'Daily Mail' coverage of Meghan and Harry.  Not at any time in the many column inches offered on the 'Mail Online' do they mention that Meghan is suing the paper because of its coverage of her!  Amazing that the paper does not appear to know this.  
However several times today she is seen as sour, vindictive and downright awful.  Harry is sulky, dim and just doing what she says.  While much of this may be a correct interpretation it would be nice if the 'Mail' admitted they are scared  she might win millions.
Oh and i looked at the 'Scottish Sun' again today.  
Don't!  It's just rubbish.
Of course one question not being asked by these papers is what happened to that Russian report that reveals how much Russian money and internet influence aided Boris.  Maybe that being released would be a good idea.

The good news is I, eventually, managed to get the phone working, made a call and then worked out the text setting and had received and sent texts. I expect now my women will be constantly nagging me through this!  I am in two minds whether to share the number.
More good news!
GiffGaff, who I joined on 'Pay as you go' have announced call prices increase from 15 to 25 pence and texting etc is also more or less doubling!  Rejoice, rejoice!!!
As O2 is the basis for all these companies, well many off them, it implies more prices will be going up elsewhere.  I blame Brexit!

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Cold TV

A wee bit chilly last night.  I forgot to put the heater on in the living room and it was a lower temperature than any so far!  Wrapped up in my duvet in the West Wing I did not notice so much.  The field was white but soon the frost evaporated as the sun rose low in the distance.  (I suppose the sun would be at a 'distance.')

I am not sure if you had noticed but apparently Prince Harry, him of the ginger hair, and his woman have fled to Canada.  Apparently they think this will give them the opportunity to live free of press scrutiny and allow them to live life their way and make cash sufficient to enable them to live according to what they have become accustomed.  He clearly has his mothers brains.
You may have missed this and I hardly noticed it myself bar the near entire page of the 'Online Mail' mentioning it several times.  Almost everybody connected to the Royal House have made their comment, although none of the actual royals have done so, ex-butlers, retired journalists, women who 'waited,' 'friends,' 'sources close to...,' and lots of nobodies who wished a chance to appear on TV or have their picture in the paper have spoken.  I missed them all.    
My ignorance of the travails comes from a choice, a choice to ignore anything other than the main headline and omit the pap that follows, this makes life easier.  There again not watching the 'Bread & Circus's' offered by TV I do miss much of what is going on in the world, however I do not appear to miss out on anything important.  One lad asked two old men on Sunday about a chap called 'The Rock.'  My mate asked if this was 'Rocky Marciano?' but the young lad had never heard of him.  It appears this is a chap from TV who we had missed.  I am not sure we regret this.  This reveals how we are educated into the world.  Kids follow what the others at school watch, much of TV is ideal for young heads, and anyone over 35 or so avoids such TV unless they have kids watching, the parents attempting to understand what is going into the brats head.  
Were we like this?
Did we become dumb watching 'The Lone Ranger,' or 'Robin Hood?'  Knowing now how little historical accuracy was employed in either programme, let alone the sight of the 'Lone Ranger' and his mate 'Tonto' walking across the prairie searching for the silver bullets he fired that missed, did not take away from us kids the enjoyment that such rubbish brought.  Young folks require historical accuracy but not it appears entirely accurate.  How many 'Cowboy' films did we watch, still available on the 'Movies for Men' channel, before we realised they were nonsense?  How often did we see our lives developing as some individual on TV?  Real life got in the way too often to stop those lives appearing.  I could never afford those sharp 1960's suits the 'Saint' wore anyway.  What we put into our kids heads influences them, just as it does us.  
Looking at what is on offer on TV today I am glad books exist!  Books, whatever sort, offer more detail, more facts and by reading both sides of an argument you can come to a conclusion not offered by watching the 'A Team' or a film from the 1940's.  Such films appear to be popular with women more than men I note while men prefer news or programmes that actually say something useful, like football!  My mum used to complain men just want to watch the news while she just wanted local news.  
Men are such a nuisance.  

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Vote Daily Mail?

You have to laugh at the 'Daily Mail.'  Not just because of the 'Online Mail's' staff's inability to spell or check facts before posting but because of the desperate headlines.  Tonight for instance we once again have a headline informing us 'May to go on Friday,' which is a surprise as this morning they were claiming 'May to resign tonight.'  Every day for about three years they have claimed 'May to resign' yet she s still here.  Maybe she does not read the hacks?  Maybe it is just the DM pandering to the 'wild eyed loons?'  Either way the facts appear distant from this publication although this is not a surprise as we all know that nobody knows any facts and all is 'smoke and mirrors.'  
To make up for the loss of 'Leavers' the DM is hard at work plugging royalty.  Geordie the editor keeps in with royalty, Prince Andrew is a favourite and his benefit scrounging daughters get good coverage in the DM, also Meghan is always seen as the baddie in the soap opera, whether true or not, and today there was another 'insider' telling us who she isn't popular with.  The fact the royals do not sue might change if they annoy her, if she is the type they portray she will not withhold legal action, good on her I say.  
Further down one of the favourites, I forget which there are so many hangers on there these days, has been playing around in the 'Garden Show' and getting good PR from that alongside the kids.  I did not bother to note however.
The usual thieves, sickness (why do people rush into print about their illness?), celebs, and naked women fill the pages with sentiment high on one story and slanted anger on another.  One is left wondering what sort of people these 'journalists' are that produce such crap?  There again what does it say about me reading it?  I like to stir it a wee bit with the sheep of course but when you consider so many really believe, or wish to believe what is written therein the 'Daily Mail' it leaves me wondering about the depth of human nature once again.

Tomorrow we vote again.  The MEP's will be anxiously awaiting the word before they prepare their call to the accountant and tell him where to hide the cash.  Farage has made enough out of it already, via Aaron Banks, and will lose millions if he loses his job in the EU parliament.  Funny reaction from the Lib-Dem leader whatsisname on a broadcast with Farage, when asked 'What would be the first thing Lib-Dems would do if elected?' He replied 'Turn up and do their job.'  Farage of course never attends unless to make a wee film.
I expect the 'Wild eyed loons' will be out in force tomorrow and there may be blood on the museum steps after I go into the hall to vote.  The sheep might not like anything I say...  

Thursday, 21 March 2019

From Brexit to Figs

Having remained indoors desperate to hear information concerning our glorious leaders trip to Brussels (again) I am forced to reuse old photos lying about the laptop.  This makes a change from politicians lying about Brexit.  I also signed the 'Cancel Brexit' petition which has gathered over a million signatures, remember you only need 100,000 to demand a debate in the House, and while the PM will refuse to 'Revoke Art 50 and Remain' at least it gets the nation talking and doing something.  I note the 'Daily Mail' has immediately done something it has suggested that all the signatures come from North Korea and Afghanistan!  Nothing like decent journalism there.  It is clear the lack of decent journalism in the 'Daily Mail' has gone a long way to encourage Brexit and the hate of foreigners that pervades the country.  Last night a man smashed mosque windows in Birmingham and how much of the tabloid racism fed into that?  I would like a police investigation into Paul Dacre while DM editor and also the other racist led tabloids, that would be interesting but I doubt it would be allowed.

Sitting in here staring rather vapidly and the laptop has been very enjoyable.  I managed some housework, not much, and stuffed myself with figs from the storage cupboard.  I did this once I had noticed the 'Eat by' date was the 27th of February!  Tomorrow I finish another bag dated 20th March!  I really ought to check that store a bit more often.  There again if I do I may have to eat considerable quantities of I know not what and that may cause problems.  I bought these so I could chomp them, or indeed the dates I also possess, instead of chocolate.  This was to save my teeth, though both are sweet, and better for me, although not if eaten a bag at a time I suspect.  Only now after two long months am I getting things back into order and shopping for healthy stuff has to start soon.   This is not to say chocolate is not on the menu as it, like other bad stuff, sometimes slips through.  

Tuesday, 8 January 2019


The sun was up, the sky was blue, and so was I as he sun shone but failed to heat.
Chilled and weary I entered the world of work once again and once again it smiled upon me, then left me to it all day.  How marvellous to have had nothing to do for two hours this morning!  They who must be obeyed were all in a meeting, that went on all day, I think one of them is still there talking away and has not noticed the rest have hopped it.  This left me with nothing to do but attend to visitors who did not show.  At least for most of the day that is then they all came at once, parcels being delivered, visitors, people asking for bus timetables, more visitors and then it as time to go home.
Naturally at this point I made a mess of the till and our one big customer of the day, until then our only one, suffered my incompetence.  Once sorted he smiled and left, feeding them chocolates while we sort the till helps ease people I find, especially women, and then reporting to boss who had sneaked out of meeting and being clouted with ledger book, I sailed home.
Marvellous this ability of mine to make mistakes no-one else ever makes.  I see this as a "cough" gift though the boss says otherwise.

Geordie taking over at the 'Mail' recently  offered a chance for the tabloid to improve the quality aspect, turn from Brexit and produce journalism once again.  Sadly this has not materialised.  Indeed it appears to have gone further in quality.  Instead of haranguing the EU or screaming about immigrants Geordie fills the paper with royal stories, mostly untrue, and mediocre celebs.  So we have tales of what she wears, what she said to him, and what ex-employee claims she said he said that week when she did or he didn't.  Hundreds comment each taking sides in this needless soap opera.  Geordie knows his audience and 'News' is not what they seek.  To this end David Beckham the mediocre footballer with pouting wife has reappeared constantly.  Oh joy, we need to know about him, her, the sales, the fashion, the money don't we?   Well no actually but the DM reader apparently does.  Brexit has been pushed carefully aside and Geordie is, like everyone else, unsure what will happen, so he hedges bets in case he needs someone in the future.  Dacre, the strange previous editor has departed who knows or cares where but Geordie must improve the quality or folks might be wanting the old man back again.  

Thursday, 7 June 2018

A Change at the Top.

There has been rejoicing all round on Twitter lately at the welcome news that Paul Dacre is to be moved aside from his position as editor of the 'Daily Mail' and take up another role in the 'Mail's' newspaper kingdom.  I thought the rejoicing was summed up in one tweet that ran "You may not have liked Paul Dacre, you may not have agreed with his editorial choices or the direction he took at the Mail, but you absolutely have to admit he was a ****." Sadly the rudeness is crude but that was the word Dacre used on his staff daily at the DM.  
For 26 years this man has encouraged hate, hate of blacks, Pakistani's, Asians, the BBC, immigrants and the EU, this in spite of receiving vast subsidies for his grouse farm in the highlands, and of course anyone he hated.  He encouraged xenophobia and an insular 'Little England' mentality while blaming Europe and especially the French the Germans and appeared to enjoy bullying anyone who came into the public eye.
Of course it is true he was a great editor, his paper outsells all others and has a worldwide reach via 'Mail Online,' a success built on knowing what the reader wished to read and supplying them with a great deal of repeated 'evidence' to confirm their opinions.  Facts he never included!  Half truths and downright lies are the thing for Paul, thought, care and a search for truth did not bother him.  
Harassing celebs or politicians, the private individual or the great, it was all one to Paul.  Sell dirt and be rich was his motto and dirt he offered in depth, dirt on the rich and famous, unless his friends, dirt on opposition MP's, dirt on celebs.  The same celebs who spend much of their time half naked posing in his paper, he has always known how important naked women are in selling papers, sex filled the pages especially online.  
All media have followed him, the right wing press tried to keep up with him and failed, the 'Express' and the 'Telegraph' losing numbers hand over fist and heading down market all the time.  Dacre knew what he could get away with by spouting right wing lies and bigotry, he knew what the people wanted and knew they would fall for it.  He walks away to an overseer role, the new man, the 'Mail on Sunday' editor hated him and will not allow Paul to push him around.  It may even be the DM will improve, but I doubt it, what sells stays.  
Paul Dacre walks away and Theresa may announces he has left the cabinet, though that however might be a false tweet I saw.  The judgement we must all face lies ahead of us, at 70 years of age Paul is running out of time to consider his ways, I hope he does so soon.