"Only a stupid person goes out into the dark, in the rain. Especially when there is no need to do so"
You are talking to a stupid person.
It crossed my mind that as darkness falls shop lights stand out, go take pictures. Great idea! There was no rain when this thought came to me. However, out I went, into the downpour, cheerfully splashing through the puddles that arise on pathways that are supposed to be flat but are anything but. Crossing the park meant meeting many such puddles and in the morning I suspect many an individual will grumble loudly as they walk the dog before the skies turn to gray.
As the 'rush hour' had ended, much improved by an accident at the roundabout that ceased almost all movement for an hour, much hot air in the atmosphere as people made their very slow way home, as folks had mostly gone and the rain drove others indoors the streets were quite empty. This was helpful.
I could have remained wandering for a while and ventured down to the big church where the local candidates, including Mr Cleverley, a Tory who does not live up to his name but has reached cabinet level, is appearing. This goes against the grain for Boris who I note has been replaced at Channel 4 TVs Leaders debate by a melting block of ice set in a Conservative Party symbol. Boris is not keen on meeting people who ask questions. Andrew Neil at the BBC has interviewed two leaders, a third on the way, but Boris cannot make a date? His own constituency has not seen him for a while and he refuses to meet at their local debate. Possibly he ought to take up running, he is good at that.
However there is a good chance he will lose at Uxbridge, maybe he wishes to lose?

Listening again to the Beatles 'Rubber Soul' album I was struck by the passing of time. In 'You won't see me' there is the line 'When I call you up your line's engaged.' A reminder of the time when to stop an incoming call you took the phone of the hook. That does not happen today. I suppose what they call 'voicemail' takes over or just ignoring the call, numbers of callers often displayed these days. It just made me think how long ago this tremendous album was made. December 1965 it appeared, long before we were born, yet it remains a great album, I think George claimed it was his favourite. I read in the dreadful online 'Daily Express' that John thought the 'White Album' best, mostly because Paul disliked it as he was not in charge! Paul preferred 'Sergeant Peppers' in which he was in charge. Hmmm... Ringo preferred the second side of 'Abbey Road,' but I am not sure what he thought of the first, "Peace and Love," probably.

Standing in the shop doorway I was a wee bit tempted to enter the 'Swan' but as it appeared only three people were making use of this recently re-opened pub I deferred. That spot is where the market began in 1199 with a variety of locals dropping stuff in that area and trying to flog it to one and all. King John was pleased as he got the taxes from it. At some time a pub arose, when I cannot discover, but round the back a later addition is dated 1590 but whether it was a pub or a dwelling for one of the rich I know not. I think myself the house came first and the pub later, it does not look like a success at the moment.

The problem with social media is that it does not go away. Whereas in times past it was difficult to find something written in a newspaper or said privately in a pub or even at a public meeting, a search of past papers takes time, nothing can be proved in 'pub talk' and things said at meeting are difficult to obtain conclusive evidence about, today anything said can be fund quite easily. So, daily we are finding candidates from all parties being hounded out because of things said many years ago in the press or on social media, no wonder so many false names abound online! Boris apparently claiming single mothers produce poor quality children is a case in point, his child, the one he ignores and pretends does not exist, is now all over the social media, but not the Tory press, I wonder why?
I must go and delete my history...
I am not convinced by the sparkling town Christmas lights. This does not reflect a booming economy. Or indeed a council or town centre willing to spend money to encourage visitors.
It has been mentioned that Trump is visiting troops in Afghanistan, telling them the Taliban want a deal. It may never cross his mind what the troops think of his visit, privately. They can now tell the folks back home they have sat near the President of the United States, many relatives will ask "Where was your gun?"
Time for home, this rain gets everywhere, even in my pockets...