Thursday, 19 May 2022
Boris, Met Police,Celebs, Rangers loss
Sunday, 6 December 2020
Clebs and Vaccine...
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Like a Bird
Like a bird I flew through this day, until that is I fell asleep when I got home. The wind howled as I made my way to the museum and it increased in strength as the day reached noon. Thankfully the rain stayed up north where it belongs.
Our first visitor got talking about the birds he feeds in his garden, he has many feeding places for them and one or two nests where he has created space for them. He noted how few small birds were seen today. Tonight I notice only Starlings and Sparrows have so far been at the feeder. This is worrying as I was told the wind last night was terrible. I, it must be said, slept through this terrible wind. However it may be the wee birds have been flung from their nests and lost to us. Possibly they have been flung far away and might return, the first thought however is that they may be lost. Few Blackbirds sing tonight, that is a worry. Ah, out in the trees over there a bird sings happily, some sort of Finch perhaps, maybe all is not lost.
The day was much better than yesterday, my rant file was not working, I smiled at people and spoke nicely to them and all was well, even though few staff were in. However my colleague and I took control of the situation and we worked as a team - he did everything! We now stock all sorts of things suitable for the few tourists and passersby that arrive including these jams and chutneys. They have sold well, I noticed one had gone today! The weather kept many away but a few toddled in and we had a chat about all sorts of things yet not one bought even a postcard! Meanies!
Now I am not one to criticise learner drivers but really only a woman could miss a tank coming down the road as she comes out of a side road! Tsk! The 'Daily Telegraph' records the name of the road as 'Tank Ring Road!' Did I mention she was female...?
Glancing through the papers just now I wonder about the number of attention seekers on show. The ones keen to tell us they are gay or transgender, the singers/actors who just happen to have photographers with them when they divorce/marry/fall over/wear little, or as happens so often in the local press those who have to show us their accident/sickness/hardship. Why I ask do people run to the media in these situations?
I can understand when you have been badly treated by some business and wish to embarrass them, I can understand the desperation of 'celebrities' to further their failing careers but why must we see your failing love life in the papers? Why must we see your sex problems day after day? Even worse why run to the local paper to tell us you have a disease, hundreds have such problems why are you in the paper?
Maybe it is that I would not wish anyone to know if I had been run over/took sick or become pregnant, especially the last one. I would not see any reason for publicity, indeed I prefer to keep out of the way from that sort of thing. I was very reluctant to be photographed for the museum when something was being put in the press, that is what the women are for I say, not me. So I find it strange that Mrs Jones has caught a disease and we all get to know about it. Those who need to will already know, those who don't need to don't care! I know sick people here I have no requirement to be told of others. I have no need for peoples private lives, nor their sex changes, nor their self seeking adverts. If you have a broken life get it fixed and sort yourself out, don't fill the media with it! Do what the rest of us do in these situations, keep it to ourselves! I don't want to know.
I scribble this as it is clear that is the sort of thing people increasingly wish to know. This is 'bread & circuses' for the masses. Living their lives through the mess that others are in. These folks need aid, and such aid will not be fund by rushing to the nearest newspaper office I can tell you!
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Now I am not one to complain

however, if I were I could soon find reason to complain about the Tabloid press! These papers, which outsell anything that masquerades as journalism, seem to be a law unto themselves.
While they claim to cover 'News' and 'Sport,' what they actually mean is 'sensation' and 'scandal,' whether in the news or sporting worlds! In the end within such papers sex is the most important element. If not semi nude women, and they are all right in their place, it is a celeb, often one you have never heard off, discussing ditching their partner or partners. Sex is prominent in ‘problem pages’ and even the adverts, and all women photographed must be as exposed as possible, usually willingly it must be said.
That begs the question who is using who? Do celebs use the media for publicity, yes indeed, and do the media use them because there is a large number of folk out there who want to read about celebs, especially the bad ones? Of course there is and all parers, even the so called ‘quality’ press, write what their readers wish to see. It was ever thus.
People are often hounded by the ‘Tabloid journalist’ types, sometimes wrongly accused, and certainly abused by them. Should this be so? There is a place for free speech and press freedom but surely the media, and tabloids especially, go well beyond the justified investigation required. Nothing seems able to stop their prying. Governments are scared of them, especially the ‘Daily Mail’ and the ‘Sun.’ The courts cannot protect as legal aid is refused for libel cases, and the pressure put upon those opposing the press is tremendous.
I hate tabloids and all they stand for. They use and abuse the people found inside, and the reader also abuses in the same manner. The reader is dehumanised as they read and the ‘reporter’ loses his decency as he cynically uses those around him. Who wins? Short term finance for the producer and shorter term thrill for the reader. Both soon fade and only emptiness remains. Human nature is exposed by a glance at the tabloid media, in print or on air, and what is seen is not good.
Wednesday, 18 October 2006
I'm convinced these cold symptoms have been with me since 1987! Constantly I am assailed by a bug in the head, or throat or somewhere. An underlying tiredness comes and goes with amazing regularity. WHY? I have tried all the usual things, and one or two unusual, which I won't go into! But again I find myself down with this virus! In days of yore a cold came, caused deathly suffering, and went in three days! Now it comes one long lasting symptom after another and starts after the previous one has just gone.
Good job I'm not one to comlpain.
Madonna adopts a child from Africa. I hope she does this for the child's sake and not her own. I wonder if the better idea would be to spend some of her wealth enabling the child, and others, to be brought up in their own country? Too often the woman's emotions rule the head. When the woman is a celebrity I think questions need to be asked.
Think on this. God creates us. Because he is perfect we cannot be near him, so he gives his Son to die for us, as a substitution. Many respond to this grace, and struggling maybe, find a new satisfying life. So how come with all I know, and with all the grace I have received, how come I am so bad? I still want you God. But, know.
Wednesday, 17 May 2006
Women's Magazines
The pages of their mags are full of terrible sagas of pain and despair, and trial and tribulation. Never anything sensible or worthwhile, just trauma! On the plane the girl next to me read one such magazine and each page gave more lurid headlines than the previous. 'Surgeon Healed my Melted Face,' or 'My Son Was Switched at Birth with His Schoolmate,' it gets worse, do you remember 'My Lover Was An Anorak?'
Interspersed between these tales of woe we find meaningless celebs telling us of their trauma in'relationships' or how many kids they want, though what they will do with them later is something to discuss. Children are not a toy!
Oh yes these mags have recipe's and what passes for fashion, and of course the nonsense of a horoscope, 'You will be lucky today, the time is right for a decision, be brave!' Bolox!
And these girls have the vote!
women's, mags, only a woman would read them!