This boy has been sat here on my bathroom wall for three days now. Sitting there, face down, as if he expects to be fed somehow. What is he doing there? The door, a large wooden thing that fills a hole, is wide open, leaving a large empty hole through which he can leave, this is positioned only six inches from his face, yet he stays there.
His mate flew in the other night and fluttered about for a while in the bedroom banging his head on the window before he worked out to go through the open bit. He flew out to join several other butterfly's fluttering by and yesterday there appeared to be a great many of the things around. This can only be good as the beasties are suffering a lot with the muck we pollute the air with.
I may however have to call the bailiffs in for this visitor.
The BBC iPlayer is down! It is impossible to get programmes to arise! How can I live without listening to something I could not hear when originally broadcast? This great boon to mankind now lying broken somewhere in White City or wherever is more important than anything else to those of us off an intellectual bent. And I have often been informed my intellect is very bent indeed! I was listening to the 'Essay' on Radio 3 and it would not work. Last weeks was about the first world war and offered interesting insights as to how it effected people in various nations today, very clever programmes. This week we have had A.L. Kennedy talking about Scotland! You would not wish to miss this! I canny agree with Kennedy on some things but I find her short talks very interesting and clever. Well worth a listen, once the blasted thing comes back up that is!!! Bah!!!
No iPlayer and it's back to this.....