Showing posts with label Journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journalism. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Broken People

Digital Spy

The 'British' intellect is a simple one.  The press understand this and follow, or is it lead, that intellect to a degree of profit for themselves.  For days we have been offered sensational warnings regarding 'Storm Dennis' which was about to blow us away and destroy the nation.  It didn't.  The warnings were in every paper, TV and radio also blasting out threats of suffering in 90 mph winds and heavy rainstorms.  In the end they were not much worse than what we usually receive. 
However as this was vitally important information nothing but the most urgent news could shift it from top spot, especially as it was being used to hide tales regarding our inept Prime Minister and his dog Dominic Cummings.
The heart of the nation is revealed (as the headlines would say) to be centred not on obtaining the 'Russian Report,' not on worrying about the Budget, not on questioning serious dodgy dealings in No 10 but instead on the death of an unknown women at 40 years of age.
Apparently this woman took part in a programme I would have thought unworthy of broadcast, but there you go.  As I did not watch 'Love Island' I cannot comment on the content, well I can as I know just enough to make me switch off, and I can say it is something that the death of such a woman is considered fit to splash over all front pages.  What sort of a society watches 'Love Island?'
There are court cases involved which concerned this woman, there was pressure from the media, there was her unstable mind, all these things contribute to her death.
The court case I did not concern myself with, apparently she bashed a boyfriend and the media lived on this for a while.  The media make use of her story and she and others complain she was used.  Hmmm.  These people seek attention and when it comes they cannot cope with it.  Those who participate in such programmes will be hassled without mercy by the tabloids who are clearly out of control.  
Nothing will be done.
Much may be made of her unstable mental condition, however I suggest anyone who wishes to be famous' in such a way, or indeed by being a 'Pop or Film Star' is clearly unstable.  The world is filled with broken people seeking attention.  Possibly  they just require proper 'Love' and 'Care.'  
It is very sad that a pretty woman should be killing herself at 40, or indeed at any time.  It is disgraceful that the media will live on this for days.  It is inevitable that the pother broken people out there will 'read all about it' and see no wrong in their desire to peer into another's broke life. 
The storm appears to have abated, many flooded in the usual places, less articles about them now.  I wonder what the media will distract our attention with next week in between using another young broken woman, and hopefully they say, breaking others for a story?

I was very impressed this morning as I walked to church.  Just before 8 am the rain came down in torrents, it was like looking at a gray mist. I began to plan remaining indoors.  However I was doing the reading this morning, Genesis Chapter 1 and a bit of 2.  This is quite long and the Rev thought it funny!  So I had to be there for that at least.  No offers of transport arrived, I waited for one of my women to offer, none did.  All those Valentine's cards wasted again.  However by the time I left it was dry.  I almost got to the door before any rain developed though I had the pleasure of walking home in heavy rain later.  My big jacket is still wet.  

On the corner near the church was an enormous puddle reaching out into the road, blocked drains must be doing this everywhere.  A BMW rounding the corner almost drove into it until he saw me walking by and moved out to avoid drowning me, thank you sir, but he almost hit a small car coming the other way.  I wonder how many people would have driven through the puddle?  I wonder how many accidents we do not hear about are caused by such? 
I look forward to the end of the great storm, or at least the great headlines regarding the storm.  Daily winter weather is upon us.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Free Press, Indeed...?

While glancing through the online 'Daily Express' today the comparison with words often uttered at Remembrance services crossed my mind.  'They died to set us free,' they say, yet where indeed can we find a 'free press' I ask? 
The 'Mail' is owned by a Lord living in France dodging taxes, the 'Sun' is owned by Rupert Murdoch, not renown for an open mind, the 'Express,' now owned by the 'Daily Mirror' remains as it was, but worse, and the 'Telegraph, losing sales fast,is now up for sale as the two headbanger owners and sick off the losses.  All these papers peddle the same opinion.  All feed the minds with half truths and lies.  Objective journalism is hard to find anywhere.
The 'Guardian' and 'Daily Mirror' set themselves on the left, the Guardian full of middle class wishful thinking in amongst some good writing, the 'Mirror,' bar the opinion, is just another 'Sun' offering celebrities, tits, and nothingness.  The 'Times' has some journalists but is another Murdoch paper and limits their opinions to his will.  Some say the 'FT,' which my wallet stops me reading, does have an original opinion, I know not.  The rest of what passes for a 'free press' is limited, small minded and full of lies and half truths, anything to sell. 
A search amongst online journalism finds far too many are leaning too far too the left, a few to the right and once again far too little objective journalism.  It makes searching for actual open minded opinions difficult and time consuming.  The most interesting items I read are those in 'Private Eye' laughing at how stories get published.  There information regarding the true nature of the story or the reason it is offered can be found.  It does not leave faith in journalists today.
You will note I ignore the TV companies, they are just as bad.

For your political entertainment tonight.  Eddie Mair plays with Farage magnificently.