The rain pitter-patting outside greeted me this morning. Had it been pitter-patting inside I may have woken earlier. I trudged through to the East Wing, agitating the dust on the carpet, brushed aside a cobweb or two from the electric kettle and made tea.
As I clumped up to Sainsburys through the saturated streets, I noticed the sodden pigeons in the park seeking breakfast, oblivious to the rain or the puddles on the pathways. As I entered the store I greeted the security man, as I did so the water slithered of my cap onto his mobile phone. I did not snigger. He did not laugh, but did follow me around on my trail for a while. Too early for the girls to be on the checkout I made for the self-service counters. These were busy, and the one woman in charge busier yet. "Someone is coming to help you," cried one machine after another. I began to formulate an idea re criminal punishments. I wondered if instead of 'community service' whatever that is, criminal had to operate the self-service department in supermarkets. If they were not already psycho then they would be after 24 hours in charge of these! However, surprisingly nothing went wrong! I put the stuff through, paid, took the receipt and six needless bits of paper offering extra points for things I bought once a year ago, and went back out into the downpour.
Splashing my way home I noticed a young man, well dressed, but unfortunately dressed as one of the characters from 'Peaky Blinders' or whatever that was called. I suppose he is trying to make out he is some sort of 'hard man.' I would have encouraged him to travel up north and wander around parts of Glasgow dressed this way had he not been on the other side of the street. I suspect he would dress differently after s day in Bridgeton Cross or the Gorbals.
So the day is set.
Yesterday I made Chilli, and put four bowls into the freezer. I also attempted Flapjacks, according to an old recipe I once used a lot. These were a wee bit soft, that is they fell apart. Maybe next time. Today, it is chicken casserole for the freezer. Good grief, any more of this and I will do the ironing, clean the house and dress as a woman and claim all their advantages! Self ID appears to be the way today.
The media is full of a terrible incident, Gary Lineker, the well known football presenter, has spoken the truth! The right-wing have risen as one to attack him and defend the fascist Home Secretary.
The Home Secretary proposed and won with a bill to stop asylum seekers reaching the shores via small boats coming across the channel. She claimed a hundred million can claim the right to land here, in one paper the term 'billions' is used concerning those who may seek to arrive in the UK.
Gary's tweet brought out all the bile reserved for those who speak truthfully. Naturally all the 'right' Tories have arrived to defend a woman they all know to be incompetent. The Daily Mail has more stories on Gary than on the royal family today. Not even Meghan gets a look in here. The BBC, in an effort to defend its 'impartiality,' called Gary in for a word re 'impartiality' on tweets. The BBC has a board of 12, 9 of whom belong to the Tory Party. The BBC has a Chairman who has donated £500,000 to the Tory Party and arranged a loan of much more for Boris (or was that the Director General? Corruption looks the same in suits) The Director General stood as a Tory candidate in Hammersmith and has removed almost every journalist offers an objective view on the political situation. All newsreaders and the ones behind them are Tory led, all political programmes are Tory dominated, few opponents are allowed to speak. With this as the situation it is hard to understand why Gary's comments are threatening 'impartiality.' Interestingly, I am told the BBC did not lead with the Bill itself, they led on Gary's Tweet!

The UK has voted, under the lie of Brexit, for a right-wing coup. This has succeeded and we do not know where this will lead. It is two years before the next General Election, though something may arrive that changes this, and we have a corrupt and inefficient government, an opposition wearing Tory clothes (which is understandable as they do not know what a 'woman' is), and the outlook is not a positive one for this country. I tell you this is a judgement.