Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts
Monday, 15 July 2019
Space Filling
I have been trapped indoors for the past wee while by my knees, housework and laziness. So I have dug out old photos as I have only been as far as Tesco's so far. The gray skies have also been a hindrance, it is summer after all, and I have therefore sat here staring at the wall. It is not a great view.
Like you I have been much impressed with the English cricket teams ability to be totally outplayed yet come through and win, this, some claim, was aided by the umpires incorrectly giving them a run they ought not to have had, gosh, that has not happened before has it? Today the media was splashing their faces across the screen and front page behind the word 'England!' The Irish captain took it in good stride and the chief batsman, born in New Zealand, attempted to work out what the word 'traitor' meant. Tonight the players are invited to Ten Downing Street, I know they will be pleased... Some claimed this was a result of being outside the EU, though all of them now live within the EU, and James Rees-Mogg (born 1672) claimed this is what England can do after Brexit, forgetting the many foreigners in the team. The captain indicated the side were 'diverse,' and 'Multi-cultural,' while saying Allah was with them.
Brexiteers everywhere are now confused.
Have England won anything with home grown players?
Talking of racism how come the US president can racially abuse several members of Congress and get away with it? His order for the four women to 'Go back to their own country,' would lead to prosecution even for a Tory member in this country why not in the USA? It is clear he will use a great deal more such language in the next year appeasing the Rednecks to get votes.
This dangerous clown leads us to Boris. The affair of the US ambassador looks each day like a stitch up worked out between Boris, Farage, Trump and all the other Blackshirt leaders. I really hope the Met Police do investigate properly and someone is brought to justice for this. Such secret info should never leave the building and action must be taken. The reaction tends to leave the impression that this was a step too far so maybe someone will be called to account.
At least the Tennis is off the screen now and with golf hard to find, cricket over, netball ignored and only the Tour de France left, I tend to watch it for the views these days rather than the race itself, we now await the return of proper football. This has started in Scotland and soon the moneybags English will throw vast amounts of cash at the game to see their side struggle. I long for the day the bubble bursts and football returns to normal.
I see Alan Turing will be the new face on the English £50 note. This man, a scientist of high achievement and ability, was of course gay during the days it was rightly illegal. Because he was, the gay lobby say, 'hounded to death,' he has become some sort of super hero. Certainly the secret services of the day did not trust anyone who was gay, the five middle class Communists, some of whom made it to Russia, were gay and MI6 were keen not to be caught out again. But does anyone care about that? Does anyone really care about his success at Bletchley Park? No they don't, they just wish to use him to propagate the gay life. The Bank of England has gone along with this.
How far have we fallen?
Alan Turing,
Boris Johnson,
Donald Trump,
Nigel Farage,
Scottish Football,
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Life, in this misty world today, was full of surprises.
For a start I was not sick, I had food, except bread, I did not need to rush out and no crabbit emails arrived.
Instead I slowly wandered about Tesco enjoying the need not to rush. Of course I came home to remember what I forgot to buy!
I then cogitated on Deuteronomy 7, the book that lies at the heart of our liberal thinking.
Not that a Guardian reader will agree.
After exercising I counted the aches and went for a haircut. What a surprise, I got in! Instead of being crowded with kids being trimmed for next weeks back to school there was only a spotty teenager, scowl attached, awaiting a 'Number Two,' whatever that is.
Naturally I felt cold wandering home with a lot less hair, and my mind was full of wondering where all that silver stuff had come from. I also wondered why I have hair while my dad (who died at 61) has so little. His hair was thin, possibly this was the old army back and sides showing through and his army need to cut hair that was not long. My brother and I had plenty of hair and of course I retain my youthful looks.
The only disturbance was a call from the landlord's man while I was unavailable. It sounded urgent.
I called back expecting to be turfed out, rent increased, damage reported, complaints made, and found they merely wished to send a man in to test 'energy performance.' Naturally I pointed out there has been no energy performed here for at east fifteen years but it appears she was talking about the building. I still fail to understand as this has not happened before and sounds like they have something up their sleeve. It may lead to improved windows, these are 'listed' so cannot be replaced by plastic ones, and this certainly would increase the 'energy performance.' These windows for the most part are original, 1812 I believe. That is probably the last time they were cleaned. I wonder what the man is up to with such exploits?
I have been ignoring the telly, the news happens but I have missed it today, Commonwealth Games are taking place somewhere but I have little interest, and other things are happening but if I ignore them they actually do not change my life in any way. There is a story in there somewhere.
One thing I have noticed in the adverts that fill most screens is the way you never see black people together. One add showed a black man suffering while coaching kids football, his wife appears at the end but she is white. Another shows a black man on a train hand his 'tablet' to a child, who is white, yet another shows a sentimental mother dressing her daughter for her wedding - to a white man! Why is it that a black couple are never shown? There have been adverts for products featuring black or Indian families, why are they not shown now? Did UKIP object?
Friday, 18 October 2013
PC Banter
Roy Hodgson makes a poor joke using the term 'Monkey face' or something similar and it becomes a major 'racist' talking point. Someone (I forget who) claimed Fernando Torres acted like a fairy (or was it jessie) when reacting to the attentions of an opposing player, this caused a complaint which resulted in an apology. Danny Lennon the St Mirren manager apparently upset the media by speaking against them, today he apologised. A pregnant MP could not find a seat in the House during Prime Ministers Question Time and the media is in an uproar about ungentlemanly conduct. An English taxi driver ordered to remove the English flag stickers from her car after council receives one complaint, and a circus forced to drop posters after one person says she is scared of clowns. A transsexual PC seeks money after operator did not believe she was female.
Just what is going on today? How come light hearted, and often honest, humour is seen as 'racist?' Had I complained about the abuse I received while working at the sorting office I could have made millions. However it was banter, well usually, those signs regarding the English football teams failures might have been made by me after all. Abuse from friends is common, colour, sex, and anything else should never stop this. Today however far too many get their moment of glory by shouting 'racist' or 'sexist!' It makes me wish to shout 'monkey face' or similar at them. It appears apologies must be made constantly for small things these days yet allowing people to die in a hospital requires much press comment but no apologies and murder or manslaughter charges either! Something is wrong somewhere. The hard done by MP was ignored by the male MPS it appears, though most would not have known she was there, and the meia ignore the fact female MPs did nothing for her either. I wonder why? As for the PC seeking redress, sometimes we all have to prove who we are to the police, why not you also? Councils are so busy being PC, as the taxi driver and circus have discovered, that your own flag is offensive or a clown upsetting! It's your nation, fly your flag! A clown upsets you, look away!
I am becoming sick of people whining about things that 'offend' them. Usually those people offend me but if I complain I am seen as 'offensive.' It is time people stopped being so 'precious,' the poor little darlings. Vast numbers of things can offend us daily, sometimes they are directed at us, but by turning the other cheek we can survive. Too many hide behind their sex, colour, sexual problems, age, or any other excuse to whine. How about just growing up or finding real problems to deal with? Oh they are too hard, and possibly you cause them maybe? Next time you are called 'monkey face,' ask whether it is banter or an insult. Humans use banter, humans also look to be offended, it makes them feel important.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
"Each did what was right in his own eyes."
The ancient Hebrews moved into what they called the 'promised land' and once dominance had been secured they settled down into their clan, tribes and family areas. Years passed and when the grandchildren were reaching maturity the social substance that held them together was beginning to fail. Those that had fought the fight had gone, the next generation became busy with settling in and the youth had, as usual, their own ideas, the history of arrival taught but less important possibly than daily life. With leadership failing, the priests failed to ensure the Law was made known and the Levites failed to teach it, each looked after his own interests, soon being drawn into the gods and ways of the remaining Canaanites. Confusion soon reigned. Neighbouring nations took over the land until the people realised their mistake and God sent a deliverer. Several times this occurred but after each deliverance the people resorted to doing their own thing. The third generation would go the way of their forebears time after time, morals degenerated, crops failed, invaders arrived, social cohesion drifted.
A similar situation ensues today in the west. Morals today depend on the loudest voice not agreed principles, 'common sense,' an agreed understanding of how to deal with any situation in an obvious manner, is no longer regarded as trustworthy, and while individuality is encouraged 'community' an awful meaningless word much heard of in the media actually lessens as we look after number one. People today can also hide behind colour, sex, age or any other excuse, and take advantage of the political correctness that ruins our life. There is no agreed 'principle,' each does what is right in their own eyes,' or follows unthinkingly what they have been taught in school. Same sex marriage would not have been contemplated 30 years ago yet today it is almost compulsory. Street preachers, once ignored by passersby, are now confronted by the gay lobby name calling and having such folks arrested! Abortion is used as a contraceptive by some 'for the woman's sake' it appears! 'Rights,' and 'equality,' are demanded no matter how absurd these calls may be, and certainly no regard is paid to how others 'rights' and 'equality,' is affected. What was once called 'banter' is no regarded as 'hate crimes,' even when there is clearly no hate whatsoever. How the world has changed, and the mess hurts the nation.
The 'silly season' encourages such attitudes to new heights. Real news is hard to find so any nonsense is presented as a major story while ordinarily it would be ignored. Take the screaming press coverage of 'Twitter abuse,' for an example. Several louts abused a couple of women and this becomes a major news story. One who led a campaign to put Jane Austen on the next £10 note claims to have suffered 'vile tweets' since her name became known. Others suddenly appear in the papers informing the world of their personal abuse statistics. Now not only can I not remember the girls name, it matters not as we speak in generalities, such abuse has been common since time began, why is it newsworthy now? Anyone in the public eye gets abuse. Speak on TV, write in the press, be a footballer or actor, write a blog and letters will fall through the door, comments fill the page and e-mails and Tweets arrive offering love or abuse. That is life and how she is lived I'm afraid, and we all participate in this, including those on the receiving end this week. Attention seeking women will of course receive comments they dislike, they love those! These they will shout about to ensure attention and of course encourage their own misandry won't they? It amazes me that while men get such abuse no paper makes a fuss about this, why? Sexism perhaps? We all know the real reason why, 'women power!' We live in a world where men are bad and women are good in spite of the reality in front of us. Middle class women who have grown up with more opportunities than ever whine about their hard life. Clearly they have never worked a s a bus conductor or docker, miner or navvy. Those sort of jobs, done by women in many countries, would be seen as beneath them. Indeed they would never be seen as a mere shop worker, tsk, the very thought! Such as this have twisted society to such an extent that their tilting at their misandrist windmills has brought politicians running to their door rather than doing the right thing. So we must see men regarded as bad in all things and women as untouchable and good.
Look at how this situation has been handled. A man has sex with a girl who is said to be 13 years old. Normally we would regard this as a straight jail sentence but on closer inspection things are not what they seem. Here we read of a girl who looked and acted older and 'was looking for it' as they used to say before such terms were outlawed. The women's groups are outraged although they, like us, do not know the facts of the case, they have no idea what the lass is like, but they do know he is guilty because he is male! In one sense they are right, he should not have been there, and what sort of man chases a 16 year old anyway? What is important here is the refusal to accept this girl could be in any way responsible for her actions. Such an approach shows limited understanding of human nature. Such 'jail bait' was in action around here only a few years ago and one young man almost got jailed for his folly. Anyone who considers 13 year old girls incapable of being 'predatory' has no experience of life and fails to understand human nature. Women that age have been bonking away willingly since time began. Whether it is a good thing in this 'day and age' is debatable obviously but in times past when life was short this was not an unusual situation. Mary the mother of Jesus may even have been that young, but don't tell anyone will you? Actually one English king had a mother aged 12 if I remember right. These days we can allow children to mature at a better pace with clearer instructions regarding life and hopefully with parents both educating and controlling their offspring. Need I mention that all the papers referring to this case fill their pages with sex articles of one form or another, or would that be a hypocrisy to obvious? The specific case is best left up to the judge, although now pressure has been applied and only judges who follow women's groups orders will be allowed to sit on such cases. How disgraceful! Fixing judges is the governments job, not the medias! Where is the girl? In care, wandering the streets, selling herself? Does anyone know or indeed really care about her?
An experienced careful cyclist in Nottingham uses correct judgement to move across the road after a funeral cortege has passed. Indicating carefully he watches the traffic as he maneuvers. A car behind blows his horn and failing to react catches the cyclist as he passes and the driver stops to berate him for being there. His female passenger joins in while the cyclist recovers his bike and composure. The outcome leaves the driver facing an 'awareness course,' the passenger cautioned, and the rider receives a letter from the police almost blaming him for not knowing the following car was with the funeral and therefore keen not to lose place. How many cyclists are killed on the roads and here we see the police blaming a careful cyclist for an accident caused by another? Guardian
'Bongo Bongo land,' is a term that has been used to refer to Africa for decades, however when used by a member of the European Parliament, a man representing the UKIP party, the white middle class 'Guardian' socialists were outraged. 'Racism' they cried when it wasn't really. The remaining politicians not sunning themselves on a free holiday somewhere joined in the clamour. This man, unheard of until now, fills acres of newspaper even though a great many Conservative members and those supporting other parties also agree that 'too much aid is given to 'Bongo Bongo' land and goes into the hands of a few, not the people,' but you are not supposed to say it. Certainly not when being recorded and the media are looking for an excuse to rubbish you and support their particular party. Of course Africa is full of 'graft,' so is the UK but that's 'different.' Of course much aid is wasted but it doesn't mean it should be ended. This is just another case of hypocrisy where 'racism' is used but no-one really cares about those who suffer 'real racism,' and we have all met some of those!
A woman wished to breastfeed in a jobcentre and the clerk behind the counter, a woman, refused to allow this. Naturally mum appears in the 'Daily Mail' whining and looking for a few bob. The class of women who demand to breastfeed anywhere they choose suffer no opposition and harangue any who disagree. Now I have seen women breast feed discreetly in such places, few have noticed and none would complain however I suspect the mum involved her was less than discreet and certainly cared nothing for the thoughts of others. As such in my view she is not fit to be a mother, the child is less important than her! However hundreds of bitter thoughtless women support this one, each for their own selfish reasons. Being a mother is the most important job after being a father, however others have 'rights' too and these should not take second place.
The media are specialising in 'online dating' to fill space also these days. This appears frequently on quiet days, usually accompanied by a picture of a bruised lass who has been battered or robbed, treated 'shamefully' or left in the lurch. Terrible suffering all because of what she thought was 'the right man' for her. The internet dating sites are blamed for not checking on the men, it is the internet, that dangerous world that is to blame, and something ought to be done! Any idea of personal responsibility, for instance 'thinking,' appear to be pushed aside. Of course many more women meet men in pubs, clubs, workplaces, shops, on the streets and at many other gatherings but when it all goes wrong they cannot whine to the press about this. Only internet dating sites are dangerous, the public house where alcohol flows is a perfectly safe rendezvous. However have you noticed there is no mention of the men who suffer beatings, robbery, 'shameful treatment' from such dating sites, or indeed from girls met in pubs, clubs and all the rest? Maybe men don't count or indeed sell papers. Ah there we have it! Men don't spend all day telling the world of their emotional problems, nor do they wish to read about them in the press. Men are just left to 'get on with it,' and expected to suffer and all to often, pay up!
So many of these situation can be easily dealt with by a simple use of common sense. An accepted way of looking at the world has been eroded since 1945 by the ending of nominal religion, the increase of wealth, liberal attitudes offering 'if it feels good do it,' with no thought for the results long or short term, even an erosion of the genders so that it is impossible to have anything 'male only' without females demanding entrance, the same females that want 'women only train coaches at that! The world is awash with wealth, confused people, increased suicide, and many confused with what life is all about. Misery lies under much of the world we live in, and the liberal society is to blame. Soon it will provoke a reaction.
Monday, 8 July 2013
It's Five in the Morning.....
And I am taking pictures of the rising sun shining in on the cupboard! Summer is here again today! For several days the sun has shone, the heat is high, the parks full of white bloated creatures turning blotchy red. The northern breeze is welcomed by some lying there surrounded by plastic drinks bottles as swifts race across the light blue sky, dogs sniff for one another in the grass and adolescents avoiding school avoid the litter bins situated right next to them with equal lack of guilt.
I wandered out to buy a couple of reduced price shirts. It appears the shirts in the cupboard, some of which go back many years, have begun to shrink somewhat. Quite why this strange phenomenon should occur I know not but it has happened before, around a dozen years ago. At that time I required shirts for the work in which I was engaged, whatever that was, so obtained the regular cheap shirts (made in China) and by wearing one on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the other on Tuesday and Thursday I made it through with little effort in washing and ironing and nobody noticing. Of course a summer like this one and they might have noticed by Thursday mind. So, that's two cheap shirts that fit, these are the er, XL type (Made in Scotland!).
I spent a decent amount of time early today informing the English press that Andy Murray is not 'British' as they emphasised continually, but he is Scottish! Each and every English media outlet had made determined efforts to ignore his nation and use the word 'British' at all times. Occasionally the word 'Scot' might break through, but this was tokenism at best. The fact that the world considers 'England' to be 'Britain' is reinforced by this blatant English racism. Such was the effect that the 'New York Times,' one of the colonial newspapers, tweeted "After 77 years Murray and England rule." Sadly I was not able to answer this at the time, the FBI would be here by now if I had! Others indicated their mistake and they amended things quickly. The English media are desperate to claim Andy as 'British' to live off his glory, not unusual for them as the best 'English' are usually foreign.
Some of the commentators in the pages of the 'newspapers' in which I made clear my opinion resisted stoutly my gentle reminders of their imperialist racism, at least those of my comments that the papers published that is. For some reason these appear to believe we live in a 'United Kingdom,' while at the same time putting down Scotland. One day they will learn.
Anyway, congratulations to Andy Murray on winning the Wimbledon Championship, the first Scotsman since Harold Mahoney in 1896.
'Lang may yer lum reek son!'
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Tabloid Lies and Distortion
Is there anything more vile than a tabloid paper? Is there anything more amoral, self seeking, and careless of the harm caused by their sensational exposures and claims than a tabloid paper? Daily we are faced with several willing to sell their grannies if it made money. Harassment of the rich and the poor, slanting any story to appeal to a reader whether the story is true or not, voyeurism, lies and half truths and pressuring any who oppose them. Rupert Murdoch's 'Sun,' outsells them all, yet in my view the worst, because it is most seditious can only be the 'Daily Mail!
The 'Mail,' in print and online, purports to speak for 'Middle England,' slanting the stories to suit their taste. The main concerns of such are money, taxes, immigrants and money! Appealing to women it fills reams with tales of suffering women, almost always based on slanted surveys, and tales of men gaining while women are pushed aside, also almost all false. Facts do not sit well with the 'Mail' reader. Half truths sell.
Today the 'Online Mail' outdid itself. The story concerned a mosque in Spitalfields and two nearby Anglican churches. While only handful attended the churches the mosque, being small, had hundreds of Muslims bowing in prayer outside. Half truths in the article spoke of dwindling church attendance while the numbers of Muslims continued to grow. 4.8% of the people are Muslim screamed the article, less than 59.3 claim to be 'Christian! Muslims, the story is telling us, are taking over! Hold on I ask, if the population is around 66 million or so how many are 59.3%? Also while many Anglican churches are indeed failing dozens of others are doing well. Non Anglican churches are bursting at the seems in some places and dwarf the number of Muslims in their towns and cities.
Once again a slanted story aimed at those afraid of immigration and a Muslim take over. The 'Mail' is well aware that many readers vote for UKIP, and a large number belong to the BNP. That is reflected in the comments on the daily 'Hitler' stories much loved by this rag. The far right are as dangerous as any other extremist. The only word missing here was 'evil,' a word usually inserted into every story whether suitable or not.
Of course Muslims attend the mosque, they have to! Christians, and most in the established churches are NOT Christians, attend willingly, usually in churches in which they feel they belong. No compulsion is required.
The fanciful idea of the 'Mail' discussing Christian faith makes me laugh. This immoral rag here attempted to feed the fear of Islam and stir race hatred against the immigrant, especially a black Muslim one! What a disgraceful attitude.
The good thing is that it did not succeed.
With every comment in the online paper a choice can be made between red and green arrows to express the readers opinion. Red for against, green representing support and agreement. At the present moment in time the 'most popular' comment ask why the 'Mail' is trying to stir up race hatred, he has 9613 green arrows! I have never seen so many! The second in line questions the whole set up of the story, he has 7968 in agreement!
Even the 'Daily Mail' reader has not fallen for this racially motivated lie!
The author claims to be concerned to ensure 'Historical accuracy' and like so many 'Mail' employees he is fascinated by the Nazi's.
Now let me make it clear that I see Islam as a 'pushy' religion. Wherever it is to be found it will push and push until it gets its own way. Experience shows this in all nations, the only answer is to draw a line and hold it there. The majority of Muslims will always be of benefit to this nation. It is certainly true that young men find a question in their minds as to whether they are 'British' or 'Muslim.' Such are open to extremist preachers, and it appears around 2000 may well be under their influence today. The obvious approach is to remove such men, even though the internet makes it hard to end their influence. That must come from other Muslims.
Christians need not worry about the rise of Islam, at this
The 'Daily Mail' should be closed down, let moment in time the 'Liberal' nature of society is much worse. This permeates the churches to such an extent that the ludicrous decisions of the Anglican Church, as well as the Kirk, have found themselves falling into. By forgetting their Lord they have followed the fashion of the day, and that brings disaster.
Lord Leveson investigate this publication today.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Sepp Blatter the chief suit at FIFA is in trouble again. Speaking in English he rather made light of racism in football, suggesting that comments made could be dealt with by a 'handshake' afterwards. Whether using English made his meaning unclear or not he walked into one of those lynch mobs that gather so easily these days, especially when 'race' is concerned. 'Outrage' and 'fury' fill the media and an England international has become embroiled in a 'Twitter' exchange with Blatter over this. It seems to me his meaning was not clear but in the UK racist comments at football matches have been more or less removed. Such is not the case in some other places, eastern Europe for instance gives black players a very hard time, and comments like Blatters brings out the 'easily offended' almost immediately. Similar response was seen the other day when a sacked 'caddy' of Tiger Woods referred to Woods as a 'black arsehole.' The media jumped at the chance! Not only was this 'Tiger,' a big name in the world (and one they themselves had roundly abused not that long ago on pages etc) but the caddy used the word 'black.' 'Racism' loudly cried the democratic free world that believes in free speech! (It's not fascism when we do it by the way!) shock, horror, disgraceful! Both situations produced media outcries, both fill space and allow some to appear disgruntled on television and both were way over the top in my view.
Blatter is a 'suit,' the president of the major football organisation, one renown for the corruption within and around. I doubt he would ever encourage racism in any form, but as a political operator has clearly not done enough to bring it to an end where it does still show. The caddy, who's name escapes me as he was such an important fellow, had a grudge against his former boss, for whom he worked for many years successfully. He has a right to be upset, his comment, like Blatters, may have been daft but neither were they racist. Both were small incidents and an apology could have ended it all within minutes. The media however require a 'storm!'
I indicated to some on an English paper today an item of English racism that constantly arises and is never made into a major fuss by the media. This time King James the VI & I was described, as he always is in the English press, as King James I. Clearly had they followed the Guardian take and referred correctly to him as 'King James I of England, their Scottish monarch,' it would have been acceptable. However this was ignorant English racism that claims him as English and Scotland as part of 'Greater England.' It is an unconscious thing mostly, but it treats Scotland with contempt and no media ever claims this as wrong! Indeed the response was arrogant insults, as always! It appears some wrongs are worth shouting about just because the popular mood says so, even if they are minor, other wrongs can be ignored.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Tarique Ghaffur

Tarique Ghaffur, an assistant commissioner with the Metropolitan police, and Sir Ian Blair in particular, has withdrawn his complaint for racism and accepted an out of court settlement. This unfortunate case leaves many questions unanswered, and I doubt we will see answers.
Was this man suffering racism from his senior colleagues? He had reached the second top level in the Met police, where he had served for 34 years. "In a press conference in August, he claimed he had been sidelined, discriminated against and humiliated in his role as boss of security planning for the 2012 Olympics." Is it possible to believe that the 'Institutional Racism in the Metropolitan Police' is so strong yet he was been in charge of one of the UK's biggest ever security operations. Would someone reach such a level if he had suffered racial discrimination?
After thirty years in the force he discovers racism, surely if it exists he would still be on the ground floor?
Now from my experience of the London police, where a 'macho' culture must exist, I suspect there are some who possess real racist attitudes. However if you are subject to constant abuse by gangs of young blacks and other 'coloured' groupings who build a wall between you and they, is it that unusual? Life for some is made easier if you can identify an enemy. In Northern Ireland it is political or nominally religious, in London it is race. That is so much easier than accepting people as people and life as your problem! I suspect what we have here is not racism in any shape or form, but something much worse, human relations. Sir Ian Blair, from what we can tell, is not a man who inspires confidence in me. I suspect that soon after these two men were introduced to one another s dislike appeared and has grown ever since. Neither appear to be adaptable to the other and a working relationship has not developed. Whether a 'racist' angle existed I doubt, but it may have crept in afterwards, but from which direction?
It has to be said that a man who complains of 'racism' and then accepts a £300,000 pay of and a pension of £!68,000 a year appears to be less interested in 'principle' and more interested in the money! I have no problems with his pension, but if there was a crime, and 'racism' is a crime, it ought to have been given its day before a jury of Londoners. Why was this not allowed? Certainly the cost would have been high, but that is what courts are for, and cost in this case would have been well spent. Cost wise it is cheaper to pay him off, but it leaves the question open as to the Metropolitan police having something to hide as well as Ghaffur being on the make. If there is genuine racism it ought to be exposed, if there is not Ghaffur should get nothing but an early retirement and a reduced pension.
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