Now I am not one to complain but why should people dump their unwanted bronze in our parks? This heap of metal now adorns a park in central London and is remarkably more lifelike than the original was. Mind you this statue is more awake after all. Quite why anyone would dump this here after what this man did to the world is difficult to fathom. This 'B' actor cheerfully delayed the release of the US hostages from Iran so he could get the glory rather than Jimmy Carter who had won their release, he used the mentally subnormal Col. Oliver North to buy weapons from Iran to support a murderous far right regime attacking the democratically elected government in Nicaragua, (Democracy you will recall is one of the things the US wishes to thrust on the world, unless Hamas win of course). Reagan also claimed credit for ending the Cold War while we all know that Gorbachev ended this by renewing the Communist Party in the USSR, and while claiming credit where not due he allowed the IRA to collect money freely in the US and turn this into guns bought from Libya to kill British troops and police. A true friend to the UK indeed! He stands alongside FDR and Eisenhower. One man who knew he must support Britain while the Reagan's of this world traded with Hitler's nasty party, and the other who as a 'political general' led the allies to victory in Europe (as long as he did what AlanBrook said). There are hundreds of good Americans around today, dozens of famous and useful leaders in their fields both past and present, and we erect Thatcher's boyfriend ( though he often forgot her name). I suspect this will no doubt be defaced before long.
Talking of political numpties I came across this cartoon in the Edinburgh Evening News today. Brian Adcock sums up Dave Cameron's approach to the governing of this country very well indeed! Cameron would have attended the ceremony today himself but probably did not know who 'Ronnie' was I suspect.