It's the little things that hinder most.
I had orders to ttend the surgery for an 'Old Man's Test' at 11:35 today. This meant I had to wash properly and ensure my clothes were not as scruffy as usual. Having prepared I put on clean sox, there are plenty of them, most without holes, and here it was I struggled. My feet appear to be much further away from me than they used to be. Once upon a time I just got down and shoved sox on and moved. Today I struggled. My now expanded stomach does not help, even allowing for the recent exercise that has toned the fat, it still remains an obstacle for such jobs. I may ask the nurse today if she can pop round in the mornings...
Update, no chance!
I slept well enough last night even though I lurched through some rubbish football. This featured an easy win for West Ham United, supported by so many around here. The London overspill goes back many years. West Ham itself was indeed part of Essex until the spread of houses took over so much of Essex it all became part of Greater London. Few consider themselves in Essex in that region today.
By the end of the second world war I think the lines had been set. Many out this way moved to just get out of the city, especially those with children, some for work, others just wanted a better life. Today house developers cater to those with money who wish to move, the lower orders are not wanted in Tory lands, houses suitable are never developed. Many West Ham footballers will however live in Essex, they can afford the prices for the mock Tudor buildings. Funnily enough, there are many such buildings, mostly towards London, but when at the museum we had almost nothing on Tudor life in these parts, in spite of part of the Boleyn family being based down the road. The English appear fascinated with Henry VIII, I fail to see why, many other bullying imperialist English kings make for better reading.

Early, I wandered round to greet the Stasi. She was on the phone and ignoring me and also the beginning of a queue behind. Eventually she placed her bets and began to deal with us poor mortals awaiting. I pleaded my case, she fingered the cross and skullbone badge and gave orders.
Obediently I entered the building, once she had unlocked the door, I than sprinkled my hands with the stuff in the container, once I found it, and took my seat. The nurse came on time, called me by name and ushered me into her cell.
Here she probed, stuck a pin in, took blood, lots of it, placed it in one or two computerised measuring gadgets, weighed me, doubted my honest weight, gave instructions, informed me I was doing OK except for still being a fat slob. Losing one stone, or whatever that is in metric, was not enough. Leafleted, ordered, instructed, amongst which were no more drinking, no more fat breakfasts, no cheese, no more sausage rolls, etc, I was then thrust out into the street again.
I promised to obey, to make every effort, to once more adjust the diet, especially as she has informed the doctor, who I may have to face, about my fat. Hmmm... I may have to brush up on my communication skills, or flattery as it has been called if I meet her.
I forgot to inform the young lady, and all nurses look young to me these days, that I had finished a bottle of sweet red Greek wine yesterday. She may have put that on the computer, so I forgot. Then, having forgotten, I wandered up the road, bought six more bottles of this wine before the lorry driver shortage caused by Brexit leaves us short. I had hoped this would get me 10% off but this did not occur. However, I slunked off home, ensuring the nurse did not see what I was carrying, and returned to base.
Tomorrow the diet starts anew!