Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts

Friday, 28 February 2025


It's that time of your again.  The time of year when Daffodils bloom, at least in Sainsburys and Tesco's, where they push through the earth in many council parks, where yellow tips appear slowly there, and I spend a pound or two I canny afford just to brighten up this dismal corner.  It is money well spent.  
OK, so they only last a week or two, but just to have these bright fresh flowers offering a sniff of nature so close is always worth the money.  
There is not much else to do nature wise.  The sun is shining through the cold air today, blue sky above pretending Spring has sprung early, but we are not fooled by this.  However, after long weeks of almost unbroken cloud it is marvellous to be almost alive again.

The clever people are claiming we might be able to see a planetary alignment tonight.  This means up to seven planets might be seen somewhere in the night sky.  This alignment will not appear again until 2040, and we might be dead by then if Putin has his way.  
However, can I see it?  I expect not.  It appears to be seen in the southern sky area, I look west by hanging out the kitchen window, and it might not appear until early dawn.  This is typical.  However, after the end of the Partick Thistle v Livingston game, if still awake, I might take a peek out the window and search for anything like I have seen in past times.  

Friday, 20 December 2024


I was quite confused this morning.  A parcel ought to have been delivered last night, this I was informed off at 10 mins to 5 pm!  So, I sat up here watching the Heart of Midlothian commit suicide and got a notice at 15 mins to 9 pm that Royal Mail would not be delivering after all.
This morning, just about 7:30, I got a message saying my parcels had been delivered.  The attached picture showed two such at someone else's door, an unrecognised door.  I went down to look, nothing to see, though two letters had been delivered, possibly late last night.  This troubled me, missing parcels, which door, and still not had my coffee.  
Then the doorbell rang.  A postman apologised for the early hour and offered me a box!  It was mine so I grabbed it in both hands.  I mentioned the missing parcels and he, as a good postman ought, ran away.  I returned to my coffee, once again checked the Royal Mail email and discovered the parcel just delivered had been delivered.  Good!  I looked again and noticed the other picture, with mysterious parcels, had disappeared.  So, the postie had hit the wrong button and left me worrying for nothing, I think...

Anyway, I hobbled around to Tesco for last orders, bumped into a couple of cold church people, stupidly came home the long way via the park, wandered slowly while chatting to a lonely old woman being walked by her dog.  This morning I had spoken to several people, possibly the Christmas spirit, possibly this is how this town works.  
I spent some times ending an email to several people, four of whom refused it via the Spam Folder, and one who had a mass of words to look at.  This sorted itself later.  Worn out I slid into a stupor where little happened.  Not much change from normal really.  
Later, as I ate my frugal tea, my sister called to inform me of my cousins death.  She was 90, had suffered dementia for some time and this was somewhat expected.  However, that is four deaths I have had in about three months.  None were young, and this is what life brings, but it is something I would like to avoid.  

Monday, 21 October 2024

Banal Monday

It's been a slow day.
Having been out at Kirk yesterday, where I had to do the intercessions, and stand around chatting while the young folks stacked the chairs.  I was afraid if I sat there I may have been found piled on top and stacked in the corner somewhere!  Enthusiasm is their thing.
Anyway, the service followed the usual routine, no-one objected, jeered or slow handclapped, like last time, and I made it through.  Whether that prayer was Spirit filled is a question I could not answer, however, some praised the way I said it, clear and slow so they could understand.  At least they were awake.  
Sloth today.  
Much time on Twitter watching the USA prove it is not of any worth anymore.  People telling us how Trump understands the working class because he staged a fake McDonalds work experience, though how many times it had to be reshot is unclear.  A closed shop, supporters rehearsing their bit, and thousands now love him!  Really, the US requires a proper dictator, or with a heart and an efficient military machine, otherwise they are lost.  
I suspect however, most people in the UK were to busy being entranced by 'Sickly Come Dancing,' a programme designed for the 'Bread & Circuses' brigade.  Most TV is these days.  Anything that speaks of thinking is pushed to the side, especially if it may 'offend.'
So I have just returned to playing Solitaire or reading my book. 
I might have a life tomorrow...

Wednesday, 18 September 2024


Last night, they said, we would see that full moon again, the bright, yellow Harvest Moon.   All we saw was cloud!  I had noticed the moon the night previously, it is often seen hanging around in the eastern sky here, and I got a shot or two of him then.  He did not appear to be any brighter or happier than when he last appeared, and |I doubt he cared about the Harvest, he does not have one himself these days.  It is however, good to have a clear sky in which to see the moon, unlike last night, even though the temperature drops accordingly.  Much cooler this year than last year, Global Warming I expect?    

There were those who used to say 'Lloyd George was on the take.'  But I suspect they could never prove this.  He certainly found the women when required but did he find the money?  I know not, but I read that Keir Starmer has indeed found the money.  Indeed, he has found over £100,000 worth of cash, all  in the form of things given to him by 'friends who wish him well.'  Tickets for major football matches, well Arsenal, Taylor Swift, clothes for him to look like a PM and for his wife to get her hands on the best available stuff, donations of items outnumbering that which no other PM has ever received, and not one iota of shame while allowing the old to freeze to death!  
Some question these gifts.  Some think PMs ought to refuse such things, but in fact the law of the day states they must pay for things received, however, it appears these 'gifts' arrived before Keir became PM, so he can keep them!  The question most ask is 'What's in it for the donor?'  Donors do not donate for love of the individual in politics, they are offering bribes, not gifts.  Quite why a Labour (and I use that word loosely) PM would not comprehend this confuses me.  Lord Ali, his donor for clothes and other things, was given a key to Parliament.  An outcry got this withdrawn.  He however, is still around Downing Street, possibly by the back door?  
We are owned by Corporate figures, the man in the street does not count.  The only woman who counts is Sue Gray, she counts £170,000 as a salary, which she asked for.  When it was suggested she had less than the PM she declined!  Hmmm...

Sunday, 28 January 2024

Sabbath Begg

They said the new moon was different from all the other moons so the other night I had a quick look.  However, having looked closely at the thing it appeared to be the old one returning once again.  If however, there are other moons out there surely they would have either appeared brightly high in the sky, or possibly only during the day when one of the suns was up and therefore hidden?  All this astronomical stuff confuses me... 

I found myself with one of those 24 bugs this morning, though it was not there 24 hours ago.  I skipped breakfast and after some hesitation remained indoors.  This it turned out was a good idea.  Not only could I wallow in self pity but I could listen to some music, better than what was on offer at the Kirk today, also I chose to listen to an old Alistair Begg talk.
This was from 2019 and is his beginning of wandering through 1 Samuel.   I have already heard some of these and decided to start at the beginning and possibly, work through the lot.  This will take time, todays sermon was 37 minutes, and requires listening.  This I am not used to.  
While he has based himself in Cleveland, USA, and even become a US citizen after all these years there, he still retains his proper Scottish accent.  This he developed properly by working at Charlotte Chapel, then in Rose Street.  It is not unusual for those from the west to move to Edinburgh to learn how to speak properly.  His easy manner, developed over many years, makes him easy to listen to, his biblical knowledge is good, and he ranks amongst the better speakers of the day.
Anyway, this is how I spent my day while watching poor English football, a small riot, and easing my insides back into play.  That may take a bit longer, and I need to lose pounds.    
Naturally, being so popular at the KIrk no-one has contacted me to check on my welfare...

And when you are not eating what arrives on screen...?

His and Hers you will note...

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Boxing Day 2023

Christmas Day offered a nice wee service in the morning.  Many missing though the other church did attend as they were closed.  Few children arrived, and those that did were noisy!  At one and the same time we wanted them quiet and enjoyed their laughter!  We wanted to join in!
A lift home to a special dinner from Sainsburys, it was rubbish!  I ought to have cooked my own.
Today, I cooked my own, it was rubbish!
Tired from all the activity I moved to the bed at 5 pm, spending much time watching little exciting on various YouTube posts and draining some Single Malt.  Someone had too.
Today, much time has been spent arguing with lonely people on Twitter.  We know they are lonely as they argue, people with friends do not waste time.
I watched poor football, searched for news, there is none, just a war or two, the end of the world preparing in the middle east, and Rishi Sunak failing in the PR department.  The 'Daily Mail' filled space with the Royals on holiday.  How interesting...
For some reason that single malt returned.  
Anyway, I howled at the moon for a while, then altered the setting on the camera to where it ought to have been anyway, and got a couple of not quite right pictures.  This tells me the chill will come tonight as we can see the moon, the rain comes tomorrow.  Still remarkably warm for December.
The single malt, 'Jura' by name, is calling me to bed....

Tuesday, 9 May 2023


I have spent several nights sitting on the roof, howling at the moon.  The reason?  The Coronation!  Now, this is not because of the actual coronation, which I may have touched upon before, but the cobblers that has been spewed out by the press over the past few day.
The UK free press, all owned by rich billionaires living abroad to avoid tax, knows that the royals sell papers.  So a simple strategy is in operation, either smarmy, mind bending slop is spewed out about the 'beautiful princess,' the 'sweet kids,' the 'much loved' other one, and so on, that it is difficult not to vomit!
Today, long after the event, puerile stories about Charlie are still heading up the press.  It is no wonder it is said Charlie hates the media, he has every right to.  In spite of the lickspittle responses on offer Charlie is well aware that tomorrow these same hacks will take great delight in stabbing him in the back.  Any indication that he differs from their view and out will come the knives.  It will be soon I say.
Now, whether we need a monarchy, and what sort of monarchy we will have is well worth a debate.  It is difficult to watch a thousand year old ceremony of crowning English (not British) kings without asking if this is relevant today?  Charlie will be aware of this, but how to change this?
A public debate is required, sensible, quiet, and thoughtful debate.  The results will be different in various parts of the country.  Scotland has little interest in the monarch, while the last poll indicated around 30% supported one, it noted 48% did not.  The figures will be vastly different in England.  They always see him as 'King of England' anyway.  Well, let England pay for him.
We really have no idea what these royals are like in the flesh.  Many claim to speak for and against them, few understand the horrible life, always on show, without any real power to use.  However, I always liked Charles.  His parents did not care much, his dad had no idea about him, and his mum was too busy playing queen to bother.  Forced to marry an unsuitable woman because a suitable one was not good enough in their eyes was a mistake.  Diana, the woman on the make, ruined the family image.  The two dim sons she left behind, one with red hair surprisingly, reflect her intellect.  Within ten years I suspect one will be king and we have to go through all this again.  Poor Charles, he just wants to get back to the farm, grow plants, tend the cattle, make money and play the country squire. Instead he has a corrupt government to speak for him, limited opposition, failed media, and a Tory BBC to deal with.  I suspect he does not wish to get up in the morning.

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Cold Stroll


Clear skies above and frozen temperatures below, an ideal  winters day.  However, for those who had to walk, drive or cycle to work across a frozen white landscape their impressions may have been unwelcoming.  

The peely-wally moon struggled to be seen in the bright morning air.  Continuing his journey unmindful of the 8 billion below he hung above slowly disappearing as the sun rose higher.  Now taken for granted by us all but in the past early man watched the moon and the stars above circling the earth.  He calculated his journey, not always understanding the difference between a star and a planet, but very early on had worked out how they rotated above us, possibly understanding that we two rotated and moved through space also.

As I was passing, I decided to take the lift to the top of the car park where the frost whitened the layout.  Few park here, most prefer downstairs, inside, and free from chilly weather.  I wanted to see how the sun lay across the houses.

A light blue haze hung across the houses blurring the distant electricity pylons, the ones that power the homes and enrich the power companies.  The heat comes not from the radiators but from opening the bill every month!  It is nice to know the men at the top of such companies will not need council benefits to heat their houses.  

Under these whitened rooftops live some 40,000 souls.  I know this for a fact, partly because of the 2021 census returns indicate this, partly because each and everyone of them was in the shop early this morning stocking up for the weekend and Christmas!  December is a time when shopping must be done the minute the stores open.  Waiting until later means meeting the 40,000 and this includes the kids at the weekend.  

The dads, usually abused by the chattering classes in the media, were out in force once again.  The trailed behind them kids of to gatherings, organised or individual, shops, parties, special events, and things which cost dad lots of money.  One was seen somewhat bewildered by one lass, about 7 years old, who was much in tears though dad did not seem to understand why.  His perplexed expression was a picture.  I winder if he ever sorted this out?

I fought through the crowd and crossed the deserted park.  The grass was beginning to show green by this time, the dogs would be pleased, and the sun was reaching the furthest portions of the grasslands, easing the frost away, though by the time I write this scribble it is already back to zero degrees around here.  It was so cold in the morning I had to open the windows to let the freezing air in to warm up the house!  I might use heating tonight...

Friday, 4 November 2022

Friday Frills

Once the early morning mist cleared this boy sat high up among the leafless branches taking in the sunshine.  Weak though it was at the time it must have been worth waiting for.  This Magpie may have been watching for the sun but he was certainly watching for anything that glitters also.  Magpies are notorious for thieving bright shining items, though they never find any in my house.  It is quite unusual to see him there, I think too many Crows live in the park opposite for him to hang around here.  I have seen them further away down the slope that leads to the river that runs through the town.  The trees there may be where they roost.
Another strange creature flew over the house a week or two ago, some form of Harrier I think, but my little book of birds did not have a picture that exactly fitted what I saw flashing over me.  It is great to be amongst so many wild creatures, and when I can get out of town I would like to sit in a warm park somewhere attempting to see more.   

It has all quietened down on the politics front, apart from Suella taking a £10,000 Chinook ride to visit a concentration camp for asylum seekers.  That appears OK with Rishi.  All things appear OK to Rishi, if he can keep his job and not be stabbed in the back by the ERG.  
New taxes, none it appears on Rishi's wife however, and the non-dom status for billionaires remains, including Rishi's wife.  How convenient.  
Starmer is still huffing and puffing.

Nothing else except WWIII outside as fireworks fill the sky and the stink fills the house.  November the 5th is the date that matters, tomorrow that is, and those with no idea who King James VI & I was will happily try to burn down their house in celebration of the failure to burn down parliament.  Maybe they have another?  
The mist and the gunsmoke have obliterated both the moon and Jupiter, seen here.  Pity as I would like another attempt at catching them.


Monday, 10 October 2022


 I really consider it's time they moved the moon over a bit.  Here is me, late at night, squeezing through the wee window in the kitchen, attempting to take a photograph of the 'Harvest Moon,' while knocking assorted items, 'Fairy Liquid' bottles, pans, cups and a fork or two into the sink.  All the time attempting to remain quiet so as not to disturb the neighbours.  
Considering the brute is always positioned in the wrong place, tonight I hoped to catch it alongside Jupiter, but Jupiter had moved too far away, and the edge of the window frame kept coming into focus. I wonder how others get such good shots?  I suppose they have gardens, and sheds they can stand on.  Or windows that are not obscured by the tree line that appears so worthy during the sunny days but a nuisance when seeking planets or moons.  
I certainly will not get a shot tonight, I am about to rush of slowly and attend the SPAM meeting at the club.  Here, the intelligentsia (no women) of the church meet to discuss items of great moment.  As the football that matters, at 6 pm and 8 pm, does not begin until tomorrow, I can take a night off from straining my eyes and enter the half light of the club and meet the bright sparks of the congregation.

Friday, 16 September 2022

Nothing to say Friday


Life has been busy recently.  At least having to watch football at 5:45 and 20:00 hrs three days running I fond this quite tiring.  Made worse by watching replays of games the next day.  Still, someone has to do it.  Anyway, the Heart of Midlothian did well considering their many injuries, including during this game, and successfully overcame the Latvian opponents.  It has been a long time since we were at this level, and it shows.

I have however, managed to work out a setting that enables a poor shot of the moon.  Naturally it is ebbing away now, and this morning I noticed it had moved across the sky to the west.  Why can they not keep these things in one place so I can set the camera up properly?  Tsk!

The 'Lying in State' and Charles touring the country has left little space for other news.  This of course has not stopped the Conservative leader from releasing licences to 'Frack' for oil in various places.  This done on the day the queen lay in state in Edinburgh!  How noble.  While Charles and Camilla 'walk about' greeting happy Welsh folks today I am left wondering what Liz is doing.  She has ensured she was seen on camera in Edinburgh, Northern Ireland and Wales, none of whom want her, and managed a hate filled glare at Nicola while she read first during the service in St Giles.  Tasteful.  While she will no doubt take advantage of the time to meet with leaders from many nations in the next few days, as indeed she ought, I will be amazed if any are happy with her.  Joe is annoyed about the Protocol,  China, if any arrive, are annoyed about Taiwan, Russia is annoyed Putin was not invited!  She has at least allowed the Bankers to increase their bonus's, another Brexit benefit. 
Poor Charlie and his woman, feted everywhere, then stabbed in the back at the earliest opportunity.  What a life to lead.  Well paid, surrounded by servants, and not having to walk to Tesco in the morning as the shops are shut on Monday may be very well but, the queen herself preferred the days at Balmoral when she could just be a housewife.  Phillip cooking the BBQ and she washing up afterwards, all much more enjoyable than meeting the people they are forced to smile at.

Friday, 6 May 2022

Friday Frippary

The tingle in my toe indicates I sit around too much, similar tingles in my fingers indicate repetitive strain injury caused by too much time playing solitaire working on this laptop.  Therefore more walking and exercise is required, but this aches the knees, it doesn't do much for the back either.  However, this morning I crossed the park, wandered the long way, that is another five minutes, through the town, and limped home hungry for lunch.
This afternoon I returned the empty beer vinegar bottles to the recycling bins at the supermarket, with great difficulty.  For a start the bag appeared heavy for some reason, and the actual bins had not been emptied.  The lids were bursting open, bags crammed with bottles lay all around, beer bottles, wine bottles, spirits of many kind bottles, all stood to attention awaiting disposal in amongst the discarded plastic bags and broken chips of glass that always lies everywhere here.  At least people are trying to recycle and save the planet.  
Having added my bag to the flock I meandered towards the bank, took cash from the 'Hole in the Wall,' and marvelled at how easy this was.  In times past Scots banks were not keen on customers, after all, they had work to do, so they opened at 9:30, closed for an hour at lunchtime, and closed again to the public at 3:30. These are all ideal times for the man in the street to make use of a bank!  Today I just inserted the card, pressed numbers, pressed another couple of buttons and money appeared from the wall. This is great!  
I wonder who the card belonged to?
Anyway, I hobbled down the road passing many mum's returning the kids from the schools, crossed the park once again and amazingly sat on a bench to enjoy the warmth of the day!  It was heading towards 70ish degrees today.  Short sleeves abounded, women putting their noses in the air expecting all men to admire them, I look the other way to annoy them, all around the unexpected relief that summer might be nearing.  Ha!  I thought it was getting cloudy now, the weather man has promised rain tonight!  Typical.

Sadly the local elections turned out to be disappointing for us all.  While the Tories lost heavily it was clear they did not lose heavily enough.  Worse, many continued to vote for them, in spite of the mess they are leaving us.  Labour have done well in Scotland, but elsewhere they have gained many local seats but not enough to encourage hope in a general election.  Boris may yet try for an early general election if he thinks he will gain enough of a winning margin.  I doubt this however.  There again there was not sufficient displeasure amongst the faithful to call for his removal, but underneath the ground is shifting.
My day of excitement will end with the second leg of Inverness Caledonian v Partick Thistle tonight.  The play-off time is here again and always to be welcomed.  The first legs are not always so enjoyable, however, when the game is there to be won in the second leg it gets interesting.  These are good games to watch.  However, not all is good in Scottish football, last nght the blue bigots won through to the final of a European competition.  This is sad news to me.  The last thing we need is the sectarian pair getting more cash, they will waste it on themselves and continue to spurn Scottish football. This is not a good moment for Scotland.

Saturday, 23 April 2022

Maldon Again

It is not possible to admire blossom unless you have sunshine, this was lacking somewhat as I crossed the park to post another offical document through the council's closed door.   I ventured through the town market early, few around before nine in the morning, bought sherry milk from the store and have remained comatose since.  I am beginning to like it this way.  

Very annoying that the other week I took seevral shots of the 'Yellow' moon and none of them worked.  I used to be able to manipulate the image to give a fair impression of the surface, recently this talent has evaded me and my camera.  I must blame the camera for this, surely it canny be my fault...?
Several commentated on the Maldon post, (well, two!) and in particular this man Byrhtnoth who led the defence of the nation.  This nation is the one beginning to be called the 'English' nation, though they were 'Saxons,' not 'Angles,' from whom the name derives.  The 'Angles' were found from the Forth to the HUmber, so why did 'Saxons' on the south east coast become 'English?'  Typical England, steal from others and call it your own.
The Scots at this time were busy building hospitals, schools, and benefiting others by spreading Good News and care worldwide...
Here, for those interested, is my previous post from way back, regarding the 'Battle of Maldon.' 

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Christmas Moon?

This morning I began Xmas shopping in earnest.  That is, I trudged up to Sainsburys for a few bits, glanced at the area where toys, fripperies, and books are kept, noted that Christmas stock is beginning to appear and that empty shelves near the toys are now filled with wine and shampoo. Sainsburys continue to pretend Brexit is not hindering supplies.
I then trudged round to Tesco.  There I glanced upstairs at their toys, etc and managed to avoid buying anything for myself.  I did however buy the first of the gift cards (Embaressed somewhat I bought Amazon cards as it is easier, even though they still only pay £4 an hour as far as I can see) and made my way home rejoicing that I can still walk.
Then, being brave, I took my knees, now aching, up to B&M and browsed their several aisles of toys and stuff, Christmas is here all year as far as I can see, and bought one or two small things used as 'Thank you's,' to various peoples.  No miniature whisky this year as yet, I suspect they are sitting in a lorry at the Scottish border.  No paperwork hold ups there, just the driver having a kip.
So, now I am browsing the list of what came last year, who has died on the card list, who can be dropped, and beginning to work out how much will be required.  (Note, none have been added bar NIck, the new great nephew.  I'm good at making friends.)
Ha!  You thought there would be no more moon shots!  Wrong!  After 30 minutes of struggle I managed to gather this one, though it required a bit off work on the laptop afterwards.  The moon does not appear to have changed any since last year, though it was higher in the sky, or could I have been lower on the ground?  It is all so confusing.  What is really confusing is having a clear sky, no clouds and the chance to picture the moon, so unusual!

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Tuesday Twittering

It's the little things that hinder most.
I had orders to ttend the surgery for an 'Old Man's Test' at 11:35 today.  This meant I had to wash properly and ensure my clothes were not as scruffy as usual.  Having prepared I put on clean sox, there are plenty of them, most without holes, and here it was I struggled.  My feet appear to be much further away from me than they used to be.  Once upon a time I just got down and shoved sox on and moved.  Today I struggled.  My now expanded stomach does not help, even allowing for the recent exercise that has toned the fat, it still remains an obstacle for such jobs.  I may ask the nurse today if she can pop round in the mornings...
Update, no chance!

I slept well enough last night even though I lurched through some rubbish football. This featured an easy win for West Ham United, supported by so many around here.  The London overspill goes back many years.  West Ham itself was indeed part of Essex until the spread of houses took over so much of Essex it all became part of Greater London.  Few consider themselves in Essex in that region today.
By the end of the second world war I think the lines had been set.  Many out this way moved to just get out of the city, especially those with children, some for work, others just wanted a better life.  Today house developers cater to those with money who wish to move, the lower orders are not wanted in Tory lands, houses suitable are never developed.  Many West Ham footballers will however live in Essex, they can afford the prices for the mock Tudor buildings.  Funnily enough, there are many such buildings, mostly towards London, but when at the museum we had almost nothing on Tudor life in these parts, in spite of part of the Boleyn family being based down the road.  The English appear fascinated with Henry VIII, I fail to see why, many other bullying imperialist English kings make for better reading.

Early, I wandered round to greet the Stasi.  She was on the phone and ignoring me and also the beginning of a queue behind.  Eventually she placed her bets and began to deal with us poor mortals awaiting.  I pleaded my case, she fingered the cross and skullbone badge and gave orders. 
Obediently I entered the building, once she had unlocked the door, I than sprinkled my hands with the stuff in the container, once I found it, and took my seat. The nurse came on time, called me by name and ushered me into her cell.  
Here she probed, stuck a pin in, took blood, lots of it, placed it in one or two computerised measuring gadgets, weighed me, doubted my honest weight, gave instructions, informed me I was doing OK except for still being a fat slob.  Losing one stone, or whatever that is in metric, was not enough.  Leafleted, ordered, instructed, amongst which were no more drinking, no more fat breakfasts, no cheese, no more sausage rolls, etc, I was then thrust out into the street again.  
I promised to obey, to make every effort, to once more adjust the diet, especially as she has informed the doctor, who I may have to face, about my fat.  Hmmm... I may have to brush up on my communication skills, or flattery as it has been called if I meet her.
I forgot to inform the young lady, and all nurses look young to me these days, that I had finished a bottle of sweet red Greek wine yesterday.  She may have put that on the computer, so I forgot.  Then, having forgotten, I wandered up the road, bought six more bottles of this wine before the lorry driver shortage caused by Brexit leaves us short.  I had hoped this would get me 10% off but this did not occur.  However, I slunked off home, ensuring the nurse did not see what I was carrying, and returned to base.
Tomorrow the diet starts anew!