Showing posts with label Aircraft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aircraft. Show all posts

Monday, 17 March 2025

Take Flightl

There is much to be said for air travel.  It is a quick and reliable way to travel several thousand miles quickly and safely.  The fact that many fear air flights because they may crash while crossing a busy road does not trouble them says much for the human mind.  Air and rail travel are the safest means of moving in the world.  
This comes to mind because of some things said re air hostesses on 'The Venomous Bead' yesterday.
Such people can be very helpful or very much a pest.  On the other hand however, dealing with the public is one of life's great adventures, they can be so irritating.  Quite how it is possible to keep the plastic smile going for a seven hour flight I fail to comprehend.  
My limited flight experience runs between London and Edinburgh or Edinburgh and London, either Heathrow, Gatwick or more usually Stanstead.  Long years ago I flew once from each at least, now if forced to travel, and I hope not, it would be Stansted airport.  I notice the bus that runs from here to the airport is changing its name, its timetable, and clearly they wish to withdraw this and make us use friends, which I have failed to gather, or taxi, who no-one in poverty uses.  The service element of bus travel has long gone since Maggie was king.
I do recall a very competent gay host running the flight to Edinburgh one year.  He controlled the flight, made us all laugh, kept things smooth and was completely in control.  People like him make things easier for everyone.  Sitting in the front row on another flight many years ago we were soon in conversation with then talkative hostess in charge.  Having dumped us they were off to Northern Ireland, or was it they came from Northern Ireland and were after that off to Amsterdam?  It was something like that.   'Easyjetting' their way around Europe, and possibly home for tea afterwards I guess.  No wonder she was happy.  I just recalled that when working I would occasionally meet a young lady, with quite a lot of make up and pulling a small bag, who clearly was off to do such a job, though I fail to recall who with.  Something makes me think it was a long flight operation, but I know not what makes me think that.  At least she practiced her smiles upon me.

This was taken at Turnhouse Edinburgh International Airport some years ago.  We were waiting for several aircraft to land before heading south.  Sitting at the window I loved attempting, and failing, to recognise anywhere on the ground.  The view from on high is tremendous and I can easily understand why they were so keen to fly early in the 20th century.  I recall the pilot stating that we were at 32,000 feet and over Manchester and preparing to land.  What he meant was a gentle descent to Stansted but he could have put it better.  On another occasion, not a full flight, as we taxied towards the runway we stopped while the pilot indicating we would have to wait a while.  Only incoming flights were being allowed as the Scottish Air Traffic Control computer had crashed.  The middle seat was empty, and the man in the aisle seat looked at me and stated 'Not the correct term to use I think.'  He was correct!  However, we made it, in spite of rain thudding against the aircraft as we were attempting to land.    
These days I make it to Tesco and am satisfied.

Wednesday, 16 August 2023



To fill the quiet moments in my exciting life I have been watching Heathrow Airport Live on YouTube. With a bright setting sun, dawdling on its way down, brightening the area and enhancing the view, I sit while various aircraft head up yonder.  Large ones, small propellor driven ones, and double deck bus sized aircraft are brought into view.  All the time someone is leaving or arriving, a very busy scene.
I am once again amazed that a 'Turkish Airlines' plane weighing hundreds of tons, and carrying over 200 passengers with luggage, can leave the ground and fly for a couple of thousand miles with no problem.  Sometimes we take for granted the amazing world we have.  The fact that I can sit here, a hundred and so many miles away and watch this happening is another wonder.  Another wonder we take for granted.
There are so many wonders around us, so many we take for granted.
However, I wonder why aircraft and photography, computers and medical science, were not 'discovered,' and put into production thousands of years ago?
Ah you say, we did not know the science, the chemicals, etc, so many discoveries came later.  But why did they come later?  Early man built huge Henges, Pyramids, Temples.  Greeks developed the Antikythera Mechanism about a hundred years BC, why did they not go further, the brain power was there?  Strange that so many things were discovered only in the last 300 years or so.
I watch as a double deck 'British Airways' aircraft lumbers along the runway.  He appears to be doing no more than 50 mph, yet keeps coming.  Slowly, so slowly, this lumbering creature runs along the runway that I begin to imagine him not getting off the ground.  Suddenly the nose rises sharply, and the beast takes ungracefully to the air.  It still appears to me to be doing no more than 50 mph as it reaches a thousand feet are turns away.  At such speeds he will take an age to reach the USA or China, but reach it he will.
People will murmer about pollution, while driving their cars, yet little is done about it anywhere.  Cars cause more pollution, there is more of them, and some nations, like India and China, still rely on coal fired power.  A few aircraft cannot be any worse.  
Heathrow is now concentrating on watching a Boeing 777 of 'Korean Airlines' take to the sky. This is no passenger flight, this is a bundle of parcels making their way back and forth across the world.  More needless glittering items that someone 'must have,' yet will have forgotten by the end of the year.
A bit like me I suppose...

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Photo Scan Time


Got myself a job!
My brother died a few years ago and with his widow now moving near my best, most attractive, and highly talented niece way down south the house has to be sold to pay the care home bills.  My brothers office, full of interesting thngs, was off limits to me in case I nicked bits.  Now however, I have been donated some of his old pictures from the days of long ago.  
Most were of his time in the RAF, this aircraft is situated somewhere in the middle east (Sharjah)where he was stationed during 1971 (Can you remember that far back?).  There are a lot of pictures of aircraft that I cannot identify, it being so long ago most have long since been scrapped.  Being the RAF they were probably on their last legs anyway, buying the latest and best for 'our boys' has never been important to our politicians.  
So, now I am attempting to scan three albums full of pictures.  Some look interesting, some boring, some fading with time, and all are off pin sharp clarity!  Using RAF cameras, and often his own (probably) second hand cameras, twisting knobs and fiddling with lenses my brother, RAF Photographer, manages to get sharp pictures while I, with my fancy dan Lumix cannot!  Bah!
These look like Hawker Hunters to me, so that dates the pictures.  This was the time the UK was withdrawing from 'East of Suez,' for financial and 'end of empire' reasons.  That said, it is no surprise to know the better aircraft, Phantoms for interest, were deployed in the UK and across Europe where they were needed.  
Not sure if below the aircraft we see the base beneath or the local town, either way I like the idea of a house surrounded by a wall with a central courtyard.  That way you remain hidden from view, rooms all around, yet have space to do your thing, I think this is very middle eastern.  I like the idea and will seek such accomodation once I am a billionaire.  Not actually in the middle east mind.
So, nothing else has been done, and probably will not be done tomorrow or until I get fed up of scanning pictures.  That will be quick mind...

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Sunday Blether

The Bees and the beasties have been making the most of the times.  The gardens are full of bright coloured flowers inviting them to feed and investigate.  They are also full of midge like flies and kids, I am not sure which is worse.  
In between the thunder, lightning and rain we see blue sky around here.  Up north they are melting in the heat, fires are seen in woodland areas, not helped by idiot campers and their fires, and firemen are busy everywhere.  
London meanwhile is again flooded, the thunder round here was the edge of the storm, we were lucky.  In the south east heavy rain filled rivers and streams, underground passages flooded, as indeed did railway stations and the Underground.  The heavy rain we saw passed away quickly enough.

Climate change is real, whatever people say, and worldwide we are facing heat, rain and conditions which we are unable to control.  Russia suffers forest fires and soaring heat, Germany endure heavy rain and floods, all unusual for the time.  Whatever the cause it is time we opened our eyes to the problem, but as usual money talks.

Heading home as rain began to fall these three RAF aircraft flew over in formation.  I think these are 'Chipmunk' aircraft, they used to be the first line in RAF training but things may have changed.  It is also possible these are overflying some event (can you under fly an event?) and may no longer be official RAF planes.  Nice to see however, though I noticed the passing women gave no thought to the craft above, tsk!

I have had problems with the Blogs.  Some of the War Memorials cannot be found, though I can reach them.  Google tells me this is a problem they can fix.  However, as it involved the mobile phone this meant I had to reset the thing.  This has been having problems recently, I lost all my numbers, and other things fell apart, so a reset was required.  Naturally, since getting the phone they have altered everything and it took ages to work out what I was doing, much still has to be done.  Tomorrow I need to investigate the 'robots' problem, whatever that is, which needs fixing also.  This would be easy if I knew what they were talking about!  I am in an area of which I know nothing.  With my technical ability I could lose everything, especially my mind, by nightfall.  

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Blue Sky & Vapour Trails


In my keep-fit shuffle across the park I noticed a strange thing up above.  An aircraft was leaving a vapour trail across the sky!  As I looked about there were several, in various stages of development, streaking the sky.  I was surprised as so many flights from Stansted have been dropped, 'EasyJet' have ceased use of said airport because of Covid, and usually only 'Fed-EX,' and 'UPS,' can be found beside one or two other parcel carries at the runways.  Is there a special free trip weekend on?  'Ryanair,' are found overcharging passengers at least three times a day, only one or two private operators appear regularly now.
Will the passengers be tested for Covid at home or abroad I wonder?
Ah yes, testing!  It appears that one year after 'Sage' the medical people suggested it, Boris has brought in 'Testing,' and 'Quarantine Hotels,' for visitors.  As far as I know only one such Hotel exists, and airports have had no information on what to do!  How many died after the various virus types flew in on foreign tripping passengers  over the past year?

I had to cross the park as I wanted to walk in the sunshine and take everybody's advice re exercise.  So I avoided the icy patches still lying there, it was minus 3 with wind chill added in spite of the sun, and the friendly local people were also avoiding, both individuals and even eye contact, with one and all.  That is indeed something new around here.  Twenty years ago almost everyone would acknowledge you were alive, very few do this now.  I blame incomers from London.  They buy the new expensive houses and bring London attitudes with them.

I hope these two planes passed at different heights!


Thursday, 20 August 2020

High Above Us...


This, as you know, is the 'Green Moon' from a week or two ago.  Quite why this is called a 'Green Moon' I forget, however the fact is the moon now changes colour with a regularity that did not happen in my youth.  
Up there, in the pale blue sky hidden behind Edinburgh gray clouds, lay a moon, known as, 'the moon!'  There was a song referring to a 'Blue moon,' but few if any know why it was a 'Blue Moon' and fewer still cared.  This past few years we have seen 'Blood Moons,' this 'Green Moon,' and was there not a 'red' or 'orange' moon also?  There appears to be more 'moons' today than in the past. 
I wonder why?
What would have happened if the US astronauts had landed on a 'Blood Moon' or a 'Blue Moon?'  Would this have meant they had to postpone the operation, or do it again when the colour changed?  Would the Commies have landed on a 'Blue Moon' or waited until a 'Red' one came along?  The world is full of questions we can never answer.
You may realise I am bored today...

Allowing for 'Easyjet' withdrawing from Stanstead and Southend airports, cash problems apparently, there are very few aircraft high above us these days.  Mostly it is the few 'Ryanair' flights to sunny, drunken Spain that pass above, though a lot do go to the Easter Europe hotspots for cheap beer nowadays I see.  Otherwise it is those 'Fed-Ex' types that are the most regular flights above us.  Daily one arrives from China, full of electronic equipment that explodes on use and coronovirus to keep the world spinning along.  When I first came here one such aircraft didn't quite make it.   A South Korean 747 took to the air but failed to beat the 'critical point' and came down across the road in Hatfield Forest.  I believe this was early in the day and only the three crew were lost, locals may have had their own views on this mind.  This means the skies are clearer, except when clouds bringing rain pass over, a wind storm coming tomorrow it appears.  If the skies are clearer, less traffic on roads, surely 'Lock Down' has brought many benefits in the air?  Too late for all the muck already about but at least life is a wee bit better now.

My attention was caught the other day by a woman (was she late 20's or early 30's, I canny mind) who had sex with a 15 year old male.  The Law sees this as a crime, the judge seethed at her 'abuse' while admitting the boy was 'enjoying himself immensely,' and jailed her for 2 years.
What got me was the fact this is seen as a crime while same sex marriage is considered normal, men claiming they are woman can do so legally, and make use of women's facilities to other women's annoyance, and gay acts bot male and female are considered normal.  
It is a strange world where a more normal sex act, even if rather unwise, is a crime while abnormal ones are legalised.
The lunatics are indeed running the asylum.

Monday, 3 August 2020

Monday Mope

Last week, for reasons unknown, I was full of energy, at least energy in my estimation.  Today I sit here like a fat lump unable to move, think or desire change.  What happened?  By my side lies a list of work to be done, some of it going back a year or two I admit, and I was planning on working on it today.  So far I have failed to generate sufficient energy as to even eat properly. 
This is the type of attitude that requires cricket to be played on TV.
Tat is because no effort is required to watch it, the majority of the time nothing happens, and what running is required is soon over, unlike with football where the ball never stops.  With cricket you see the audience, packed lunch by their side (are you old enough to remember when we called 'packed lunch' sandwiches?) and often their head stuck inside a book, always more fun than watching the cricket.  Naturally as I am in the mood, if sloth is a mood, for cricket there is none available today.
Naturally also, nothing is worth watching on TV land anywhere.
Back to bed maybe...?

As I scribble this an aircraft heading for the sun flies overhead.  This reflects the change in recent weeks.  For a time the only aircraft heading for Stansted were FedEx aircraft passing through from Europe and heading to or from the USA.  Occasional other parcel carrying planes were noted, also long haul flights from China which came without regard to health issues bothering them apparently.  What the opinion of ground staff at Heathrow was on this is not recorded.
The only other flights were the regular Apache helicopters heading for Salisbury Plain on training duties, preparing for Iraq probably, and Chinook helicopters also training.  The noise count from these service aircraft does not appear to be a problem for anyone who makes them! 
Now however people are slowly flocking to Spain, Italy, Eastern Europe and elsewhere, landing at unpronounceable airports and with only Ryanair's promise to get you back home again.  Good luck with that one. 
This is a change, in days past each morning I could see vapour trails from several aircraft heading to the London airports. Half a dozen at least for Stansted, others heading further on.  Today that is much diminished, sad for tourists, if sober, but much better for air quality all round.
That has worn me out.
Back to bed to gain strength to make the dinner...

Saturday, 22 December 2018

Flying Saturday

As I scribble high above me, at around 17000 feet a large aircraft heads towards China.  The many passengers have avoided delays by eco warriors (it now appears), passed through security checks, customs, many uniformed rude staff and now settle down gladly for the long trip across the world to the cheery despot now playing Emperor in Peking, sorry Beijing.  Another at similar height heads gracefully, I hope, towards Poland.  This reflects the air traffic above us as aircraft head for or leave Stansted airport or Luton just a wee bit down the road.  Those leaving Heathrow after mush airport stress pass over also.  At 35,000 feet we can occasionally note travellers from China, Canada, or further away above us as they seek a landing somewhere in Europe, Paris or Berlin perhaps.  This explains why our skies are filled with vapour trails daily, bright and clear against the blue above but unhealthy to eco warriors of various types. 

I wonder how many MP's are up there heading of to exotic (paid for) holidays?  I wonder also who is paying for them and what questions will they ask during the next parliament, if we have another one in this Tory rich kid dictatorship.  Hmmm... maybe going to China would not be so bad after all?  
Possibly Michael Gove and that Raab fellow will be aboard the plane looking for ideas?  
The 'Daily Mail' which can be trusted (note the sarcasm) has named two people as responsible for the drone attack without actually blaming them.  There is something about 'guilty until proved innocent' that does not appear to matter to the hacks, I wonder why?  Of course if this couple are indeed the people who have delayed 140,000 souls from flying off they deserve ten years no matter the cause.  Better that than being dragged into the airport concourse and greeted by those you have delayed I suspect.

Another Saturday, another pre Christmas show in the town.  Here an all male choir (are these allowed by screaming feminists?) entertained, although when I suggested to the security guard that he joined in he refused steadily.  Possibly he did not know the words of 'Little Donkey?'
I did not join in either having fruit and veg to collect...

Thursday, 10 May 2018


High above a four engines aircraft takes of for far away places.  I wonder however if this is a freight plane, possibly one of those UPS or such like aircraft you see dotted around airports idling away.  The middle of the day is not when I would expect such to be flying however so it may be on the way to Florida or the like.  Just over a hundred years ago such flights became possible, now we regard it like a bus service to far away places (well I don't as I canny afford it) and moan constantly about flight delays without considering that a hundred years ago you would not have had the cash to fly to these places.  If you had cash you went by boat and took a week or a month maybe to get to the destination, risking all in high seas and dubious travel agents.
I made use of Flightradar to track a man flying to far away places.  I was interested to follow his flight from Heathrow airport across Surrey and Kent and over the channel.  The trip took a few minutes to travel the distance and I cogitated on how long it would have taken to walk that distance, the Roman army allowed about 15 miles as a days march unless pushed, so how long would it have taken a fit walker?  It would take me until the ambulance picked me up!  A few minutes travel at 500 mph is far better than most other methods for getting around but we do take it for granted.  The more we have the more we want and the more we do not appreciate what we have.  Strange logic really.  A man offered a lift on a horse and cart on a long journey, at three miles an hour, would probably appreciate the lift more than the one sitting in row 36 at thirty two thousand feet.  They might complain about the neighbours, the toilet queue or the food.  
Looking at the European flightpaths on Flightradar reveals hundreds of aircraft criss crossing the continent, it is a wonder there are so few accidents.  Having been outside Heathrow many times it is possible to see an aircraft landing and a second landing as the first turns off the runway with the lights of four more coming behind.  If only the rest of the airport operated as efficiently as the landing and take offs do.
The transport of freight also is hastened by aircraft. Veg grown in Africa can be on our tables within 24 hours all to often.  When I was a lad, indeed until the 1980's exotic foodstuffs like peppers were only bought by the rich and anything beyond cabbage was unheard of.  How things have changed, yet we eat worse than before with a much better choice (Kippers, Beans and Waffles tonight).  I may be unhappy in the morning...  

Wandering back from the Post Office, I had to send chocolate to a woman for her birthday, it might have been cheaper to take it there, chocolate is heavy!  Anyway the sun was shining, the temperature just right and my aches allowed to to get their and back.  I did stop and chat to a man who has dug the front of his garden thus making friends with a Blackbird and a Robin.  While it is clear someone has put something on the ground before, probably weedkiller, and there are few worms to be seen in his earth the birds still came looking for something, anything, that might pop its head up to be chomped.  This was holding back his rate of work but he seemed happy with this.
No football tonight, this is good as I need emotional stability after watching the last Edinburgh derby of the season.  The stresses I endure watching such a game cannot be equalled by anything else, though listening to a woman talk about her baby can be stressful, and after such an important game I need to rest for a few hours.  I know how the players must be feeling today... 

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Exhibition Opening Talk

Saturday was a busy day, I rose very early as I had to be at work by ten, and it takes a while to get ready.  Before ten I arrived to be greeted with the phrase "Go away!"  This was because the email system at work had failed, again, and the email telling me to arrive at one p.m. had not arrived at my end, it did arrive around 11:30 that day however when I was back home.  So I dragged my weary bulk back home via the market ensuring I bought nothing and rested my intellect until time to retrace my steps.    

At two p.m. we had a talk to open the 'Cold War' Exhibition which runs alongside the exhibition featuring the 60's to 80's period, a very good idea indeed.  Here the curator of the 'Wethersfield Airfield Museum' give a talk on the history of the base during the days of Cold War activity.  This base was used by the USAF from the early 50'suntil sometime in the 90's when the world was once again safe for democracy, if you vote the way we say.  There appears to be no webpage but there is a 'RAF Wethersfield' Museum page on facebook which is worth visiting.  

Originally built for World War 2 bombers, twin engined A-20 'Havocs' flew from here, the runway was lengthened for jet fighter bombers when the US returned in the early 50's.  The 'Thunderstreak' and later the 'Sabre' jet that became famous during the Korean War were later superseded by the 'F100 Super Sabre' supersonic jet and later the first prototype 'F 111' arrived here.  
These and other aircraft put on airshows attended by many locals.  When asked how many in our audience of 60 persons had attended one of these around half had done so.  The locals and the Americans got on very well indeed.  The friendships were such that between the early 50's and 1990 around 4000 weddings took place, not all from the town but from the wider area.  One anecdote concerned a bus driver who often drove girls from Ipswich to the base on a Saturday night for the dances and events staged there.  He commented that when he left for home after midnight the bus was always half empty.  Many women went to the States, some men remained here and one of those was in the audience last night, by chance his photo and details were mentioned during the talk.  Many of the US folks return regularly to the town, often visiting the museum as they ought!

There was little fear during the Cold War that I can remember.  Certainly we knew of the cost if war broke out but the 'Cuban Missile Crisis' was the only time that this came close and then neither side wished to pursue this.  'MAD,' Mutually Assured Destruction, ensured no successful war was possible and few entertained the idea.  Today there is more danger from small militant groups carrying even smaller nuclear weapons in hand luggage!  
However the first CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament') march left from Wethersfield and marched to the House of Commons.  I often wondered why these folks did not march through the streets of Moscow or campaigned to get the Soviets to stand down their weapons.  In war two sides participate not just one, Soviet influence was strong among these groups, feeding on fear and a one sided 'appeasement' attitude that prevailed mostly amongst the middle classes as far as I can remember.  They do not gather in large groups to oppose North Korea or Iran or Israel having such weapons, is there a reason for this? 

A very popular and enjoyable talk which afterwards encouraged some attending to wander again through the exhibits and even spend money in the shop.  This we were delighted to encourage!
It did mean we did not close until late and then I got home just in time for the 6 pm football which was acceptable after a hard day enjoying myself working.  It has been a physical hard week on my knees and I am dead beat today.  Coming home from St P's I had to crawl up the stairs and sleep of my exertions.  Sadly I feel I must do the same tomorrow, but I will manage to do so even if I would rather be hard at work somewhere...honest.

I have just discovered this on YouTube, a video by Ross from the Wethersfield Museum which is worth a look.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Warm Day Among the Soviets

The warmest January day for two years they say.  Indeed as I struggled against the southern wind on the way to the sorting office I noted how mild it was that early in the day.  Shortly afterwards the rain came in torrents and I happily ignored it while I perused the laptop messages.
That sums up the day.

Tuesday was a busy work day.  I never got peace to read my book as the phone rang, people came in and I had things to do they would not let me ignore.  This is not fair!  
The 'Cold War' is the next thing on the agenda at the museum.  While the recent history 60s to 80's continues we also will offer some things regarding the nearby airbase used by the Yanks during the Cold War.  Vast numbers married local women, many moving overseas some remaining here, and a great many local people having known of the Americans since 1942 when they first arrived are keen to remember them, some wishing they would come back!  
This begins on Saturday so all being well I will be there also for the opening of the museum and the talk that follows.  So many men flew from near here, many not returning during WW2, and many flew unknown operations until the aircraft moved on around 1970.  Then the base was operated by the men who repair airfields so many men continued to enjoy the various delights of the town and district.  Hopefully one or two might join us at the weekend.

For those of us who lived during the Cold War it is difficult sometimes to consider that things have changed.  For years the 'Iron Curtain' hid life behind the 'wall' and since it fell in 1989 we now must note that the wall has been down longer than it stood across Europe!  For many years I used to listen to the shortwave broadcasts from Eastern Europe on my little radio.  This was very enjoyable, the variety of radio stations reflecting the economic power of the various states.  Radio Berlin International from East Germany was highly efficient and professional, however the short hour or so from Romania very poor indeed, especially as there was little power to enable them to broadcast for longer.  Thankfully all these places are stronger and most are better of in every way, even allowing for Putin's attempt to create his own version of Soviet power.  Shortwave radio is sparse these days.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Last Shift

That is the last shift at the museum for this year.
A day spent with a few visitors and a long list of photographs to search! 
For a future exhibition there is a need for suitable pictures and I was selected, no-one else around, to sit there scrolling through and clicking on hundreds of photos.  
I found four of aircraft (it was a local airfield we are researching) and millions of pictures of dinners, VIPs, awards, and a few personnel but rarely a suitable picture.  
When an airfield has existed since 1943 and seen a great deal of action during WW2 and later during the Cold War, it closed in the 90's, many aircraft and numerous men have passed through.  First the RAF and then the USAF of one sort or another have been there and enriched in every way the locale.
We often find US men returning with wives obtained while here.  Occasionally a man will remain in this country with his wife.  
A few decent pics of events, one or two of individuals who may be important, but not enough of aircraft.  I have found one or two other sites online that are better but copyright is always a problem there.
So now, unless I have to meet someone there I will be out of the museum for two weeks.  Closed over Christmas week but how will it survive without my input?  What?....oh!

As Christmas nears the news deadens as politicians run for home or overseas visits and major items that keep the media happy run out and minor events are blown out of proportion.  This means no more Brexit lies for a week or two, few tales of corrupt politicians and nothing concerning badly behaved attention seeking film/pop/tv celebrities filling the news.
It does however mean a TV filled with old films, programmes and assorted junk to watch if the TV means something to you.  Personally I will seek more on the radio but so far it does not sound too exciting, maybe this will change but I doubt it.
It's being so cheery that keeps me going!


Thursday, 30 March 2017

Morning Has Broke

Stupidly rising long before I ought I thought to myself that riding the bike in the quiet of the dawn might be good for my knees.  So at 6:30 I trundled somewhat shakily down the road heading straight into a fabulous sunrise.  One thing that cannot be missed is the number of aircraft coming, going or passing over up above at this early time.  I fail to comprehend what time people have to leave to board a flight in far off places if it brings them into one of London's overcrowded airports at six or seven in the morning.  Fine if you have come from China but not so good if the departure point is say Vienna.  

There again the standard of public transport in this land is such that to leave from Stansted Airport at six in the morning and having to be there long before boarding means arriving the night before to await your flight, possibly delayed, or get some family/friend who owes you one to drive you there in the middle of the night. This of course is not helped by the dozen or so protesters who made it through the fence (again) to block a flight to attempt to stop a deportation.  Several flights delayed, this would affect other airports and a wee bit annoying for those catching connecting flights elsewhere.  I suspect these passengers will hope the courts decapitate the protesters rather than merely fine them.

It was difficult to tell, when slowly heading up the wee slopes, who was creaking most, the bike or me.  I suppose I must put some oil on it, maybe rub some on myself, and judging by the mushrooms growing on there this morning I think I may need to clean it also.  Still much to my surprise it worked and there was sufficient air in the tyres, just.

Half an hour on the bike and still stiff but now stiff all over.  Riding a bike in the quiet of the morn is a delight, unless you are wrapped in a Hi-Vis jacket and heading for work.  I always cheerfully greet such men. (Note no women passed dressed this way - again!)  Back to bacon rolls and seeking what I have failed to do on this laptop for the museum.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Before Breakfast...

Long before seven this morning I trundled the bike up part of the old railway to look at the mist hovering over the land.  Even most dog walkers were still abed which indicates the chill in the morning.  The sun was dissipating the mist as I arrived, low lying clouds lay like an Edinburgh Haar over parts.  

To think a developer now wishes to plant several hundred houses here (plus GP etc) and the farmer is very keen to sell.  A couple of years ago similar plans for 500 houses were turned down after a long campaign, I suspect similar to arise now.  This is a wonderful natural spot, well cared for by the Park Rangers and so many houses will ruin it.  With this grasping governments attitude 'build and be damned' and a desperate need for housing this one may get some homes built.  There again maybe there is not so much need for housing after all, maybe stopping greedy Russians and Chines buying all of Central London and raising the cost of houses would enable Brits to obtain one already built?
Maybe encouraging people not to divorce might keep families together, support marriage rather than destroy it, tell single women to find their own accommodation when they have a baby rather than use council ones.  All such ideas will not get votes but could improve society.
We are being forced apart by the spirit of the air.  Independence and not community is the bias in the airways.  Self rights are more important than society duty, me first, and let others hang is the way.  Today parliament debate the 'assisted suicide bill.'  This is to allow people who wish to die to do so.  To many consider this a 'right' and others from compassion think it a good idea.  I remind them of the woman today who has been found to have written a note from her husband claiming he wished not to be revived, and she had poisoned him and written the note herself.  'Assisted suicide' is an excellent way to remove ageing or sick family members, especially if there is money to be found in the will.  I await their deliberations tonight.

I exchanged s few friendly words with one young lass as I grasped the camera expectantly noticing her dog, a golden retriever, wandering in and out of the wet grasses that abounded today.  I was glad I did not have to wash the beast when I got home, and she had another somewhere about also.  As I turned for home, my knees requesting this, I noticed this figure heading towards me.  She had the right idea, cycle alongside the dog, it makes him run faster and enables you to get home quicker! A not unusual idea and worth considering as the dog and you benefit.  Unless you fall off obviously!

High above holiday makers and a few business people headed elsewhere.  This may have been an inland flight to Edinburgh or Belfast possibly but it may well have had a European airport in its sights.  No-one appeared to wave from the window.   The thought that this seven in the morning take off meant the travellers probably left home at midnight or three in the morning to get to Stansted for the flight shows the problems re air travel today.  The flight to Edinburgh takes an hour, the preparation for take off three!  I may just cycle there next time.

After a massage from the Vietnamese Curry House and Takeaway Massage girls I might feel better however now I think I have been run over by a bus.  They say this makes you fitter, 'they' are not doing it....