Showing posts with label Rachel Reeves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rachel Reeves. Show all posts

Friday 30 August 2024

Tory Women

This is Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, the woman in charge of the money.  She is standing there surrounded by the 'Three word slogan,' which is a 'must have' for politicians today as they know voters prefer a slogan to facts.  People, especially today, do not want long explanations they want an understandable slogan they can gather around,  'Fixing the Foundations,' is the one the Labour Party have chosen to lie to the people with.
Now, after 14 years of Tory corruption it is to be expected the foundations are indeed adrift.  Corruption, nepotism, graft, and incompetence have all led to the nations' downfall, let alone thousands of deaths for which they can just walk away freely.  However, the way to fix foundations is to tax the rich, change the Law concerning lies in the press, stop money being hidden abroad as a tax dodge, and spend on the NHS, prisons, probation service, social security, and housing, all this will generate wealth and improve the individual's life.  
But not Rachel.
She has bowed to the corporate and private equity world, her own world as it happens.  The world where they make money and you, the peasant, die!   So, she takes heating cash from those with little money, taxes rich pensioners, reduces payments to the unemployed, the disabled and of course the NHS.  The desire to kill off the NHS is clear, doctors are not being employed, just badly taught incompetents, probably all from Tory houses, in a move to force people into private health and kill of the NHS, all this for the corporate and private equity wealthy.  
You do not matter.
Just wait until all these 'Freeport's' and 'SEZs' get going, just wait until they see the whites of your eyes and steal everything they can from you without recourse to the courts.  
This from the Labour Party, once a party seeking the best for the lowest, now totally sold out to the wealthy.  How easily political elite own the rest of us.

Fuss has arisen because Keir has done something most thoughtful people would do, he has removed the portrait of Thatcher from Downing Street.  The fascist rags are up in arms, full of faux anger.  The woman who took away employment security, reduced the NHS budget and disorganised the whole enterprise, cut cash for schools, social security, prisons, police, and public libraries, and began the whole make the rich richer by starving the lower orders way of government, is their hero, as long as they are making money.  Today her children are continuing to destroy the nation by following her selfish policies.  Now, they fuss about her picture. A suggestion has been made that putting the portrait to auction and selling it off would fit her policies and must be tried.  I hope Keir considers this.