Showing posts with label Sir Paul Marshall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sir Paul Marshall. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Gove Spectates...


Michael Gove has been announced as the next editor of the 'Spectator.'  This is no surprise.  The only surprise is that the new owner, one Sir Paul Marshall, has not yet taken over the 'Daily Telegraph' and made Gove editor of that.  Marshall paid, so they say, £100 million for this magazine, that runs at a loss of £2.5 million!  This does not appear as a sensible buy.  Marshall is however, a man of the far right.  He already owns a magazine, 'Unheard,' and has substantial contribution to the TV company 'GBNews.'  All take a far-right approach, and 'GBNews' is often not far from lunacy.  Marshall is supposed to have around £650 million to spare, he made his money as a Hedge Fund manager,' and has given away to various charities some £145 million at least.  He also has a strong hand in 'Ark Schools,' a leading provider of academies.  He has a strong belief in education.
Many find his extreme right-wing views contrary to the Christianity he preaches.  A Christianity he really does believe in, unlike many who use the term in politics or media.  This causes him many enemies within the media who are always waiting to pounce.  Marshall 'liked' some tweets on Twitter which supported removing migrants forcibly, and claiming that when Islam reaches 15/20% of the population trouble will erupt.  He denied these represented hi views. 
His Christian faith is real, he belongs to Holy Trinity Brompton, a well known right wing church from which many well to do people have become followers.  I had a run in some years ago with the curate at the church opposite me regarding his enthusiastic bell-ringing on Sundays.  We did not get on well.  The church has a reputation for arrogance.  They were also slow to condemn the LLF gay lobby pushed by the Bishops recently.  Evangelical they may be, however, I would keep my distance as they and Marshall do not operate they way I consider correct.  Christians ought to be centre left, not right wing, to easily money become more important than people.
So, how will Gove, who has known Marshall for many years, run the magazine?  It will certainly not become socialist, it will cover many usual aspects, and Mr Gove will himself bring his own personality and opinions into play.  We will soon understand what they are.