Showing posts with label Barmaid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barmaid. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 November 2021



Ok, it's a bit blurred, but I was leaving the club late last night...  
The first Christmas lights of the season, in NOVEMBER!  What is the matter with people?  Good grief!  Just because sloppy drama adverts are appearing on TV to line the pockets of desperate shops we do not need to have Christmas lights in November!  OK, I have done almost all my shopping already, but really this is wrong!  I am of course not a fan of the Christmas season.
The Spam meeting was however most enjoyable.  Chat was good, fun was had, and all men contributed well.  This in spite of a barmaid who obeyed her own orders and slapped those who got out of line.  Some women do not know their place I say!
My ear still hurts...