Showing posts with label Sunday Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday Times. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Media, The UK, Owned by Corporates

The Canary, a free independent newspaper, reports on how great an increase there has been in the UK media, owned by a variety of billionaires, concerning the disabled and chronically ill benefit claimants. 
For some time the Conservative administration proposed cut backs in payment for such claimants, since Labour took office there has been little change bar the increase in press attacks.  This is led by Labour ministers, and Labour the party of the 'working class, the sick, the poor and the needy?'  Not any more.  The Labour Party are owned by the same corporates who own the rest of the UK.
According to the 'Canary' research on items on this matter in the Telegraph, Mail, and Times, have risen by 1132% since 2023.  The usual scribbles claim fraud and abuse by claimants, the need for a 'crackdown' though such has been offered since Gordon Brown was in office, and the cost of the bill to UK taxpayers.  Here we see what they wish.  Welfare, which for some reason now includes pensions, costs a great deal.  Therefore to cut it down government make it difficult to claim, I think the form is 45 pages long these days, and acceptance is not guaranteed.  It is not known how many have died while attempting to claim or have been refused help, I reckon thousands.  Money is more important that people and it always has been.
You do not need to go far to look at the absurd 'Assisted Suicide' Bill that is being hurried incomplete and without safeguards through parliament at the PMs wishes.  This will enable thousands to kill themselves, mostly from guilt at being a burden, rather than anything to do with easing pain.  Thus the NHS costs, and they are great, will be lessened and palliative care costs almost ignored.  This already occurs in the Netherlands, Canada and elsewhere, with many dying early or being pushed into considering this.  OAPs beware!
Add to this the report in 'Declassified Today' where the increase in stories urging an increase in defence spending has risen sharply in recent years.  According to their research there has been a rise in stories demanding an increase in such spending since 2020.  This has risen by 2700% from 110 in 2020 to 3122 in 24/25.  TV and radio is becoming filled with agitators for a possible future war, but where are the dissenting voices?  They are not being heard.
Disability, Assisted suicide and future wars are all backed by the same people.  The media barons support all this to save them paying tax, the real reason for Brexit, and they will benefit from sales and shares in the required material wanted to put these plans into operation.  The BBC and other main stream TV channels are all under control, journalists who ask questions are ignored or removed from all.  A coup has taken place, one that was supported by the people as they voted for this thinking they were getting something to benefit themselves.  Instead the corporates have taken over, the intention is to enrich the rich and enslave the people as in days of your.
The people for the most part are still asleep while this happens.  'Bread & Circuses works.  


Thursday, 30 April 2020

A Paper Dies...

Twitter is a great place to gain news of what is going on in the world.  The news is often wrong, deliberately fake, and often just as slanted one way or the other by the publisher.  That said one thing that has become obvious is the decline of some newspapers, the Guardian in particular.
Once a famous Liberal paper, noted for the left of centre stance, good journalism, and objective writing now it has dissolved into a middle class women's mag in which news is less important than the daily whine of a wee girl about her hard life, even though she has never done a days work in her life.  The online version is over filled with the virus, understandably to some extent, but still too much.  The pandemic means less income for struggling papers and now the female editor, who had gained some cash from readers, watches her sales drop and lowers the quality in a desperate down market lunge.  Twitter is filled with Guardian stories often good ones, surrounded by items like the one above.  "Birx's ever-changing scarves captivate the internet."  I have not added the comments found below this item, mostly from men, but the general idea is that 'this is not news.'  Sometimes it appears the 'Guardian' wishes to be the 'Daily Mail!'  This follows the general trend of the media in which journalism is replaced by a down market approach, see the dramatic failure at the 'Daily Telegraph' which now sells less than the 'Times.'  Murdoch's press is actually improving with changes at the 'Times' and 'Sunday Times,' and a willingness to use journalism, even though as yet they do not upset Rupert.  The 'Times' sales are steady it appears.