Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Saturday 30 March 2024

Saturday Blether...

I was attempting a quiz in a national rag, these once a week quiz's used to be easy, and this time I found how little I know about things these papers consider important.  The quiz is intended for the readers, not people like me passing by, and it indicates how 'culture' today dominates the thoughts of the masses.  How do I know who married who?  How do I know which song this line came from if it appeared after 1974?  I did at least know what we called water that had frozen!  
I do like quizzing, especially on subjects that I know a little about.  It is amazing how much I learn from them.  However, when I used to watch things like 'Eggheads' with the insufferable Jeremy Vine as quizmaster, I found all too often the questions were on science or the like, which you will be surprised to know, left me dead.  We all enjoy quizzing, that is why so many appear on the telly, and it is great to be on the team that wins a quiz.  This I have been I must make clear, though this was back in 1967!  I have lost many since.  It's just a shame general knowledge questions these days all ask things that are not general knowledge to me!

I have this on my laptop, I hardly use the phone and find it easier to read on here, yet looking around so many people appear to consider this 'app' an urgent requirement.  I know not why.  Certainly it can be used to get in touch with people on the move, send pictures of places visited, or foodstuffs being scoffed, and also museums, companies and the like use it to advertise themselves.  But is it worth it?
For me, a couple of people I know who rarely offer pictures, several interesting museums and little else is worth looking at.  Using the search facility we see what others are offering, usually somewhat overdeveloped women exhibiting themselves, football players, young drugged up youths and an occasional picture worth seeing.  It is all very tiresome to me.
Contacting people is important, but there is 'WhatsApp,' 'messenger' and Texts, and speaking on the phone ignorantly and loudly on buses, so why bother?  Personally I prefer email, short and too the point, and long and explanatory if required.  Pictures and videos can also be added to your own pleasure, but maybe not the recipients. 
Still, it gave me something to moan about...

I've just dumped a bunch of dead and dying daffodils in the bin, and now I feel somewhat saddened by this  These delightful bright flowers have lasted about 10 days, which is not much for £1, but they have gladdened the heart.  Now, with all the care of a Tory cabinet minister I throw them out, their work completed, and it all feels like a real death.  There are others on the desk, two varieties, both doing their job for a week or so, then they too will go the way of all 'Lillie's of the field.'  We are surrounded by such a variety of flowers, some considered 'weeds,' yet they are so well designed and look so good.  Gentle, yet strong, colourful and varied in shape and usefulness.  These all come with a warning, 'Do Not Eat!' upon them, leading me to ask questions.  We need to consider the 'Lillie's of the field' more carefully I say.

Thursday 30 December 2021



Dreich indeed!
Thick, heavy, threatening clouds hung over the empire this morning.  Even the LED street light that brightens up the world at 5 am each morning struggled to peek through the gloom.  By the time I struggled out of bed much later I hoped the gloom would have eased, it had not.  The darkness lay over the country for some time, occasionally breaking into light cloud and pretending there was a sun shining high above and beyond somewhere in the sky.  The clouds lied.
Having spent a fruitful morning staring at the laptop and obtaining nothing whatsoever from my endeavors I took the only possible action, I gave up.  Following a pretend exercise period I then wandered up to Tesco via the park.  The damp drizzle popped out now and again yet the air was mild and my heavy coat appeared needless.  I kept it on mind.  Tesco itself was reasonably busy at that time, and having none of the goods I sought means I must visit Sainsburys again tomorrow.
Do you ever get the idea my life is too exciting?
I wonder if I could get one of these 'Influencers' roles on Instagram?  They are all nobody's, have nothing to offer bar sponsored products that nobody requires, have little talent if any, nothing positive to say and are at best boring.  
Surely, surely I could fit in there?  
I can set up a camera and the world can watch me sitting here at the laptop, benging my head on the desk when it does not do what I wish, drinking tea and expensive whisky, and every so often turning to the camera and promoting, accidentally, an expensive piece of garbage that millions will buy because I say so!  Sounds good to me!
I wonder if I can cope with all that money arriving each month?