Showing posts with label Win 11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Win 11. Show all posts

Monday, 10 March 2025

I Hate Tech!

I awoke Saturday to the tune of an old song, 'O church of God awake,' and thought someone was having a laugh.  On Sunday, I awoke with the Funeral March No. 1 going round in my head.  This was less comforting.  However, as I sat at my laptop a death occurred, the laptop would not switch on!  
My life is in here!  Nothing worked!  I pushed the button, I swore, I raged, I shook it, I tried again and again but no luck, nothing worked.  This meant using the spare, so there I was at 7:30 struggling to retrieve it from under the mass of stuff upon it without waking the neighbours, this failed also, and made use of the spare yesterday to attempt to work out how to fix the one with my life on it.
This morning, another attempt was prayerfully made and here I am using my life again!  
All morning I have been downloading those things that I need, just in case.  So much more to download.  So many trivial but important items that lie on here yet are required occasionally.  I may be doing this all week!  Bah!  
Also, this is Win 10 on here, and the spare has Win 11.  Win 10, which will be dropped within a year by those pushing Win 11, is so much better to operate, so much more convenient than Win 11.  Why is it that amendments to tech is always bad?
I must look towards a new laptop, one with speed and good screen.  I may have a fit looking at the prices, so that might wait another year before I seek one.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Victorian Budget and Win 11

Windows 11 is sitting on my 'Upgrade' awaiting introduction.  I am not sure if I ought to go ahead with this, I am awaiting news of those who have downloaded it already and review their problems, and there will certainly be problems here.  
TechRadar has already offered help for those who have found difficulties.  It looks a good site for such problems.  There are many other similar sites out there, some however have too many adverts, some seek money, some are dodgy.  
My intention is to wait a bit, see how many folk suffer, and then install.  I suspect this will take all day to finish and then another day restore the lost items and working out what has gone missing.  Normal Microsoft work then? 

I had a bath the other day, and this was a mistake.  You see I normally shower but sitting in the bath I was able to scan around and in this manner noticed all the dirt that has accumulated since I last had a proper clean of this place.  It was not attractive.  So Monday saw me scrub the er, scum, from all around, and then plan to replace the filthy seal which has become somewhat degraded (somewhat!).
However, luck was with me and my dinner made me nauseous so I was forced to stop work.
Overcoming this took until the next day when I went over to the Garden Cafe to meet an old friend, I only have 'old friends' these days, for coffee.  There we did the honourable thing and took all the people we know apart, put the world to rights, and risked frostbite sitting in the gardens.  
To warm up we wandered and we cheerily greeted a volunteer gardener inside a large bush of some sort as we passed, his muffled answer was not quite so cheery, and wandered about the gardens enjoying the fruits of their labours.  We have rarely met, she has been making use of the new freedoms, in spite of Covid still existing, to meet all her old friends, and she has many!  When we worked at the museum have the day was taken up by visits of her old boyfriends!   It was nice to get out for a while.
This Billionaire Sunak was informing the House of how to increase the nations wealth today.  I did not look in.  Too much, far too much, has already been leaked to his friendly media, and they will always make it look good so I have a good idea of what would be said.  Tomorrow, once the clever people have looked it over, we will find out exactly how Sunak has avoided once again taxing his wife's £1.3 Billion company in which he has a share, yet increased charges for everybody else, especially the poorest.  I have realised I no longer require to seek information on Victorian life by researching the books on my shelf, I just need to look at what Boris and his cabal are saying and there it is right in front of me.