Nothing happened again today. After breakfast, during which I read good blogs and enlightened my mind, I trundled the bike around the streets at about 6:30. The sun shone, the early morning rush, seven cars, three vans and four bikes, rushed hither and thither beginning the day without a smile. I was ignored. It is amazing just how many people are on the streets at that time. Later the excitement intensified as I bought bread and milk but suddenly the day has passed by and nothing has happened, again. Where did the day go? The list of things to do is still there, undone, yet I cannot see what happened today. It was there stretching out in front of me and suddenly it has passed me by. What happened out there? I ate, I read blogs, I .....I must get out more.....

An update on Jerry discovers that he has failed to die is in fact better than thought. His wife claims to be a nurse and has decided he has not had a stroke but has had a reaction caused by Diabetes. Of course she also controls the insurance forms so believe that if you like! He visits a doctor tomorrow, so will be asking for money the day after! Hopefully Obama will give the Yanks a proper NHS before he leaves to stop the poorest paying through the nose for medicine.

Nothing else to say, nothing goes through my mind bar the hope that England get stuffed enjoy their game tonight. I suspect the England flags seen adorning passing vehicles, not as many as usual I note, will soon be in the rubbish bins as per normal after these games. The English really do build themselves up for a fall at such times. They genuinely believe they belong among the best in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. They laugh at the theft of '66 yet whine still about a non goal from two years ago. Tsk! Tonight another anti-climax approaches and I will watch intently, unless I fall asleep. I might have some fun this time tomorrow however, asking folks where their flags have gone. Once I am out of hospital I will post again.
Nope, as you can see nothing of moment to say, nothing has happened, nothing worth blogging, nowt, nil, zilch! So I leave you with a picture of an ex-army lorry for your entertainment.
9:40 Bah! Linesman again accepts English gold! Bah!