As I checked the mail on Blogger I noted at the side the number of posts that I have made on here, some THREE THOUSAND it proclaims. How many have been worth reading is not mentioned. I have been scribbling rubbish on here since September 2005, when most of you were not yet born. You ask what did I say back then as an opening gambit? I said this for what it is worth, why I did say that I canny remember but there it is in mediocre English and dated 9th September 2005. How have things changed in Guatamala since then I wonder? How have I changed here? Many who once commented here have moved on, got bored, disagreed or died, and I cannot find fault with that. I have done all those things yet remain so I suspect something is wrong somewhere. Interestingly 2013 was the busy year with 305 posts, almost one a day. As I recall I was not busy at the time. I have not looked up to see what I wrote but it must have been masterly, of course possible the comments flowed from peoples responses, vis their lawyers.
What does it tell you about someone who wastes so much time scrawling when they could be cleaning the sink, painting the bedroom or fixing the holes in the building? The desperate, indeed arrogant desire to shove my opinions down your throat and make you all change your ways and do things my way, that way being best for all you understand, play a part here, a big part I suggest. Why else would anyone discuss things with so eager passion and so little understanding or collection of facts? You will be aware that men in my family have never required facts to be sure that they have a right understanding of any situation. Why indeed do people want to become journalists and write columns full of their opinions if not to change others outlook. I write that understanding that much of today's 'journalism' is merely claptrap to gather 'clicks' and increase advertising revenue while objective opinions from two or three sides are difficult if not impossible to find today. Possibly that is why so many make use of 'social media,' the phrase itself humorous as the use of 'social media' in many cases is very unsociable. However opinions can be found on the internet, the independent 'news' ones sadly always too far 'left' while he daily media is always too far 'right.' It appears to me that thoughtful intelligent informed commentators are always individual sites rather than those gathered under one name, and too few of those can I find.
The success of this blog can be noted by the falling numbers of readers and commentators not including the lack of those wishing to donate large sums of money as these have always been rare, although much of this is I think the fault of facebook and Twitter as people now make more use of these money gathering sites rather than spew out lots of their thoughts on a blog. I wonder, especially after the recent changes here, how long Blogger can continue. It must exist to make money and gather info for the secret services of the west and pass these on to that nice Mr Putin, so I suspect it will continue for a while. I may do so also, you lucky people...