I came across a job advert that stuck in my throat. Not the job itself but the pretentious writing that is used to offer the position. A style I think typical of Social Work type jobs.
'The Adults, Health and Community Wellbeing Directorate at The County Council
are expanding their Reablement and Domiciliary Support Service.'
are expanding their Reablement and Domiciliary Support Service.'
The 'Directorate' name is pretentious enough but 'Reablement?' What on earth does that mean?
The folks at the council believe that:-
'This is an exciting initiative, and to drive this service forward
we require Domiciliary Support Assistants ...'
we require Domiciliary Support Assistants ...'
'....drive this service forward' Do they mean 'do the job?'
'The Domiciliary Support Assistants’ role is to provide personal and practical
support to service users. You will follow support plans and liaise
with Facilitators to ensure service users are supported in an enabling way.'
support to service users. You will follow support plans and liaise
with Facilitators to ensure service users are supported in an enabling way.'
'Service users?' Supported in and 'enabling way?'
This pretentious claptrap, aimed at recruiting, among others, 'Domiciliary Support Assistants' is a pompous way of saying we want 'Home helps,' to look after folk who have returned home after long spells in hospital or some other debilitating problem, and need support, encouragement, and a few pieces of common sense advice. Instead we get this ostentatious indulgence that cares little for those who are the 'end users,' and is intent on self importance. Social work, personnel officers, (now referred to as 'Human Resources) are among the least interested in the folk they deal with, yet they use the most inflated language to sell themselves. Personally I think it sickening, as the people who need them may well get decent treatment from the 'front line staff,' but so much resource is wasted on this bureaucratic mince!