Showing posts with label Blue Sky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Sky. Show all posts

Friday, 28 February 2025


It's that time of your again.  The time of year when Daffodils bloom, at least in Sainsburys and Tesco's, where they push through the earth in many council parks, where yellow tips appear slowly there, and I spend a pound or two I canny afford just to brighten up this dismal corner.  It is money well spent.  
OK, so they only last a week or two, but just to have these bright fresh flowers offering a sniff of nature so close is always worth the money.  
There is not much else to do nature wise.  The sun is shining through the cold air today, blue sky above pretending Spring has sprung early, but we are not fooled by this.  However, after long weeks of almost unbroken cloud it is marvellous to be almost alive again.

The clever people are claiming we might be able to see a planetary alignment tonight.  This means up to seven planets might be seen somewhere in the night sky.  This alignment will not appear again until 2040, and we might be dead by then if Putin has his way.  
However, can I see it?  I expect not.  It appears to be seen in the southern sky area, I look west by hanging out the kitchen window, and it might not appear until early dawn.  This is typical.  However, after the end of the Partick Thistle v Livingston game, if still awake, I might take a peek out the window and search for anything like I have seen in past times.  

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Shady Deals

After weeks of cloud cover we at last have blue sky.
We also have blue fingers as it it freezing, but no-one appears to mind that.
An adventurous trip to the charity shop to dump some rubbish used items that no longer fit or are required.  Barnardo's gain is no loss to me.  Whether they will actually gain anything from that lot I am as yet unsure.  Still, it cleared a space and I have already begun filling the next one!
However, as expected the new contract with the landlord might see an increase.  I wish I had taken the stuff out now and placed it on E-Bay instead!  

More success for privatisation!
Ofclot sorry, Ofcom, the official regulator, has stated that Royal Mail, now owned by a shady Cheque, can deliver 2nd class mail on only 2 or 3 days a week and less on Saturdays.  
Now how will this work?
Mail goes through a machine, it sorts mail into little boxes which land, eventually, on a postman's frame from whish he sorts he mail into your pigeonhole.  How are they going to separate 2nd from 1st?  Will mail be left lying in a box under the frame?  Guess what can go wrong here?  Will it remain at the main sorting office till the right day, just imagine what will go wrong there, or is it just another balloon to ensure the profit grabbing crooks running Royal Mail can cut the number of employees and increase their profits?  
Gas, water, Royal Mail, electricity, buses, railways, you name it and privatise it and watch the service element disappear and the COE and his directors profits increase.  The UK is now run by corporate and greedy big business.  Keir and Angela from accounts are well behind them and taking the benefits home.

Monday, 15 January 2024

The Park and Happy Dog

I took my cheery personality for a walk this afternoon.  The bread and milk had run out, and so I sauntered via Sainsburys across the park.  It was a cold but bright day, the lowering sun blinding as I moved across the car park, yet the chill was without wind and bearable.
Carrying my overpriced goodies in my 'Tesco' bag I limped my way towards the park, cheerfully avoiding the hundreds on parent escorted children heading home.  I note the kids have to walk to school, a good mile or more for many, and car use is discouraged here.  
The morning had been a slow one, tiredness from the walking yesterday hitting home so a wander across the green acre, blue sky, occasional aircraft passing by, was refreshing.

The best part of the day was the man walking his wee Bulldog. I have met him before with his previous Bulldog, and he clearly likes them.  As we passed close I mentioned that he could not be in a hurry, the dog searching through every second blade of grass.  The dog then chose to sniff me, quickly losing interest and returning to check the path nearby.  They say having a dog makes life better, cleary it makes this man's life better, and clearly the dog is well fed, out for a walk as soon as the man gets home from work, and happy as can be.
I suggest I will never be as happy as a dog taken for a walk across a park used by many other dogs.

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Wednesday Rambling Nonsense


It is to be regretted the way the cloud cover keeps changing.  One minute bright sun glints of the leaves opposite, the next a dim darkness falls and the leaves lose the sparkle.  Once bright green many are now turning golden as they begin to fall across the road.  Already today the greenkeepers have driven around in their wee vehicles, grass cutting mostly, but also shredding many leaves, either deliberately or by chance.
While a blue sky appears above the treeline all appears well, but we know this means soon the branches will be bare, the leaves biodegrading across the park, and a council worker driving another wee vehicle around the streets early in the morning attempting to scrub the streets clean.  Some hope.
I note the railways are already sending out those trains who's single job is to smear the line so trains do not slide past their stops because of the fallen leaves.  Some suggest cutting down the trees, others raise alarm at the thought.  Nobody is ever happy.

I've enjoyed looking at the swaying trees all day.  There has been no energy for anything else.  The weariness has reached a new height today.  Aches everywhere and tired limbs.  This is not unexpected, but it is worse than feared.  It will disappear overnight while I enjoy a deep brandy cocoa encouraged sleep.  
It is to be hoped that it is less tired tomorrow, then I can start the things I promised to do on Monday.  The 'to do' list sits here crossed out, but nothing actually done.  This of course is not unusual in this house.  There is a list of must do jobs, such as 'Spring Clean,' that have not yet begun, and routine work is haphazard without a woman to bully me.  

I bumble about emptying the sink of its contents, tidying up so I can make a similar mess again tomorrow.  All this eating each day takes up so much time.  I recall the announcements in the press of years ago promising a 'Pill' that would nourish us as well as a three course meal.  Sadly such wonders do not appear to have arrived.  Possibly they are all on space craft wandering around the earth feeding spacemen?  
The books pile up unread beside me, the biblical ones to the right, the others spread about.  It is just too much effort to concentrate for long.  I return to staring at the leaves, watching US trains arriving and departing noisily from railway stations in various parts of the US.  Most US trains are of course found in the US.  
This appears boring to some, and at times it certainly is.  However, for those scribbling notes to one another at each Rail Cam, it is a way of meeting friends, the subject becomes less important than the communication.  All appear happy, friends chat and greet one another in that kind US manner.  Happiness flows.
I rarely comment.
The situation regarding these railways reveals much about the US way of life and how they do business.  It makes the UK appear almost normal.  We see small towns with around a couple of thousand people struggling to survive in one state, while elsewhere a vast metropolis has miles of railways running through it, reflecting their history as well as their trade today.  
Of course they drive on the wrong side of the road.
The rush hour appears dead tonight, hardly anyone trundling slowly past.  All is speed, well, 30 mph, and all ignore the 20 mph side the county council wasted thousands on.  All this rush is wearing me out, time for bed...

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Cold Stroll


Clear skies above and frozen temperatures below, an ideal  winters day.  However, for those who had to walk, drive or cycle to work across a frozen white landscape their impressions may have been unwelcoming.  

The peely-wally moon struggled to be seen in the bright morning air.  Continuing his journey unmindful of the 8 billion below he hung above slowly disappearing as the sun rose higher.  Now taken for granted by us all but in the past early man watched the moon and the stars above circling the earth.  He calculated his journey, not always understanding the difference between a star and a planet, but very early on had worked out how they rotated above us, possibly understanding that we two rotated and moved through space also.

As I was passing, I decided to take the lift to the top of the car park where the frost whitened the layout.  Few park here, most prefer downstairs, inside, and free from chilly weather.  I wanted to see how the sun lay across the houses.

A light blue haze hung across the houses blurring the distant electricity pylons, the ones that power the homes and enrich the power companies.  The heat comes not from the radiators but from opening the bill every month!  It is nice to know the men at the top of such companies will not need council benefits to heat their houses.  

Under these whitened rooftops live some 40,000 souls.  I know this for a fact, partly because of the 2021 census returns indicate this, partly because each and everyone of them was in the shop early this morning stocking up for the weekend and Christmas!  December is a time when shopping must be done the minute the stores open.  Waiting until later means meeting the 40,000 and this includes the kids at the weekend.  

The dads, usually abused by the chattering classes in the media, were out in force once again.  The trailed behind them kids of to gatherings, organised or individual, shops, parties, special events, and things which cost dad lots of money.  One was seen somewhat bewildered by one lass, about 7 years old, who was much in tears though dad did not seem to understand why.  His perplexed expression was a picture.  I winder if he ever sorted this out?

I fought through the crowd and crossed the deserted park.  The grass was beginning to show green by this time, the dogs would be pleased, and the sun was reaching the furthest portions of the grasslands, easing the frost away, though by the time I write this scribble it is already back to zero degrees around here.  It was so cold in the morning I had to open the windows to let the freezing air in to warm up the house!  I might use heating tonight...

Saturday, 30 April 2022

Spring at Last?

April comes to an end with bright sunshine and chilly wind.  Less chilly than the other day, yet many Englishmen once again, as normal, reveal their intelligence by wearing tee-shirt and shorts early in the day because it is 'warm.'  Normal people do not do this.  Young males certainly, but they are stupid as you know, and merely trying vainly to impress the girls who are ignoring them.  I had normal Spring jumper on under my jacket, a warm Spring does not arrive in Edinburgh so I know how to dress, global warming has not yet made it real Tee-shirt weather in Essex yet either.

I meandered across the park, being studiously ignored by the old dear with the wee dog, and cheerily greeted by the probably, retired man as he passed.  People are funny.  In the past folks were happy to greet others, today many do not.  The many newcomers to town have lessened the homespun atmosphere and casual greetings are lessening.  Fear appears more common.  
Maybe of course it is just me...

I meandered through the town as the market was getting into gear, ensuring I avoided all the people I wished to avoid.  Naturally, one lay in wait for me.  A feeble excuse and I was off.  This is unusual, normally it is others who avoid me!  I was not in the mood for a man who talks like a woman.  
Some new stalls were to be glanced at, £20 for a bottle of liqueur,  several pounds for cider, and huge amounts for large slices of cake.  I almost hesitated at the stall with a old suitcase full of tat.  This is the type of box I used to love in the museum, you never knew what you might find.  I made use of common sense and left before I wasted a day searching and spending cash.
Spring may indeed have arrived.  This blackbird was happily singing as I passed, he left when the camera saw him.  Blackbirds singing are a good sign of warmer times.  I hope to hear more of him and his mates.

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Sunshine, ISP and Clocks

Out came the Spring weather today, encouraging people to pretend the sun was hot and the chilly east wind that was cutting into you as you pass through any shadow did not exist.  I can tell you that exist it did!  I took advantage of the sun but avoided the wind by wandering aimlessly through 'Poundland' and 'B&M,' to find nothing that was useful to me existed today.  Lots of empty shelves in 'B&M,' possibly refilling stock, too mean to pay overnight staff, and changing things also for the Spring sales.
I meandered through the town, checking the prices on the fancy stalls.  Liquers began at £20, other spirits on show at £35!  Hmmm thought I, another bottle of Tesco sherry at £5:50 for me.  Ignoring the overpriced slabs of chocolate cake and the cheese stall, both of which I am supposed to avoid, I pressed on hopeful for something interesting.
I found it!  
My ISP, 'Plusnet,' is running out in June and an offer I almost took is on the table.  However, in the market a man is selling faster Broadband, not just 'Fibre Broadband,' but 'Full Fibre,' meaning not just from the copper wire to your door but full fibre from the green box.  The speed improvement is as impressive as the price increase.  Plusnet have slowed my speed from 65 to around 50, it is running at 53:06 tonight, which is good enough for me, however, sometimes 'Sky football' which I get via 'Now TV' on the laptop fades badly for no good reason.  The BBC manage OK, as do ITV but SKY are cheapskates.  Plusnet did not inform me the rate was slowing, nor did they charge me less for this delight.
Therefore this is interesting and new, indeed encouraged by the council as so many people around here, especially businesses out in remote areas where people often work from their big expensive cottage homes, are not happy with the speeds.  This sounds a good idea but all the companies sound good, it is the little things they forget to mention that go wrong.  Soon I will contact my great nephew, the telephone engineer, and take his advice before I go ahead and choose the wrong one.

Tonight the clocks go forward once again.  When I wake at 6 in the morning it will actually be 7 am.  The sun will be up, the chill will fill the air, many will spend much time in the morning changing every clock in the house, bar one, the one they need to be correct!  I will begin tonight and hope not to miss one.  I have no idea why I have so many clocks, but there is plenty when change time arrives.
This will lead to outrage in the 'Daily Mail,' and 'Daily Express.'  One of their favourite gripes is changing clocks.  They grumble that it affects them in the south of England but only benefits those in the north of Scotland, and their inbuilt xenophobic racism rises once again. Often the grumble is about being bossed by the EU to follow 'Berlin time,' this does not go down well.  Brexit has removed this grumble, so another must be found, I wonder what it will be?  
Does it really affect us so badly the gutter press can make use of it?  Well no, not really.  The only problem is turning up at church one hour late, as most of us have done at some time, and that may not be so bad after all...


Saturday, 17 July 2021


Fear and alarm spread through the town yesterday.
People stood around, pointing skywards.
"It's an alien," said one.
"It looks like a spaceship," cried another.
A man carrying a sign saying 'Repent! The end of the world is Nigh!' walked across the park, mumbling.
"Who is 'nigh?' asked one woman,"Isn't that a Welsh name?"
"Yeah," said her friend,"He was that Welsh bloke that made the NHS, remember?"
The police were out in droves, much use of radio, personal phones and waving truncheons to keep back the panic stricken mob.
Eventually, dressed in all his robes, the vicar appeared standing on a van roof.
"Worry not my children," he cried. "The bright shiny thing is the sun!"
"Wot?" cried one man, "the one Murdoch owns? It can't be, I got one in me pocket, it don't shine like that."
"No,not that one. Nothing shines in that one.  This is the real sun, the one that heats the earth."
"Ooooooh!"  Cried the gathered crowd by now full of wonderment. 
"Who pays for it?" asked one. This is a Tory area.
"Nobody pays for it,the Good Lord gave it to us to keep us warm."
"The who?" came a shout.
"No, not the 'Who,' the Good Lord!"
 "So why does it never show, why always behind clouds, rain, hail, and mist?"
"Because you are here in the UK and not in Africa," said the preacher.  By this time he was beginning to wonder why he had come here.  "I may pop down to Maldon Quay and see if there is a banana boat going somewhere," he thought.  
The congregation was beginning to disperse.  Fear was eased, the sunglasses and T-shirts emblazened with unfunny slogans and adverts appeared.  
Then the English did what they do best, they went to the pub and had drunken fights with one another.

Friday, 26 February 2021

Spring is in the Air


Yes indeed!  It's that time of year again!  The time of year when Dafooldils fill the page as they are the only bright things within miles!  The ones opposite me have been pushing through since December, today these ones at the far side of the park are almost completely out and brightening the world around them.

Mind you as the world around is dominated by the rather boring Town Council offices it does not take much to brighten things up.  I had to get out, with Spring jacket on no less, and walk across the park to enjoy the day.  What always comes to mind on such days is a remembrance of one Spring day in Kensington Gardens years ago.  A great many people were out, many walking dogs, rich and poor, old and young, and the first real day of Spring caused even Londoners to smile at one another.  For thousands of years the Spring awakens us to life once again, we know snow wind and rain, mist and fog will come again before long but we also realise that the warmth is with us now and good days lie ahead, even if locked indoors.

However, I could not wait here, I had to approach the butcher for minted lamb chops and huge chicken bits.  These were available so I added a huge pack of bacon just in case Brexit stops it coming over from er, somewhere in England it turns out.  Anyway, once home I chopped all up, packed the freezer and realised there is no more room!  This means I canny order that nice man's pies this week!  Tsk!  It also indicates I have nothing for lunch, some fool forgot to buy what he needed again!

Last night we had a Zoom operation.  A church gathering comprising people with the technical ability of those over 50 years of age.  Only one entered in without trouble, she is in her early 20's.  It was noticeable that everyone had a clean house, at least in the bits showing, although until she disappeared one woman only had feet to show.  Knowing which way to point a laptop is difficult isn't it?
It was also noticeable just how many men got on reasonably quickly by ensuring the wife logged on for him.  Zoom, while not perfect, is at least a way to meet those who we have not seen for a while.  It does make proper discussion difficult, in my case partly because the neighbours were in downstairs and I was trying not to talk loudly.  They think I am mad as it is just because I talk back to the TV, football, politicians and most other things I log onto, tsk!  Only hearing one side of the debate mwy fox them somewhat.  If they want madness I can show them that also if required.  Tee Hee!

I for one canny wait for the charity shops to reopen.  I expect it will be a few weeks before they sort out the vast quantity of goods that will be dumped on their doorstep when they do open.  I, however, will be awaiting the chance to check out the many jackets dumped by those who have found them shrink hanging in the cupboard while on lockdown.  That said I have a bag that is already overflowing with rotten stuff goods I wish to donate. Some charity shops, like Oxfam, have been working online like everybody else. 

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Blue Sky & Vapour Trails


In my keep-fit shuffle across the park I noticed a strange thing up above.  An aircraft was leaving a vapour trail across the sky!  As I looked about there were several, in various stages of development, streaking the sky.  I was surprised as so many flights from Stansted have been dropped, 'EasyJet' have ceased use of said airport because of Covid, and usually only 'Fed-EX,' and 'UPS,' can be found beside one or two other parcel carries at the runways.  Is there a special free trip weekend on?  'Ryanair,' are found overcharging passengers at least three times a day, only one or two private operators appear regularly now.
Will the passengers be tested for Covid at home or abroad I wonder?
Ah yes, testing!  It appears that one year after 'Sage' the medical people suggested it, Boris has brought in 'Testing,' and 'Quarantine Hotels,' for visitors.  As far as I know only one such Hotel exists, and airports have had no information on what to do!  How many died after the various virus types flew in on foreign tripping passengers  over the past year?

I had to cross the park as I wanted to walk in the sunshine and take everybody's advice re exercise.  So I avoided the icy patches still lying there, it was minus 3 with wind chill added in spite of the sun, and the friendly local people were also avoiding, both individuals and even eye contact, with one and all.  That is indeed something new around here.  Twenty years ago almost everyone would acknowledge you were alive, very few do this now.  I blame incomers from London.  They buy the new expensive houses and bring London attitudes with them.

I hope these two planes passed at different heights!


Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Cold February

Standing at the museum door watching young women shove ice creams down their throats I pondered the freezing cold February weather. In some places it reached 70% today, at my computer this morning I considered it higher than this.  If Trump does not believe in global warming I am now all in favour, as I have been for some years.  This does not stop me from realising that we will however have snow, probably serious snow, in April as always.

The day went well.  I coughed less than I have done for weeks,the management ran away to a meeting and left me in charge (ha!) and those that came in were decent enough not to be trouble.
No kids today for me!
I taught one lass how to find what she required on ancestry, scanned briefly three large volumes of hand written history on a local company, very impressive I say, and then rushed through Tesco to finish the day.  Finish being the word as I fell asleep as soon as I got home.
How nice to have a near normal day.
Tomorrow it is back to reading about ancient church disputes...

Saturday, 11 August 2018

O Happy Day!

This was destined to be a good day, the sun shone through the chill wind, the shops were empty again, no new neighbour moved in the flat next door as yet, and I will eat properly tonight!
What else do we need?  I will tell you what we need, a good result against the green bigots!

And a good result we obtained!
While the Glasgow media pander to the green bigots by declaring how weak Celtic's squad is at the moment (not counting the multi million players appearing for them today surely?) the fact of the matter is that the Heart of Midlothian tactics were better, even though the claim is they did not quite work, that the players were more determined, that our play was better and we scored yet another wonder goal!  Even John Beaton, he off the flashing yellow and red cards, did not book as many as usual indeed cautioning two of the bigot side, and overall the game went well all round.  

A happy manager as he sees his side begin to take good shape and prosper as they ought.  I look forward to the next few games, many of which we have every chance of winning, and note how the Glasgow media will ignore us until we threaten their hold, then they will unsettle our players with lies about 'bigger' clubs wanting them, the usual lies.  A good time lies ahead.

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Morning Trip...

Just after six this morning the brain damaged head of mind got me out on my bike to see if it and I still worked.  In bright sun and with only an occasional dog walker or early morn jogger to pass I slogged along further than my knees would like.   For twenty minutes I enjoyed running around the quiet town and arrived home in fine fettle, except that when leaving the bike I could hardly walk!
However I forced myself to trundle about the park to loosen my pins again.  
Since then I have done nothing but stare at the laptop, eat, watch or listen to football and wonder why so may people go out in the sun on a Saturday.  It's an easy life today, but a lot of creaking going on.

The other day there was an item re the couple who won £57 million on the Lottery.  They were pictured in the paper shaking champagne bottles and talking of how they almost lost the ticket.  I was not impressed.  Winning the Lottery is a good thing and after I read this I found it hard not to dwell on what I would do with the cash one seaside home coming up I think, but on the other hand I would not be allowing them publicity revealing my name and how much I had won.
It appears that if you win and accept publicity the Lottery people give advice on making the most of then money, no publicity no advice.  I think it may be possible to find such advice my myself in reality. The publicity might be seen as a safe bet when suddenly confronted by such a large amount yet on the other hand you are now known to be rich and the media, evil, selfish and abusers of the rich, will follow you daily seeking bad stories to reveal to the voyeuristic readership.  Whatever hard luck you endure will be front page news, especially on slow news days, and those that know will wish for a handout from the media for tales of past misdeeds.  Of course I have always been nice, so this is not a problem for me but you never know what may arise once your name as a very wealthy Lottery winner is known.  Good job I trust Jesus and do not buy these things, yet if I could just have that house...